I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~

Chapter 22: CH 22

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Mob Highschool Student can not refuse

Scaryface-kun has to suffer just because his face is scary. But what would happen if you substitute a handsome guy whose life is in easy mode due to his good look but is a little bad at communication?

The handsome guy only gave the kitten a single glance. Then the kitten just [Myaa~] at him.

However, the actions taken by such handsome guys often look down on others. ‘I belong to the winner and you belong to the loser. Please think about why you are inferior to me until tomorrow. If you are still here tomorrow that is!’ Or something along that line.

“Hey hey! Handsome-kun was so conflicted when he saw an abandoned cat yesterday you know! It seems he was suffering because he couldn’t keep it!”

“Really!? Handsome-kun can’t leave an abandoned cat alone after all. He must have taken it in and take care of it until he can find someone to entrust it to right!?”

Alright, what happened to that rotten handsome guy who immediately pretended not to see the abandoned kitten?

“Hey, I just heard this!? Yesterday, Prince-sama jumped into the river without caring about the danger and rescued a kitten from drowning you know!”

Just how did it become like that overnight?

Handsome-kun has been upgraded to a Prince and even got some random heroic story attached to him.

A handsome guy isn’t just looking good. He also took away Scaryface-kun’s credit!

That’s right, this job is nothing more than an evolution material for the top castes like the handsome guys.

A handsome guy becomes a prince while a beautiful girl becomes an angel or a goddess.

Now then, what about me?

The point that can be taken here is that I am a mob that doesn’t have a protagonist correction like the handsome guy nor a debuff like Scaryface-kun.

In other words, this class change is a special evolution due to a mob like me being near Eihashi-san.

Normally, if a man and a woman walk home together, their friends would tease them. However, Eihashi-san possesses a correction that is [It is impossible for her to walk home with a boy].

In other words, in this situation where I am currently walking home with her…….

“Eihashi-san got threatened and forced to walk home with me. Seeing her like that and couldn’t leave her alone, Ichinose-san accompanied us to keep an eye on me……..”

I can see it in the eyes of the people around us. At this rate, I will be attacked by the self-proclaimed champion of justice tomorrow……

At least…..at least please make it stop at harmless rumors…….

“….…….together? Uhh, Hiura-san, can you hear me?”

Eh? This is bad, I didn’t expect her to talk to me so I didn’t listen to her at all…….

“…..eh? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”

In a case like this, you should apologize like an adult. If you make up some poor lies and got beat up you can not survive after all.

“Hee…..you weren’t listening to Reika-chan huh……”

“Fufu, right. Then shall I say it again?”

For some reason, Ichinose-san’s eyes widened as she seemed to be impressed.

Eihashi-san on the other hand laughed at me but she will repeat herself for me. How kind.

I felt like my surroundings got their breath taken away but I can’t afford to miss what she says again.

“There is still time before the test begins but it is better to start studying now right?”

“Yes….I’m the type that can’t concentrate at home so I’ve been studying at the library earlier.”

In fact, I already started studying yesterday. If I don’t do that much then my grades might fall behind after all.

I haven’t decided what kind of profession I want to get in in the future but if I don’t get good grades, my options will be limited. That’s why I have never cut corners in studying.

Well, the reason I started yesterday was that I didn’t want to go to the library on weekends though.

“I see…….ah, then let’s do this! We can all study together!”

Fumu, when it comes to a studying session, I have only experienced a one-on-one session with Masato so I have no experience in it but if I can’t concentrate on my own, having a group with him study should help.

If Eihashi-san and Ichinose-san who are always having lunch with each other are making a study group then there should be a good number of people participating.

“That sounds good! If we are going to do it then how about this weekend? All the topics of the test will be announced by then too.”

“Hmm, I should be fine on those days? Alright….we don’t know where Hiura-kun lives and Hiura-kun doesn’t know where we live either……..how about we meet at a family restaurant or a library?”

…..Nn? Eh? I think I just heard something strange just now though?”

“Well…honestly, I am fine with a quiet or a little noisy place but does Hiura-san have any preference?”

“Eh? I think a quiet place would be better for studying but……..wait a minute! Why are you saying it likes I am going to join you? Weren’t you talking about having a group study with your girl friends!?”

What the hell just happened? Before I noticed it, I was already roped into a study group……..Eh, wait a minute. Isn’t this really bad? This will lead me to a study group with Ichinose-san and Eihashi-san right.

You are reading story I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ at novel35.com

Whether it be a library or a family restaurant, someone will see us. My school life will definitely come to an end.

No matter how unreasonable I have to be, I have to refuse this……

“Eh? Does Hiura-kun already have a plan for this weekend?”

“Why do you say it like I am always free……. Well, I do have things to do, uhh, that’s right. Yup! I have to read the book I bought earlier!”

“Your reason seemed kinda fake though…….”

Let’s pretend not to hear Ichinose-san. If I react here, she might start to retort after all.

It couldn’t be helped right? I really just came up with it. It’s better than some other lame excuse right.

“Even though you have already started studying for the test, Hiura-san is going to read a novel this weekend?”

“Uu, well, I can’t study at home so I just don’t study on weekends…….”

“Then we can go to a library or a coffee shop, if you don’t want to study in a noisy place then………we can study together in a library right?”

“Yeah! Honestly, I think it is better to compare our answers in subjects like Japanese literature since we should be able to get the right answer that way you know. Plus, if we don’t want to write a long long formula, it is better for us to have someone who already understands the math to teach us so that we can jump right to the answer too!”

……Do you know? In Shogi, you can call a move when you about to check, Riichi. But in matches between pros, they rarely call that on each other.

(TLN: Yes it is a borrowed term from Mahjong)

Where do I want to go with this? …….it is certainly important to read ahead but reading too much ahead is also a bad thing.

The future will be fixed no matter how I choose to answer them as the result will converge anyway.

If Laplace’s demon who has the ability to change the future is here, he would half nakedly run away screaming while clapping his hands like a monkey……….

To face my complete social destruction or to choose to study together with Eihashi-san and Ichinose-san. I have no choice but to choose the latter. For that is the only way for me to reach St*ins; Gate.

“…..it would be difficult to concentrate two days in a row so if we are going to study at the library then we should pick a day……”

When I answered her so, Eihashi-san’s face beamed up with a smile.

“Then it is decided! If that’s the case then let’s decide the time next!”

“Ummm……I have nothing in particular to do so I am mostly available though. Ah, but it would be better if I have time to do something about dinner afterward.”

“I am also okay at any time but…….I see, so you often study at the library huh.”

“Then why don’t we eat out together afterward?…..I live alone so rather than cooking when I get back, eating out is better for me.”

“Eh, Wha!”

‘Reika!’ said Ichinose-san as she pulled Eihashi-san to her side.

I can hear them saying something like ‘Is that really okay?’ or ‘I’ve already said it though’ but could you two please stop whispering among yourselves any time soon.

We walked for quite a bit so there are no people in the same school around us anymore but from an outsider’s point of view, it’s like two beautiful girls just got entangled with a strange man you know.

…….after they seemed to reach a conclusion, Ichinose-san looked a little bit tired.

“….Fuu, we will find something to eat for dinner before we go our separate ways.”

“Roger. Then let’s meet up after lunch…….is around 12.30 okay with you?”

“Yes, I am fine with that.”

“Right, about the subject……can we go with mathematics?”

“Sure, I think that putting emphasis on math for this test is important.”

The number of math questions in this test will be extremely small. I heard that it is very difficult and you will get points even if you only partially solved it.

If the number of questions is small, if you don’t know how to solve it then you will get zero points. That’s why I agreed that we should study math.

“Then since we might get bored with math alone……..well, the topics for other subjects still haven’t been announced yet but let’s think about other subjects as well.”

“Kanji might be good you know! Ah, Reika, I will be going this way so I will see you tomorrow okay! Which way do you go? Hiura-kun.”

After about 20 minutes after we left the school, Ichinose-san had to part ways with us so we decided to go our separate ways.

“I’m heading right.”

“Is that right? That’s the same as Reika!……don’t do anything strange to her just because you are alone with her okay?”

“…..I won’t….. Rather, if I do that, I will die you know.”

“Ahaha! That might be true, isn’t it! Well, see you tomorrow Hiura-kun!”


“Akari-chan, let’s talk more tomorrow, no, I will call you tonight okay.”

You can find story with these keywords: I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~, Read I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~, I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ novel, I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ book, I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ story, I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ full, I Told You I'm Not 〇〇!! ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~ Latest Chapter

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