I Want to Lay the Very Best!

Chapter 1: A journey begins!

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“Brandy Joyce get out of bed or I’m going to sign you up to work at the mart!”

Brandy scoffed at the unfairness of the cry ringing out from downstairs as she hopped towards her bedroom door with one trainer still half on. The one day there’s no way she wouldn’t get up early and her poké-mom was still giving her shit for it.

The trainer slips on just as she hits the door and she spills out into the landing to see her poké-mom standing at the bottom of the stairs with arms folded, her bright red moth wings flared out behind her a massive tell that Brandy was somehow, despite having done literally nothing today, in for it.

Her poké-mom was a Volcrona and pretty terrible at keeping her nature suppressed, so at least they’d never had to turn the house heating on. A moth-lady that was both Intimidatingly tall and ridiculously curvy, Brandy was still a little bitter that she’d only seemed to inherit the tall part from her poké-mom and all her parents jokes that she’d finally “Evolve” some day really didn’t help that jealousy.

“Shower?” her mother sniffed,a sound not unlike like pouring gas on a campfire that made her fur bristle as hot winds swirled around her.

“I’m going to be out all day today anyway?” Brandy said hesitantly, testing the waters of if she was going to get away from home without a telling off. Spreading her arms Brandy gave her poké-mom a big grin “You know us humans, we always smell funny right?”

If her mothers piercing blue eyes could have glowed red they would have, instead they simply narrowed to thin slits.

“You want to have every advantage for your first capture attempt, so go shower! And then come let me check you” her poké-mom said, arms folded over her chest in a way that she thought was intimidating but Brandy could not take seriously. Her poké-mom’s tits just flowed over her arms like they were trying to swallow them and all the white fur made her look like she was wearing big fuzzy gloves. Brandy thought it was cute as hell, though she knew all her friends had a very different idea of what her mom looked like when she did that.

Pokemon. You just had to admit they were all annoyingly hot, even if it was your own mom.

Despite having made the effort to get dressed early for the big day, Brandy couldn’t escape having to strip back down and shower and put herself under her poké-mom’s discerning eye.  Brandy was almost as tall as her now! Maybe by the time she’d get back she’d finally beat her and be the tallest of the family, since poor mom had absolutely no chance of contesting that title.

Brandy got a hair ruffle for being presentable, her spiky red hair still wet from the shower mercilessly smushed into a big tangle as Brandy squealed and tried to escape her poké-mom’s approval.

“I’m ready to go mom, no delaying!” Brandy yelped as she squirmed away, tugging her backpack free from her poké-mom’s grip as she tried to drag her back in for a hug. Volcarona hugs were wonderful but Brandy had big plans for today and getting half smothered to death wasn’t in them. Well, not yet anyway.

“I am proud of you my little Larvesta” the Volcarona lady mumbled with a soft hissing whistle in the back of her throat as she straightened up. “Your mothers are very proud of you, you be sure to visit Fenny when you get to Motostoke”

“I will! But I’m not rushing there, I want to do this properly” Brandy said with a blush creepy on her cheeks, her human mother was a problem for the future. One she hopefully didn’t have to visit until she at least had some of her embarrassment about her new Trainer Life drilled out of her.

“You’ll do fine, you are our daughter. Who wouldn’t want you?” her poké-mom said softly, nudging her towards the door. “Now go find your perfect partner and call sometime! Or I’ll come find you and tell stories about when you were little!”

Not an idle threat, but even talk of dire embarrassment couldn’t break Brandy’s mood right now. Today was the day!

Brandy was finally going to get fucked!


Brandy knew she hadn’t been born in Turrfield but as far back as she could remember she’d been living here and while the place wasn’t exactly a hub of excitement for a youngster, she had at least got to learn the area really well and so on her first day as a trainer she had a plan all laid out.

Hitting the Town Gym right away was completely pointless without at least a few Pokemon notches on her belt, but she couldn’t just go in with some fresh out of the wild ones and hope to not get absolutely pounded silly.

Brandy had certainly thought long and hard about doing just that, it really wouldn’t be an awful way to spend her first day as a trainer, but Brandy had a little pride! If she got a reputation as someone who broke too easily she’d never get to really achieve the dream many girls starting out shared. Be the very best and attract the very best!

No Brandy needed a starter and it wasn’t like someone just gave those away. She had to pick something that she could beat fresh out of in the wilds and the local grass types on Route 4 were perfect for that. She could grab one there, head on to the mines and then come back to try to take on the gym with what she’d learned. A little bold to do it so quickly, but Pokemon loved boldness and Brandy wasn’t about to disappoint them.

Brandy saw a few Wooloo’s as she left, which wasn’t a big shock as one of the few untamed pokemon who’d wander by the town. Often a lot of the local girls who didn’t want to go out to become trainers hitched up with one. Big fluffy white hair and cute button noses, they were said to be really affectionate and fond of people and Brandy knew they could really cook up a storm if they wanted. It’d be a really easy first challenge but way too basic a move, she’d hardly win a gym with a Wooloo who liked to cuddle more than it liked to fuck a girl.

Striking into the woods, it was time to get serious. She’d only been able to scrape enough savings for three binding balls and a few bottles of Repel so she didn’t waste all her time in these woods once she’d found something but it should be enough for a start. The woods near the town weren’t particularly dense but the ground was really uneven and brambles loved to snag at her jeans as she pushed on through them looking for signs of a pokemon living wild.

Most of the monstrous pokemon tended to not live too close to towns and cities, which would give Brandy a way better chance of finding one alone and a fresh trainer like her should have been a lure far too good for them to resist. So it was with some annoyance that the best she’d seen after a few hours of wandering was a Cutiefly who’d turned up her nose at her after looking at her B cups and flown off. The first real wild pokemon she’d been after and she’d got turned down for a lack of tits. Nobody could ever know.

The day got long, the sun got higher and Brandy got frustrated, kicking leaves out from under her feet until she finally decided to settle down and catch her breath for a moment because storming round angry was only going to attract hecklers. Resting up against the trunk of a tree, she leaned to the side to fish through her backpack for the sandwiches she knew her Poké-mom had packed away in here somewhere.

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When she’d come to reflect on this later, letting her guard down was probably not the smartest move. Something heavy dropped right out of the tree into her lap with a thud and she didn’t even get the time to cry out in shock before someone took her open mouth as an invitation to cram their tongue right down her throat.

Brandy squirmed as pressed forward to try to shove the person off, her hands brushing over a soft fuzz of fur before finding some deliciously pert breasts to grab a hold of and Brandy’s shove became more of a surprised grope. A grope that got an excited buzz from her surprise partner who swirled their tongue in Brandy’s mouth to batter at Brandy’s shocked still tongue. The feeling of soft breasts under her hand had driven a spike right into Brandy’s thoughts and the poor girl was completely frozen up.

Her partner drew back and holy shit she is cute. Brandy had gotten her poké-mom’s tall genes but this pokemon was a complete shortstack, spiky yellow hair that traveled all along her arms and around a chest that wasn’t much bigger than Brandy’s but certainly looked it on a woman who could sit in Brandy’s lap and still barely be able to see Brandy eye to eye. Brilliant blue eyes, thick hips and smug smile that just absolutely oozed impish energy, Brandy knew trouble when she saw it and this one had a capital T.

“You’re a terrible kisser” the Joltik buzzed at Brandy, running a finger down Brandy’s chest to pop away shirt buttons. “Didn’t even really shock you and you’re Paralyzed.”

Bug/Electric Type! Brandy’s heart skipped a beat as she tried to kick her brain into gear. While Electric was usually a terrible choice for the Grass Gym, Joltik’s Bug type really balanced that out. It’d be a great starter and they weren’t too hard to capture. Apparently? Shit was she about to have a Joltik dump her?

“I-ah, didn’t expect you” Brandy mumbled lamely, as she leaned back against the tree, letting the Joltik strip her top off her. Her first time was already leaving her panting heavily in excitement, sure Joltik weren’t huge and she’d always had the hots for huge but she’d spent half a day walking through woods and right now a naked monster woman in her lap. She needed to be a real trainer and get this Pokemon smitten. Brandy got a grip on the Joltik’s hips and pressed her fingers in, rolling them over the flesh below as she dipped to give a cute peck of a kiss on the Joltik’s nose.

“Very, shocked to see you” Brandy giggled “There isn’t much of you to spot” and then she tried to stare forcefully down at the Joltik in her lap who looked back up at her completely deadpan. Then the Joltik wrenched her hand down to snap all the remaining buttons off Brandy’s top and spread it apart.

“You are so lucky I like the tall” the Joltik buzzed and she flicked at Brandy’s nipples with her fingers, long nails making Brandy squeak in little bursts of surprised gasps. “I’ll show there’s plenty of me for a tall girl like you”

Brandy didn’t doubt it, shoulderblades working into the bark of the tree as she felt a swelling press against her stomach. Part of being a pokémon trainer was being able to judge which pokemon you could handle and which you weren’t ready for. Joltik were cute and short, like most of the local pokémon but that didn’t mean they were small. Brandy had sneakily watched her fair share of porn in her time and she knew Pokémon didn’t do small, it was more a matter of how big exactly.

As she felt the Joltik begin to grind up against her, she wasn’t in a position to exactly whip out a slide ruler and check but for her first it felt just divine. Amongst all the soft yellow fur it felt like a good eight inches and that might be underselling her partner a little. Thick enough that dragging over her stomach was already making her hips squirm in both panic and excitement about what was to come.

First times were meant to be where a trainer found out if they were really cut out for a life of Pokemon taming, or if the first Pokemon they met was going to tame them. This fiery little imp in her lap certainly was building up to fuck Brandy raw and if that’s the case, Brandy had to rise to the challenge or accept she didn’t have what it takes. Hands on her jeans, she wiggled against the tree and under the Joltik to slide them down some, Brandy might not have her mothers hips but she at least had something for the Joltik to hold onto and the shine in those bright blue eyes as the Joltik lipped her lips at the curves was proof that Brandy had at least finally made some impact that wasn’t accidental.

She was ready.

The Joltik in her lap smirked and slid their cock down Brandy’s stomach, the head pressing against Brandy’s sex as they pushed. Or tried to.

Oh fuck Brandy was not ready.

The burn of the Joltik trying to force their dick into made Brandy her slam back against the treetrunk so hard a few leaves drifted down. “No way” Brandy mumbles, rolling her hips against the Joltik’s members head and making them trill with a few popping squeals of static. “Too big!”

Absolutely the wrong thing to say, the Joltik hugged round Brandy’s neck and leaned in to tease the gasping human. Tongue clicking as it nipped at Brandy’s spiky red hair “You’re too tall, and breasts too big” she echoed, smug as anything and grinding her hips as she fondled Brandy’s chest. If Brandy had any sense in her she might have gotten a little pride out of that. “And this little bug is too much for the big girl? No no, this big girl is going to get fucked today”

Brandy felt the shift in the air as the Joltik became lighter in her lap, her arms already latched around the Joltik’s waist crushed in even tighter as Brandy’s partner became lighter and more slippery. Agility! A common move but a very versatile one, the slippery speed giving the Joltik that tiny edge it needed to hammer that girthy cockhead past Brandy’s unyielding slit and stretch her out.

Intense wasn’t even close to how it felt. There was fire in her blood and electric shocks dancing along Brandy’s veins. Her mind became a tangled jumble that couldn’t comprehend the pain and pleasure it was being utterly drenched in and it left Brandy slurring and pawing at the Joltik now slippery with Agility like there was any chance she could hold her back.

The Joltik had gotten an inch and now it was taking all the rest, hips hammering away to drive herself home but without the strength to really make a good job of it. Their progress was grindingly slow and yet this just made the whole experience more excruciatingly intense for Brandy. She wasn’t just getting quickly stuffed, she was getting rubbed and pounded while being stuffed with an aching slowness. The enthusiastic bug girl seemingly happy to take all damn day to drive herself home, while reducing Brandy to a soppy mewling puddle.

It felt so fucking good and Brandy could never have prepared for this. Under the hips of a big dicked Joltik she almost let herself sink into a haze of pleasure and let the Pokemon have her way with her. If not for a tiny flame that still burned inside of her, she’d set out today to be the best and the best did not get fucked into a coma by the first Joltik they found.

Brandy tried to tighten her grip, her limbs already feeling like jelly as the pleasure washed through her. The initial pain of it was ebbing away and instead the Joltik hammering it’s thick length over her soft insides was becoming a thrilling rush of pleasure that was beginning to ball in her stomach, she could feel herself already building to a body-wracking orgasm and she hadn’t even taken their full length. Through all this, Brandy drove herself to close her grip on the smaller pokemon and slip her arms around the Joltik’s shoulders.

With a stolen breath between the moans the Joltik was dragging out of her, she locked her arms and Brandy pulled with all her strength. As the Joltik hammered down her hips went up and the pair of them screamed loud enough to shake the treetops as Brandy drove herself onto the Joltik’s hammering dick. Brandy punched the air right out of her own lungs as she felt herself be speared, but the Joltik hadn’t been expecting this blissful tightness to suddenly consume them and her pleasured screams devolved into a staticy buzz as her slippery limbs flailed to try grab back onto Brandy.

The agility worked against them, they were slippery fast now but that meant stuck like this Brandy had more purchase and she used it to buck her hips and do it again, bouncing the Joltik on her lap. The feeling of the Joltik’s girth rippling along her virgin walls was pure bliss and as she broke herself on the Joltik’s cock the feeling began to become mutual. Brandy turned her first fuck from a rout into a triumph as she bobbed the smaller woman on her lap until she’d finally fully hilted the Joltic onto herself. The yellow furred monster girl was just lying on top of Brandy now, practically drooling down her back as she let this tight cunt absolutely turn their mind to mush.

“This big girl” she said, breath catching as she spoke “Isn’t the one getting fucked t-.. Oh” and Brandy snorted a laugh as she saw the Joltik’s tongue hanging out of their mouth as they bounced in her lap. Maybe she should save the teasing for later, when she had a mind to hear it.

She’d have to use the binding ball after once she’d finally exhausted them, but right now Brandy wanted to milk this shortstacked stud for all it’s worth and if the trees had to hear some screams then it wouldn’t be the first and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Rolling the Joltik onto her back, Brandy took a moment to enjoy the look of the sheen of sweat on the Joltik’s skin, the yellow fur damp and the Joltic’s face showing none of that impish cockiness now, just a half tired, half blissed out serene look on her face.

Well. If she wanted to be a good trainer she needed to train and this cock between her legs hadn’t gotten soft yet. Skin buzzing from the pleasure that’d rolled through her, Brandy let gravity drive her down, rolling her hips to make the Joltic squeal. After all, it’s good for a trainer to let her captures know exactly who is on top.

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