I will Love You Forever

Chapter 21: Keeping The Durex Safe

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I stood at the balcony and watched the beautiful sky and the birds flying freely as they pleased but as I looked at myself and this mansion, I realized that freedom was far from me than I expected.

As a girl, I've always wished I could go to school and probably become a powerful businesswoman like all the women I saw on TV.

I've always wanted a meaningful life but a quiet one. I wasn't the type that wanted all the attention from the entertainment industry even though many people back at Salem had advised that I was fit for the TV screen. All I wanted was a simple yet powerful identity. One where people hear and know your name but have never set eyes on you and have no idea what you look like.

I walked back into the mansion after hours of standing outside and when I looked at the living room, Anastasia was not there anymore. A satisfying smile appeared on my face and I walked upstairs looking happy and refreshed.

When I got to the door of my room, I didn't enter and decided to take a walk around the mansion because returning to my room would be boring and I would do nothing but sleep.

I walked through the corridor and heard the sound of something smashing. I stopped and leaned in to hear properly.

"Grandma, I can't take this. If we don't do something about that girl, my life would be entirely ruined." Anastasia's voice came from the other side of the door. She was clearly angry and that anger was all because of me.

"patience Ann, patience. All I want you to do now is wait patiently and not do anything rash. Don't worry, I'll figure something out but for now, go to your room. I need to rest. When I wake up, we can plan what to do about her." immediately I heard that Anastasia would be leaving the room, I ran to my room and locked the door. I placed my head on the door and smiled. Cool! Let's play.

I was about to walk to my bed when I heard the shower in my room on. I picked up the flower vase and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

I opened the door and walked slowly to the shower section but saw the silhouette of a man through the translucent curtain.

I pursed my lips and contemplated going into the shower court or waiting for the culprit outside here.

Before I could even move an inch from where I stood, the curtain slid open and because I wasn't prepared, I moved backwards but slipped because of the small spill of water on the floor.

"Ah..." the vase fell to the floor and shattered as I closed my eyes and expected my bottom to hit the floor painfully but nothing happened instead, I fell on a less hard surface.

When I opened my eyes, my eyes met with his heterochromia eyes and his furrowed brow. I blinked twice and pursed my lips staring awkwardly at him.

I was laying right on top of Gerard and I didn't know what to say. My white hair was loose and all over the place.

Gerard's eyes subconsciously went over to the broken vase then he turned to look at me again.

"I... I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. I thought it was someone else and I wanted to stay safe. I didn't mean to... If I knew it was you, I wouldn't have done that." I genuinely felt sorry for what I did but and apologized.

Gerard said nothing and just watched me talk like a never-ending ocean. When I noticed this, I said nothing and just tried to stand up but he didn't let go of my hand.

"huh?" I blinked twice and wondered why he wanted to keep me in this position when clearly, it wasn't comfortable.

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"You'll have to pay dearly for making me fall so hard." Gerard slowly spoke and I pursed my lips worried what my punishment would be this time around.

"I... I..." I tried to say something but the words weren't coming out. Why me? I am not ready for any punishment besides, he is the one roaming in someone else's room without permission.

When I thought about this, I remembered that the house was his and he owns all the rooms so I can't restrict him from coming here either.

"I'll tell you when the time comes but for now, I have to tell you that we would be sharing the same room for now because my room is undergoing renovation," he spoke and lifted me.

"Wait what!" I wanted to protest about us sharing a room because the last time that happened, I almost died of a heart attack.

Gerard walked out of the bathroom and said nothing leaving me stupefied. How can he be so cruel and authoritative?

I stayed in the bathroom for a while before leaving. In the room, Gerard was already dressed and was sitting by the study table with a book in his hands and his legs placed over the other.

I completely ignored him and went to my bed. I took the blanket and covered my whole body not letting even a single skin show.

"Ayla," Gerard called me but I pretended to be asleep. The night was already going to be too long and I didn't want any more drama.

"Ayla... I know you're not sleeping." I groaned and got out. Walking up to him like a lazy kid tired of errands.

"Sit," he demanded and I did just that.

He continued reading as I sat on the chair and it was getting awkward because he wasn't reading out and I was just sitting there like an invisible character from Harry Potter.

I became uneasy and wanted to go to bed but I knew he wouldn't let me so I opted for taking a book instead.

I stood up and walked to the shelf. "Where are you going?" he asked but I said nothing and just walked to the shelf answering his question with my actions instead.

I went to the shelf and picked up Romeo and Juliet again. Since I wasn't sure about the other books, I picked this one so that I wouldn't see strange things just like I did this afternoon.

I walked back to the table and placed the book on it. Because I wasn't in the mood to read, I just opened to any page and there it was. The blue fancy pack I had kept in the book.

It was one of the packs I removed from the box I found the other day. I wanted to get quick access to his page so I had put one of the balloon packs from the Durex pack I found here to help me.

Gerard immediately tore his gaze from the book he was reading and looked at the blue Durex in my book.

"Where did you get that?"

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