I Reincarnated as a Black Hole

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Lily’s Catalyst Part 1

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Clandestine's POV:


"Fufu~ to think that we've ended up talking about Danna-sama for the whole time~."

Ikigai-sama giggled. Her slender and beautiful hands were on her thighs, and her pink lips curled into a smile as she talked... Her voice was light and teasing.

When Ikigai-sama smiled at me with a look of satisfaction on her face, I felt my skin trembling in trepidation... She really does admire the great King so much that it gives me chills.

It also seems that the fear engraved on me by Ikigai-sama is really that extreme...

"You've finally reached the point, Clandestine-chan, where you know everything there is to know about what a Pillar should be~! Congratulations~! This Ikigai recognizes you as a loyal pet! ...As the commander of the Pillars, I declare that you officially stand and be known as one of the Pillars of the Abyss, Clandestine-chan, a devoted pet of Danna-sama!" 

Ikigai-sama's eyes shone as if she were looking at a child who had just learned to speak...

I kneeled with all my might and dignity in front of Ikigai-sama. 

It was an absolute rule I learned as a pet that Pillars must not let any disgraceful acts to our master and superiors. After all, this is Ikigai-sama, the highest-ranking, no, the commander of the Pillars. The person who would rule over everything alongside the great King. It didn't matter whether I was afraid or not; I had to show no signs of weakness or anything displeasing and unpleasant.

Also... a pillar can be nothing more than a mere object serving its master's wishes. This is the most essential part of the rules I learned from Ikigai-sama's education.

"...Thank you very much, Lady Ikigai-sama. The fact that I have been given such a majestic and noble title is an honor beyond this lowly pet's comprehension."

This is also part of the absolute rules... Ensure that every word I say reflects what is in my heart and mind. It doesn't matter if I hold negative emotions or the like. It's an open betrayal and a sin to show a falsification of thoughts among the supreme beings...

Ultimately, Ikigai-sama can read through our minds... or so she said. And apparently, it's already that obvious after being with her and experiencing her madness. I can also tell that no manipulation and deception can pass through her. She is the incarnation of deceit and manipulation itself.

"Mhm! I already informed the other Pillars through the Abyssal network. It's a network only we, Pillars, and Danna-sama can access to communicate everywhere without limits and restrictions. And you will be able to access it later too. I already told them the new Clandestine will meet them soon~!"

I will meet the other Pillars soon... The beings who serve the Dark Supreme Being...

I had just been given the title of one of the Pillars of the Abyss. I was now among the most absolute sovereign beings... But...that's not exactly the case. I'm still a low-class being without any power but knowledge, yet that is just for now... I think. 

In short, I was being officially taken under the wing of the Dark Supreme Being, which meant I wasn't only going to become part of this order... I could also aspire to become an even greater existence than I already am.

It's to be expected that all the other Pillars were already all-powerful in their own right. It may have been said modestly... But I believe that the rest of the Pillars of the Abyss were all extremely strong, considering they are the Primordial Cardinals who serve the Dark Supreme Being, just like in the legends...

"Anyway~! Let's leave the trivial things for now. I will give you the necessary items for the moment~."

Lady Ikigai-sama raises her right slender arm and points toward me. Then a black-sharp mist started to materialize in her palm. An object began to appear before the black smoke...

She was holding the object in both her hands; it looked like a piece of fabric, clothing of some sort, but I couldn't determine what materialized from its depths.

"Lady Ikigai-sama... that is...?"

"This is a uniform that Danna-sama gave to us, Pillars. And this one, it is from Johan-chan~! It's one-of-a-kind clothing that Johan-chan received as supposed to be Clandestine from Danna-sama~! Johan-chan decided to give this uniform himself to the one that will come to replace him, so you should receive it gratefully, okay~?"

Ikigai-sama handed me the piece of black material.

The black mist slowly disappeared from the object into nothingness, and it transformed into an unusual set of garments in my hands... 

The set of clothing suddenly floats in front of me... I found myself staring at it in awe.

...The design reminded me of an elegant military uniform. It has red cuffs on the sleeves, a small black bowtie around the neck, and a pair of white gloves. But it definitely wasn't something that any being would just see anywhere. I can describe this imposingly beautiful and staggering clothing as something that is made to be hidden and sly in its nature... 

...This was an outfit made of material from the Dark Supreme Being itself... There were several golden threads stitched into the fabric... But everything about it screamed dark and heavy atmosphere, making it seem like an item that any being just won't find anywhere else but in hell.

And the only thing that stood out above the rest was the color scheme of the uniform: a deep black with dark gold accents—an unusual combination if ever there was one. It was also spattered in bloodred and black, giving off a sinister yet powerful impression...

I accepted the outfit gratefully from Lady Ikigai-sama and bowed deeply while kneeling.

"Yes! Thank you very much, Lady Ikigai-sama!"

"Mhm! Anyway! That uniform will give you a pseudo-power similar to mine, akin to the dark aura I received from Danna-sama when utilized. It will not be the same power as mine and the Pillars, who received Quantum Dominion personally from Danna-sama. But with that piece, your strength will be something that can at the least put up a fight with Gorge-chan with the slightest chance of winning."

Ikigai-sama told me that I would receive a power similar to the Quantum Dominion Ikigai-sama has from the clothing... I had no idea how powerful it would be, though... Ikigai-sama made it sound like the weakest, but it's just how it is supposed to be for the servants of the Dark Supreme Being.

That kind of power... is just plain terrifying...

Also, Ikigai-sama just mentioned a name... If that person is as strong as she compares to the power that comes from the clothing, that means...

"Gorge-sama...? Could it be that he is one of the Pillars...?"

Ikigai-sama suddenly looked at me with an expression as if wondering about something.

It feels like I'm about to be told something important...

"Clandestine-chan, you're right...! But Gorge-chan is a lady! ...And oh! I must warn you that every woman in the Pillars of the Abyss is Danna-sama's woman~! They only look and desire Danna-sama for themselves alone~! That includes me~! Under no circumstances should you consider making a move on any of Danna-sama's women~! Otherwise, you will be tormented by Obscurity-chan and me~! She's far scarier than I am, so I'll tell you right now that she's the only one among the Pillars who doesn't listen to anyone except Danna-sama and me~!"

Ikigai-sama said those daunting words cheerfully... but...

I-I get it... even if Ikigai-sama says that... I don't have any plans of doing something so unforgivable and beyond contempt as that...

Also... I just assumed that Gorge-sama was someone like Johan-sama, who was described as a man, but it seems that I was mistaken... But I understand now. Most of the Pillars are women, and they are the wives of the Dark Supreme Being.

And Obscurity-sama... a Pillar... who's scarier than Ikigai-sama herself... N-No, no... forget it.

"I-I understand! This mere pet will never even begin to or think of looking at the great King's wives with such intention!"

"Mhm! Good Clandestine-chan~! For sure, you will get along with Causality-chan~!"

But, I hope that the other Pillars are kind enough to at least let me work for the great King...

When Ikigai-sama said that I would get along with Causality-sama, I could only hope for the kind of person that could be an excellent superior to me... I hope.

But let me ask to be sure. I don't want to betray my expectations.

"...Could it be that Lady Causality-sama is not as scary as Lady Ikigai-sama...?"

Ikigai-sama suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

...Did I say something wrong...?

"Causality-chan is a gentleman! ....Uuuu~! Hahhh... Well, it's just a matter of time until you meet the Pillars, so take a good look at their splendid appearances when Danna-sama calls us, okay~!?"

Ah... it's really confusing that I even misunderstood their sex because of how Ikigai-sama describes the Pillars... actually, no, it was just my expectations... It really seems that I have to see their appearances in the end...

"Understood, Lady Ikigai-sama!"

After hearing my response, Ikigai-sama nodded gently.

"It will be great if you receive lessons from Causality-chan later about what you should do... But it will not be long until we get summoned. Please wear the uniform and be ready yourself. Zelvis-sama is going to gather everyone to start everything in motion." 

Suddenly Ikigai-sama's bracelet releases a torrent of black mist, containing a heavy and peculiar atmosphere, enveloping our surroundings for a moment.

From her hand, she pulled a black box from the bracelet at her wrist and held it up for my viewing. It glowed with a faint black light, and while I could see nothing in particular, it felt like I was being weighed down by heavy pressure.

"And before that, here! Take this!"

Ikigai-sama tossed me the jet-black box she had just drawn from her bracelet. For some reason, I found myself looking into its depths, even though there was no way a box made of darkness could have anything inside it. 

As expected, I couldn't find any opening or something like that. To be honest, nothing in sight seemed to be able to open the box... 

However, when I felt the box's weight as I held it between both hands, I noticed a sort of heaviness within. The box itself wasn't particularly heavy, but somehow it felt like I was holding an unknown object containing tremendous power...

Its material was so dark that it didn't seem to emit even the slightest bit of light.

However, after staring intently at it for a bit, I finally noticed the box's surface was shimmering in an unusual manner...

"L-Lady Ikigai-sama, what's this black box for?"

My question left my throat as I stared at the box. Then, as if to answer my question, Ikigai-sama gave a small laugh before speaking.

"Fufu~ Right! You see this thing in my right hand? You've been looking at this thing since the start, right~? It's the same thing inside that box. And actually, it's a symbol of us, Pillars of the Abyss! It's also a symbol that shows our bond with Danna-sama! The black sphere on top is a black hole emblem, an actual, compressed black hole... No, it's something similar but different than a black hole, I guess~? It's just Danna-sama can't say anything further about it. But one thing, it's a type of black hole... Danna-sama said it was something, an Abysmal Black Hole, an existence only Danna-sama could bring forth to... And since I'm the commander, of course, mine is special~! Oh! And by the way, that is yours~!"

Ikigai-sama's playful and boastful attitude is really impressive, as always... I can't see any trace of the Ikigai-sama's sinister and menacing side...

I tried to handle and nudge the black box at different angles as if trying to find an opening...

The box suddenly opened its lid by itself as if springing forth, sending out a stream of dark particles, and some of it was quickly sucked away by the darkness around us... 

These particles touched my skin instantly; before I knew it, I was holding a shining jet-black bracelet similar to what Ikigai-sama was wearing. The bracelet has a distorting black hole ball, swirling and deforming its surroundings. It feels like eating the light away from my sight, reflecting the dark particles floating around it.

"Amazing... Lady Ikigai-sama, I can feel the enormous power in this bracelet...! Thank you very much!"

Unbelievable... I can sense the weight of the bracelet's incredible power. I could feel the presence of a lot more power than the bracelet itself. I could sense it in my whole body...

Ikigai-sama wore a smug smile with an air of pride on her face.

"Mhm! But just so you know... it's actually Danna-sama's existence radiating from the bracelet itself! Danna-sama designed it like that for us~! You see, we are all pillars of Danna-sama's might, and his own self exists within each of us. We have this as a symbol representing our purpose and bond with him, which is a testament to our existence~! It's really cool, isn't it~!? Danna-sama thought of everything with a wonderful and grandiose rumination~!"

Ikigai-sama was so excited she could barely contain herself as she spoke...

But certainly... I can see why Ikigai-sama was amazed that much... If I were an inhabitant of Ciasnora, I wouldn't even be able to see far or appreciate the incredible brilliance and wisdom of the Dark Supreme Being...

And after seeing everything Ikigai-sama has shown me, the information and everything of the great King's maneuvering and schemes has definitely been given considerable thought... A mind that only thinks of its desires and goals... the perfect definition of incomprehensible capacity and freedom.

Just as she said, the Pillars are the reason for supplementing solutions for the Dark Supreme Being's paradoxical existence... But there are things and intentions that I can't see from the great King, unlike Ikigai-sama does... 

Rather than that... After hearing more of Ikigai-sama's explanations, I can assume that all of the Dark Supreme Being's actions are enfolded and directed at the great King's queen. At the same time, the great King is making beneficial ramifications to the queen's environment and comfort...

And after Ikigai-sama herself describes the great King, the King's intentions are indeed something that doesn't end simply with that. The fact that the great King has other correlative and imperceptible objectives is still a mystery that even Ikigai-sama says she doesn't see anything further about the great King's thoughts.

...It's truly amazing that the great King lives in a world where no one can reach his unfathomable thoughts... It's as if the Dark Supreme God himself is the abyss lost in the void... An existence that we, the lowest form of life, cannot hope to comprehend...

"Certainly, Lady Ikigai-sama. I understood better about the great King's excellence and supremacy!"

"Fufu~! Clandestine-chan, so you understand, too~! Danna-sama's just that special! That's why Danna-sama is my loveable dear!"

Ikigai-sama's words were filled with joy and happiness. She was smiling brightly. She giggled, and her expression was so happy and carefree... She has the face of someone whose feelings are so deep and who's madly in love...

Her expressions showed nothing but an innocent yet strong fondness and passion for the great King.

She certainly does look like a goddess with her golden eyes... but...

...It's getting scarier as time passes... Was it called yandere by Masuko?

I feel the same atmosphere as described by Masuko from Lady Ikigai-sama... It's, in fact, severe in this case...

But I guess, in the end, it's Ikigai-sama and the great King. This kind of thing should be usual for them.

I tried to put on the bracelet on my right wrist, but suddenly, it turned into a black mist and enveloped my right wrist joint.

It perfectly fits me, just about the right size.

The bracelet felt warm and comfortable but was a little heavier than I expected.

I suddenly feel my body lighter than before; I think my senses have sharpened a bit.

I noticed that my perception was sharper than ever. I could see the image of Ikigai-sama more clearly now.

My senses were actually definitely heightened, and my hearing was incredibly sensitive... I could hear the sound of particles moving in the air... But it does feel normal to me.

"Lady Ikigai-sama, does the bracelet gives power too?"

"Yes~! But to be precise, the bracelet absorbs everything in your surroundings and turns it into your own power~! In short, you can shape your own power through the bracelet! It's useless for us Pillars since our quantum dominion is superior to everything it absorbs. But for sure it will be useful for you! It doesn't just absorb anything, but it does take in everything! Including all information once they enter the range of the bracelet!"

Ikigai-sama explained the details of the bracelet in a roundabout and detailed way, and I listened carefully.

She explained that the bracelet absorbs information from the surrounding area, including information from people, objects, and the environment itself.

In other words, the bracelet would absorb all information that enters the vicinity of the bracelet and then transform it into the Pillar's own possession.

This means that the bracelet could give me a boost in my abilities on top of my magic power, and it could also help me learn new things...

This is just ridiculous... I can't imagine the possibilities yet...

"Ah! about your Uniform, Clandestine-chan! After incorporating the piece into your existence, you'll be recognized as its owner. It will become one with you, so you can change that clothing to any form you want!"

Ikigai-sama's excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile along with her.

Ikigai-sama explained to me that the uniform was a part of the Pillar's body and that it would be impossible to remove it without destroying the Pillar's existence.

That indicates that the uniform will become an inseparable component of both my existence and my self. It will become an intrinsic part of me, along with the power that I will derive from it... and I will have absolute control over how it looks and functions...

"Lady Ikigai-sama, um... how do I fuse it to me?"

"Fufu~ Close your eyes, Clandestine-chan~! I'll do it for you!"

I immediately closed my eyes as Ikigai-sama instructed me.

The next moment, I felt a gentle touch on my chest, and a strange sensation spread throughout my body.

Afterward, a sharp pain runs through my chest. The pain was excruciatingly painful yet strangely unpleasant at the same time.


"L-Lady Ikigai-sama...? A-AHHH!!!"

I got struck by something directly to my heart. It hurt a lot... Something cold was circulating inside my body... It was painful...

I couldn't help but scream while I writhed under the intense pain. My whole body felt numb from the waist down, and even breathing became difficult to manage.

I felt as if something had disappeared from my chest.

"Hold it for a few seconds more~! But oh my, your scream is a piece of wonderful music to my ears~!"


I felt like something had been taken out of my chest. I could feel that much. Then afterward, my heart feels like it stopped beating and vanished, though I'm still alive for some reason.

"Mhm! Yup~! All done! You can open your eyes now~!"

Finally, the pain stops after what seems like an eternity. 

I opened my eyes to see Ikigai-sama watching me with an amused expression.

As if to confirm that the process is over, my heart starts beating again. It was as though all of the blood in my body had been thoroughly cleansed, leaving only fresh blood flowing from my veins.

"L-Lady Ikigai-sama...? W-What happened to me...?"

After a while, I looked around and saw myself clad in a black uniform, the exact uniform I had been shown earlier.

In that instant, I am now garbed and covered with the black, sinister uniform. It's as if I'm a totally different person...

The feeling of the uniform on my skin was just like what I expected it to be just from looking. It felt warm and comfortable. As if I was really wearing it like it was a part of my body...

You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Black Hole at novel35.com

I can certainly feel the manifestation of control of this outfit...

There's no indication of whether I obtained power or something new except that I'm wearing this new clothing...

I looked down at Ikigai-sama's hand. Her left hand is covered with blood, and she is holding something that seems to be my heart, crushed in her clenched fist.

"You have been reborn just now. Nothing particularly changed in your physical appearance in any way. I just fused the fabric into your existence, replacing your heart, and you have been reborn as a result~!"

As expected, I think I should not ask Ikigai-sama any more than this.

"I-I understand..."

In a blink of an eye, Ikigai-sama suddenly froze in her place as if she had heard something important. She totally ignored my presence for a very short moment...

She tilted her head to her right in a quick motion with red cheeks and a bewitching face and then turned around back to me normally soon after...

She just now looks like she's about to burst out in excitement and delight, trying so hard to hide her excessive elation about something...

"...It's about time~! Danna-sama calls this Ikigai earlier than expected~! He must be yearning for me right now~! I hope that Danna-sama doesn't get the wrong idea and thinks I'm cheating on him. This Ikigai and her everything is Danna-sama's possession alone!"

Her voice was, as usual, filled with a cheerful tone as if she had just been given her long-lost desire. It was as though she could not keep herself from speaking at full speed, unable to contain her feelings...

...But no, Ikigai-sama, I think it's just you who yearn for the great King, though...

"Clandestine-chan, I know you just did think about something rude, hm!?"

Ikigai-sama always looks inside my mind and heart!

"L-Lady Ikigai-sama, forgive me!"

"Hmph! Anyway, you're already good and ready so wait here! Danna-sama will summon you eventually after some time, so remember what I told you, okay~!? I don't tolerate the failures of Danna-sama's pet! And oh, a bit of a warning, when you see Danna-sama, keep looking at his majestic figure, okay!?"

Ikigai-sama's the commander of the Pillars, so that's to be expected that she will be summoned first out of everyone... It will probably take not that long for me to be called out as well, just as Ikigai-sama said...

I also have to keep in my mind the last warning Ikigai-sama gave me.

"Understood, Lady Ikigai-sama!"

I don't have anything to worry about now, as Ikigai-sama educated me properly and told me every necessary information.

Ikigai-sama then gave her parting words.

"Good! And with that, adieu~!"

With those words, Ikigai-sama's figure disappeared silently into thin air.

When Ikigai-sama left, I sighed in relief. Ikigai-sama does seem like a fantastic person with her bright appearance and cheerful atmosphere. But sometimes, I can't help but wonder how someone more than a goddess could also be a demon...?

...I... I take back what I said. I shouldn't have been thinking about this in the first place.


I'm now alone in this white space...

I'm all set and shaped with proper information engraved into my mind...

My appearance should be fine as Ikigai-sama herself didn't say anything about my look... 

I have nothing else to do for now, as Ikigai-sama didn't give me any orders except to wait and prepare to meet Zelvis-sama and the other Pillars...

A few minutes later— 

「『 Clandestine.』」

A deep, dark, and divine-like ominous voice that appears to be lurking within the depths of darkness emerged in my mind and called out to me... 

It's time... the Dark Supreme Being is calling for my presence.

The next moment, I found myself slowly turning into a black mist...

As if I was sucked into it, I eventually reached an unknown place with nothing but a vast yet dark room. It felt like I had entered a void with darkness around me... 

In front of me, I immediately saw a black figure sitting on the divine and magnificent throne that immensely drew my attention, complementing the peculiar and dense atmosphere of the room...

Ikigai-sama was standing right next to the dark figure, silent and dignified. No, she is not Ikigai-sama right now; she's Apocalypse, the commander of the Pillars. She's back in her blue demon eyes and black attire... There were also the other members, the Pillars on my sides which I couldn't properly see due to my position and the dim lighting.

The presence of the black entity, who appears to be the Dark Supreme Being at a glance, was so overpowering that I could not wholly view its supreme form. I barely managed to keep myself from the devastating ambiance and complexion that exuded just from glancing at the great King...

Zelvis-sama's existence, in front of me, is emitting an extreme pressure that is enough to erase my whole existence... But thanks to the bracelet and the black fabric fused to me, the burden was still something I could still withstand...

The existence in front of me is just on another level of supreme superiority. I can tell the difference between the existence called Ikigai-sama and Zelvis-sama. The weight of words to describe them is not something that my existence's capacity can hold... 

And upon seeing Zelvis-sama's presence, only it tells me how boundless and immeasurable Zelvis-sama's sovereignty is... A being whose existence is so Abysmal... the only being who lives in a world where nothing but him can reach...

...Before I make any mistakes, I force myself into a tranquil state. 

...I have to meet Ikigai-sama's expectations at all costs...!

I calmly and stately kneeled. Afterward, I gave my greetings in a clean, serious, and firm manner.

"Zelvis-sama! Gan Vol at your service!"

My voice was courtly, just as Ikigai-sama taught me. I didn't say any unnecessary words, which I'm doing as fulfilling all of Ikigai-sama's intentions.

「『 Hm.』」

Zelvis-sama, my great King, responded to my greetings as if acknowledging my presence.

I kept my gaze on Zelvis-sama, as Ikigai-sama told me.

Zelvis-sama's pitch-black head is somehow facing me, looking down at me from his throne... Zelvis-sama's head is pointed toward me as if he is looking at my whole existence...

No... Zelvis-sama is probably looking through everything of me... But that's likely not the case... It's Zelvis-sama, the Dark Supreme God itself. Everything was already planned, even my fate itself...

Zelvis-sama perhaps was creating and designing a world for his queen right now where my reason for existing comes proper...

...Suddenly, Zelvis-sama's attention to me came to an end.

「『 Obscurity.』」

After Zelvis-sama's said those words, a glamorous black-robed woman rose from the ground next to Ikigai-sama...

Obscurity-sama... she's the person Ikigai-sama told me about. The one who's more dreadful than Ikigai-sama...

"My Lord, it's my pleasure to meet you again."

...Obscurity-sama's voice was so pleasing to the ears... It's not the same as Ikigai-sama, whose voice is too perfect to exist... But Obscurity-sama's voice has its own lady charm, an enchanting voice...

「『 Hm.』」

This scene makes me realize that the world I have lived in so far is nothing compared to what I'm currently witnessing...

When Masuko, the former queen I used to serve, was ruling over me, even though she's powerful in her own right, it didn't feel that much after seeing this scene to behold... 

I see them as nothing more than a plaything for Zelvis-sama... No, they are probably not even a lifeform worth Zelvis-sama's attention...

...Obscurity-sama's appearance is mysterious in a way. She is emitting an atmosphere like the one Zelvis-sama has, and I can tell that she does not even care less about the other Pillars and me behind her... 

She's about the same height as Ikigai-sama, and her well-shaped body is apparent in view. Her waistline and legs are evenly shaped and emphasized by the sublime black robe...

If she's that fearsome than Ikigai-sama, then she must be more powerful than her and holds a higher position among the pillars, just like Ikigai-sama...

「『 Vestige.』」

Zelvis-sama called another name.

Vestige-sama's appearance is not visible within my sight... I can only hear the sounds of someone who fell...

"Kya~ Ouch... Ah! Zelvis-sama! Vestige's present!"

So Vestige-sama was a lady... She just sounds precisely like Ikigai-sama, with a cheerful and excited voice. Only their tones make them different from each other...


I can't correctly see the figure of the other Pillars. I can only see the vague silhouette of their figures lined up in front of Zelvis-sama, just like me. Only Zelvis-sama's figure was the only one being shined upon by the light reflecting from somewhere above us...

The whole room was vast, and the walls were made out of a shiny material I couldn't identify with my bare eyes. It wasn't glass, nor did it have any gaps for light to pass through. 

Of course, there weren't any windows or other openings visible on the entire wall, so I couldn't see where that light came from either. In fact, this place appeared to be completely airtight.

It all seemed to be an enormous cathedral constructed inside an even more enormous building. Its ceiling was probably several hundred meters high...

Zelvis-sama rested his arms on the throne with an exalted posture befitting his existence...

「『 Pillars!』」

Zelvis-sama's voice reverberated throughout the whole room... An overwhelming sense of dread washed over me as I heard it. My heart and whole being felt like they were about to shatter as I trembled. The sound of the words echoed loudly within my head...

His words are far more dominant than Ikigai-sama's... That was when I snapped to realize... This was the actual voice of the Dark Supreme God itself...

There was no response. Not even a whisper... The whole room was silent after that.

Then afterward, everyone seems to kneel before the great King... 

Ikigai sama told me that when Zelvis-sama started to talk with his intense, profound voice, we all must gracefully respond after him...

"""Yes, Zelvis-sama!"""

Every one of the Pillars responded in unison... No one moved as they waited for Zelvis-sama to speak some more...

The silence means it's about time that Zelvis-sama says his will.

Ikigai-sama suddenly rose up from kneeling and faced us. Her expression became intense and stern as she looked at each of us, the Pillars.

Her aura became so intense that she oozed an atmosphere that of a supreme being herself, just like Zelvis-sama. She has that presence right now, that power...

Her blue devil eyes are menacing, her gaze is shattering, and her posture is as imposing as a monarch... She has the exact look of someone who denies every imperfection in sight and every flaw in existence...

Ikigai-sama then began to speak.

"All of you, Pillars of the Abyss, give heed and adhere to my words! You should all be grateful to Zelvis-sama for allowing you to witness his majestic presence! Zelvis-sama summoned everyone today to tell us about his magnificent plan!"

...Ikigai-sama's voice resounded throughout the entire room. Ikigai-sama's words are very compelling and overwhelming. I could see why Ikigai-sama was the commander now... It's not just her power or her personality; it's that she has the ability to command us all in a way no one else can...

I never understood before, but her ability to read thoughts and see through feelings means she has a grasp and understanding of how living beings function and behave... Well, except that it doesn't apply to Zelvis-sama, it seems.

Everyone seemed to be entranced by her words, and each of us bowed our heads to Ikigai-sama... We bowed deeply, respectfully, and responded in unison.


...The extent to which Ikigai-sama had control over my thought process was reflected now... 

Ikigai-sama did not educate me by instilling fear through coercion while using the disparity in our relative power levels. She molded who I am now through manipulative and deceptive maneuvering while simultaneously concealing this reality behind various other pretexts, such as my experience of agony. 

It's her way of preventing me from falling apart and keeping me from going insane no matter what... That explains why I'm still thinking clearly up to this point. And the fact that I'm growing used to this ludicrous environment so readily is part of Ikigai-sama's master plan the entire time. 

Ikigai-sama did everything detailed and thoroughly to mold me into becoming the Pillar called Clandestine so that I could become a pet worthy of serving Zelvis-sama...

In short, Ikigai-sama was infusing knowledge and information into me in a way where all uncertainties and chances of having flaws and irregularities are eliminated. She did this to benefit her and the Dark Supreme Being...

I could see Ikigai-sama's will and supreme dedication and affection to Zelvis-sama... Her love is just broken, I guess.

Ikigai-sama continued.

"Zelvis-sama has the goal of bringing everything under his influence so that he can give it to his cherished Mireille-sama! With that said, Zelvis-sama will set out on his visit to the Ciasnora the day after tomorrow! Because Zelvis-sama intends to appear like a regular person while he is in Mireille-sama's company, he expects no one to interfere with his plans! Mireille-sama is Zelvis-sama's only concern at this point. Failure is not something I will accept under any circumstances!"

If I were Ikigai-sama, this would mean for her that Zelvis-sama's intention was that he already has everything planned... 


Everyone responded in unison...

...In other words, Ikigai-sama is saying that Zelvis-sama is going ahead with everything in his grasp. Zelvis-sama is creating a world where he can live with her queen, Mireille-sama, while considering her will and choices...

No... that's not only it. Zelvis-sama has absolute power, and this is probably just Zelvis-sama's surface level of intention... There's something more behind this...

The fact that Mireille-sama was brought upon this world as a supposed power means that Mireille-sama was assumed to be a dark supreme god by the Gods of Ciasnora. Her relationship with Zelvis-sama could also mean she's the queen of the Dark Supreme God. So, they summoned her in the tense of "Borrowing power from the Dark Supreme God."... 

But then, it does lead to Mireille-sama being already the same kind as Zelvis-sama, or possibly, an existence similar to Ikigai-sama without her knowing...

Perhaps now, Zelvis-sama's intention was to make Mireille-sama an existence like him, a supreme being exactly, just like himself...

Ikigai-sama continued.

"I will issue the orders so that no one acts without my permission! Obscurity, you will watch over Zelvis-sama's beloved lover in the shadows!"

Obscurity-sama was given a separate assignment. Ikigai-sama's meaning of watching over is probably to produce and shape a suitable environment for the current Mireille-sama.

Obscurity-sama seems to understand Ikigai-sama's words.

"Yes! I will devote my life to the beloved lover of my Lord!"

As expected, they understand each other better... And the fact that Obscurity-sama was given this particular duty is because she's suitable for this kind of work...

Ikigai-sama nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"There ought to be no one to get in the way of Zelvis-sama's plans! No one will get in the way of Zelvis-sama's calculations, regardless of whether he is being beaten up or is about to be killed! Everything's according to my beloved Zelvis-sama!"

We all responded at once.


"Everyone! Do you understand!? I don't accept imbecile's questions!!"


"Causality, Bane, Scourge, Plague, Crestal, Acme, Megiddo, Gorge, Clandestine, Obscurity, Vestige, What are we!?"

Ikigai-sama's words pierce our ears... The names of the Pillars of the Abyss are perfectly engraved in my mind.

"""We are the Twelve Pillars of the Abyss!"""



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