I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars

Chapter 27: 24.2

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Ch24.2 - The twenty fourth day of hoarding money to raise the cub (2)

(Two in one) [Shoot, close call!]


“Earlier, I made a set of fishing gear on an icy river in front, I wonder if there will be any harvest. Now it’s time to go and collect the net.” Lu Liran skipped the topic.

He pushed aside the short bushes in front of him, and strode towards the target direction.



Ke Ji quickly followed, a little surprised: “Fishing?”

“Hmm.” Lu Liran made a nasal sound, “I used a few pieces of that earthworm as bait, otherwise you would have eaten more. I hope it wasn’t wasted.” 

Ke Ji’s expression changed a little when he heard that, that’s really…not a pity.


He laughed dryly and said: “I think it’s pretty good as bait.”

Lu Liran glanced at him: “Don’t be so squeamish. It’s good to have something to eat.”

[Hahahahaha Brother Lu, don’t do this! You will not find a wife!]


[Brother Lu- a cooked dried rice without emotion]

[I suspect that Brother Lu didn’t treat him as an Omega at all]


Soon, the two arrived near the ice river. 

Lu Liran walked near the ice hole dug earlier, and as usual, made a sign of the cross on his chest, kissed his right hand and prayed in a low voice: “Any small fish is fine.”

Ke Ji listened to Lu Liran’s muttering in an amused manner. The impression Lu Liran gave him was not like someone who would pray superstitiously, such a contrast actually made him find it somewhat cute.

Lu Liran carefully pushed aside the dead branches and leaves stuffed inside, and gently pulled the rope to feel the weight underneath.

His eyes lit up slightly, he looked at Ke Ji and said: “It seems like something has been hooked.” 

After he finished speaking, he pulled up the fishing rope lightly and cautiously. The long rope was soaked in icy water, it was like an ice pick in the hand, which was painfully cold.

He moved lightly and quickly. Soon, two pairs of tiny sheep horns were brought out of the hole, and two pairs of sheep horns were equivalent to four small horn-like fishhooks, and only two of which hung something.

One hung a large silver fish that was still jumping, and the other hooked a palm-sized sea prawn, leaving the two remaining horns with nothing to gain.

Even so, Lu Liran was still very satisfied. 

[Brother Lu stared at the big fish with gentle eyes, as if he was looking at an Omega]

[Not Omega, Ke Meiren has personally verified that Omega will not receive such treatment, so I can only say that it’s like looking at his partner]


[Even if Ke Meiren faints from crying, he’s beautiful, sweet and rich, but in Brother Lu’s heart, he’s not as good as the fish]

He took down the big fish and slammed it on the ice with all his strength, and just that one shot stunned the big fish that was alive and kicking. 

“It weighs at least four and a half catties.” Lu Liran weighed it up and said, looking at the camera, “This is silver star fish, named after its silvery star-like stripes on its fins, which emits faint light in dark sea water, attracting small fish and shrimps to eat.”

“This is not on the list of protected animals in the wild star, which means it is on my recipe for tonight.” Lu Liran said and threw it directly into the backpack.

“This sea prawn can be eaten raw, but I plan to keep it first.” He didn’t forget the other small catch, which he also packed into his backpack.

[Hahaha, I think in Brother Lu’s eyes, there may only be food that can be eaten and food that cannot be eaten (Bounty targets only)] 

[True, the bounty target has to keep his mouth shut!]

[Don’t forget the Desolate Star protected animals]

[Protected animals: Thanks to the Desolate Star Animal Protection Law, thanks to the ancestors]

[Silver star fish: Dare to eat the anchor’s bait without a death-free gold medal, what a mistake] 

[As soon as Brother Lu makes a move, he will know there is one! Finally got a good meal tonight! —— CryoftheSummerInsects gifted the anchor 1x Sukiyaki pot]

[Compared to the trap made by Ke Meiren, it really made people die of laughter, haha]

Lu Liran didn’t think there was anything wrong with Ke Ji’s trap, it was just luck, what’s more, it rained in the forest last night, so the probability of the wild beast appearing was greatly reduced.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Meanwhile, the ice river is frozen, and when there’s a small hole that can collude with oxygen, most fish and shrimp would instinctively come over, so the chances of him being able to catch the prey were even greater. 

Dea Oe Olgjc vlvc’a rjs wemt, rlcmf Bf Al kjcafv ab tlvf tlr jylilalfr, tf vlvc’a ajix abb wemt ab fzqijlc jcv mijglos obg atf batfg qjgas.

“Ktf tjgnfra lr cba yjv, ifa’r xffq ublcu.” Oe Olgjc qea bc tlr yjmxqjmx jujlc, jcv rjlv ab Bf Al.

Bf Al gfrqbcvfv.

The further south they go, the gentler the slope becomes, and the altitude gradually decreases, but the surrounding vegetation is becoming more and more dense. 

The shrubs that originally only reached the height of the calf gradually reached the height of the waist, and some were even as tall as Lu Liran.

Such an environment undoubtedly slowed down the pace of the two of them. The only tool in Lu Liran’s hand that can be used to open the way is an outdoor knife.


Despite its sharpness, in the face of layers upon layers of forest obstacles, it seemed quite a stretch.

“Walking in such a dense forest, it is easy to lose your sense of direction.” Lu Liran took a sip to moisten his lips, he looked around and said, “And the surrounding overlapping bushes and trees make it difficult to tell exactly where it ends.” 

“Ten backpackers once went into a wild forest to experience the fun of the wilderness. They originally planned to explore near the edge of the wild forest, however, there was this unexpected rainstorm that made them easily lose their way.”


[It’s hard not to get the wrong idea]

[Brother Lu: Everyone, be serious, I’m telling a story!]

“Their bodies were found after a week of blanket searches. But no one expected that the place where the bodies were found would have reached deeper into the heart of the forest, which was completely different from the direction the backpackers originally planned.”

“None of the ten corpses was intact——whether they were attacked by wild animals or eaten by scavengers after death. The tragic condition of the corpses made the search and rescue personnel at the scene unable to eat for two days.”

Lu Liran’s voice was flat, with no ups and downs, but it was convincing, which gives people goosebumps on their arms.

Ke Ji looked at him, and Lu Liran seemed to understand the other person’s eyes, and added: “I was the leader of that search and rescue team. The government gave a good reward.” 

[Oh my god, it’s so miserable, it’s hard to imagine what those ten people went through…]

[It made Brother Lu so disgusted that he couldn’t eat…how scary the scene must be]

“It’s not me who can’t eat for two days, it’s the other two team members.” Lu Liran clarified.

People are iron and rice is steel, how can he not eat.

[…dbq, underestimated Brother Lu]


[Brother Lu: What’s the difference, they're all little brothers ]

“I said this just to tell everyone that to survive in the wild, the first thing you need to do is to get a clear direction.” Lu Liran said, “Even if doing so will consume a lot of physical strength and calories, it is necessary and worthwhile.”

“It’s like on the first day of the live broadcast, I tried my best to climb on top of a ridge in Arlok first, just to get a clear direction and find a way out.”

“The core goal of getting a clear direction is the first element in wilderness survival and must be kept in mind.” 

[Good, anchor! I’m keeping a notebook!]

[Highlight the key points, you will have to take the exam in the future!]

Lu Liran pointed to a tall tree not far away, and said: “Did you see that tree? It’s almost the tallest tree in my field of vision so far. I plan to climb up to see the surrounding situation.”

“Look, there are many fist-sized fruits on the tree, with thorns growing on them, which look hideous. This should be hanging bell fruit, commonly known as breadfruit. Those green and purple ones are ripe and edible.” Lu Liran said. 

These fruits only grow close to the crown of the tree. Looking up from the ground, if not for Lu Liran’s excellent scouting skills and rich experience, they wouldn’t be able to see it at first glance.

You are reading story I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars at novel35.com

“The texture of breadfruit is a bit like frozen fat. One breadfruit can provide a dozen times more calories and protein than the same portion of beef, even if it’s just to pick these fruits, I’m going up there.”

[Frozen fat…my mom asked me why I’m wearing a pain mask again]

[Brother Lu’s description is getting closer to Ke Meiren, QAQ I can already imagine it] 

“Breadfruit is not bad to eat.” Lu Liran added.

The lens of the camera ball showed the direction of Lu Liran’s finger.

The fruit tree that Lu Liran refers to is a hanging bell fir. It prefers shade and is cold-tolerant, and usually grows in the same forest with pine trees and broad-leaved trees.

The tree in front of him was estimated to be decades or even hundreds of years old, and it was about ten stories high, which was close to forty meters. 

[ Woc, wait, Brother Lu wants to climb up? Climbing with bare hands? so high!!]

[You’re kidding, what if you fall down…]


[Or just look for hillsides or ridges or something]

“We have descended 300 meters below the forest line, and the surrounding terrain has become flat. Climbing up this sycamore tree is indeed the last resort.” Lu Liran wiped his hands dry. 

He took out the bundle of ropes, tied them to the soles of his shoes, and said while tying them: “The purpose of tying the ropes to the soles of the feet is to increase the coefficient of friction. The force of climbing trees is mainly concentrated on the feet, and the hands drive the strength of the limbs to pull upwards.”

As he spoke, he tied another knot in the rope as his second insurance.

“The strength of the human legs is much greater than the arms, or the large muscle groups of the legs account for a higher ratio. If you rely on your arms to a great extent, it won’t take long for the arm muscles to become sore and weak. At that time, if you’re hanging on a tree, it will be over.”

Lu Liran looked at the camera ball. He was ready. He hugged the tree trunk tightly with his hands, his waist and abdomen suddenly reel, as he showed his strength, then he soared more than half a meter, and hung on the hanging bell fir. 

“Climbing a tree is actually the use of reaction force. While pushing on the trunk with both feet, the reaction force from the trunk can be leveraged upward to drive the body to climb, alternating the role of the feet and hands, the rhythm should not be chaotic, which will save a lot of effort.”

While speaking, Lu Liran demonstrated a few alterations, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped to a place about six or seven meters above the ground.

[Wow cool! Suddenly, I felt like climbing trees is not so difficult!?]

[Wake up, it’s because it’s the anchor, so it looks so easy. We ordinary people have this wall with the anchor—— Clear-headedHuman gifted the anchor 1x white truffle] 

At a height of six or seven meters, more and more branches began to appear. Branches of different thickness grow horizontally, blocking Lu Liran’s upward path, like annoying obstacles.

“Tree climbing is very similar to the bare-handed rock climbing mentioned earlier—— Define the next point of grip and never take any chances.” Lu Liran said.

He looked up at the tree trunk in front of him, then wiped the sweat from his hands again, and climbed up another ten meters with all his might before stopping.

“This hanging bell fir tree is very old. Some branches are alive in their prime, while others are empty. It looked thick, but it was actually dead, like a layer of dead skin hanging on the trunk.” 

“So when it comes to this situation, we have to be extremely careful with every step up the ladder and remember to prepare a temporary emergency escape route for ourselves.”

While adjusting his breathing, Lu Liran took a short rest. At a height of nearly 20 meters, there were dense branches, and he could fully use his strength to half-dock his body on the tree.

The camera ball flew to his side and shot down at the ground from a bird’s-eye view, and Ke Ji, who was staying in place, was only as small as a finger.

[Holy shit, even though I know the anchor has already climbed very high, it’s too exciting to suddenly switch angles and look down!] 

[Mom, is this really a height that humans can climb with bare hands…]

[Brother Lu is really strong, offer my knees]


Lu Liran looked around, but unfortunately, those trees such as pines and firs generally have a height of more than twenty meters, so he still has to continue to climb some more.

The higher he goes, the dense branches and leaves become a burden, and Lu Liran has to spare a hand to push aside the branches to clear a path for himself to climb. 

“Now it’s about thirty-five meters high, and we can already see the situation in the distance.” Lu Liran stepped on a tree branch, then leaned on the hanging bell fir with his hands on the trunk, and said while gasping for breath

He looked out into the distance and could see the sun half-slanting above the sea level, burning orange red, very beautiful.

“That’s the Barents Sea!” Lu Liran pointed not far away, and from his side, he could even clearly see the ships moored on the sea.

There was a hint of excitement in Lu Liran’s voice: “We are not far from the coastline.” 

“But you guys look at the direction.  Although I have tried my best to maintain the direction along the way, there is still a little deviation.”

“It’s like two rays forming an angle. Even if the direction of the deviation is so subtle that it is almost unnoticeable at first. But as the route gets longer and longer, the gap in the deviation becomes more pronounced.”

“Fortunately, the current deviation is not too big, and we didn’t take too many wrong turns.” Lu Liran heaved a sigh of relief. After clearing the direction, he can go down the tree with peace of mind.

But before going down the tree, he has to get the fruit that grows near the crown to be thrown down. 

He called Ke Ji, reminding Ke Ji to stay away from the tree so as not to be injured.

He took out an outdoor knife from his pocket, intending to cut off a branch full of hanging bell fruits (breadfruit) nearby.

“The shell of breadfruit is very hard, even if it falls from such a high place, it will not break easily, but I hope it can break, at least break open a little more gaps. Lu Liran said, “Otherwise it’s too hard to open.”

[Pfft, there is actually food that is difficult for Brother Lu!] 

[It’s just hard to open, the anchor said, as long as he want to eat, he can pick up even the hardest shell]

It took Lu Liran a little effort to cut off the branch with a small and sharp outdoor knife.

Just when he put away the knife, there was a very slight cracking sound from the tree branch he was stepping on.

[What’s that sound?!] 

[The branch is about to break!!!]

[Brother Lu, be careful!!]


Lu Liran’s pupils shrank slightly, and the perception of the slight trembling of the branches under his feet came faster than the sound, and the muscles in his legs tensed and bulged immediately, and he shifted his center of gravity quickly long before the bullet screen was full of reminders.

He crouched on the main trunk, his strong waist and abdomen clinging to the tree trunk, and his slender and powerful fingers firmly dug into the heart of the tree, quickly stabilizing his body. 

Just as he was stabilizing his figure, the tree branch also fell vertically.

He glanced down with lingering fear, and saw that the branch of the tree fell violently on the dense trunk, and broke into several pieces after just a few impacts.

The height of thirty-five meters, if it were him, he would be broken into several sections as a result.

[Shoot, close call!] 

[Brother Lu’s reaction is absolutely amazing! So fast that I didn’t even have time to type!]

[Having climbed so high, yet can still maintain such a high level of alertness, and physical strength…just what kind of person is he, ah?]

[Don’t forget what Brother Lu ate these days, and he was also injured, but he actually had such a reaction—— PutYourKneesDown gifted the anchor 1x Top-quality Wagyu Beef]

[The Desolate Star Special Forces trainee said…our devil instructors have never done this level of special training! This is completely beyond the acceptance of normal people!! —— North Sea gifted the anchor 1x Buddha Jumps Over the Wall] 

[The anchor is awesome, and it doesn’t need an explanation—— SaltedFish YuYu gifted the anchor 1x Buddha Jumping Over the Wall]

Lu Liran adjusted his breath and looked at the ground, false alarm, and said: “I was careless, I stayed on that branch for too long, I thought it could bear my weight.”

“Thanks to North Sea and SaltedFish YuYu for the Buddha Jumping over the wall, and for the top-quality wagyu beef, put your knees down.” Lu Liran said.

He exhaled, then wiped the cold sweat from his palms, and said: “Now, I’m going down. It took me longer than expected to climb this tree, but it was rewarding.” 

“The sun has begun to sink towards sea level, meaning that darkness will fall soon, and we need to find shelter for tonight as soon as possible.” Lu Liran spoke up.

The speed at which he descended the tree was significantly faster, and the muscles of his arms and legs burst out with powerful lines.

[I thought that Brother Lu’s physical strength would not be enough after climbing this tree…I didn’t expect that he could climb down the tree so fast and steadily, amazing!!]

[Brother Lu: There is no word “no” in my dictionary!] 

[Let me just ask, how many Alphas can achieve Brother Lu’s strength!]

[If it wasn’t for Brother Lu’s disfigurement…which Omega wouldn’t want to marry!]


[Fuck, I don’t like to hear that, I’m happy to marry Brother Lu no matter what he looks like, okay, I feel very secure!]


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