I Reincarnated as Surtr but I Never Used Six Star Guards!?

I Reincarnated as Surtr but I Never Used Six Star Guards!?

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I Reincarnated as Surtr but I Never Used Six Star Guards!?

Review: 9.3/10 from 18 ratings

Allowed to choose where they would like to reincarnate, the wanderer's soul was ecstatic to be able to accomplish his mortal goal of living in the world of Terra, where diseases, catastrophes and wars ran amok at many places, spending his few wishes on it. However, it seemed that his desires were misinterpreted once he realized that his soul was now residing in the body of the demonic person who caused the biggest upheaval in his previous life, and who also loves ice cream more than anyone else.

A fanfic about a character of the mobile game Arknights. There won't be any romance, but ecchi scenes should be expected at any moment.

I'm writing as a hobby and this story is more of a pass-time so I might be updating very irregularly, and without much editing process, so beware: bad writing ahead.

The chapter size will always be 1500~ words. And the story's timeline might differ from the game's actual timeline at times. I hope you enjoy reading.

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