I Was Beat Up in an Alleyway and Woke Up in a Dungeon With a System [LitRPG]

Chapter 16: 16. Borgk

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[You have slain a Goblin General. +50 Experience Points]

The system message rang out in front of Zero as he pulled another arrow out of his quiver and notched it to his bow.

"{Piercing Shot}," Zero whispered as he released the arrow.

[Skill leveled up to 2: {Piercing Shot}]

Zero watched from his hiding spot in the tree as the Hobgoblin blocked his arrow with its weapon before roaring. Zero then diverted his attention to the other goblins in complete disarray as he pulled out another arrow.

Kai was right. Zero thought. Killing that goblin with the helmet caused the rest of the goblins to fall into chaos.

"Thanks for the free experience," Zero said as he let another arrow fly, this time through the skull of a goblin.

[You have slain a Spear Goblin. +15 Experience Points]

Borg watched as the goblin army slowly fell apart as they were getting picked off by arrows and thin icicles that were shot from nowhere.

"RETREAT!" roared Borgk as he slowly began to back away toward the line of trees that could shield him from any unseen threats.

His order was mostly unheard, as most of the goblins were still scrambling around in chaos. Borg cursed as he began to make his way alone toward safety before he was stopped by a figure rushing at him from the side.

"Petty tricks!" Borg yelled as he swung his greatsword in a sideways arc at the figure.

Kai ducked the swing of the sword before raising his blade and slashing at the goblin's side. Borg sneered and kicked out, causing Kai to change his course of action and dodge to the left. As Borgk raised his greatsword to slash down, an arrow suddenly shot toward his head, forcing him to shift the weapon to deflect the arrow. This, however, gave Kai an opportunity to dive in and slash at Borgk's thigh before quickly retreating.

"RATS!" Borgk roared before rushing forward and swinging his greatsword at Kai.

However, he was suddenly interrupted when an icicle blasted against his unguarded back.

"Argh!" Borgk groaned before shouting, "{Iron Skin}!"

His skin suddenly shifted into a deep grey color, giving off a metallic luster. Borgk then sneered as he rushed at Kai, before an arrow shimmering green flew toward his head. He ignored the arrow as it struck him in the head and splintered into pieces.

"Shit," Kai cursed as he quickly backed up from the Hobgoblin storming toward him.

Kai kicked a confused goblin in the way of the raging Borgk as he continued to make distance between them. Borgk raised a hand and smashed the goblin away, turning half of its body into minced meat, as he continued to charge at Kai. Borgk then raised his greatsword and swung it at Kai causing him to dodge again, but this time Borgk was ready. He kicked out with his leg and caught Kai in the stomach, causing Kai to fly back.

"You're dead!" Borgk shouted as he ran toward Kai, ready to end his life.

As he raised his greatsword to deliver the killing blow, an arrow glowing green and a giant arrow made of ice blasted against his sword causing it to fly out of his hands.

"No matter. My entire body has become a weapon now," Borgk said as he raised a fist.

Then, an object came flying at Borgk causing him to reflexively punch at the object, resulting in it exploding; splattering blood and brain matter over Borgk's face. As Borgk looked at his hands, he soon realized what that object was.

"How dare you!" Borgk roared. "Unwilling to let a dead warrior rest in peace!"

Zero wasted no time talking after he threw the head of Ooruk at Borgk and instead raised his bow as he chanted, "{Enhance Sharpness}, {Piercing Shot}," and released an arrow at Borgk.

Borgk slapped it aside and shouted, "I'll kill you first!"

As Borgk rushed toward him, Zero didn't retreat, but instead also charged at Borgk.

"Do you think you can best me in a contest of strength?" Borgk sneered. "How laughable."

Borgk then punched at Zero, with Zero ducking the punch and touching Borgk's arm before quickly backing away.

[Skill acquired: {Iron Skin}]

"{Iron Skin}!" Zero shouted as his body, like Borgk's, transformed into a heavy grey.

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"What? How do you have my ability?" Borgk asked incredulously.

[Host, with the MP consumption of this skill, your MP will be depleted in roughly 3 minutes and 56 seconds.]

"Alright, I'll just have to kill him before then," Zero said as he sprinted at Borgk.

Borgk then raised a fist, preparing to punch at Zero again, before an ice arrow blasted against his back, causing him to stumble forward.

Let's see if this'll work. Zero thought before casting {Enhance Sharpness} and {Piercing Thrust} on his own arm.

As a light green and red energy started shimmering on Zero's hand, Zero blasted his fist into Borgk's abdomen as Borgk tried to regain his balance. The punch caused a thin crack to snake along Borgk's stomach area as he roared in pain.

[Host, your time remaining in this current state has been reduced to 2 minutes and 41 seconds.]

Shit, it looks like I need to punch where it counts. Zero thought as he cast {Piercing Thrust} on his fist again.

As Zero threw another punch, Borgk was prepared this time as he raised his arms in front of him to mitigate the damage. However, Zero had expected this and had instead thrown a feint before he lowered himself down and delivered the punch straight at Borgk's crotch.

Borgk howled in pain as he dropped down to his knees and tremblingly said, "Have you no shame? You have no honor as a warrior!"

"I never said I was one," Zero replied before he gripped Borgk's head and shoved his thumbs into both of Borgk's eyes, bursting them, before removing his hands.

Borgk, now blinded, stood up and wildly swung his fists as Zero backed up before rushing forward and delivering another blow to Borgk's crotch.

Borgk screamed in pain and collapsed onto his knees as he shouted, "Just kill me! Let me keep what little pride I have left!"

"Gladly," Zero replied as he took an arrow out of his quiver.

"I have failed, my queen. I am sorry..." Borgk muttered before Zero rammed the arrow through his eyesocket and into his brain.

Borgk instantly collapsed backward, motionless, as a system message appeared in front of Zero.

[You have slain a Hobgoblin. +100 Experience Points]

Zero then deactivated the {Iron Skin} skill before saying, "Now it's time to clean up the rest."

Harry watched as Zero fought against the Hobgoblin from his hiding spot, amazed and horrified at Zero's brutality.

I'm glad he's on our side... Harry thought before he heard some rustling from behind him.

He spun around and spotted a goblin holding a shortsword emerging from the bushes behind him. Both Harry and the goblin stared at each other for a moment before Harry took the initiative to run away. The goblin cackled at its fleeing prey before chasing after Harry with abnormal speed for something of its stature. Harry then dove behind a tree as the goblin caught up to him, searching for him. The goblin cackled again before it ran toward the tree, and swung its sword behind the tree, only to hit nothing. The goblin, confused, stared blankly at where Harry should've been before a force suddenly crashed down on its head; causing it to collapse to the ground.

Harry, standing behind it with his staff in his hands, screamed wildly as he swung his staff at the collapsed goblin's head. He then smashed his bloody staff into the head of the goblin again and again before he finally dropped it, his hands trembling. He gasped for breath tremblingly as he fell to the ground staring at the goblin’s corpse. After a few more moments, he grabbed his staff and stood up before running back to rejoin the group.

”Has Borgk returned with their heads?” The queen questioned as she watched Toruk walk into the hut.

”My queen,” Toruk rasped before shaking his head. “Borgk is dead.”

”WHAT?” The queen roared as she gripped the armrest of her throne so tightly that it shattered into pieces. “And the goblins that followed him?”

”None have returned,” Toruk said as he bowed his head.

The queen went silent for a moment before commanding, “Prepare the rest of the tribe. We’re going to war.”

”As you wish, my queen,” Toruk responded before exiting the hut.

“I will crush every single one of you maggots,” The queen growled to herself before standing up from her throne and walking over to where she kept her weapon on display.

”It looks like you’re needed again,” The queen said she ran a finger across the sharp edge of the scimitar.

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