I Was Born To Be A Villainess But I Became A NEET Instead.

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Friend..?

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"Why are you here?"

Was the scathing question Ferun uttered as he scowled horrible at his supposed 'wife'. Currently, he was sitting on his study chamber working with his paperwork late at dawn when the woman suddenly entered his study without permission.

The new arrival, Melissa, who heard his question, however was not amuse, far from it. She had enough of Ferun bullshit schemes and she'd rather fix the problem now than delay for it to get worse...

So that's why after a day with the blood lake, she barges into his study in the morning unannounced, with thick book in hand and of course the curtains was drawn so she could walk without much problem.

Much to her relief. If the bastard hadn't, then how would she barge in here in a domineering way?

"Why am I here, is that your stupid question all mighty Duke?" He bristled at her tone but stopped when Melissa suddenly slammed her hand along with the book she had brought at his table with a loud bang, funnily enough, making him jump a bit at her sudden boldness. "You know god-damned well you asshole!? What were you thinking! Giving my child a lake filled with whatever kind of blood was in that fuckery. Do you want to traumatize Rosalina that badly, is that your goal!"

Ferun erupted in rage upon hearing her accusation. "Of course not! My intention was pure! Giving her a room where she could eat and enjoy herself to her heart's content, isn't that paradise itself!" He shouts back at her. "And I created the Blood Lake because I was inspired by your kind's ridiculously popular yet foolish fairy tale. The one with the food houses. So if a literature like that, that was loved by all the human children, then my surprise should've been impossible to fail. So the only reason Rosalina did not like it was because of your influence on her, you harlot!"

"You son of a b... Are you that stupid? An idiot! A retard of a Vampire! The 'food houses' you mentioned had a malicious intent from the start! The witch was fattening up the kids to eat them, how could you even skip that part!"

"Well... how should I know!? You humans are always telling such twisted stories to human children! And everyone of your kind claims that demons are the evil one! I got the idea from the fact that in the story, the kids were enjoying eating something that was inedible in every way! "

"Ugh..." Having nothing to say to that fact. Melissa coughed awkwardly and tried to change the subject discreetly. "W-Well, do something responsible the , you shithead! If you don't, say goodbye to your father privileges because Rosalina was crying nonstop when I carried her to this room!" So she did what she thought would work. Using her daughter as a threat.

"Eh...?" His brain exploded when he heard that sentence, and all of his scathing remarks had all but vanished when he had processed the implications. "C-come again...?"

Melissa sneers when she notices his helpless expression, but it quickly disappears as she considers her current issue.

While she despises this idiot and everything he represents, she will always abandon her hatred so long as Rosalina grows up normally.

And having two extreme bickering eccentric parents were not normal in the least. One was an egotistic, violent, short-tempered psycho vampire, while the other was a human-turned-vampire mother who was despised by the entire manor, noted that she was also short-tempered when it comes to her 'husband.'

So, the best way to communicate with a problem like this..... Was to say nothing and just give him some basic instructions that he should be able to follow without mucking or twisting it all up.

So that was her plan.

"Here. Read this. If I am going to be a better mother to my child, then you, sir, need it as well." Ferun grabbed the thick parenting book like it was his lifeline. Nodding at his scared expression, Melissa left with a peace of mind....

A hesitant peace of mind, if you would.

Then when she left, Ferun's cool and collected facade begins to collapse and he groaned directly.

"Huuhh.... If what that thing says is true... then Rosalina might really hate me!" he exclaimed, terrified. "No... No... as she says, I might be able to save the situation by... reading this scrap of a book."

With a few minutes of deliberation, he then looked towards the book with apprehension.

"... I will never read a human child's story book again for reference." he reflected, inspecting the book as if it were an exotic item.

He sighs and ignores the pile of paperwork on his desk, instead reading the so-called parenting book. While he was unsure of how much worse this book could get, given that the storybook for children he chose for inspiration appears to be reviled, how much more will this book aimed at adults be scorned?

"Haaaaa... The first step to having a happy child..." He raised an eyebrow at that sentence, but his doubt vanished as he read the next paragraph with interest. "If you cuddle your child, they may... St-start.. to g-get rebellious... Gah.. What!? You mean my little Rosalina is indeed starting her rebellious phase!? Impossible..! No.. I cannot let that happen!"

He then saw the solution while reading his book.

"If your child has only parents cuddling them, then finding a playmate for them to be happy is the best solution; having a peer may help your child be more independent and develop in a good state..."

Narrowing his eyes.. as the word "friend" he suddenly had an idea.

"A friend... What good is a simple friend?... No... what I need is a loyal servant/friend for my little Thorn, Yes... A 'friend' that will keep her company, service her to her heart's content, and most importantly protect her while I can get to hear her every move without being seen as cuddled!" Ferun then rejoiced, smiling and as he shows fangs. "Yes...! Yes... that would certainly work!" Excited, he took a bell from his desk and rang it twice, then made his way to his door.

Hearing a *swoosh~ near his side, Ferun breathes a satisfied huff.

"I will leave the paperwork to you, Horris! I will be doing something important."

"Yes, Sire," his servant who just teleported, nodded.

Watching the back of his Master, quickly walking away with a bang, he sighed.

Horris, Ferun's most trusted and powerful butler, sighed in response to his master's mood.

"Aye... aye... He does not get it; he is still doing things like this when he was young, too irresponsible and brash is all I have to complain. I wonder... if old Mistress may reprimand the man while checking her granddaughter aswell." Horris, a lesser vampire, says with a thoughtful look. "No.. I do not think a simple scolding will suffice."

"More like a harsh punishment is what the fool may get." 

_______________×× ∆∆ ××_______________

Change Pov. Rosalina 

Location Change: Rosalina's Room

In my peaceful afternoon nap, a time I should've been asleep, a time of heaven was all but ruined by the sudden interruption brought by my fool of a father.

"Good afternoon, Rosalina," Satan himself sang as he thwarted my peaceful mid-afternoon nap with just him opening the door to my sanctuary. My mother was currently eating, and I appear to have been abandoned in his presence.... Sadly.

And I should mention this, I really despise his upbeat demeanor. He should never smile with that kind of face. I would cry, I really would but... It would be pitiful to cry for just the man to leave.

I'm now a girl, so it was okay to cry.

You are reading story I Was Born To Be A Villainess But I Became A NEET Instead. at novel35.com

But never for this situation.

I still have a pride deep, deep inside of me.

Though....He should be known as the domineering type, not the puppy type, dammit!

"I have something for you~"

...Oh my God... No.. not another one of his bizarre gifts, please. I am still traumatized you oaf! May as well send me to an asylum why don't you!?

"It has come to my attention that you appear to be a little lonely with only your dear Daddy and... your Mother as your companions."


Please don't tell me to interact with my peers, okay? I am still a baby! Let me at least enjoy my NEET baby life!

In my previous life, I had enough of socializing, so with that reasoning, I become the NEET I am today! And I'm not going to start now to better myself, especially when my life is on the line in the future, by just going to school!

"So.. here!" My idiotic father thrust a cube-like object into my chubby hands. I babbled and tried to shake the cube over like it was a present. Since it has some foreign feeling that confused me to the core. Hearing nothing, I made a confused sound, and my father chuckled, probably finding my scrunched up chubby face amusing.

"My dear Rosalina, that cube is a core for a sentinel golem; I added some features to make it best suited to my lovely Thorn," he said, taking the cube back and twisting it like a Rubik's cube. To my amazement, the cube then glowed and floated away from his grasp, beginning to rebuild itself.

I gape at such a magical thing, oblivious to the fact that I was being carried until my face was close to the glowing item.

"And for the finishing touches, a golem must recognize its mistress by touching its core to take shape." Compelled by his words, I reached out a hand, but the glow abruptly stopped, leaving me flustered. But then I pouted after hearing a chuckle from above.

"Be patient." Ferun says simply, but his tone was so amused that I can't help but grit my teeth.... Yes.. What a perplexing sentence for a baby who's not even a year old.

Teeth would only develop gradually... But in just a few months, I managed to complete the row from top to bottom.

But enough about my rapid growth, let's all return to the interesting item in front of me that wad also slowly dissolving into...a liquidized mess.

It was like observing a magma slowly hardening and forming like a clay. A body-like structure of a person, or more specifically, a 10-year-old child, was created by the mold. The hue then sharply shifts.

The base changed to a natural skin tone, and as golden-like hair began to emerge from the head, blue eyes and a mouth appeared out of nowhere. Even though there wasn't a hint of life in those soulless blue eyes, I couldn't doubt the girl, the golem that suddenly turned into what I considered as angel... And oddly enough, she seems to have a familiar appearance.

But... Importantly... She's cute! Like a cute cat~

The girlish golem simply stood, though she took her time looking around. When her gaze finally moved to mine and we made our first eye contact, she moved towards my small frame, which was still being held by my strangely silent father. The child golem then smiled at me.

"Hello, Mistress," the girl says with a soulless smile, bowing to me. "I am Lily, your new friend."

Oh... I kinda get why she looks familiar. Her name too.

She looks like a carbon copy of the Protagonist.... The female protagonist. Lillian.




Not to mention the kid was buck-naked!? And The freakin' Female Protagonist!?

"Huuu." The man, my father, finally uttered a puzzled sound as well. As if to emphasize how unexpected this was to him too. "Strange, I thought the golem would take the form of a miniature Melissa, and here I was thinking that I would have been in charge of someone with an irritating face to blow off some steam."

Ahhhh... That's sums it up. When I remembered this bodies fate, I must have thought of the Heroine by chance. And, Oi, your thoughts are leaking out father!?

Though... Wouldn't this make for a new problem, right?

Seriously, I got a servant or a friend(?) that looked like the beloved person of the male protagonist that would kill me in the future.

Did a death flag raise unknowingly?


A/N: Ferun's look... Had a hard time with drawing the bastard.


And... Since I can't upload normally here.. I'll just drop the link

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