I Reincarnated as a Black Hole

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – A Reason For A Replacement

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Vyon Mireille's POV:

My eyes are wide open. My mind seems to cease to work after the scene in front of me... a grotesque sight.

A severed arm is grasping at the empty air, bathed in a small pool of blood all over the front of Izel-kun's apartment room.

"...W-What… happened…?"

I am seated in a corner after being pulled by Izel-kun, motionless for several moments, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The vision remains vivid in my head, as if it was someone else living the horror story before me.

...Izel-kun...? What happened to him...? ...Is this really happening...?

"...I-Is this Izel-kun's...?"

I whispered under my breath with a trembling voice, barely managing to gather my thoughts and move on from the sight. I tried not to look at anything else and focused on the scene in my front. 

"Lady Vyon-sama!!! Get away from there!!!"

Mii-chan is in a rush, desperately calling and running toward me. But I couldn't hear her properly. Her voice is distant and faint, as if she were speaking through a thick fog. 

I cry out unconsciously, tears flowing down my face. My legs are too weak to stand and support my weight anymore. 

"W-What happened to Izel-kun...?"

My heart was thumping vigorously due to the sudden event. My chest feels like it's going to burst from the shock and sudden fear. My thoughts are filled with what just happened...

"A-Ah... W-Why am I starting to feel dizzy all of a sudden...?" 

The world around me is hazy like I'm looking at it through watery glass. 

My body feels like it's being crushed by the intense pressure of tension; my head feels light and detached, and everything around me seems so far away...

There's no strength left in my limbs. Everything around me turns black. Everything around me seems to have lost its color, and I can feel myself slipping into unconsciousness as if in slow motion... 




"—ma, Ojou-sama!, are you okay...!?"

Someone's calling...?

"H-Huh? M-Mii-chan?"

I looked up at the voice and saw Mii-chan staring down at me.

"Ojou-sama, get a hold of yourself!!"


I open my eyes to see Mii-chan's worried face staring back at me. She quickly kneels by me and places a hand on my forehead.

She stares blankly for a moment before nodding and standing up again.

Then she frowns.

"Good grief... Ojou-sama, just what were you daydreaming about? You kept screaming Izel-kun here and there while crying like a baby in the middle of the day. If you are not feeling well, you should rest plenty, okay? Please refrain from overworking yourself."

M-Mii-chan's calling me Ojou-sama...? Was that really something for Mii-chan to say? It felt like it was coming from an entirely different person speaking right now. What is this sudden change? She always called me Lady Vyon before, but never Ojou-sama...

"Ojou-sama, please don't force yourself too much. Your face looks pale, and your eyes look unhealthy, as if you've been crying all day. Do try to keep up with proper sleep and meals!"

Wait... why are we in my villa...? Why am I dressed in my working clothes...? How did I end up like this...?

The last thing I remember hearing before losing consciousness is Mii-chan shouting at me... Then I found myself staring at the snow-white wall of my villa, lying on the desk of my dimly lit room...


A sudden wave of dizziness came rushing through me, and nausea hit me hard. My head started spinning, and I lost balance and fell onto the floor. I heard Mii-chan running over to my side with an alarmed expression on her face...


The next thing I knew, Mii-chan was kneeling by my side once again.

"I-I'm fine... I just remembered something unpleasant... More importantly, what happened to Izel-kun!?"

"Calm down for a moment, Ojou-sama... Please, drink some water..."

Mii-chan handed me a glass of water. After taking a sip, my head gradually cleared up. The world around me returned to normalcy. The cold sensation of the water seemed to calm me down somewhat.

"Are you feeling well now?"

"Yes, thank you..."

"Ojou-sama... you keep calling Izel-kun here and there when you are daydreaming, even until now... Is this Izel-kun's Ojou-sama's acquaintance or something?"

Why is Mii-chan acting like this...? It's strange...

"Izel-kun... didn't I tell you about him before...?"

"Umm, I just met Ojou-sama today, though... It just happened that I came in with your mother's permission and caught you sleeping midday. Ojou-sama and I never had a conversation at all. That is until after you woke up."

"Wait! We went to Izel-kun's apartment a while ago, right!? After we got attacked by some unknown people!"

"Umm... Ojou-sama... aren't you just dreaming? It seems like you are too stressed from work. You should properly take a rest! Otherwise, your mother will worry about you."

Dreaming...? Was that really just a dream? But I'm sure it was not! It was too real to be a dream! Something's not right... It's as if things haven't happened at all...!

I stood up and took a look outside the transparent glass window.

It's still the middle of the day... I took my phone from my desk to check the time today. 

N-No way... It's supposed to be Sunday... but the date is telling me today it's still six days before the actual day...? 

What is happening...? Was it just a dream all along? But, strangely, I remember everything that happened and the conversations I had with my little sister and my Aunt's funeral...

No... this is not a dream... Perhaps this is the same thing happening again...? Is it because of the exact black figure...? But yet, the world around me doesn't seem any different than before... 

What is this feeling? A sense of disorientation mixed with something like relief or fear. 

But if what I'm thinking is correct... I must be reincarnated again but in a more recent time...? 


I was suddenly overwhelmed with these thoughts, and my breathing became unstable.

The only reason I could think of was that the black figure who showed up before could have been the one behind and responsible for this... No, I'm sure it must be...

Because no one could ever do such thing as the complete destruction of the world...

But if I reincarnated again... that means Izel-kun is...

I hurriedly walked away outside my room and started to run downstairs.

"Wait, Ojou-sama! Where are you going???"

"I'm going to Izel-kun's place!"

Please, Izel-kun, tell me you are still there...! Please don't disappear now! Please...!!!

"Ojou-sama, please let me come with you! Your mother told me to take care of and protect you from a large criminal organization from Australia that came to Japan looking for someone near our vicinity!"

I stopped in my tracks and froze at the information I had just heard from Mii-chan. It was something I was not expecting to hear at all...

"A criminal organization...?"

"Yes... but don't worry, Ojou-sama. Your mother sent me to you earlier than expected. Even if I look like this, I can put up a fight with such a group or two."

Is this about Izel-kun...? This is the information I'm looking for before... I will have to ask Mii-chan for the full details...

But I don't have time for this. I must know about Izel-kun's situation right now.

"Okay, please hurry!"


"Ojou-sama, we are here."

"Please, don't follow me all the way."

"As Ojou-sama's wish. I'll keep my distance."

I hurriedly descended from inside my father's SUV and ran towards the apartment building to where Izel-kun's room was.

There wasn't anybody else around me, just the sounds of the cars passing by on the street. 

It also seemed like there were very few people in the area right now...

I traversed the vast open-air exterior corridor that leads to Izel-kun's room. My footsteps echoed loudly as I walked down the hall.

Please, tell me that everything was just a dream... Please let it have been just a dream...

I'm feeling a sense of unease and anxiety, worrying about Izel-kun all this time. My heart starts beating faster at the thought of being separated from him forever. The idea of him disappearing from my life...

I couldn't imagine how terrible it would feel if he suddenly disappeared... I wanted to meet him instantly to confirm he was still here...


Soon enough, I finally arrived at the door to Izel-kun's room. 

The grotesque scene from before is nowhere around the place. 

With this, I confirmed that I went back in time again... There are only things that didn't go along with what was supposed to happen...

But now, my mind is still uneasy. If Izel-kun appeared after I reincarnated before... There's also the chance he might disappear if I reincarnated once again...

I can feel my body trembling intensely. 

Izel-kun... please... 

A sense of unease keeps nagging me. The sudden fear of separation from Izel-kun strikes me so strongly...

In front of me was a door with some kind of decorative piece placed in front of it. It was something that was not present before...

 I took a deep breath and softly rang the doorbell with trembling hands. 

The sound of the chime resonating within the apartment was heard.

After a few moments, I heard some quick footsteps coming toward me. 

Izel-kun's figure arrived at the entrance. My legs started to tremble. I could feel the tears welling up from within me.

He looked at me quizzically when he spotted me and blinked his eyes several times before speaking up.

"Hey... what are you doing, Mireille-san...? You look like you saw a ghost... Anyway, are you okay...? Come in... I'll fix you something to drink... It's pretty hot outside."

I tried to say something, but my voice failed me. I couldn't even muster a single word out of my throat.

He looked at me with an expression that didn't show any emotions whatsoever. His face was utterly expressionless, his usual daily face... 

But what elated me more was that his being alive and well was how in good shape he looked. He's looking wonderful...! I'm so happy to see him... This feeling of joy can't be described...!

His black hair was tidied neatly, and his clothes were clean and without wrinkles. He had no bags under his eyes. You'd expect to see his face in some skin care product advertisements. 

My heart skipped a beat upon seeing his figure actively present in front of me. I couldn't help but feel happy about it. And most importantly, he's here. Right here in front of me... 

I couldn't help myself but stare at Izel-kun's face with longing eyes... The sight of him made my chest quiver in excitement, causing my breathing to become labored and my vision to become blurry.

The feeling of unease and anxiety suddenly subsided and faded, replaced with happiness and delight. I felt like my emotions were going wild; they were surging outwards uncontrollably.


I latched into Izel-kun and embraced him tightly. My true feelings are starting to show up. 

I buried my face into his chest and locked my arms around him, holding Izel-kun and squeezing him tight, not letting go... It felt so cozy like this... 

My body shuddered from the warmth and softness of his skin. His body is genuinely built strong, yet surprisingly lovely.

This is the first time I've hugged someone like this aside from my little sister... I had never thought of embracing anyone else before... I thought it would feel awkward or uncomfortable.

I let out a sigh of relief upon feeling his body against me.

"Mireille-san...!? What's wrong...? Why are you suddenly crying...?"

Izel-kun looked at me, puzzled, and asked me while sounding concerned. Even though he didn't understand what was happening, he kept staring at me not-so-worriedly.

"Please let me be like this for a while."

"Oh... alright."

Izel-kun's arms wrapped around me tightly... He hugged me to himself and stroked my head. Izel-kun always has such a gentle demeanor, but this was entirely unexpected. 

He didn't seem to realize how much I was enjoying this moment... I want to stay like this forever...

Izel-kun was silent, too, patiently waiting for me to explain myself.

"Izel-kun... you're so warm... and it feels nice... Also, I'm sorry... It's just something's going on my mind..."

"It's okay. I don't understand, but I'm more than willing to hear anything you want to say if you feel like talking."

His voice was much gentler than I expected... I'm so happy right now... 

This moment is so soothing and relaxing... My worries seem to melt away from my consciousness. I'm getting sleepy from the heat...

"It's just... Izel-kun, I'm delighted to see you... I'm glad you're here... I don't know what's happening, but I think that makes me happy in a weird way..."

I started to smile and laugh lightly. I'm in a complete daze from the joy that's flooding me.

"Izel-kun... you're still the same as before... Not one bit changed, huh?"

"Of course not, well, how should I say this... I won't change unless there's a reason to."

"Then... can you tell me what makes you say that?"

He stared at me with a not-so-troubled expression. He seemed to be thinking about something, but then he replied to my question.

"Ah... sorry... sorry... it's just some kind of delusional motivation to live, a childish reason, a past I want to forget. You don't have to hear about it..."

"I will never laugh nor look down on whatever your cause is... I'll leave it at that for now... But if you want to talk about it anytime, I'm here, okay?"

"Got it."

Izel-kun didn't turn my words into an insult, nor did he show any signs of displeasure. He's really a very kind person, after all...

Somehow, the thought of hugging Izel-kun forever is not that bad at all... In fact, I could live my whole life like this.

I felt like I was suffocating in his presence... I'm so happy. Izel-kun's existence is making me feel warm and fuzzy...

"Umm... Mireille-san...?"

"What is it...?"

"Do you want to drink some tea?"

"I'm good..."

"How about something to eat?"

"I'm full already..."

"Uh... how about relaxing inside and chilling?"

"I prefer hugging Izel-kun."

"Ahaha... is that so?"

Izel-kun chuckled awkwardly. His face turned bright red for the first time! It's a scene I've been dying to see for ages!!! I wanted to keep hugging him forever if it's just what it takes to change his expression...!

It was so cute...! Adorable! He really was! I'm glad I can see his face flush like this... I want to see him do that a lot more...!

"Ahh... I guess you can do whatever you want... but it's scorching hot here outside, so... maybe you'll get sick if you stay out sticking with me like this for too long..."

"If it's Izel-kun... then so be it! It can't be helped..."

"...What are you saying, Mireille-san...?"

"Fufu~... what am I saying? Of course, I'll stick with Izel-kun."

"I mean... don't you have a lover already...?"

He looked back at me with a not-so-concerned expression on his face. I don't know where he got that idea from, but I decided to ignore him for now. 

Izel-kun's expression remained unchanged. He simply gazed at me with a blank look in his eyes. 

I wonder why he looks at me like that... Does he find me teasing him or something? Or is he just spacing out because of the heat...? 

But Izel-kun is the only one I'm interested in. I don't need anybody else. I'm sure that if Izel-kun left me behind and vanished... I wouldn't be able to live anymore too...

Now that I think of it... there are too many abnormal things happening around us. If I have to protect Izel-kun from unknown people and things happening everywhere, I need to be closer to him... 

I released Izel-kun from my tight hug and looked over at him. The atmosphere between us is different than before. I looked at him with a severe and affectionate gaze.

I could feel my heart beating wildly from the excitement. I opened my mouth and spoke up without thinking.

"Izel-kun... Please become my boyfriend."

Izel-kun replied instantly without giving it any thought.

"Sure, become your boyfriend is it? I can do something simple as that... something so simple... wait... sorry, but could you please repeat the last part again? I think I heard you wrong."

His reaction was a pleasant surprise. Before I even realized it, I started to grin widely at the look on his face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.

I firmly held both of my hands behind the top of Izel-kun's head. I locked my gaze with his. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat pounding loudly in my ears.

"Izel-kun is my first love...! I'm not interested in any other man but Izel-kun...! So could you please not leave me alone anymore? No matter where I go... no matter how far away... please never ever leave me behind. Please, be together with me forever...!"

I made sure to enunciate each of my words clearly, with a firm tone. I knew I was acting a little silly, but it was okay. It's more important to ensure Izel-kun understands what I'm trying to convey.

"Mireille-san... you're actually serious... aren't you...?"

Izel-kun's eyes were wide open when he looked at me. He looked at me in shock. I heard him mutter, "no way," but I pretended I didn't listen to it.

I took another deep breath before speaking further. I looked back at Izel-kun with a smile.

"Yes! That's exactly it! I'm asking to become your girlfriend! I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I don't care about anything else... but only you and me, Izel-kun! I'm asking you to stay with me forever. You will always be by my side, no matter what happens. I don't want to live without you anymore!"

Izel-kun was speechless as he kept blinking his eyes repeatedly. It made me wonder if he was thinking of something. I stared straight at his beautiful black eyes, waiting for his response.

"One question, do I have the choice to refuse in the first place or not...?"

"You don't. But this is a request!"

You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Black Hole at novel35.com

Izel-kun didn't respond immediately... Is he still spacing out? Or is he just shocked by my sudden confession? Either way, I'm not going to give up on him. I won't stop until I've convinced him.

After a few seconds, Izel-kun finally regained his composure and said something.

"So... I'm stuck with you forever, huh...? Ah... did I die without me noticing? How come something so heavenly is happening right in front of me...? What did I do to deserve such an adorable request...?"

"Izel-kun... umm... I'm sorry. Was that too much...?"

He stared at me for a while. Izel-kun's gaze became more serious. He looked at me intensely and pulled me closer. He stared at me with a not-so-intense expression before taking in a long breath and saying, 

"No. I'm more than fine with it...! So, please become my girlfriend, Mireille-san!"

Izel-kun gently caressed my cheeks with both of his hands. I could feel a cold sensation spreading through my entire body. It felt like my body was burning up from within.

His tone was completely different than usual. I heard his true feelings coming out through his words. His words were highly heartfelt. 

There's no single sign of hesitation in his response... He's not pulling any punches, either... 

He's straightforward and honest. I love that part about him... 

His words made my heart skip a beat. I could hear the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. I'm so happy, I'm so happy...!

My mind feels like it's melting into the nothingness from the intense happiness filling every corner of my being...!

Izel-kun gazed at me with a gentle smile on his lips. His smile was so pure that it put me on cloud nine.

My happiness was overwhelming. I was truly overwhelmed...

He seemed to be lost in thought for a bit, but then he suddenly squeezed his hands tightly around mine.

"Un! Thank you, Izel-kun... I love you! I'm happy. I'm truly happy that Izel-kun is finally by my side! I'm yours! I'm your girlfriend, so please don't lose sight of me. Izel-kun, wherever you are, I'll be right beside you."

"O-Oh... That's good... I'll give my best to look after Mireille-san the best way possible."

Izel-kun's face turned red in embarrassment when we exchanged those words. His cheeks were turning scarlet, but he bravely smiled nonetheless.

"Please don't leave my side, okay? I will love you as much as you want, so... please... Don't ever disappear from my life... You can ask me anything, I'll do everything as you say... And in exchange, I want you to love me back."

I'm ready to share everything about my whole being with Izel-kun... In the end, I truly loved him this much. 

I want to know more about him. I want to tell him anything and everything that pops into my head... I want to have him listen to all of it calmly and lovingly... I want to feel more of his love...

If he desires my body, I'll give it to him. Whatever it is, anything that he wants from me, as long as it is something within my reach...

"Mireille-san... for you to go far and say something like that... Are you sure you are not just forcing yourself...?"

He looks down on me with intense worry and fear, even as he smiles kindly. He gently stroked my cheek, making me feel at ease. I could tell that Izel-kun was really worried about me.

I shook my head firmly. I answered back with a resolute nod.

"I loved you for so long, Izel-kun... It's just... I'm so sorry..."

 I wanted him to smile for me. I could do it. I could become the girl who can grant his wishes.

"Is that so...? You don't have to feel sorry because I feel the same. I liked Mireille-san ever since we started to work together."

"R-Really!? You did?"

"Yes, really. I did like you Mireille-san."

"Izel-kun... you're not the type to show your feelings easily, right? Even though you're very kind and considerate towards everyone around you..."

That was true. Izel-kun doesn't talk about his own feelings too often at work. He usually shows concern for other people's problems or gives them advice instead... though he's misunderstood because he refuses to show his facial expressions to others...

"Izel-kun... please call me Mireille without honorifics."

"Okay, Mireille...?"

"Un. Thank you, Izel-kun... I've been waiting for you to say those words all along..."

"Err... I'm still surprised by this sudden development... I don't really know what I should be saying right now. I've never had a girlfriend before... so I don't know how guys should act...?"

"Don't worry about anything. Just act and be yourself. I love you the way you are right now."

 I could see that he had a relieved expression on his face.

"Got it, Mireille."

He gave me a serious nod before smiling happily. I saw how happy his smile made him look, and my heart skipped a beat. I'm going to make sure that he's smiling like this forever...!

I can't count how many times already he makes me fall in love with him so much...

I'm glad that Izel-kun isn't afraid to show his emotions in front of me anymore. Though he might not realize it himself, he's getting better at showing affection and expressing his love...

"Yes! Let's go on our first date tomorrow, okay!?"


Our relationship was now official. We were finally officially a couple!

All my worries and nightmares that transpired over were cast entirely aside. They were retracted by the extreme feeling of happiness...

This is the happiest day of my life! It was a precious moment that would be remembered forever...!

I found myself grinning from ear to ear as I embraced Izel-kun. 

I could feel my heart thumping rapidly. My thoughts were filled with Izel-kun and excitement about my future with him...

He's mine. I'm his. 

Everything between us belongs to each other alone.

He's the most precious person in this world to me.

Izel-kun, you're my one and only... 

"Fufu~, Izel-kun... I love you!"

"Ah... Should I be saying, I love you too, Mireille?"

"So cute..."




Four days have passed...

My life was currently full of happiness. Things were going smoothly for me...

I couldn't be happier.

As expected of Izel-kun, he was extremely supportive of me. He was always there for me whenever I needed him, whether to help me out with a problem or just someone I could talk to...

He was wonderful, thoughtful, and caring. He always did whatever he could to support me. Every time we met, he would make sure to express his appreciation toward me...

It's just been four days only. But yet, Izel-kun acts more like a husband to me. I was worried because I didn't expect him to be so serious about making me feel really pleased...

I've been observing him for the past few days closely. And I've learned a lot of new things about him.

It feels like he's looking out for me more than he does for himself... I wonder what love means for Izel-kun... 

He never asks me for anything, not a kiss, my body, or anything that would make me feel even a slight feeling of unease. Instead, he gives me everything, happiness and his existence...

He doesn't complain about anything even once, and he just shows how happy he is just from receiving love from me... He never once refused my requests... Everything I want, from snuggles and bonding, is granted without a second thought...

He may be acting like an ordinary person around me. Still, I know him very well... Behind those acts of his is a reason, a motivation for him to work like that.

I'm feeling sad that he never desires anything from me. And yet, I'm forcing him to love me...!

I was the one who decided to devote my whole being to him... yet why is he doing it instead of me...?

He seemed to be lacking something significant in his life... His heart appears to be broken on the inside...

He may appear and think like an everyday guy, but little does he know that he is suffering from something and isn't even conscious of it...

Additionally, he is a literal genius. I saw it with my own eyes. When we're alone together, he reveals an entirely different side of himself than when we are at our work. No, it was something that he couldn't allow himself to show to others.

Whenever he's around me, it's as if he transforms into a different person. To me, he seems like a whole other person, his authentic self.

He is also saying that he is less than an average mind, but I know the truth. He is saying those things because his thoughts are clouded by an invisible thread of melancholy and desolation... For whatever reason he may have, he just can't bring himself to accept that reality...

But above all, despite him being like that...

He's making sure that I'm living the happiest life possible. His love for me as a person is so deep, and he is looking at me properly...

It's just a few days since we've been together, yet everything feels perfect.

I'm falling even deeper in love with him... Every second of me being by his side is not even once monotonously wasted...

When I'm around him, everything feels different...

Izel-kun... the dream man of my life, is finally by my side...

I'm super happy right now. The man who changed my fate is now part of me... 

"Hmm. There is no work today, and I have finished everything I need to do... Um, Mireille, do you have anything you want to do in your mind?"

After the day he accepted my feelings... I spent every moment with Izel-kun, clinging to him like this, lying on his chest, hugging him tightly...

And, as usual, he prioritizes me over his own desires... I'm not planning to let it go like this forever. I want to serve him... 

...I want to give him my everything... and for him to desire me and my body. I want him to ask me what his desires ask of him...

"Then, Izel-kun... do you want to go on a date...?"

"Nn? Yes, I want to go on a date with Mireille as much as possible."

This makes me extremely happy! His words really give his feelings off... Izel-kun wanting to date me... 

My little sister was right all along. Izel-kun was just being considerate of our own social status...


Still, I want to enjoy my current life with him. I don't want to let him go... I'm really thankful that I'm going out with Izel-kun now...

"Izel-kun, umm... thank you for being here and going out with me..."

"No, Mireille, I should be the one thanking you for going out with a nobody like me. And sorry for making you make the confession. It was a pathetic side of me, wasn't it?"

I want to hug him so bad... Even now, he's humble and affectionate to me even though I forced him into dating me...

"Please, don't say that… I cherish you, and I want you to cherish me as well. This time, I don't want you to leave me… I thought you were not interested in me before, so it's fine..."

"Got it. If you are fine with a man like me by your side, I will do my best."

My feelings for him got even more profound than before; my existing feelings for him are being overridden with something even more intense. The way he said those words are heartfelt...

"Un. I love you very much, Izel-kun! I'm so happy right now!"

"I feel the same, Mireille. I love you."

He holds me close, gently stroking my hair, whispering reassurances into my ear. It's really Izel-kun way of doing things...

Izel-kun... I knew it. I really love him. I want to push him into the bed right now...

But I must act according to his preferences.

I hugged Izel-kun tightly, pressing my body with his. I locked my arms around his neck and pulled his damp lips to mine.  


His kiss is so warm... So sweet. Aah... He tastes so good too... I'm happy I kissed him. It feels so perfect...

I want to kiss him more and even more lovingly...

We held each other tight after our kiss ended, staring into each other's eyes.

"It's my first kiss, Izel-kun... It's my thanks for loving me back."

"Ooooh, it's the best! Thank you."

Izel-kun... if you say one more thing, I might not let you go today... You're too cute... 

Our relationship is getting closer and closer. This is what I have wanted ever since I fell in love with him, and this is my dream come true. No matter how many times I fall in love with him, I will never grow tired of his sweetness.

"Fufu~ You're too cute, Izel-kun. I like that part of you. Continue showing me your wonderful and happy face, okay? I'll make you happy so you won't return to your emotionless face."

His bright smile is really adorable...! It's driving me madly in love...! 

"If it's for Mireille, then it's all good."




Two hours later that day...

It's Saturday today...

Izel-kun and I are eating ice cream in an empty park after our date today, sitting on a bench while looking at the people walking and passing by...

Tomorrow was supposed to be the day when everything that was supposed to happen was taking place...

Some things didn't happen this time. Like my Aunt's death, which I'm really glad didn't happen. She is currently living a good and healthy life, and she still remembers the conversation I had with her just like before...

Mii-chan's early appearance and the said criminal organization are happening differently today. 

What's left is... tomorrow's event, where Izel-kun was supposed to disappear... But I'm sure it's not going to happen anymore... I'm sure of it.

I wonder... will Izel-kun believe me if I tell him about the fact that I am a reincarnated person...? Will he believe me if I tell him that he came out of nowhere and changed my life...?

I called out to him in a small voice.

"...Izel-kun... do you believe in reincarnation?"

Izel-kun nodded his head instantly. It seems like he does for some reason... Izel-kun's eyes were glued on mine, and he replied in an equally quiet voice. He seemed to be quite relaxed about it...

"Reincarnation, huh? I guess so. I do believe in that concept."

"I see..."

So he does... I will tell him about it then soon... If it's Izel-kun, he will probably say, ' What about it? Mireille is still Mireille. Even if I know about it, is there something we can do? Will something change?' or something along those lines...

Izel-kun suddenly broke the silence. His eyes were glistening as he spoke up. 

"Tomorrow, do you want to come with me shopping? Groceries, I mean. Every Sunday, I do groceries, so I think it might be fun if we go together...?"

Oh! I'm happy that he finally invited me into something he wants to do! I happily accepted without thinking about anything else! I'm very much looking forward to spending time with Izel-kun!

"Yes! You can bring me anywhere you want to, Izel-kun! Oh, that's wrong... It's, I will follow you wherever you are! We can spend time together!"

I gave him the best smile I had. I made sure it was the most beautiful one I could ever make! I'm sure Izel-kun can feel how happy I am right now... 

"Un. Thank you for today, Izel-kun! I've had so much fun!"

"I'm the same. Thank you for coming with me."

Izel-kun held my hands as we rose up from sitting.

Suddenly, a bright white light on my foot emerged out of nowhere.

"W-What's this...?"

"Mireille, don't let go of my hands!!! Urg..!!!"

Izel-kun was surprised by it too. He tried to pull me away from it, but my feet were stuck fast in the white light.

My mind went blank at first. But after realizing what had happened, I looked down at my feet. The ground I'm standing on is shining brightly. The whole surface surrounding my feet had turned into a beam of light.

Before I knew it, Izel-kun suddenly rushed and hugged me.

As soon as I felt the light touch my feet, the light grew bigger and bigger until it swallowed me whole. 


Afterward, I can feel my consciousness drifting away...

And then, everything became hazy...




"A-Ah...? W-What happened?"

I woke up... I found myself lying down on a grand-lush fancy bed. 

My body was covered in warmth, and I felt comfortable. I think my body is at its peak and in perfect condition.

The room I was in was dark yet wide. There were no windows, and only the dimming nightlight was giving off just enough illumination to see...

The room is majestic in a sense... something that people won't believe if they see...

I'm also wearing a black nightgown... a lovely dress that I haven't ever seen before in my entire life. Even the thought of something like this existing never crossed my mind...

"Mireille-sama, are you awake~? Mireille-sama's been asleep for around ten days..."

A sweet woman's voice called out to me. I turned toward the source of the pleasing voice. 

There, I saw a beautiful girl with long black hair with a glowing blue gradient shade on its opposite side. She has a lovely face. Her beauty is something like the one that only exists in fairy tales and arts, one that reached the level of a goddess. Her slender and delicate body complemented her bountiful pair of breasts, and her skin was gorgeously flawless. I can only say that she is the embodiment of perfection. She has a beautiful and serene smile. But... something's different about that smile of hers... It's destructively trying to get inside my heart...

"U-Um... w-who are you...?"

"Sorry for my late introduction~! My name is Ikigai, your personal servant, Mireille-sama~!"

"Eh...? W-What's happening?"

"I can't tell you anything for now, Mireille-sama. But one thing, I already have taken care of the lowly worms who brought you upon in this ugly world~!"

"What...? What's going on...?"

"Sadly, Danna-sama can't meet you right now. But for now, this Ikigai will accompany you~! Don't worry, Mireille-sama, I'm just an ordinary girl~! We'll talk lots and have fun outside, okay!?"

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