I Was Beat Up in an Alleyway and Woke Up in a Dungeon With a System [LitRPG]

Chapter 13: 13. Wake Up

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"Sir Harry, your dinner is ready,"

Harry looked at his maid, Veronica, nodded his head, and said, "Alright, I'll be right down."

Veronica nodded her head and stood off to the side, awaiting further instruction. Harry then thought about his life after he left that horrid dungeon. Writing and publishing a novel, detailing his adventures within, although he exaggerated a few events. Like how he bravely saved his party's mage from a feral rat, or how he saved three strangers he encountered from attacking goblins.

His autobiography wowed countless people from across the land of Lorent, and he continued to publish countless novels about his adventures which turned him into a wealthy aristocrat. Harry was lost in thought as he toyed with his favorite gold coin, the first one he ever received from his novels, spinning it between his fingers before he was suddenly interrupted by his maid speaking out.

"What did you say, Veronica? My hearing isn't as good as it used to be, you know?" Harry said as he turned around to face his maid.

"Sir Harry, wake up." His maid repeated.

"Hahaha!" Harry laughed. "What joke are you playing this time, Veronica? I'm as wide awake as can b-"

"Wake up." His maid said again with an emotionless face.

"Alright, you got me. Now let's go eat din-"

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP. WAKE UP."

Harry watched in astonishment as his maid kept repeating the same two words, slowly growing louder after each time.


Harry's astonishment slowly transformed into horror as his maid's face began to crack and peel and fall to the floor.

"Veronica! What the hell is wrong with you!"

"HARRY! I SAID WAKE UP!" His maid shouted as the last of her skin fell off to reveal the face of Kai.

"AHHHHHHH!" Henry screamed as he suddenly jolted up from his sleep, seeing the concerned face of Kai, and the amused smirk on Anun's face.

"Had a nice nap?" Anun laughed.

"I- wha- where am I?" Harry stammered out.

Kai and Anun glanced at each other before looking back at Harry.

Kai spoke out first, "The Room has reopened. We wanted to wake you up to ask if you wanted to come with us."

"No, no, no!" Harry muttered as he clutched his head. "My comfortable life... all gone."

"Do you think he has Dungeon Trauma?" Anun asked Kai. "He sure is showing some symptoms of madness right now."

"No, I'm fine!" Harry said as he jumped up. "I'm perfectly fine!"

Kai and Anun gave each other another look before Anun slowly said, "If you say so..."

"Well, let's stop wasting time and get going, then," Kai replied as he walked toward the reopened rift. "That guy from earlier could've already reentered and might need our help."

Then, the trio walked into the rift, prepared for what was to come.

[Host, wake up.]

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awake." Zero replied as he sat up and rubbed his eyes groggily. "I needed that nap. When did the Room reopen?"

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[Three minutes ago.]

"Alright, then let's get going," Zero said as he stood up and stretched. "I'm still starving though..."

[Your rate of regeneration has slowed by about twenty-five percent, host.]

"I hope those three have some food for me to eat, otherwise, I'll really have to resort to eating one of those goblins."

Zero then walked over to the, now glowing again, podium and pressed his hand on it. The walls began to split apart again with a rumble as it revealed the orange-tinted rift within. Zero then stepped forward into the rift with his shortbow on his back and sword armed in his hand. When he stepped in, he once again felt the familiar feeling of weightlessness before landing on his feet again in the familiar jungle full of trees.

"This isn't where I left from," Zero pondered. "And this also isn't where I first entered earlier. Does the location of entry change every time the Room reopens?"

[You are correct, host.]

"Damn, then this is going to take a hell of a lot longer to find those three again."

[Before that, host, you should probably worry about the problem in front of you.]

"Yeah, I know." Zero replied as he stared at three goblins who were staring back.

Zero broke the silence first, leaping behind a tree as the Goblin Archer raised its bow, snarling. An arrow hit the tree Zero was hiding behind, as the goblin wielding a sword at the forefront ran toward Zero's location. Before it could reach the tree, though, it heard a shout.

"{Piercing Shot}!"

An arrow flew toward the goblin's head, and it dove to the side, the arrow narrowly missing its head. As it cackled in glee at the missed shot, Zero also laughed.

[You have slain a Goblin Archer. +15 Experience Points.]

"One down, two more to go."

The arrow wasn't intended for the sword-wielding goblin, but instead for the Goblin Archer hiding behind the other two goblins. The Spear Goblin glanced at its dead comrade and let out a low growl before charging toward Zero with its spear glowing red. The other goblin got up from the ground, also rushing toward Zero with its sword shining light blue. Zero quickly took aim with his bow and shot an arrow at the Spear Goblin before dropping it and wielding his shortsword in his hand. The Spear Goblin, unable to avoid the arrow due to it being shot from close range, was hit in the leg by the arrow; hindering its movements.

Zero then cast {Enhance Sharpness} on his sword before running toward the sword-wielding goblin, raising his hand and shouting, "{Ice Aegis}!"

The goblin, startled that the human was running toward it instead of away, released his skill, and the sword in its hand pierced at Zero. However, the sword was then stopped by a blue barrier that had appeared and it bounced the sword away, causing the goblin to lose its balance. Zero took advantage of this opportunity and removed the barrier before rushing at the goblin and kicking it in the stomach. It gave a grunt and landed on its behind, before its head was lopped off by Zero's sword. Zero then turned his attention to the other goblin, who had started retreating in fear, and Zero rushed at it and swung his sword at the goblin which quickly raised its own spear. The two weapons collided before Zero's sword suddenly snapped in half with a clink.

"Shit!" Zero cursed as he quickly dropped the sword onto the ground and grabbed an arrow from his quiver.

Zero then recast {Enhance Sharpness} on the arrow before ducking the goblin's swing of its spear, lunging up, and plunging the arrow into the goblin's neck. The goblin dropped its spear and it clutched at its neck, choking on its own blood, before eventually collapsing to the ground. Zero then walked over to the goblin, gripped the arrow, and yanked it out of its neck before placing the arrow back into his quiver. He then collected his bow from where he dropped it earlier and traded out his broken shortsword for the one the sword-wielding goblin had.

Zero let out a breath of relief at another survived battle and relaxed his tense muscles, before an impact suddenly hit him from the side. He gave a grunt and felt the wind knocked out of his lungs as he smashed against a tree and fell to the ground.

"Argh..." Zero groaned. "What the hell..."

As Zero looked up, he spotted a massive goblin standing where he was earlier. The goblin had two tusks that protruded from his lower lip, bulging muscles all over its body, a face that was painted in red markings, a giant waraxe strapped to its back, and was standing at an impressive 2.5 meters tall.

"(Human, I am Ooruk of the great Metal Blood Tribe, serving as one of the two Queen's Guards,)" The goblin spoke in a deep voice. "(I request for your name before I kill you.)"

Zero stared blankly at the goblin before climbing up from the ground and running away.

"(Cowardly human,)" Ooruk growled angrily as it sprinted after Zero.

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