I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars

Chapter 30: 26.2

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Ch26.2 - The twenty sixth day of hoarding money to raise the cub (2)

(Two in one) [My mom, this body makes me so greedy]


After the rain stopped, the stagnant water slowly subsided.

Thanks to the rich tree root system here, the stagnant water receded quickly, and Lu Liran and Ke Ji did not have to walk in the water for too long.



After confirming the direction to go yesterday, Lu Liran had no worries, and picked up the speed of the journey in one breath, which was incomparable with the travel progress they had in the forest two days ago.

While accelerating his speed, he paid attention to Ke Ji’s situation from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the other party didn’t try to keep up with him, and only pretended to be tired and weak and gasped for breath when he met his eyes, Lu Liran rolled his eyes and sped up without hesitation. 

Ke Ji:“……”


Seeing that Lu Liran looked like he didn’t even bother to expose him, he simply didn’t pretend to be weak, as long as he kept his Omega vest, that’s enough. Ke Ji thought in his heart.

It was not interesting to walk through the conservation forest. There were densely planted pines and firs everywhere, and there was no need for any fancy movement skills, and the layman wouldn’t find it difficult, at most, they would sigh with emotion how good the physical endurance these two people had.

Lu Liran quickly stopped at the top of a slightly steep hill. With the support of the fir tree beside him, he propped up on the side of a fir tree to look into the distance, while adjusting his breathing and stopped.


Ke Ji was a few steps behind him: “Why did you stop?”

Lu Liran moved away from his field of vision and motioned Ke Ji to look for himself.

He saw that there was a gap of about 10 meters between this slope and the opposite forest.


Lu Liran took a sip of water, he gasped and said: “I didn’t expect that it would be impossible to get there. If you want to go around the opposite side, it would take too much energy.” 

[But it’s not possible to go around the road, ah]

[Brother Lu only brought a rope, maybe he wants to make a grapnel or something, throw it to the opposite side, and then climb over?]

[Have you read too many martial arts novels]

“The rope I brought can’t bear the weight of an adult right now.” Lu Liran tugged at the bundle of rope tied around his waist, “After repeated use, the rope has spread into several strands, and the strength it can bear may only be one-third of its original strength. It is absolutely impossible to make a rope ladder.” 

Ke Ji agreed.

He glanced at the bottom of the hillside, and there was a pool of unknown depth. The area of the pool was not that big, looking across a height of about twenty meters, it can be covered by a palm.

Lu Liran noticed Ke Ji’s gaze, and said in a low voice: “Are you thinking the same as me?”

“I just don’t know the depth.” Ke Ji didn’t ask Lu Liran what he was thinking, obviously the most convenient way he could think of right now was only one—— 

Jump into the pool and swim to the other side.

Lu Liran responded and said: “You stay here, I’ll see if there is another way.”


After he finished speaking, he grabbed his backpack and left, his figure quickly disappeared into the woods with varying heights.

Seeing this, Ke Ji had no choice but to stay where he was. 

[Here, I want to ask what charades Brother Lu and Ke Meiren are playing? I don’t understand a word TAT]

[What depth ah, this small cliff doesn’t look shallow ah. It must be at least 10 meters, right?]

[This damned tacit understanding—— There are fish in the North gifted the Anchor 1x white truffle]

[A heavy demand for an anchor who doesn’t leave half the words] 

[Brother Lu: Just watch my performance, how can there be so many requests?]

Ke Ji obediently stayed on the top of the slope. An Omega with good physical strength can still get by, but he can’t expose more.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Not long after, he saw Lu Liran’s figure suddenly appear at the bottom of the slope, but he didn’t reach the end, probably just four or five meters below.

Ca ifjra oloaffc wfafgr jkjs ogbw atf qbbi. 

Ktf wjc kjr islcu bc atf pjuufv gbmx kjii, ugjrqlcu atf gbmx klat tlr yjgf tjcvr, ribkis milwylcu vbkc ilxf j ufmxb.

Bf Al: “…”

Lf rtbeiv tjnf xcbkc, atlr wjc lr nfgs jvnfcaegber.

Bf Al ogbkcfv, yea tf vlvc’a mjii bea ab Oe Olgjc obg ofjg bo vlragjmalcu tlw. 

Lu Liran’s speed was not fast. Every time he took a step down, he would use his knife to chisel the stone wall a few times, leaving a pit.

[Brother Lu, what are you doing?]

[Speaking of which, Brother Lu has come down like this, so what about Ke Meiren?]

[Didn’t Brother Lu say that climbing a rock wall with bare hands is particularly dangerous? If you accidentally step on a loose rock, you will die, not to mention he’s an Omega] 


Lu Liran ignored the live broadcast room and continued with his actions.


This slope wall is relatively easy to climb, it was half soil and half rock, and the slope is gentle, it just seemed to be a little far from the ground, but the degree of danger was not as high as the several-meter-high ice wall that Lu Liran climbed to dig ferns.

He figured that from Ke Ji’s shuttle skills, he should be able to handle this. 

Even so, he still made second-hand preparations for the other party to grasp.

The closer to the bottom, the more slippery the side of the nearby stone wall became. Lu Liran climbed down another two meters, but stopped because the stone wall was too smooth.

He found a protruding rock on which he could stand temporarily, then carefully took off his clothes and outer pants, and put them all into his terminal.

Lu Liran was naked under the camera ball for the first time, with beautifully curved mermaid lines engraved on both sides of his lean waist, and his six-pack abs were clearly defined. 

The war left vertical and horizontal scars on his body, making his body look very experienced.

The entire live broadcast room was shocked——

[Anchor, we now have a disagreement showing off those abs!!]

[My mom, this body makes me so greedy, even those scars were full of vigor♂ ao ao—— OldWife gifted the anchor 1x top-quality wagyu beef] 

[My god ah, what did Brother Lu do before? How did you get hurt like this???]


Lu Liran didn’t pay attention to the live broadcast room, he poked his head out and looked at the pool of water under his eyes.

“The distance is about ten meters from the pool below.” He made an estimate and said, “It’s not impossible to jump at this distance.” 

“If you’re diving in the wild, there is a certain danger of more than five meters high distance. The first two elements to confirm are the depth of the water and whether there are rocks around.” Lu Liran then added, “The depth of the water means whether you hit the bottom directly after jumping, or whether there is a sufficient buffer.”

“I don’t need to say more about stones. If you don’t want to break a bone, you should check it in advance.”

Lu Liran grabbed a heavy stone and threw it down. The stone hit the pool with a muffled sound.

“It sounds all right, there should be some depth underwater.” Lu Liran said. 

“The posture of diving should not be flat. The larger the force-bearing area, the more dangerous it is. Falling unconscious is a small matter, and it’s also not possible to accidentally fall to death.” Lu Liran said, “I have a friend who jumped into a three-meter swimming pool. After drinking alcohol, he was provoked to jump in a big splash, so he just smashed his whole body down with four of his lips wide open…”

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“Dead??”, “Vegetative??” popped up in the barrage…


Lu Liran paused, actually it wasn’t that miserable.

He said: “His back, limbs, and neck that fell into the water were flushed red, and like a baboon’s butt, they swelled up after a day. He had no face to see anyone for a whole week.” 

[Hahahahahaha, I suddenly felt happy]

[Ah this ah this, the scene of social death]

[If it were me, I also have no face to see people okay, hahahaha]

[Brother Lu always has so many negative teaching materials] 

Lu Liran smiled: “It’s not just the negative teaching materials.”

“There is a simple and figurative diving posture, like a wooden stick, the body is straightened, and with the limbs close to the body, you enter the water vertically, with the highest safety factor.”

“Just like this.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he went straight forward and plunged straight into the water. 

Before the live broadcast room could react, Lu Liran emerged from the pool in the blink of an eye.

[Damn it, I haven’t reacted yet…and he already finished jumping?!]

[Ten meters ah!!! It’s three or four stories high!! It’s too hard to jump when you say jump! Don’t you need to do some mental construction!! —— StealtheTowertotheHometown gifted the anchor 1x Buddha jumping over the wall]

[Brother Lu: positive teaching material is here] 

[A cow with mouth completely open—— (broken sound)]

Lu Liran kicked his feet, and quickly swam to the shore

“The temperature of the pool water is much lower than I expected.” Lu Liran shivered, then quickly wiped his body with leaves and then put on the dry clothes that he took off in advance.

“This should be the snow and glacier meltwater flowing down from the Arlok Glacier. The temperature is almost below zero. Under such water temperature, the core temperature will be lost quickly.” 

“So I took off all my clothes in advance to ensure that there were dry clothes that I could put on, so as to lock in my body temperature as much as possible.” After Lu Liran put on his clothes, while talking, he quickly did a few sets of burpees, until his hands and feet quickly warmed up.

After Lu Liran felt that his state had recovered, he stopped and looked up to Ke Ji.


He saw the handsome and tall Omega standing at the top of the slope.

Lu Liran has good eyesight and can clearly see the man’s frowning brows. There must be a look of disapproval in those steel blue eyes. 

Probably because he disapproved of his behavior of jumping off without knowing the depth of the pool or whether there are rocks under the pool.

Lu Liran didn’t care whether the other party agreed with his actions ro not, and shouted loudly: “Are you coming down like me, or do you want to have a helicopter to take you after I leave?”

That, of course, he has to follow down.

Lu Liran has already stepped in advance and tested the water, what reason does he have not to go? 

[Sister-in-law think clearly ah! It’s not too late to find someone to save you after Brother Lu succeeds in calling for help!!]

[This is the strongest Omega I’ve ever seen…]

Like Lu Liran, Ke Ji walked down the path the other party had walked, while Lu Liran guided remotely from the side.

Ke Ji quickly discovered the foothold that the other party had carved out for him in advance, which was obviously prepared for the convenience of a “weak Omega” like him 

Even though he knew that he might not be some incompetent Omega, the man still prepared these carefully. Ke Ji touched the pit with his fingers, and was slightly stunned.

Lu Liran had already guessed what decision he would make. Ke Ji thought, slightly raising the corners of his mouth.

In just a short period of time, the two of them have developed an unimaginable tacit understanding, what an excellent comrade-in-arms. Ke Ji has already made up his mind that he must draw Lu Liran to his side in the future.

Ke Ji quickly got down to the position where Lu Liran took off his clothes earlier. 

Lu Liran was at the edge of the pool, hesitating for a while. Should he ask the man to take off his clothes?

It is not good for an Omega to undress in front of him, an “Alpha”. Otherwise, should he set fire first? Set aside a time to dry clothes before leaving?

He thought about it, but saw that Ke Ji had no consciousness of being an Omega, and was already taking off his jacket.

Lu Liran was shocked, and quickly told the live broadcast room: “I will turn off the visual camera first, and then turn it on after Ke Ji puts on his clothes again.” 

After the visual camera is turned off, the live broadcast room is pitch black, but the sound can still be heard.

A group of people scrolled through the barrage, regretting that they could not see the beauty’s body.


[Nonsense, sister-in-law’s body is not something we ordinary people can see!]

[That’s right, that’s right~ Brother Lu knows how to eat, hehe] 

[So possessive, hiss, really fragrant]

Lu Liran didn’t have time to pay attention to what was being said in the live broadcast room, he subconsciously felt that after the vision was turned off, no one would post barrage.

All his eyes fell on Ke Ji’s stripped body.

——There are few scars on this body. 

——He even has eight-pack abs, one row more than him.

Lu Liran was stunned, whose spoiled Omega would be covered in scars? And will exercise such a strong body?

Bracket, except for himself, end of bracket.

Ke Ji didn’t know what Lu Liran was thinking, after taking off his clothes, he went straight into the water. 

The cold, bone-chilling water from the pools swept up, and his breathing seemed to be choked suddenly.

Ke Ji turned around and kicked his long legs, emerging from the bottom of the pool, he then quickly swan to Lu Liran’s side.

When Ke Ji swam to the shore, Lu Liran came back to his senses, and immediately grabbed Ke Ji.

He looked at the man with complicated eyes, and he also took pity on him. 

Thinking about it, even if this person came from a wealthy family, his life was quite miserable.

That’s right, after all, not every wealthy family is as harmonious as the Lu family.

Lu Liran thought he had a better understanding of why Ke Ji had been hiding his identity.

When Ke Ji put on his dry clothes, he met Lu Liran’s amiable gaze that was very different from before. 

He paused, it seems that something went wrong?

Sunnyshies: I found myself in a dilemma once again! Didn’t I wrote some timeline explanation in ch 24 part 1 or something…someone commended about the “stellar explosion”….but actually, before the comment, I was translating ch 28, and it was mentioned, since Lu Liran asked.  And the answer Lu Liran got was a “huge nebula explosion”. I don’t have a problem with it (ignorant is a bliss), so time went by…I log in to CG and was about to update this chapter, when I saw @keke’s comment in the dashboard, and so it made me think, “Does nebula explode?”…then I searched, Nebula is a cosmic dust, composed of gas and dust thrown out by a supernova from a dying star.


Oh man, its been a while since I went back to this subject again…although it’s just a small matter, it made me intrigue, of course, it also made me doubt whether I tled wrong, so I need to check it again.

In chapter 4, it was really a “gas expanding and exploding”, but I’m not sure if it was a star, since the character used were “a piece/a” and “celestial body”. I just made it a star in specific, since I only know of one celestial body that expand and explode, and that is a star. But it also mentioned in chapter 4– that when Ke Ji was passing by a “nebula”, a celestial body expand and explode…and then there’s chapter 28 (does this count as spoiler?) Xian Yu said “the great nebula explosion“. Actually, before, I just put the explosion in the nebula, since I wasn’t so sure…then I went to do a research, and I finally found an answer! (I think…sigh) 

Maybe the author just mentioned it and didn’t really think deeply with it…the nebula Ke Ji passed by might be a star forming nebula, a massive star might have been born there. I read an article saying that most massive stars doesn’t live long and they never leave their stellar nursery. So perhaps, Ke Ji, this man activated his unlucky physique, and just happened to passed by a nebula just in time for the collapsing star in it to explode…and this supernova was just right to affect the interstellar channels. Well, don’t get me wrong, Ke Ji was not part of the explosion, what he met might just be stellar winds or ultraviolent radiation from the explosion, since he just got off with a broken ship.

Sigh~ I think that’s it for me…I’m not really a science guy, I used too much braincells. So the conclusion after this research, I don’t think I need to change anything in chapter 4, except if you guys found some typo…hahaha d(>_< ) ok!

That’s it, see you update tom! ε=ε=┌( >_<)┘

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