I Was Born To Be A Villainess But I Became A NEET Instead.

Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Information Overload

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Rosalina's Pov.

In the early morning of June-something, seeing dark foliages around the window and witnessing the morning sunshine wafting into my chamber as my drapes barely hid the unpleasant rays from the comfort of my bed,

...I sulked very hard..

Tomorrow, and since I'm a person who likes to be technical with my wording, then tonight, is going to be a special day.

-I'm being sarcastic. It should be more in the lines of it being a troublesome day or night, infact.

I don't know why, but this is going to be my first birthday while looking like a 6-year-old, having difficult parents, being filthy rich, and having an abnormal biology to booth.


And I'll bet the celebration would be extravagant. Which, for tonight, I'm not really all that delighted about.

I also don't understand these vampires' routine. But for them, the day begins when the moon is full. They call tomorrow, as it's meant to be tonight.

Which is confusing!

Even though weeks and months have passed, I'm still not used to my body. Well, I guess I could thank my ever-rapid-growing body. Literally, I looked like a 6-year-old within just a year of my birth.

So with my unpleasant thoughts raging, I, in real life, was rolling in my large bed with an unpleasant face, which predictably made the other person (who I had forgotten was there) in my room to be concerned for my mentality.

"Mistress..? Are you alright?" My friend/personal servant, or Lily, asked me with a hint of concern. She must've noticed my sudden gloomy mood since I've been rolling in bed for the past 5 minutes, not really asleep. which is quite obvious.

"And it is still too early for you to wake up. But I can understand your enthusiasm for your upcoming birthday tomorrow. So I advise you to sleep until it's afternoon." Lily added with a listless smile. Well, to me, it's pretty much listless since her eyes were pretty much dead inside. Well, she is a golem.

Since I look like a 6-year-old, I can surprisingly talk now. Which I'm now forced to interact with-people or demons? But... I guess I'm getting the practice needed in talking because of Lily, since my speech has improved tremendously after I kept chatting with the Golem.

So, great. But not great for someone who hates all form of communication.

"I don't want to." Remembering my introverted personality, the carbon copy of the FL just paused for a moment at my simple request, and I know she's about to deny it for the sake of making me miserable.

Even if it were for my own good.

"It is a must, I'm afraid, so don't be lazy or you'll be scolded by your father."


Why did I get the feeling that she was threatening me with the oaf? Well... It's not gonna work. Maybe, since... Well..

Actually my parents or more importantly, my Papa, seems to really soften a lot. Since that day, my parents have surprisingly become, well; parents, the devoted but now stern kind.

Rosalina's mother A.K.A Melissa, had somewhat stopped being excessive to her daughter, me, after I got Lily (though I did notice a pattern), and when my birthday was approaching, Melissa suddenly pounded me with picture books of my ever-growing, fast-paced growth and was very excited to teach me many things in our days of 'Mother Time', ranging from specific topics and whatnot activities.

Even teaching me freakin' elementary math and history (Guh..and here I thought I'd escape the torture of learning..), my mother was still clingy, but not so much as in the past when Melissa would baby me at every turn or go ga-ga over me in doing something basic, or keep me in my bedroom with her till I nod off.

She suddenly become an ordinary Mom, who will sometimes scold me if I'm too lazy. Though I guessed that this sudden change was because of a book Mom had been reading. 

'Like... Mother, it's so obvious.'

Then, let us not forget about "Papa." Ferun has, if I may so boldly say so, improved quite a little not really a lot. But at least he no longer engages in sudden violence while I am around (though he still does it when my back is turn), and he now uses some basic common sense when dealing with young children or weak babies like myself.

The key word here is though. However, it is not as awful as... That with.. the lake. So an improvement.

And finally, Lily. I am not familiar with golems from this universe, but she reminds me of a growing intelligent A.I. She first behaved like a robot, only responding to straightforward commands from other servants, my parents, and occasionally myself. And yet... She would create something unique every day. More emotional expression, hobbies, likes and dislikes, dreams, hopes, feelings, and even having her own personality now, are all things she can now express, but her eyes remain as soulless as ever.

However, she's not really all that bad, creepy yes, but nice I suppose. And somehow from all of this, I suddenly have a friend, even if she was a thing which was a being formed by fine materials and rocks, she's still my only friend in this world.

which is pretty sad from the viewpoint of others.

Great. Not only was I a NEET but now in this new life my only friend was an object... Which... Can you say a plus..? I mean..better having someone or anyone then having no-one at all.


I really should get up. But I truly don't really have to if I don't wish to, because Lily has become so familiar with me and my perplexing personality. She has always been aware that I only fall asleep voluntarily or if I was forced to. She didn't really desire the latter because A. She was my servant and was in charge of my happiness and B. a friend, who doesn't want to force her friend to sleep if she has something in mind.

And that was luxury! But... I still need to deal with the nagging or even some threats being spewed around.

She realizes that I won't budge without being scared. And knowing how tricky I am now, she needs to do it for my own good, which, strangely enough, she wasn't all that opposed to.

She might be growing a sadistic personality... Fuck.

-But let's change the topic for now.

"Lily.. you know how many times I say.. that you should really call me by name." Seriously, calling me "mistress" was just a reminder that I'm not a man anymore. So please stop. And it's too... Weird. Just call me by name.

Furthermore, it was distracting. Ever since she called me mistress, it had been bothering me because it was just so weird and.... Err hot.

And oh- that kinda rhyme. Say and Name. Heh.

Though back to the topic. Me, being called mistress by a cute, innocent golem... Ah, if I still have my son, I bet there'll be a tent down there. Which was what I was uncomfortable about.

"Apologies, Milady. But this is simply a program of me being a maid. I can't really.."

Cutting her up, I pouted and turned away, hiding my shame and disgusting thoughts by masking it out of embarrassment. "Yeah.. yeah.. I know.. I understood it a long time ago. Just don't always be formal when we're both alone. Remember, your purpose is not only to be a maid but a friend, so call me by name."

Or else I would be beet-red everytime you call mistress or something similar to that tittle of power.

Hopefully I'll get use to it. But for now, I am sadly not really used to it.

".. and I see what you did there. But Milady wouldn't cut it either." I said sternly, as I sat up from my bed to emphasize my glare.

Lily made a face at that, then sighed.

"Master then."

"Wrong gender." While it was still hot, I swiftly responded in a deadpan manner. My gender had changed, and if she continued to refer to me as a man, I would begin to feel both confused and horny. Not gentlemanly at all.


"... isn't that too informal even for you?" What the heck are you even listing, Lily?


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"I'm freakin' 1 for Pete's sake!"

"Duchess. And for that matter, who is this Pete?"

"I'm still too early to receive a tittle! And like I said, 1! And that Pete bit is an expression I learned from Mama."

"Employer." Suggested weakly by the stone-faced Lily.

"Now you're just getting ridiculous." I huffed at that. Then I slumped gracefully at my bed.

*Sigh... This maid.

A friend... I really hope you see me as a friend, Lily.

For someone who's always alone... Having someone to talk to now, kinda feels nice. Excluding Melissa and Ferun. Like it or not, both of them are my parents, so they won't count.

Though just to be sure. A friend. Just a friend. I'm a pervert with morals. Sure I get... Er excited in some of her and other females quirks but... That'll be all.

After all, thou shall not touch the loli!

In a sense you're a child and I, who have the mentality of a grown adult, abides by the age rules.

I maybe the any kind of perv but I won't do the dirty when I consider someone as young. I'm someone refined, I have standards.

And I only flirt or woo an adult woman who's not married. Sure I fantasies some kinky stuff but it'll only remain a fantasy.

So shoo! My shameless thoughts! I don't neeeed yooouu..!

Of course I'm sad again. When I say I flirt. I flirt in my mmmiinndd.... Dammit, now I'm jealous of those normies who'll cheat and have many girls.

"Rosa... Are you positive you are alright?" Somehow, the way she says my name with great reluctance. Hurts a little man. "If you do not wish to sleep, then you will become tired and will not have much energy to meet your highly esteemed grandmother at your birthday celebration at midnight."



The highly esteemed who now??

She nodded at me knowingly, so perhaps she noticed my surprise then after a few seconds of silence, she spoke. "Yes, the former Duchess, your grandmother, was the eldest sister of the current Demon Lord, a specific demon that you should not trifle with even though you are her granddaughter, therefore I highly recommend that you take a long morning nap to welcome her properly and to avoid looking foolish at your own birthday party."

Then she leaned her blank face close to my pointed ear and whispered something ominous.

"You might not know this but she also oversaw the Duke's early training, so it is highly likely that she had a hand in shaping his temperament."

Fuck me sideways. This maid was threatening me with something I couldn't avoid!

At least scare me with something non-existing like you always do, Lily!!

Is it because I'm too lazy and anti-social in my past life so I'm being force to do this excessive shit now!?

"B-but... Why didn't I meet Grammy before?" I stuttered like a child..! Am I really that scared of a second copy of Papa!!

Then the damn maid paused and then looked at me with this damn innocent look. "The rumors I heard about your question were that she was preparing your education for when you finally look of age."

Look of age.. not at age?? Why do I have a bad feeling all of a sudden.

And adding with the confusing vampire logic... I think of me having my memories are suddenly counterproductive.

"And regarding your education, when you finally reach the look of a seven-year-old, then your education as well as training will start." And just like that, a verdict that seems like a death penalty was suddenly made without me ever even knowing.


"Mistress..? You seem pale. Paler than usual." Her brows furrowed in confusion as I shook in place. 

Ah- she got back with the mistress bit, but I don't care of it one bit now.

So after a minute, I pause and turn to face the still-concerned golem, "...neeh Lily?" Lily simply nodded when she saw that I was questioning her and murmured to herself which I still heard, "It is all good now that you have got your thoughts under control," which honestly made her believe that everything was peachy now.

Well that's her mistake, cause now I feel like fainting just to spite her naive thoughts.


"What's Grammy like?"

Then after finishing my question, Lily immediately shuts her eyes, concealing her soulless orbs as she suddenly smiled brilliantly at me as I suddenly imagine red flowers blooming at the background.

Even with her light fluffy blonde hair, despite how innocent, pure, and beautiful her smile was, I couldn't really help but think of a devil instead of her being an angel.

I see nothing but a devil, I say!

"Worse than Ferun, I heard."


.... Why did I imagine something like glass breaking after she said that horrible fact?

"It was worse because I heard from other demons that even the Duke himself was afraid of his very own mother."


Another crack was heard as I saw the golem wasn't even finish talking yet.

"But do not worry, Mistress; while the former Duchess was known to be strict, I know that whatever she will teach you may make you mature enough to curb that lazy personality of yours to better yourself, finally without your useless parents mucking up your growth."


As I continued to watch my maid's beaming smile, as if nothing were amiss, my head began to abruptly explode with thoughts.

Does she secretly hate me? She does, does she!? I bet because she looks like the female lead, that's why she secretly hates me enough since I'm the villainess of her copied form, to even be happy when my perfect lifestyle was threatened by this new scary family member. That's all the proof I needed, dammit!

What kind of monster grandma might turn out!?

And... Was it fucking too late to sleep!?

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