I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars

Chapter 2: 2

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Ch2 - The second day of hoarding money to raise the cub

Isn’t it good to inherit billions of dollars?


The thin and dark figure shuttled quickly between the dilapidated and dangerous buildings.

Soon, a small building that looked out of place in this chaotic street came into view.



The exterior walls are clean, there is no garbage piled up around, and there is even a small vegetable field in front of the building.

An idle man stood in front of the small building, and two burly subordinates standing in front of him were knocking on the door loudly. 

Inside the door, Jin Fei hugged the little boy and angrily scolded them to leave.


The man blocking the door yelled at the electronic peephole monitor: “I said you should just open the door! Save me from kicking in the door! Lu Liran died in the no-man’s land. He promised to come back in fifteen days, but it’s been a few days and there’s still no news? This was not the case before, right?”

As soon as the man finished speaking, he heard the sound of a child sobbing softly from the door.

“Hurry up, get out if you don’t pay the protection fee!”


He slammed the door twice again, but still no movement inside, but more and more people around to poke their heads out and watch the fun.

Having an audience made Chen Duan even more proud. He spat heavily, and finally threatened: “I’ll count to three, if you don’t open the door for me, I’ll kick in!”

The middle-aged man behind the door picked up the little boy and quickly hid in the secret door behind the cupboard.





Before he finished speaking, he heard a sudden movement behind him. He turned his head sensitively to look, but only saw the leaf petals in the vegetable field swaying slightly, and the air seemed to diffuse a light spicy and bitter taste.

Chen Duan frowned, and while observing the surroundings, he immediately ordered his subordinates: “Smash it!” 

“You’re looking for death.” A deep and hoarse voice sounded above Chen Duan’s head, like a ghost that eluded people, coming quietly.

Chen Duan was startled, and turned around quickly, only to see his two burly and strong men fall to the ground, clutching their throats in pain, but couldn’t make a sound, let alone breathe.

Chen Duan subconsciously took a few steps back, but his foot stepped on the air, and he fell to the ground on his face.

Before he had time to get up, he was suddenly lifted up by a force. 

Chen Duan took a closer look, and saw that the man ,who he thought had died in no man’s land, had returned at some point, and his choking pheromones made him tremble all over.

“I said, if you don’t mess with my family, everyone will live in peace.” Lu Liran clamped Chen Duan’s neck, his hand was like iron cuffs, no matter how hard Chen Duan struggled, he remained motionless, and his dark brown pupils reflected the pain and distortion of the other party’s expression.


Chen Duan was lifted by Lu Liran with his feet a few centimeters off the ground. The fear of suffocation made him kick his legs and slap Lu Liran’s arm vigorously: “I…let me go…”

Lu Liran looked at him coldly until Chen Duan could no longer speak, his eyes turned white and his head was flushed, then he let go of his hand suddenly and threw Chen Duan back to the ground. 

He stepped on the man’s neck with a slight force with his heel.

Chen Duan screamed, his fragile neck was under the pressure he couldn’t resist, and it seemed that he would be crushed in minutes.

“Don’t let me see you again, do you understand?” Lu Liran looked at the man at his feet coldly with gloomy eyes, and word by word each sounded in the other’s ears.

Chen Duan nodded in horror. For the first time in his life, he realized that he was so close to death. As soon as he felt the strength in his head and neck loosen, he immediately ran away in a panic. 

“Take your people with you and get out.” Lu Liran let out a low snort.

Chen Duan ran back in a hurry, and finally dragged away his two bulky and burly subordinates.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oe Olgjc ibbxfv jgbecv jujlc ja atf cflutybgr ktb kfgf qbxlcu atflg tfjvr bea ab kjamt atf fzmlafwfca. Coafg fnfgsbcf gfmflnfv Oe Olgjc’r ujhf, atfs jii klrfis gfagfjafv yjmx lcab atflg tberf.

Oe Olgjc klatvgfk tlr ujhf mbivis, tf fztjifv ilutais, atfc kjixfv ab atf rwjii yelivlcu, jcv xcbmxfv bc atf vbbg. 

Soon, the door was opened by the housekeeper, and a small figure rushed out of the house like a cannonball, and crashed into Lu Liran’s arms.

Lu Liran regained his senses, and immediately lifted the little guy up with one hand.

The little boy nestled onto Lu Liran’s shoulder refused to raise his head. Accompanied by the thin sound of sobbing, the T-shirt on Lu Liran’s shoulder was quickly soaked.

He kissed the little boy’s short curly golden-brown hair with some distress and apology, and comforted him in a low voice: “I’m back, little guy. Don’t cry.” 

When the little boy heard this, his wailing became even louder, as if he wanted to cry all his grievances to his father for the past few days.

Lu Liran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, he seldomly dealt with his own little boy’s howling. No matter how gently he comforted him, the little guy was still crying.

He was worried about Lu Ziqian’s heart, so he switched to his military instructor mode, putting on a majestic appearance, and said in a deep voice: “Lu Ziqian, stand at attention.”

Hearing this, the little boy, who was still howling, suddenly held back his mouth. There were still two small clear crystal teardrops hanging on his face, but he was already able to consciously obey the military instructor’s command. 

When Lu Liran saw this, the deliberately serious expression on his face immediately broke, and he amusedly scratched the tip of the little boy’s tender nose.

Since his child learned that he was a soldier who fought in the war, he became very interested in anything related to militarization. After watching the military parade on TV, he especially likes playing military games with him and the housekeeper.


This is the only method that can immediately restrain the little guy.

He looked up at Jin Fei beside him, he smiled slightly, and said softly: “I’m back.” 

“Young master.” Jin Fei stood up straight with his hands behind his back, a little excited. He kept telling the little young master that the news about the young master was all fake, but after losing contact with Lu Liran for a long time, even he himself could not help but hesitate.

In such a place that is not much better than a slum, they can live in a small independent and clean building not only because they have some savings, but also because the people here fear strangers.

But once Lu Liran ceased to be their protective umbrella, this small building would soon become someone else’s stronghold.

Fortunately, the young master came back unharmed. 

Jin Fei pursed his lips excitedly, but the inarticulate housekeeper finally just nodded at Lu Liran, “I’ll prepare hot water for you, you’ll need this.”

Lu Liran looked at him and nodded slightly: “Thanks for your hard work.”

Soon, Lu Liran washed up, put on clean clothes and came downstairs.

He took out the rabbit eagle cub from the storage compartment and called Lu Ziqian over. 

The little guy reached out his hand curiously and carefully to say hello to his future little friend, and immediately fell in love with this fluffy and docile little rabbit eagle.

“I’m going to call it Fen-Fen.” Lu Ziqian announced. 

The immature rabbit eagle is covered with flesh-colored fluff.  At first glance, it looks like a ball of pink fur, which is very vivid.

Lu Liran smiled, he looked at the housekeeper again, and took out a fresh winter spring grass covered with dirt: “This is for you.”

Winter spring grass can nourish injured organs, and it is a medium-precious herb. The wild herbs in no-man’s land are even more valuable.

You are reading story I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars at novel35.com

Jin Fei was slightly startled, he pursed his lips, and did not make hypocritical excuses, he needed this. 

“Thank you, young master.”

Lu Liran patted Jin Fei on the shoulder: “Also, there’s good news, we’re moving.”


Lu Liran had already considered this issue on the way back, he then said to Jin Fei, “I have already contacted the transport airship, we will move out tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?! Are you in such a hurry?” Jin Fei was a little surprised. 

“There is nothing to linger on and hesitate.” Lu Liran picked up the little boy, and scratched the tip of the little guy’s nose, and said with a slight smile.

He added: “Let’s stay at the Central hotel first, where the security is better, at least the situation today will not happen again. I will continue to look for a permanent residence.”

“Is there enough money?” Jin Fei frowned. One night at the Star City Central Hotel is the living expenses of most residents on this planet for a month.

Just as Jin Fei finished speaking, a message popped up on Lu Liran’s communicator—— 

[Great god! Great god! I just auctioned off all that stuff!]

[The black timor deer, excluding the skeleton and internal organs, was sold for 280,000. The two adult rabbit eagles were sold for 40,000, and the other bits and pieces were sold for a total of less than 70,000. I will send you a detailed list later!]

[Hehe, in addition to the previously agreed upon agent fee of 5%, I’ll transfer a total of 370,000 to you, great god. You can confirm your account now!]

[Yes, yes, there is one more thing. I received a message that someone is asking about your situation, great god, and probably wanted your cooperation, but I didn’t take the liberty of giving them your information!] 

Lu Liran read the message sent by the black market businessman at a glance, and just replied “Got it” to the other party, when he heard the prompt sound of star coins arriving in his account.

[Your friend Xiao Hei (remark: Black Marker Businessman in No man’s land) transfers to you: 370,000 star coins]

Lu Liran looked at Jin Fei: “I will earn it.”

Jin Fei let out a sigh of relief: “If you need anything, just ask.” 

Lu Liran responded without saying anything.

Afterwards, he took Lu Ziqian back to the cub’s room and stayed with him for a while. The little guy seemed tired and fell asleep lazily again.

Lu Liran quietly went downstairs, he walked into the kitchen, and poured himself a glass of strong wine.

He needs a higher bounty, more rewarding rate, and the level of difficulty is secondary. 

Jin Fei noticed him and followed silently.

The panel seemed to capture Lu Liran’s thoughts, and a line of light with golden lettering pops up, suspended in the air as if flowing:


[The newly opened interstellar live broadcast function can help you earn more rewards under the same risk. The popularity value and bounty generated in the live broadcast can be converted into cash flow proportionally.]

Lu Liran paused, he looked up at jin Fei: “Have you heard of live broadcast?” 

Jin Fei: “?”

It seems that he doesn’t understand it either. Lu Liran thought.

A new line pops up on the panel that reads:

[But the live broadcast requires you to at least interact with the audience, otherwise you will lose the audience, and there will be no follow-up popularity and rewards. You can check out how other people’s interstellar broadcasts are conducted.] 

Lu Liran paused, and muttered in his heart, the ghost knows what to say during live broadcast, he needs to observe and learn.

He entered the interstellar live broadcast platform and found that most of them were live broadcasts at home—— cooking at home, aerobic coaching at home, a gaming king at home, a female singer at home…

Lu Liran also saw the classification of live broadcasts in the wild. He went in to have a look with great interest, and then backed out expressionlessly.

He poked at the live broadcast with the title of ‘survival in the wild’ on his optical brain, and couldn’t help complaining to Jin Fei: “That’s it, dare to say survival in the wild?” 

It’s just a rich second generation driving an airship that can capture dynamic projections, then take the audience to appreciate the scenery.

The airship is covered with tens of thousands of high-definition 8K lenses inside and outside, projecting the landscape directly into the airship, like being in it rather than in an airship.

Such technology is rarely used in private entertainment because of its high price, and only this super-rich second generation have such a luxury, this bluffed the vast majority of viewers in the live broadcast room who had never heard of it.

Lu Liran saw through the other party’s tricks after just one glance, because the core design of this technology came from the Lu Group. 

Jin Fei couldn’t help laughing, and said: “Young master, do you want to start a live broadcast? Then you must be a clear stream in this kind of live broadcast.”

For a moment, Lu Liran couldn’t tell whether his housekeeper was praising him or teasing him. 

He showed Jin Fei the list of rewards received. The highest anchor earns more than 100,000, even the crappy “survival” of the rich second generation is on the list.

The housekeeper’s pupils quivered, and he said immediately: “Young master, please make sure to open the live broadcast! Even that can be listed, if you don’t open one, it will be too wasteful!”


Lu Liran smiled, and then muttered to himself in a low voice: “First of all, I hope my appearance won’t scare the audience away.”

Jin Fei looked at Lu Liran disapprovingly: “Your scars just make you look more heroic. Although you don’t look like an Omega, what does that matter?” 

Lu Liran laughed, his housekeeper’s calf-protecting skills are in the same line as his family.

He downed the strong wine in his glass and casually turned on the TV light screen hanging on the fireplace.

That incomparable seven-year-long interstellar war has come to an end, and news about the First Commander of the Federation has been everywhere recently.

“It is reported that the long campaign of the seven-year war draws to a complete close today, with the First Commander of the Federation, Ke Ji, declaring the Federation victorious and the defeated completely out of our galaxy.” 

The commander’s mecha appeared on the screen. The First Commander of the Federation always appeared in front of the public with that unique steel blue mecha, and in front of him were rows of troops in neat formation.

Jin Fei looked at the picture on the TV and smiled a little: “The war is finally over. We used to be there, ah.”

“By the way, young master, which team were you in before?” Jin Fei asked curiously.

“Mobile Team One.” Lu Liran replied. 

“Team one? Is it directly under the Commander? Have you met the Commander?” Jin Fei suddenly became excited.

Lu Liran looked at his housekeeper with some amusement. But it’s no wonder, among all the soldiers who participated in that war, there’s no one who does not worship Ke Ji. If it was him, if Ke Ji was standing right in front of him, he would be trembling with excitement too, right?

He squinted his eyes, as if he was recalling something, and said after a pause, “I guess…I’ve seen him before, ba.”

Lu Liran drank all the wine in his glass again and was stopped by Jin Fei when he wanted to refill it for himself. 

“Young master, you drank enough tonight.” Jin Fei looked at him disapprovingly.

Lu Liran had no choice but to withdraw his hand, he turned around reluctantly and walked back upstairs, muttering in a low voice: “Okay, okay, I’m going to sleep.”

Jin Fei laughed, and he turned off the TV casually, completely oblivious to the fact that a missing person news was being broadcast on the TV at the moment——

“Federal billionaire and successor of the Lu Group, Lu Liqing, offers a high price for his biological brother who was lost in the war…” 

The author has something to say:

The former Lu Liran: If I don’t join the army, I have to go home and inherit a billion dollar family fortune


The current Lu Liran: Isn’t it good to inherit hundreds of millions of family property???

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