I Reincarnated and became a VTuber?

Chapter 17: A present

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Returning to the kitchen, I feel pretty satisfied. Now, I understand why Kate enjoyed tormenting him a little sometimes. As an older sister, I guess it's my responsibility to discipline him a little.

Moments after me come my brother now with disheveled hair. But seemingly not bothered by the mess, I made from his hairstyle. Sitting on his chair and devouring the food in front of him.

The reactions of my family to this were. Well...

It happens so often that they didn't even wait for us and started eating.

'I guess my punishment was too light this time.'

I thought as I started eating too.

"So what said the doctor? Did he prescribe you any pills?"

Mother asked.

I stopped eating for a moment and thought about it.

"He said that everything seems to be fine, within a norm. When it comes to pills they didn't prescribe me any. But if any problems arise then, I should inform them."

"Are you sure?"

She asked with a hint of worry.

"Dad can confirm, he was with me at that time after all."

Dad just nodded in response. Calming her a little.

"No pain?"

She had to add this.

"No pain, I am fine don't you see?"

"Okay sorry, I am just so happy for you. You can finally do all the things you wanted. You can go to college.."

Said a mother a little emotional.

"Mom you should eat, food will get cold. Don't you always tell me about it?"

"You are right, let's eat first."


-After dinner Kates's room-

Now I am truly content. With a help of my new mother, I got some cleaning tools. She herself helped me a little with cleaning. Asking me all sorts of questions.

Some I answered some not but in the end. I think that I relieved her worry about me. To some extent at the very least.

I mean, I understand her daughter almost died. Well, technically she indeed did die. But that is beside a point.

So I tried to be patient with her. Answering so she would be satisfied. Giving her an extra hug.

Actually, I am kinda surprised because things seem to progress smoothly so far.

Landing on my bed and looking at the white ceiling.

'This is your new home' I thought.

What should I do in this life?

Actually, I want to do something else.

The world is so peaceful here, for 150 years it has been.

Something fun? Does even a job like that exist?

Collage? I never went to one. Even though Kate was most of her life homeschooled. In the end, she had to pass the same test that everyone had at the end of high school.

Actually, it went pretty well if not amazing. She liked to study. Something, I can't understand even with her memories.

I guess people like that exist?

Perhaps I am a little old to start it. But there are surely people that start late like me.

Suddenly someone opened a door to my room. (I didn't lock them)

Seeing that they are my parents, I lifted myself from the bed and sit on it.

"Something happened?"

Not answering my question they move a little closer. I saw it clearly dad was hiding something behind his back.

"We have something for you"

Said my mom urging my father to show what was he hiding.

I read words in another language.

"LiveTub streaming golden pack?"

I said and looked at them with a bit of confusion.

When it comes to language, I am currently speaking a completely different one than my original. I noticed only a couple of days after, I was reincarnated.

It just seems natural to me. I can still speak my original dialect but it comes off as strange. Like it's my first time speaking it.

Currently, I can speak an extra 4 languages not counting the ones from my first life. When it comes to learning new languages Kate had a talent for that.

She only theoretical had to learn two for school. The rest she learned herself without any tutelage.

It's quite funny when you know that she did that only because her favorite novels weren't translated fast enough. Deciding to learn it so she doesn't have to wait that long.

All this knowledge she learned, I inherited so reading words on the box was an easy task.

"Well..Do you remember when we told you that we have something for you on yours 21 birthday. But in the end, it didn't arrive?"

Asked my dad.


I nodded my head.

"It finally arrive. Well, actually it was our fault. Basically, we thought that we were buying it. But it seems we only preordered it"

He explained apologetically.

"This is happening when you can't read Lorecean but you still pretend as if you remember it perfectly."

Said my mother scowling at the father.

"Honey you know that I can remember it just fine, I just could forget some words...Besides Timmy shouldn't recommend us this side if it was in another language."

Said my dad seamlessly throwing blame at my brother.

Standing up, I received a package.

"Thank you but actually I am already old enough. You don't need to buy me presents when it's my birthday."

I said being a little troubled about it.

Only when I was rather young, I received presents. After, I started high school. We stopped celebrating my birthdays. That was the case at least in my original world.

Abruptly my mother shoots in my direction with her arms open. I instinctively dodged to the side. Letting her hug my bed.

"What are you doing?"

I asked her a little panicked.

Standing up again my mother said running again in my direction.

"Well, my daughter is just too cute, I need to hug you~."

Seeing that it is impossible to stop her, I hide behind my father that was so tall. Well, I surely get my height from him.

Making a couple of circles around him. Seeing her determination.

"I already hug you today two times. Besides, I am too old for hugs. Go hug Timmy or Cass "

I said, a little resentfully.

"Hmph...But Timmy is always running from me and Cass has her boyfriend for hugs"

You are reading story I Reincarnated and became a VTuber? at novel35.com

Suddenly caught in a bear hug, I squealed surprised by the sudden action.

Dad caught us in a big hug.

"For us, you will be always our baby"

Said my mother, squishing my cheeks with hers.

But for me, it was too much. I slipped out of the hug and chased them from my room. Worrying that they will say more cringe things.

Pushing the back of my parents almost at the threshold of my room. Dad suddenly turned his head to me.

"I would almost forget about it but if you don't like your present. Then Timmy was choosing it because you know we are too old to know what is popular nowadays."

I just rolled my eyes at his words and kicked them out of my room.

Finally being alone. I plopped down on the revolving chair near my computer.

'Well, I think I have reached a limit of affection for this month.'

Seeing a package lying down near my bed. Feeling pretty lazy. I went for it still seated in my chair.

Opening it on my desk, I was a little surprised when I saw the content of it.

Instruction, webcam, wireless headphones, microphone, and some small device that seems to stick to my skin like a magnet.

A webcam is pretty useless for me.

Headphones, I will take that.

Microphone? It could be useful.

And this small odd item?

Well I guess, I am forced to read an instruction to know what it is....

-5 minutes later-

So...they are saying that this small thing. I should put it behind my ear and after that AI will explain the rest of how this now-generation VR works.


Webcam is basically extra staff for the golden edition.

But the webcam has quite a special function that lets it animate real-time video to the designed type style of animation. That seriously got my attention. So I turn on my computer.

Seeing that there is a password to enter. I thought a little and after a minute typed it correctly.


I have to change it letter because if I don't do that. I will probably get sad wherever I had to type it.

She was such an innocent girl..

Finally on the desktop. I went to their official website and downloaded their app for a camera. (I had to first create an account)

Bonding a webcam with a computer. I opened a program. After a little bit of time, I grasped how to use it.

Turning on a camera and seeing myself on the screen it seems everything was working nicely. With the remarkable quality of the video.

But what interests me the most is the big variety of art styles, I can choose from. After scrolling a little...

My attention got stolen by the anime styles group. Maybe because originally Kate liked anime. I got a little curious.

Clicking the one with a little more realistic but pretty style...

[Login required]

Before I could get a little excited annoying messenger appeared on my screen.

'Fuck really? I didn't know.'

Before when registering on that website, I was sure, I wouldn't need this account anymore so I deleted it.


Going back to that site, I registered again.

[We are sorry but the account on this e-mail was deleted. You have to wait 24h for the ability to create a new one again.]

My anger is immeasurable at this moment. I feel like punching my computer even though, I know it wasn't his fault this time.

Let's calm down a little.

I went to the corner of the room and took a case with the guitar in it.

Sitting down again I opened a case, bringing out a matte black acoustic guitar.

I started to tune it up and at the same time tried to create a new email address.

-30 minutes later-

With all the things done along with registering again. I started an app again and log in.

Looking down I smiled a little.

It's been so long since I last played the guitar. In my previous life when I was still in high school. It was quite popular for kids to play some instruments. So I got a little nostalgic.

I wanted one too so as not to be worse than others. I worked a part-time job for some time and when I gathered enough funds. I end up buying an acoustic guitar.

Why guitar?

Well, it looked cool....

Actually, being on sale could have played a big factor in it too.

The guitar that I am now holding in my hands was something that Kate bought like me, by herself.

It's been a while for both of us.... Hasn't it?

Finally choosing a filter, which I liked before. I looked at myself via a screen. Honestly, I don't know what to expect.

Sitting cross-legged on the armchair with a guitar in my hands, headphones over my ears, and a black hoodie covering most of my face.

It completely animated me, even the background. I looked like a living anime character.

Seeing this...

My hands moved by themselves. A song, I always liked to play. Maybe it's a little sad but it has a happy ending.

A song about hope for a better tomorrow and goodbyes to a friend.

I don't remember the lyrics but I can't forget what these notes meant.

Every time I look at myself in the mirror. I remember an original Kate.

I can't live like that.

So this song is my gratitude, thanks for the new chance. For the nice family, a place I can belong, a future.

Because from today on when I will look at myself in the mirror. I will see only myself. At that time, there will be only one Kate, and that is going to be me.

My eyes got a little damp but I refused to cry. 'It's a happy time you shouldn't cry.' I told myself.

Not even noticing when the song ended, I stopped humming. Only now realizing that I probably did that from the start.

Rising my head I looked at the screen and smiled. It's a weird form of saying a final goodbye. But it's the only one I could think of.

Closing a program and turning off a computer. I dropped on my mattress, falling asleep, as soon as I hit the bed.

Completely unaware of the fact that the app, I downloaded was actually, a new streaming software...

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