I See The Galaxy

Chapter 6: 6

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I See The Galaxy Chapter 6

She had intruded into someone else’s territory, so even though she didn’t know where she was, Yu Xing knew that she had to apologize.

“I’m sorry, I…”

She moved to stand, but stopped mid-sentence when she saw the boy start to walk towards her.

Yu Xing involuntarily took a step backwards, only to find her back pressed against the wall.

The boy stopped in front of her. He was tall and thin, towering over her figure as he looked down at her, making Yu Xing slightly nervous.

“You’re from Lintian?”

His eyebrows jumped when he caught sight of her skirt. Yu Xing froze.

He recognized it? Could he also be from Lintian?

Yu Xing didn’t remember seeing him before. Not everyone in Lintian knew each other; in comparison to other schools, Lintian’s student body was unbelievably large, so much so that she didn’t even know everyone in the same year as her.

She was about to leverage their common ground as schoolmates to apologize and ask for directions when he suddenly crouched to meet her at eye-level. His expression was completely inscrutable.

His gaze swept over her face, and she dared not breathe.

He paused when he caught sight of the corner of her mouth, still bleeding from earlier, and finally looked her in the eyes.

The boy smiled, looking intrigued. With a cool and husky voice, he told her, “If you give me a kiss, I’ll help you find your way back home. How about it?”


Alarm bells sounded in her head. She tried to inch away, but found that she was already flat against the wall.

This guy’s face was already so strikingly handsome; if he wanted to kiss anyone else, they surely wouldn’t say no to him. So why was he asking her?

Yu Xing glanced at him. Half a second later, she moved as far away as she could and gave him a dry, perfunctory smile. “Sorry, I already have someone I like.”

As she spoke, her mind worked at the speed of light—

Since he’d recognized her skirt as that of Lintian, he either went to the same school or knew enough about Lintian that…

“D-do you know who the best student in Lintian is?” Yu Xing hurriedly said. “...My senior Sheng Yi is both handsome and elegant, and I’ve liked him for so long!”

Yes, she could use that living god as an excuse! She’d already ‘written’ a love letter to him, might as well make use of it!

Yu Xing followed that line of thought and, worried that he wouldn’t believe her, emotionally said, "I fell in love with Sheng Yi at first sight– there is no one in my heart but him, and whether he likes me or not, I could never kiss another boy! I would live and die for him, I would do anything for him!"

After her ‘touching and heartfelt’ speech, the entire area was silent.

The boy did not speak, only narrowing his eyes at her.

Yu Xing wanted to continue talking, to thank him for his ‘kind intentions’ but she really didn’t need help finding her way out, then get away as fast as humanly possible.

How could she have known that before she could even say anything–


The boy suddenly licked his lips and smiled, looking at her with a pair of alluring peach blossom eyes. “What a coincidence. I am Sheng Yi.”



Yu Xing’s words suddenly died in her throat. She stood there dumbly, staring with wide, blank eyes.


What did he say?

Cheng Yi? Cheng Yi? Cheng Yi?

He was Cheng Yi!?

—Shit, he was Cheng Yi!

Yu Xing was so stupid; not only did she fail to find an excuse, said excuse had also dug her own grave.

She dazedly stared at the playful smile on Sheng Yi's handsome face, not knowing how to react.

While she was still processing what had just happened, a person came out from inside the house and walked towards the courtyard. “A-Yi?”

The two of them standing by the courtyard wall heard him. Sheng Yi turned his head, standing back up.

Yu Xing was still sitting on the ground in a state of complete shock, staring up at him.

Standing where Cheng Yi had stood earlier was a young man carrying a tray with two teacups and a pot of tea.


As he noticed Yu Xing, he paused, then asked, “...And she is?”

Yu Xing bolted upwards, brushing dirt off the hem of her skirt while panickedly saying, “Sorry, sir, I ran into trouble earlier and had to find a place to hide, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

She bowed twice and asked, "Can you please tell me where the exit is? Is it the door over there?"

The man gestured with his free hand towards the exit. Yu Xing repeatedly thanked him and ran away, hurriedly fleeing from Sheng Yi. She raced through the corridor straight to the exit without even looking back, and left as suddenly as she came.

Zhou Hanyuan, still standing under the eaves of the veranda carrying a tea tray, was puzzled but didn’t bother giving chase, seeing as she had run so fast. Still, the courtyard wall needed to be renovated, it clearly wasn’t tall enough.

Looking at Sheng Yi, who was standing in the courtyard, Zhou Hanyuan asked, "What were you talking with her about?

Just now, he’d seen him talking to the weirdo who had jumped over the courtyard wall, which was incredibly out of character for him.

Sheng Yi smiled faintly. "Nothing."

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He was about to walk away when he caught sight of something shiny on the ground.

Cheng Yi stopped and kneeled to pick it up.

Once he’d gotten a good look at it, he blinked in surprise.

It was a badge that was more than familiar to him– it was clearly from Lintian.

And the name engraved on the badge–

Yu Xing.

Lintian had so many students and teachers that he obviously couldn’t remember them all, but this one, he naturally remembered.

He had gotten a quick glance of her back when she had dragged her companion back into the duty room, which had left a small impression on him, and then she had written a love letter that had been exposed to the entire school, and then he and his friends had caught her correcting said love letter in the dark of night.

It was just that…

The girl he’d seen just now was worlds away from the Yu Xing he’d seen in Lintian.

What he remembered of Yu Xing’s face was that she had thick black-rimmed glasses that looked worse than dirt, had bangs as thick as iron, and had most of her face completely covered up. She had a habit of keeping her head low and avoiding eyesight, so aside from her mouth, all you could see of her was her chin. Her nose was covered by her glasses and the sides of her face were completely obscured by her iron-thick bangs.

Climbing smoothly over the courtyard wall and jumping off was really something he couldn’t picture “Yu Xing” doing.

Zhou Hanyuan saw Sheng Yi standing still and reminded him, "A-Yi? Shen Shiyu and Qin Huai are on their way, they’ll be here in a while."

Sheng Yi came back to his senses. "...Alright.”

Before he could take a single step forward, he suddenly remembered something.

Qin Huai?

In just two seconds, his perfect memory told him what he was thinking of.

The face he’d seen earlier was nothing like the drab and dull face seen in Lintian, but it was almost completely identical to the photo of the girl that Qin Huai had sent him. The only difference was that she was even prettier in person, with a pretty face and lively expressions.

She was the person that Qin Huai had been looking for?

Sheng Yi had originally teased her on a whim; a beautiful girl had suddenly jumped into the courtyard and looked at him with a frightened expression, as if a deer caught in a trap, and so he’d idly teased her a little.

Later, her reaction had amused him, but he didn't take it much to heart. He was impressed by her ‘resourcefulness’, so he didn't stop when she ran away like a rabbit with its tail tucked between its legs.

He was just killing time, it wasn’t really that important to him.

Now, however, as he held her badge, he suddenly thought that this was actually quite interesting.

The corner of Cheng Yi’s mouth curved into a smirk. He tucked the badge into his pocket and walked towards Zhou Hanyuan.

The two walked together towards the tea room on the other end of the corridor.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, Zhou Han Yuan wondered aloud, "What are you smiling at?"

Cheng Yi simply shook his head, smiling with crinkled eyes.

Nothing, he’d just discovered something interesting.

Zhou Hanyuan had opened the teahouse as a hobby, and he didn’t particularly rely on it as a source of income.

After all, the Zhou family had a strong enough foundation that he could afford to do it simply out of interest. They were one of the most prestigious families in Sijiu City, and while Zhou Hanyuan did not plan to go into the family business, he was still an honorable young master, so there were countless people hoping to latch onto him like leeches.

One day, he had nothing to do and was bored, so he built a teahouse. It was located in a winding alley in a bustling city, quite a bit hidden away from the public eye.

Sheng Yi didn’t actually like drinking tea; he came to the teahouse to talk about modifying cars. Today, Zhou Hanyuan looked to be a master of tea ceremony, but back when he was a frivolous youth, Zhou Hanyuan was a fierce racing circuit champion, and was still an expert in tuning cars and knew many professional teams and people.

However, Zhou Hanyuan couldn’t agree with Sheng Yi so easily this time and only shook his head.

Firstly, Sheng Yi’s car was already fine on its own, there was absolutely no need to replace it. Secondly, it wasn’t as if Sheng Yi was lacking for choice; for example, a car he bought half a year ago was jointly manufactured by a specialized British company and other car manufacturers, the construction alone was worth over 7 million.

Thirdly and most importantly, Zhou Hanyuan knew that Sheng Yi’s grandfather did not want Sheng Yi racing. If something happened to him on the track, there was no way he could handle the repercussions.

After talking with him for half a day, it was hard to stay firm. Zhou Hanyuan begged him for mercy, "Just let me go. If I help you with this, your grandfather will absolutely murder me."

Sheng Yi was slightly displeased, and he was no longer smiling. Still, he didn’t push the matter any further, silently picking up his tea.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps approached from outside the door.

“That should be them.” Zhou Han Yuan got up and went out to meet them.

After a while, he came back with Shen Shiyu, Jiang Zhiyan, and Qin Huai.

They all sat down and exchanged greetings. Zhou Han Yuan poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Shen Shiyu and Jiang Zhiyan, knowing that the car was still a sore topic for Sheng Yi, didn’t dare breach the subject. However, Qin Huai was seemingly not afraid of imminent death and continuously provoked him. He spoke for a while about how great his new car was, how much better the new team who had manufactured it was, and how amazingly the modified car ran…

In fact, unlike Sheng Yi, Qin Huai was not at all interested in racing or cars, and did it purely as a passing hobby. The only reason he was saying all this now was to piss off Sheng Yi.

Jiang Zhiyan remained an amused bystander and Shen Shiyu an even more amused bystander, and they were happy to watch him court death. It was free entertainment, why not enjoy the show?

Surprisingly, Sheng Yi did not react, only calmly listening to Qin Huai ramble on.

Qin Huai quickly realized that the more he spoke, the less Sheng Yi reacted, and the more boring it became.

When he got tired of making a fool of himself, Sheng Yi suddenly brought up an unrelated topic. "The girl you were looking for before, did you find her?"

At the very mention of it, Qin Huai got upset. “Ah, nope.” He looked at Shen Shiyu and said, "Hey, you, it’s not as if Lintian is that big. It’s taken you so long to find my future wife, what kind of useless brother are you?”

“You’re blaming me for your own fucking uselessness?” Shen Shiyu would not take the insult lying down, and the two quickly started bickering.

Yes, Lintian really wasn’t that big, was it?

Sheng Yi was originally planning to tell Qin Huai, but since he’d decided to flaunt his newly modified car, he had surely grown far too arrogant. Surely a little setback in his love life wouldn’t bother him too much, right?

With a faint smile on his lips, Sheng Yi leisurely picked up his cup and sipped his tea.

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