I will Love You Forever

Chapter 113: Let's See Who Gets Ambushed

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I stared at the house for a long time but didn't go to the gate. I got into the car and opened the laptop I had brought along.

"Maam, do you have another place you'd like to go?" the driver asked and I shook my head.

"Just wait here for a while." I had booked an Uber driver for the whole day to take me wherever I want to go.

I opened the laptop and tucked my hair behind my ear then began to type on the computer. I wasn't an expert in typing fast but I knew one or two things about coding and hacking.

Whenever I had spare time back in Salem, I would go to a cyber cafe and play with the computers. The owner was always nice to me whenever I came around and even put me through so many things.

I was loved by so many people back at Salem but it was a pity that the people who claimed to love me so much were the same people who were willing to give me up.

I typed so many things on the system and pieces of information popped up. It was about Kel and her family. Surprisingly, very little was recorded about the family.

Unlike many families and individuals who are registered in country C, it was as though their details were not available.

Even though I was brought to country C from Salem, my details were on the database. I guess Gerard had this handled. But why was it so difficult to find any information about this family?

I sighed and decided to check the top security database which was a very risky thing to do but it was worth the try.

I began to type a bunch of things and it took like forever to break into the site. 'It's no wonder they are called top security. I don't expect it to be easy anyway.'

Finally, I was able to penetrate the site but I only had five minutes before I would be discovered.

Sigh. I raised my sleeves and began to type again. I inputted the family name,

Johnathan and the details immediately came up.

In the first family picture, I didn't find Kara there and the mother in the picture looked like any normal nice human being.

This was getting annoying. I checked the details of the woman because she was my major concern and her name was revealed to be Elizabeth.

'Let's find out what Mrs Elizabeth has been up to.'

Details of her origin were placed, a lady from Russia who was brought to country C after her marriage to Johnathan.

She currently works as... I paused when I saw what was written and I couldn't help but make a confused face. "CEO of MOTIVES," I murmured.

"Huh ma'am, are you talking to me?" the driver asked and I shook my head.

"No... No..." I was too surprised. I remembered the woman who I met the other time also had the same name but they were nothing alike.

The Elizabeth I once met was an old lady but Kel's mother wasn't that old. She looked like a woman in her early forties or late thirties.

My five minutes was up and I had to quickly log out before I get discovered. Just then, the driver called my attention.

"Maam, someone has left the house." the driver alerted and I looked up.

"Follow the car." I requested after seeing a woman with glasses in the car before the tinted window raised.

The Uber driver was fast enough to start the engine and follow the car.

"Don't lose track of the car but make sure you don't get spotted." I requested and he nodded.

Surprisingly, he asked no questions and I was glad. Skillfully, he followed Elizabeth's car and she went straight to the hospital where Kara was.

I quickly called Kel to inform her of her mother's arrival.

"Okay, I'll not leave Kara," she assured and I got out of the car asking the man not to leave just yet then followed Elizabeth closely as she walked into the hospital.

She didn't go through the reception brighter did she ask for directions. Instead of going to Kara's room, she went somewhere else and the nurses greeted her as though she was a regular visitor.


I kept following her and she went to the office of the head doctor in the hospital. The secretary was sent away and so were other people around.

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I managed to sneak to the door and found a glass cup on the desk of the secretary which I placed on the door to hear properly what was being said inside.

It was quite hard to hear them but I pick up on a few words. "Did you get the medication?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes but you have to bring her to me first." the doctor requested. He sounded as though he had an upper hand over Elizabeth.

"Val, I promised you that I'll get her. In fact, she is friends with my daughter. It wouldn't be hard for me to get her just excise patience." she requested.

My brow furrowed and I wondered who they were talking about. I was Kel's friend but did Elizabeth know about this? Or could she be talking about one of Kara's friends?

I couldn't help but wonder who it was but I kept listening anyway.

"Nonsense! You promised to bring her a few weeks back but you still haven't kept your words. I see you want to die." his words became threatening and louder.

"Val, why are you being like this? Fine, I promise I'll bring her today. I'll bring her before night falls." she assured.

"You better bring her before the sunsets because I can't handle his wrath." Val requested.

I couldn't help but wonder who they were talking about. One is the girl and the second is the man whose wrath they didn't want to face.

Could someone innocent be in danger? Could it be Kara?

There was a sudden silence in the room and the next minute, the door pushed open.

Val looked around but couldn't find anyone there.

"Are you looking for someone?" Elizabeth asked and Val's brow furrowed.

He turned back and looked at Elizabeth, "That would be all for now. Get the girl and I'll hand over the medication. Failure to do so, I can't assure to spare your life." he waved a bottle of pills in front of her and she looked desperate to grab a hold of it.

I rushed back into the car and waited patiently for Elizabeth to come out again.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" he asked and I got suspicious of the man.

The windows at my side were tinted so I didn't care much. I pulled out a pin from my hair and swiftly place it on a kill point on his neck.

"Who are you?" I asked authoritatively and he removed his face cap revealing his face.

I instantly recognized him to be Johnathan. 'What was this? I got the husband to track down the wife?'

It was only then that I knew I was in deep shit. I instantly reached for the door but he had locked it from the front and took out a gun.

He pointed it straight at my head and revealed a mischievous smile. "Sit quietly," he ordered and I ones because there was no way I could battle a gun. That would be too reckless.

The door by his side opened and there she was, Mrs Elizabeth entered the car and kissed her husband before smiling at me. "Gotcha"

'Why didn't I listen to Gerard?' I pouted seeing Elizabeth sinister smile. But why am I in the middle of this crisis? What have I got to do with this?

"I'm sorry for following you, Mrs Elizabeth. I was just being a reckless teenager. I promise it was just for a YouTube video." I lied to buy my way out thinking that she was only mad because I was stalking her but that wasn't the case at all.

"Ayla..." she gave a pitiful face and sighed.

How does she know my name? Did Kel tell her who I was? Or else, how would she know me?

"You see, you don't have to lie about your age and purpose. I've been waiting to catch you." she smiled and shapeshifted into the old woman I met the last time.

My eyes widened seeing this kind of this in real life. I almost wanted to faint from the experience and looked at her husband in shock.

"Honey, shall we?" she asked with a smile and he happily rode off after passing the gun to her.

They drove a long distance after she made calls to Val who gave them the location.

I looked at both of them then at my phone which was on a video call with Qin then smiled slightly.

'Unprofessional kidnappers.. Let's see who is about to get ambushed.'

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