I Want to Live Peacefully

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Awakening

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Oddly, my mother didn’t take me out of the house. Instead, she intends to do it in our bedroom. I’m excited, it almost feels like my birthday when I go out and buy myself a present, but it’s different. Someone else, a person I love most will be giving it to me. The power I yearn to have, she said that the less distraction one has, the better the end result. I’m looking forward to it.

“Before we start, there is something you need to know. The process is extremely volatile. If you don’t follow my instruction, it can set you back years before you can attempt another one.”

“That’s okay, mom. I’m ready.”

I’m always ready.

“You sure?”

I nodded.

“Alright, let me get something to wear first, then we can start.”


No matter how hard I tried to resist, I can’t help but to glance at her missing arm. In order to protect her from losing anything again, I will have to get stronger. Far stronger than anyone else, far stronger than I ever was. I didn’t even know how I got defeated by that entity. But all I need to know is that I have lost that fight, and I won’t… ever again.

Wearing her usual leather outfit, she muttered, “Now, close your eyes.”

I follow her instruction.

“Focus on my voice,” in front of me, “Don’t let anything other than this voice of mine get in your head. Nod, once you feel like you did it.”



There’s still the ambiance from the outside, but after a while...


I nodded.

“You are alone in the darkness with nothing but you. No light, no shadow, just you staring at nothing but a blank canvas. Every power starts with a form. What do you think that... stuck with you the most? Be it the animal you like or even your favorite object. You can start by painting the canvas, limited only to your imagination.”

I always dreamt about having the opportunity to explore everything. I don’t want to live without experiencing the joy of life that I never had in my previous life. First step and things are already complicated. My first sketch shall be a simple orb. A colorless globe, an orb.

“Have you done it?”

I nodded.

“Now, refine it as much as possible.”

Following that instruction took me some time, but I managed to give some details in the end. To let my mother knows, I nodded on my own.


“Good, now picture what you have painted without the canvas. As if you are taking your drawing out of the board.”

“Unlike strength that comes from training your body, power... magic, is built on the foundation of arcane. All around you, just like air, you breathe them in and out without you even realizing it. Now, try to feel it while looking at the painting.”

All around me, is it. I’ve seen it myself so it makes things easier. What I can focus on. When I breathe slowly to catch them, I see those particles lighting up the orb I’ve painted.

“Now, embed the image deep in your mind. Harness its power.”

More and more particles begin to gather around the orb. Condensing into larger particles before scattering at many parts of the orb. I can feel my body being swept away by the wind made by these particles as they went inside me.


Instinctively, I opened my eyes and see light. A blank white canvas, painted into color. Taking shape into an orb holding many particles within. It’s as if I’m looking at a connected star that is yet to light up, it’s beautiful.

“Here, drink this.”

I don’t know what it is I’m drinking, but it’s much more unpleasant than any herb juice I've ever drank. Bitter. My sight was blurry at first, but after it was adjusted, my mother kissed my forehead.

“You did it.”

Blinking a few times, “I did?”

“Look at your hand.”

The back of my right hand, the orb I’ve painted. It looks like a tattoo, but animated. There are a few small stars within the orb, they take turns to light up.

“Although it is a small three-layer form, having this mark on your hand means you are a fighter, Illy. You don’t have any compatibilities but it looks like you don’t have any incompatibilities either. Isn’t that great? What do you think?”

“Um,” disappointing, “Heheh, it’s great, mom. I err,” swallowing my saliva, I can see my eyes getting blurry once again, “When I get stronger, I will be able to protect you.”

Her smile as she gazes warmly at me. Is she proud? Sad? Or just like me, disappointed by the mediocre result? Me, having a lesser Magical Capacity. Even if I have the three layers and that puts me at the top of the rank, it is still [Lesser].

My mother embraces me in her arms. I don't even know how to respond.

I couldn’t control my own fate. Can’t. What the world gave me, the weakest body of all. Just by looking at the window, I can see it. The reflection of myself not even looking like a man. I don’t understand. And from the beginning, my mother cut my hair the way she did hers many years ago. She even dressed me not like how other moms would dress their sons. The way she educates me and such. What came out of her mouth is “Son” but why do I feel like she wanted something else?

Not that it matters if she wants me as a girl, I will get stronger no matter what. I will protect her from anyone, and anything.


A hug from a mother gives warmth to their child. Especially so in the cold atmosphere of the night. Illidac sees himself in the reflection, but upon squinting his eyes, he saw people running. Eyes peeled, he muttered, “M-Mom…”

She heard a faint sound of a scream. Quickly she stood to check the window, multiple houses is on fire. Illidac remembered, “Penia.” Not because she just recently learned how to use fire but rather the danger behind the flames in those houses.

They got out of the bedroom and his mother shifted her head around as if she were looking for something.


“Through the back. Go!”

Illidac quickly went to the backdoor.

“Take Penia to the forest, your Mom will be there soon.”

Worried but the clock is ticking, he nods.

Upon exiting, he saw a flying boulder passing in the sky, aflame. His brows narrowed down as his heart beating. Through the many bushes he passed, people screaming, but he ignored everything to get to the chief’s house but it was burning.



The voice – it’s hers – it came from the back of the house, so he went, but after taking a turn at the corner. A straight punch hit him right on his left cheek, knocking him down.



Concussion, everything was a blur but he heard noises. Voices from unfamiliar men dragging him by the back of his clothes.

“Shit! I thought it was a guard.”

“Wha-What?! A Guard? How the fuck did you think these guys can afford a guard, like, what are they going to pay them? Rocks?”

“Drop it, man. I’m sorry.”

“No, fuck that. If any more of these kids got the slightest bruise on their skin - again, captain gonna chop your head off and I won’t put my neck out for you this time. So, let’s go!”

Illidac closes his eyes for a brief moment but when he opens them, flashes from a burning house. Facing down on the ground with a dirty boot stepping on her head.

*BAM *BAM *Bwooosh

That sound, the sound of a battle. A fight. He looks up to see it and he found his mother fighting against someone with flames coming off their hands. When it fires off, her eyes peeled, and quickly blocked it with her forearm, taking a step back from the man. The only arm she has left is burning in flames, but she puts it out swiftly before the heat even gets to her flesh.

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She may be standing against one, but there are many men and women - armed with bows, swords, axes, and other bladed weapons – behind that man. Not a single person she is familiar with, and they don’t seem to be friendly.

“Bwahahaha, you see this? Hell, what am I doing, fighting a woman of all things? Then again, I guess NONE OF YOU CAN FIGHT, HUH?! The alchemist couldn’t even do a thing without her wand and now we got an idiot trying to fight a mage with their bare hands!”

The woman in question, Illidac’s mother, glances at the hopeless people in captives. Penia is there, and so is her son. The only one left that can fight for their survival is her. When the man focused on giving speeches to the captives, she quickly took the opportunity to strike but then, the top of a giant hammer struck her from the side.

Her eyes and the eyes of her son widened in synchrony as she falls from the impact.

“Oh? What’s this? Heheh, a smart one, aren't you?.”

Grinding her teeth, she quickly stood despite the agonizing pain.

*Crack *Crack

Even with broken bones, she raised her clenched hand still. Her expression, her eyes, all glaring daggers at the man – and for a brief moment, he felt it. Anger.

“You…” magical energy swirled around his hands, and instead of flames, sparks were summoned, “Die, bitch.”

As if lightning just came out of his hand, it struck her straight at the center of her chest and exploded upon impact.

*Clack – BOOM*

Once more, both the son’s and the mother’s eyes widened while the man hysterically laughs, “HAHA, I’m not done yet!” from the other hand he summons a blast of water.

*Woosh – Bzzzzzzzt*

Electrifying his mother in mid-air, and consecutively switching from lightning, water, and flame – again and again without stopping.

“No,” Illidac’s mouth trembles, “No… Mom…”


“Not her… please…”

“HAHA!” slapping both of his hands, “TAKE THIS! Fury Thunder!”

From the sky, descend a bolt of violent lightning that strikes his mother many times. The tears in his eyes clouded his vision as the sound from the surroundings diminished. Everything turns white. His mother’s face appeared for a brief moment before changing to a colorless globe. Within it, is a scenery of a certain forest not far from the village.

‘I killed someone.’

‘It was when I was 6. I tried to come up with a solution to get my power back. I didn’t know what to do so I kept trying. Rebuilding from scratch, how it begins. But I didn’t remember. I didn’t remember how I was able to use my power.’

‘But I know how to do it. So, I tried. I kept it hidden from everyone. Not even my mother knows that I can already make embers out of thin air. It was the easiest part of the process, and it was the first lethal attack I might be able to do. But I wasn’t able to activate it.’

‘So, I kept trying. I believe I can naturally learn how, and indeed; I was able to activate it, but that sound that came from it. I didn’t know it was going to be like that. I thought my ears were gone. The explosions destroyed a huge chunk of the forest and even changed the landscape.”


‘Yes, it was almost like that.’

His heart beat at a faster rate as each second passed by. Slowly, the 9 stars at the back of his hand lit up at the same time. And as if someone took a piece of chalk and started painting with it begins.

‘I don’t even know who it was. I couldn’t even tell if it was a man or a woman. He just lied there, I could probably check whether they were breathing or not, but what’s the point? Holes in their body, I can even see their heart. Charred.’

His [Mark] began to light up in flames as he hears those sounds.


“KYAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA—” a small fist engulfed in flames flew straight toward the left cheek of that hysterical man. And then, explosion.


Clouds of smoke appear as the hysterical laugh of the man stops. Following the trails of smoke, the man appears from the bushes with a charred head. He felt fine, but when he feels his cheek, something felt odd. And that’s because he didn’t see it burning, showing the back of his teeth. When the fire stops, his flesh began to heal on its own.

Tilting his head, “Hunh?”

He abrasively swept the smoke away with only a wave of his arm. He sees the back of a young girl burning in flames, and she stares at the woman he struck by his magic. What catches his eyes though is the changing mark on the young girl’s hand. One that used to look like a simple sphere, now has another layer that makes it look like an icon of flame.

[6th Layer]

“Heh, so here we are. Even at the edge of nowhere, I still find people like you, Kidan. Haha,” walking towards his men, “This is actually kind of funny because we were supposed to be out here, away from you freaks, but hey, I supposed it's not that bad.”

With his grin, he tore the cloth off his right arm to reveal an enclosed [Mark] of three different icons within a circle. Taking a deep breath, stars appear out of the circle as the three icons rotate. Upon exhaling, smoke came out of his mouth. He focused on the young girl facing away from him.

“Oi kid, seems like you’re gonna be a part of the team. Why don’t you turn around and hug your master, here? Huh?”

Illidac sees his mother lying on the ground. The image of the charred person appeared on layers with what he sees at the moment. His [Mark] once again began drawing another layer before recoloring it deeply red. The flames engulfing his body began reaching a temperature where it is enough to char the ground he stood.

[7th Layer]

He then glances at Penia with his glowing eyes. He sees her holding her chest in fear, the expression she makes shook his heart, and his [Mark] began to show another layer where the entire mark is contained within a circle.

“HEY! You listening?! If you don’t turn the fuck around, I’m gonna burn those pieces of shit to ashes!”

[8th Layer]

Slowly, Illidac turns his head and the man sees the young girl with tears of lava falling down her cheeks. At that moment, every sense of the man’s body responded in the coldest temperature that no amount of heat can dissipate. Instinctively, he lunges toward Illidac as magical energy forms throughout his body. Similar to Illidac, the energy turns into flames but unlike him, the man has three different energies cloaking him in synchrony.

The man formed a circle with his hand, targeting Illidac, but upon meeting his flaming eyes, the man with his clear blue eyes knows that he and the young girl is worldly different.

Screamed at the top of his lungs, “ULTIMA VOW, SHATTERING BLEA—”


All eyes were peeled the moment that gory sound was heard. They all stare at it questioning in their mind – What just happened – at the sight of the man who not long ago was the symbol of fear and now, they cannot even recognize his face as there is a gaping hole on the lower part of his head where his mouth lies. His eyes are wide open, feeling every antagonizing pain from every direction. He stood perfectly still as he was a moment ago, waiting for his wound to heal, but something prevents it from healing. The leftover lava inside.

Through the hole he makes with his hand, the young girl can be seen with his small fist raised and it’s smoking in recess. At the back of her right-hand lies the final form of her mark. Enclosed within the circle, is the face of a skeleton screaming in a raging flame.

[9th – Layer]

The man can see the difference between him and Illidac. When he walks towards the man, trails of fire were left behind and it spreads to the surrounding. Bits of his clothes melted into lava and crystalized when it reaches the ground. When Illidac is close enough to the man with a hole in his mouth, Illidac reaches into the man’s stomach, melting it through until he finds his heart.

Pain surged into the man’s head. Now he can truly feel it. His legs, trembling. Fear. He's no longer in control of his fate. Instead, it's on someone else’s hand.


Illidac ripped the man’s heart out of his chest. Eyes peeled; he can see his end, near. Tears fall down as pain runs rampant in his head. His heart fell to the ground, crystalized in beautiful gold lava. The man sees the terror beside it - Illidac's glowing eyes staring at his soul with his tears of red lava dripping from his face.

With a flick of a finger, the man was engulfed in flames. Burning like it’s a bonfire. Slowly, Illidac sees him slowly rolling his eyes before they too are burned. The many men watch their leader aflame.


It came from the back. A thug holding Penia’s father by the neck with a dagger close to it, “No, no, p-please. Please, don’t kill me. I… I…”

“SHUT. UP!” the thug notices Illidac staring at him, “A-And you! Cut that shit out or I’ll—”


Once again, it happened. However, this time, everyone but his mother saw the thug who stepped on Illidac’s head – dead with his head blown to bits. They didn’t even catch it, the thing that killed him. All they see is the result and Illidac with his fist smoking.

It was then, chaos erupted.

“Ruuuuuuuuuun!” sounded a woman from the thug’s group. Soon, others followed as they scream and scatter, running for their lives. But many are staying with their weapons drawn and unsheathed.



Just like Illidac’s mother, they now fight for their survival.

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