I Reincarnated As Garou With A System

Chapter 2: CH 2: Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock

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Chapter Two
Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock


After getting through the small shock I had when I looked at my status, I headed towards the training grounds where I had previously heard the sounds of fighting. Coming out through a sliding door, I watched as a large shadow came from overhead.


I ducked to the side in an instant, and looked back to see a giant Gi-wearing man knocked out cold. I turned to see where the man came from and found another large man looking at me with a mocking grin.


I huffed and got to my feet, as I looked around and saw Master Bang not to far away. He was looking at me with a small smile on his face, and a moment later he came my way.


Standing hunchbacked a few feet away, Bang spoke to me with a somewhat serious tone. "Are you ready to learn the martial arts of my dojo, Young Garou?" I nodded resolutely, and he nodded as well before turning around and motioning for me to follow.


Only a few steps behind, I followed the old and fearsome martial artist to the other side of the training grounds, where he stopped and turned to face me. "I will now demonstrate the martial art technique that I created, called Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock!"


As he said the name of the martial art, he took a stance and then started moving in a wavy but smooth rhythm. My eyes widened, and I felt as if I had been enlightened. It was then that I took the same stance of Master Bang.


Garou had started moving and mimicking Bang's technique, making a rough and incomplete but visible affect. Bang's movements came to a halt, and he stared at Garou in bewilderment and wonder. This young man had just copied his technique albeit roughly with but a glance.


That was the sign of a supreme genius if any, and Bang took this chance to teach his new young disciple an eye-opening lesson. He, with only that slight pause, continued to move in motion with his perfected art, attacking the air and defending against invisible hits.


At this point, both Garou and Bang had no clue that this scenario was a prelude to an incredible series of events, spiring out of control in the course of years to come. Not only that, but Garou had gotten a notification from his system at this moment.


Once thirty minutes had passed, Bang stopped moving, followed by Garou who almost instantly fell unconscious. His mind had been in a state of extreme focus where he constantly absorbed and assimilated all knowledge given to him.


Though in that thirty minute time frame, something inconceivable happened to of occurred. During the entire time that Bang had been demonstrating for, Garou had been almost unconsciously copying Bang's movements.


Every second Garou had continued to improve at a monstrous pace, and it was to the point that by the end, Garou's mastery over the art had reached far above what any of his disciples had reached. It was still incomplete, and far from being perfect, but it was still improving, even now.


The old martial artist just smiled at the sweaty mess the young man had made of himself, then had a disciple take Garou to his own room. In all his years old life, he had never seen such a wonderous sight, and now that he had, he wanted to nurture it with all that he had.



Fifteen Hours Later...


After a rather long nap, Garou had finally started to awaken. His sharp golden irises reflected in the moonlight coming from the window. Seeing so, Garou sighed and stood up causing him to wince a few times.

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His head felt heavy, and his body was slightly aching, but it was bearable for the most part. Still wearing the now stiff clothes, and feeling dirty all over, Garou went and took a shower.


Half an hour later, he was all cleaned up and refreshed after taking a nice cool shower. He wore a clean set of the same clothes from before as he came out of the washroom and headed towards the training grounds.


It was currently just past one in the morning, and the surroundings were only dimly lit by the moonlight that shone in though the hallway windows. Still though, with everyone asleep and a his massive gains, he couldn't just lie back down and go to bed.


Exiting the building and entering the training grounds, he looked around found no one, eliciting a small smirking smile from Garou. He came here because he wanted to test out and look at a few things.


Walking over to the center of the training grounds, he popped his neck to relieve some pressure before opening up his status. 'Status.'


Status – 〈Quests〉 – 〈Shop〉 – 〈Inventory〉 – 〈Settings〉 ‹♦›

Name: Garou | Age: 15
Level: 0 (0/100) | EXP: 0 | Class: None
Strength: 12 | Vitality: ∞ | Focus: 15
Traits: (Immortal Mind), (Immortal Soul), (Supreme Talent)
Characteristics: (Immortal Body), (Physical Adaptation)

Skills: (Scan)



My strength had apparently increased by two points, and my focus seemed to have gone up by five points. Not sure how that's quantified, but what I'm more interested in is this new notification and the quest tab.


Looking at the slowly flashing diamond that signaled a new notification, it automatically opened and two smaller and wider screens appeared in front of my status.


[Proficiency Acquired: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist]
[Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: Stage Two - (Intermediate)]


Simply fantastic. I had already reached the intermediate skill level of this illustrious martial art. It was something I must completely master in order to implement my 'plan'.


It was the simple and effective plan of secretly mastering the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and then secretly memorizing the hidden Explosion Release Fist that Bang had stored away in his safe. Afterwards I would leave and head straight for Bomb's dojo.


I planned to learn and gain everything I could from the hero side before reverting back to the dark side. I know a now uncertain future, not only that, I have information that could help me in more ways than one, so with that I should have an easier time.


After Garou's initial spur of thought and excitement, he calmed down and started training in a trance, constantly finding and fixing flaws in his movements and actions. Garou had planned to speedily and steadily make his way to the top of the hero food chain like this, and soon enough, the dawning sun advanced upon the horizon.


----- To Be Continued -----

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