I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

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The shame and shock that Diarmuid felt upon his Lord's name being revealed was a punishment far greater than the mere exposure of his true name.

"You- How do you know this name?!" Diarmuid halted his attack, his heart trembling as he stared at Shirou in disbelief.

"Why-? Because I am a witness!" Shirou replied quickly, his mind racing at high speed under the pressure of life and death. Showing the courage to break free from the shackles of oppression, he continued, "Your elopement with Princess Gráinne, you took away the wife of the lord you served! Do you know the fate of the Fianna Knights? Do you remember the fate that ultimately befell them because of your actions?"

Unavoidable memories flooded Diarmuid's mind once again, filling his heart with a sense of shame and self-blame.

"No-! Don't say anymore!" Diarmuid covered his head with his hands, glaring at Shirou with eyes filled with anger.

"Why not? Why won't you admit it? Are you running away, oh great knight? No, are you even worthy of being called a knight? Taking away the wife of your lord, to whom you swore to die for, caused the rift between the Fianna Knights and the neighboring Kingdom to become irreconcilable, ultimately leading to the collapse of the Knights. And you, at the moment of death still had the gall to beg for help from your former lord. Tell me Diarmuid, are you worthy of being called a knight?"

Shirou questioned him relentlessly and mercilessly, revealing Diarmuid's most unwelcome memories.

With slightly short breath, as if facing the most terrifying attack in the world, Diarmuid's forehead was covered in sweat, his eyes trembling, and his hands shaking, "No! I- I-!!!"

"I still remember your deceit when you gained Fionn's trust. Just like now, you pretended to be brave and talked about dedicating glory to your lord. But, what was the result-?" Shirou mercilessly attacked Diarmuid's psychological defense line step by step.

Even Kayneth, who was hiding nearby, made a slight sound of movement.

He too has been mentally attacked!

"No, I... I..." Diarmuid stammered, not knowing how to respond, his mind filled with guilt for his past lord, Fionn, and his fellow knights in arms. If it weren't for his actions, the knight order would not have fallen apart.

Shirou observed Diarmuid who had abandoned his offensive stance and was now trapped in a state of self-doubt. Despite his racing heart and surging adrenaline, Shirou's mind remained clear, and he had not yet relinquished the fight. He knew that if he gave up the fight, he would die at the hands of Diarmuid's spear.

As Shirou prepared to continue his mental attack, "You--" a gust of wind, like a sword, sliced towards him, cutting off his words. He looked up to see Artoria, slowly stepping back, with a solemn expression on her face, her hand raised and her sharp, invisible holy sword pointed at him without hesitation.

"Interfering in a knight's duel goes against my principles," Artoria said seriously, "But this is enough! The insult to the knight, that's enough! Lancer and I have fought before, he is a true knight, I won't allow you to insult him anymore!"

Shirou gave a bitter smile.

He had once held feelings for her, but now she had become his enemy, ready to take his life without hesitation. She was sharp and merciless. 

Shirou put away his immaturity and questioned the Knight King, "Are you saying that knights are only allowed to be praised for their fairness and integrity, even if it's not true?"

"It's not like that! But you are insulting a knight!" Artoria stared at Shirou.

"I am stating facts! Are the things I am saying not true events that have actually happened? Knight King, are you praising knights while denying the reality created by someone named Diarmuid? Just like you want to deny the destruction of Camelot?" Shirou retorted with a firm voice.


Artoria tightened her grip on her holy sword.

"Artoria, your lack of attention to the issues of Lancelot and Guinevere ultimately led to the downfall of the Knights of the Round Table and even the death of Knight Gawain. Your failure to address the internal struggles of Camelot and Mordred's betrayal ultimately resulted in the Battle of Camlann and the collapse of your kingdom." Shirou spoke harshly, leveling accusations at Artoria.

"When a husband fails to communicate with his wife, a father with his child, or a king with his subjects, it leads to chaos and disorder. Tell me, should I praise you blindly and overlook your mistakes, or will you use your holy sword to force me to sing your praises? Your supposed greatness and righteousness?"

"I- I-,"

Shirou's words cut deep, revealing the pain in Artoria's heart. Her determined expression faltered as she struggled to hold onto her invisible holy sword. The weight of her past mistakes and the responsibility for her kingdom's downfall seemed to overwhelm her, causing her to stumble for a moment.

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Shirou looked at the wavering Artoria. He didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to expose her wounds and rub salt in them.

But -

But what can he do? This is the only way he can "defeat" these two servants who uphold the knight's spirit!

This is-

His only way to survive!

If he were to hesitate in his actions, the outcome would be death!


Gilgamesh laughed heartily, his face beaming with pleasure. He was content, truly content. The comedy of the situation, the grotesque display, it was all so amusing. A mongrel should have the ugliness of a mongrel.

At last, the king is pleased.

He can withdraw now, right? Shirou thought.

This guy won't stop him anymore, right?

But -

How should he withdraw?

Shirou felt a bit of the tension ease as he thought he had managed to survive. However, he was unaware that his actions, driven by self-preservation, had angered a lioness.

"You are correct, I cannot deny my mistakes. My failure to address the issues with Lancelot and Guinevere, my lack of communication with the Knights of the Round Table, the death of Gawain, Mordred's rebellion and the fall of Camelot, all these are my mistakes. I failed as a king, a husband, and a knight. I take full responsibility for my actions and that is why I answered the Holy Grail's call and came to this world."

"To atone for my mistakes! To make Camelot's dream come true!" Artoria gazed at Shirou with a resolute expression, "But you, you have a hidden agenda to reopen my wounds, you have a hidden agenda to rub salt in my wounds. Since you are also a participant in the Holy Grail War and since you did this to me, I don't have to hold back. In the name of my sword, I swear, I will defeat you in this war!"

"Indeed," Diarmuid rose to his feet, his eyes growing more resolute as he looked at Shirou, "I came to this world to fulfill an unchanging wish. I once dishonored my lord, now I will bring glory to him! You, your methods of trying to inflict pain on others are low and dishonorable! I swear, these two spears will be the last thing you ever see."

Shirou was surprised and left without words. His plan to exploit their vulnerabilities had backfired!

A person who seeks to manipulate others by attacking their hearts ultimately falls victim to their own schemes. It must be said, it is a humorous irony.

At that moment, the two knights whose dark past had been brought to light by Shirou, have a fierce determination to kill him and an intense anger towards him.


Gilgamesh laughed with great joy.


AN: Next 47 Chapters are up on my Patreon

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