I transmigrated as a Cheat Book!

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Just a Passing Stand User

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"I would like to think about it, he said." Alice pouted.

"Well, it seems like he has his considerations." I just nodded and didn't linger on the topic. Anyway, Hachiman's not my only potential Host.

"... But, can we truly earn enough imaginary value for my graduation?" Alice muttered, looking at the transparent screen with mixed emotions.

"If my plan worked, you will not only recover the lost imaginary value. It is also possible to earn enough profit to upgrade our Authority." I said, typing on the holographic keyboard.

It's been a day since the encounter in the alley. During that time, I was constantly looking for another potential Host. I also did my best to appease Alice; she hasn't recovered yet, but at the very least, she's not that downcast anymore.

As for finding another Host? Well, I can't exactly put all of my eggs in one basket, can't I? Maybe one mistake might capsize the boat. Furthermore, no provision prohibits contracting one or more hosts. It's just that you need an astronomical amount of imaginary value to do so. 

So where did I get the imaginary value to squander, you ask? Transmigrator standard cheat, although Alice and I share all the authorities, the Imaginary value alone is an exception.

Alice had a pitiful amount of 50, while mine had the infinity symbol. I can't share my endless amount of Imaginary value with Alice, so I had to work myself to the bone for her graduation and our authority upgrade. Also, Alice alone has the right to upgrade our Authority, further pushing me to the path of working. 


"With this, our first stand user has arrived." An audible sound of typing rang; as I stood before the transparent screen with a hint of expectation.

A thin figure of a young man could be seen on the transparent screen, sorting out various documents on his table.

He had blond hair and sharp eyes resulting from lack of sleep. He wore a standard black Japanese uniform with a golden chain-like accessory around his neck. Just by his vibe alone, you can tell he's a serious student. Overall, he looks like a living textbook example of what a student should be.

Then again, why does our esteemed Host looks familiar?

While puzzled by the strange situation, I felt someone tugging my shirt. I turned around and looked at the excited and lively loli.

"Ren! This guy is good! He had all the qualifications to become a powerful and reliable Host! Look!" Alice merrily shoved a transparent screen on my face.

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