I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend

Chapter 47: 40

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Lin Yi was in a hurry to get out of the refrigerator, he didn’t have much time left and coupled with the lack of oxygen, Lin Yi had no way to reread the clues. He could only reverse-engineer the main line based on the result. 

His mind was in chaos, but when Lin Yi was on to an idea, he was going to work it through.

The only thing Qin Zhou could have done to the photo was change its original location. If he placed the photo on the bedside table, it would be easy to mislead them into thinking that the woman in red cherished her friends.



Then from the opposite end of “cherish”, the photo should have been locked away or simply thrown into the trash can.

If this were the case, it would prove that the woman in red held hatred and resentment for her friends, so much so that she found it impossible to move on even after their death. 

The woman in red was the solitary and eccentric type, this was something that the photo had clearly captured. For a solitary and eccentric person to become close friends with others in a short period of time, there was a high probability that there was another important factor — shared interest.


The place where the twelve people died was this villa but this villa is the home of the woman in red. So, they must have been invited or must have had the consent of the woman in red for them to be here.

Whether it is the woman in red’s active invitation or passive acceptance, they must have had a reason for meeting. This reason might have been ‘come to my house to play/let’s go to your house to play’, ‘come to my house to eat/let’s go to your house to eat’.

Because of the woman’s reclusive personality, meeting up to ‘eat’ wasn’t as enticing as meeting up to ‘play’.


Then the reason for “playing” must inevitable revolve around the woman and her friends’ hobby,

It was indeed the woman in red who had killed her friends. From the second Anke game, it could already be inferred that all her friends had died in this villa and only the woman in red survived. Lin Yi has been staying in this villa for the past several days. Although the villa certainly looked dilapidated, there was no sign of an ‘actual mishap’ having happened..

So how did the woman in red, a mere human, kill twelve people at once?


Wouldn’t her friends have resist? Even if she took them down one by one, killing twelve in one day wouldn’t be easy. Didn’t they know to run away or to shout for help? Just shouting could attract other people’s attention. 

Unless, when they saw the woman in red, they were so frightened that their knees grew weak and they could neither escape nor even cry out in fright.

Twelve people met up to play games at the woman in red’s villa. At this point, the woman in red must not have yet hated her friends. First, if she hated them, she might not have invited them. Second, the woman in red wasn’t someone who could hide her emotions. This was evidenced by her obvious reactions to the results of the dice throw in the Anke game.

If the woman in red had wanted to kill her friends at that time, her friends would definitely have noticed. After realizing it, they must have put their guard up against her. It was almost impossible for the woman in red to have killed all twelve.

Thus, it proved that the incident must have happened during the game and that this incident caused the woman in red to murder her friends. 

The woman in red once presented a certain choice in the Anke game. She said that there was a more ferocious ghost in the villa.

Her means of calling her twelve friends was by rolling the die to see how many would appear, just as she’d done when she asked how many ghosts were ‘amongst them’. However, for this ghost, she gave it it’s own choice slot.

In the villa, apart from the woman in red and her twelve friends, there was another person.

The twelve people, after their death, become the ghosts in the woman’s Anke game. But their Rule of Death was believing that there are ghosts in the world. 

This showed that the twelve killed by the woman in red didn’t believe in the existence of ghosts. But their existence has become a paradox with the Rules of Death. So, rather than saying that these twelve people didn’t believe in ghosts, it was better to say that they didn’t dare believe it.

Why did her friends die? Why did the woman in red lose her way to ‘evil’ and turn into the 2-6 Monster…?


Lin Yi connected these clues he had deduced from the end-results: The woman in red was a supernatural lover and because of the peculiarity of this hobby, the woman in red had no friends. Until she met these twelve and they became close friends because of “shared interests”.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfs yfmjwf mibrf fcbeut atja kbwjc lc gfv vlvc’a rts jkjs ogbw qtsrlmji mbcajma ktfc atfs abbx atja qtbab. Vtf mbeiv fnfc lcnlaf atfw bnfg ab qijs ujwfr lc tfg nliij. 

Ktf ujwf wera tjnf yffc gfijafv ab atf reqfgcjaegji rb atf kbwjc lc gfv rqfmljiis qgfqjgfv atf nliij ab mgfjaf j rmjglfg jcv wbgf rerqfcrfoei jawbrqtfgf ab tfiq jibcu atf reqfgcjaegji ujwf.

The photo was from a long time ago. The Anke game hadn’t been popular or it might have not even yet been made during the year when the photo was taken. The more popular supernatural games of that time were Pen Spirit, Four Corners Game, Plate Spirit, Bloody Mary, Mirror Spirit, Spirit of the Board, the Tub Game, Door Ghost, Charlie Charlie Are You There and Chiliang.

These ten were called the “Top Ten Scariest Supernatural Games”. Because of their popularity, there were many guides that could be found online.

Lin Yi hadn’t seen any of these done with his own eyes, nor did he have any evidence to show which game the woman in red and her friends chose to play. But even if the specific procedures were different for each game, they all have one thing in common — they all summoned ghosts. 

“How about…we don’t play.” Linlin said, “I’m a little scared.”

The light in the villa suddenly went out. This light was a small one specially left by the thirteen of them. When this light went out it made the already tense atmosphere suddenly terrifying.

Now the only source of light was the white candles by their feet. Linlin hugged Ruan Yiyi beside her, “Yiyi, I’m scared.”

Linlin’s voice was trembling and the number slip she’d drawn got crumpled in her hand. 

They were a large group of people, so they chose a game that was more exciting than Pen Fairy or Plate Fairy — Door Ghost.

The way to play this game was that at the beginning of the game, everyone will draw lots and the number they drew will be the order by which they will do the game.

After the game starts, they will stay in a room.

The person who drew number 1 will be the first to open the door and go out of the room, closing the door behind them. After closing the door, No. 1 will need to face the door and silently count to ten and then knock on the door three times. They go by the number they drew. The person who drew No. 2 will then open the door and let no. 1 come in. Once No. 1 was in, No. 2 would take his place, doing the silent count and the knocks on the door. 

So on and so forth.

Originally, they weren’t scared but the light going out made their hearts tighten.

Ruan Yiyi carefully touched the remote control in her pocket, wondering, ‘why did the light turn off when I hadn’t even touched the button yet?’

Although Ruan Yiyi was not used to Linlin’s touchy-feely personality, she still let her hug her. Linlin must have accidentally pushed the remote she’d hidden in her pocket when she hugged her. 

Thinking so, Ruan Yiyi said, “The game has already started. It can’t be stopped.”

Only when they’d each done their turn was the round done.


Linlin said fearfully, “But we’ve already played two rounds.”

Ruan Yiyi didn’t like how Linlin used the word ‘play’. It was disrespectful to the ghosts. But Linlin was a friend. Ruan Yiyi didn’t get angry with her, she just corrected her, “It’s ‘invite‘.” 

After correcting her, Ruan Yiyi added, “This round isn’t over yet. After this round is over, let’s stop, okay?”

You are reading story I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend at novel35.com

This was the biggest concession Ruan Yiyi has made. She knew that Linlin was afraid but if they stopped the game abruptly, it would be disrespectful to the ghosts and spirits.

Linlin was a little dumbstruck. She was starting to think the Ruan Yiyi was a little obsessed. Towards the supernatural, she had a sort of extreme-ness, they couldn’t comprehend.

Although they were the stimulation seeking sort, they weren’t like Ruan Yiyi. 

Linlin reluctantly said, “En…”

Ruan Yiyi looked down at the number in her hand. It was number 8.

At this time, there were knocks on the door. Boom, boom, boom. Three times.

But the room remained silent and no one stepped forward. Ruan Yiyi said to Linlin, “Linlin, you’re number 7.” 

The one who was knocking on the door now was number 6 and now it was Linlin, number seven’s turn to open the door.

Linlin took a deep breath, “Yiyi, I can’t. Can you accompany me?”

Ruan Yiyi shook her head and said apologetically, “You have to open the door by yourself.”

But she still comforted her, “We’re all in the room. Don’t be afraid.” 

Linlin grumbled but seeing that their other friends still wanted to continue the game, she endured Ruan Yiyi’s weirdness.

She stepped forward carefully and slowly opened the door.

No. 6 frowned and looked at Linlin. “What took you so long?”

Before Linlin could answer, Ruan Yiyi raised her voice and emphasized, “No talking at this time!” 

The most important thing to keep in mind when playing Door Ghost : When the next person opens the door for the previous person, if the next person sees something behind the previous person, they must not close the door or talk, otherwise the life of the previous person would be danger. The previous person must not turn around and the next person must not leave his position by the door. The people inside the room must not scatter in all directions so that the ghost standing behind the previous person would not be able to come in. What they had to do was to blow towards the door together until the ghost is blown away.

Although there was nothing behind No. 6, just darkness, he was startled by Ruan Yiyi’s sudden outburst.


He mumbled, “Psycho.”

Did playing games have to be this stressful? 

No. 6 walked in quickly and No. 7, Linlin wiped the sweat from her palms and walked out of the room. She didn’t dare to look at the darkness outside so she turned around immediately. She saw Ruan Yiyi who got the number 8 came over and close the door.

After the door was closed, the faint light from the candles that provided the illumination in the room was also cut off and Linlin’s nerves tensed even further. She couldn’t figure out why she thought she was so bored at home that she’d rather go to this villa to play this game with Ruan Yiyi. She also couldn’t figure out why she’d even started interacting with Ruan Yiyi in the first place.

Obviously, Ruan Yiyi was a lunatic. Wasn’t it obvious enough from the way others didn’t want to have anything to do with her? Why did she join in and waste a perfectly good weekend night coming to this villa to play this bullshit horror game?

What’s wrong with just going to the movies? ! 

The irritation reduced the fear in Linlin’s heart.

She closed her eyes and silently counted to ten.

one two three four,……


Linlin suddenly opened her eyes. She thought she heard something being knocked down, like those extra candles they’d thrown outside the room.

But this small sound was quickly drowned in the darkness.

Linlin didn’t know if she had heard wrong but the fear she’d barely managed to suppress came surging back and she counted silently even faster.

Five, six, seven, eight… 


Linlin’s heart was about to burst. She was certain she heard that. She heard footsteps coming slowly from the corridor leading to the stairs.

But Linlin didn’t dare look back at all. She didn’t care how far she’d counted, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

thump thump thump—— 

Linlin didn’t know how many times she knocked, maybe it happened to be exactly three times, because Ruan Yiyi, who was No. 8, opened the door. If she’d knocked the wrong number of times, Ruan Yiyi would definitely correct her instead of opening the door for her.

The moment the door opened, the footsteps stopped.


Ruan Yiyi looked at the pale faced Linlin. She then looked behind Linlin but there were no ghosts behind her.

Nothing appeared. Is there any need to be so afraid? 

Ruan Yiyi didn’t understand. Since they wanted to invite ghosts, why should she be afraid of ghosts? Everyone was a supernatural lover, why was she so afraid?

Ruan Yiyi begun to have doubts about Linlin. Was Linlin a lover of the supernatural? Do these people who got close to her really like the supernatural as much as she does? Or was it only to get her to invite and treat them? Ever since she got to know them, if she wasn’t entertaining them as guests, she was preparing to invite them over.

Before Ruan Yiyi could think of an answer, Linlin grabbed her violently and dragged her out of the door. Ruan Yiyi was caught off guard for a moment and tripped, making her fall. She heard the door slam close immediately behind her.

Ruan Yiyi’s knee hit the floor and the pain drove all thoughts regarding Linlin’s ulterior motives for befriending her from Ruan Yiyi’s mind. She slowly breathed in and out, waiting for the pain to subside before standing up. 

After about three or four minutes, the pain finally passed. Ruan Yiyi put her hards against the floor, she was about to get up but she stopped.

Although the corridor on the second floor of the villa is backlit, the view was completely blurred without proper light. But Ruan Yiyi could feel something approaching her. This something also squatted down, even making a chewing sound in its mouth, as if it was munching on an apple.

Before her friends arrived, Ruan Yiyi had washed some apples and used them to treat her guests. Those apples were placed on the coffee table in the living room on the first floor of the villa, packed in a beautiful fruit basket.

Can ghosts eat apples? 

Ruan Yiyi had never heard of something like that. Just what was this thing squatting beside her and looking at her?

In the blink of an eye, Ruan Yiyi took out the remote control from her pocket and quickly pressed a button. In the next second, all the lights in the villa turned on and the thing squatting beside her came into full view.

Ruan Yiyi’s mind buzzed and she immediately shouted, “Help!!!!”

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