I will try my best to remain a mob character

Chapter 47: Extra Chapter 5 – Rosette’s talent

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[This event happened before Janet's wedding]

Rosette invaded Tina’s bed and conquered it as if it was her own. Her feet were up in the air, exposing her white panties. Her right arm languidly hung off the narrow bed’s edges. She really stripped off her dignity and etiquette once she stepped into Tina's house.

“I’m bored,” Rosette claimed. 

“Go bother Aria next door.” Tina didn’t even look up from the wedding dress she was tailoring for Janet. She swore under her breath when the small diamond she needed to hand-stitch kept slipping from her fingers.

“She’s away with her stalker knight and psychopath green head. I’m always amazed by her harem-building skills. It requires skills to maintain romance with everyone at the same time while not trapped into one relationship.”

Tina didn’t bother to reply, leaving Rosette talking to herself like an idiot.

“Ahhhh, I’m so bored waiting for her to come back~ Should I just go and disturb them like an oblivious side character?” Rosette sighed and her feet dropped heavily onto the bed, creating a loud thunk.

“Stop destroying people’s properties.” Tina frowned. She was already frustrated from work, now this person’s annoying her like a persistent mosquito buzzing near her ear. She just wished Rosette would at least shut up if she’s treating her place like a rest stop to wait for Aria. 

Her wish was soon fulfilled, because the room soon fell into silence for some reason. Tina didn’t bother to find out the cause because she was focused on handling expensive material which she couldn’t afford to mess up with. Some shuffling could be heard, but it was negligible. Tina went into full concentration and forgot about Rosette’s existence. Beads of sweat soon collected on her temples and rolled down her face.

Rosette found a thick stack of plain paper Tina usually drew her designs on, and grabbed some for herself. Holding a charcoal stick in hand, she decided she’d explore her artistic talents. Jin lazily yawned from his hamster bed overlooking the two beings grossly absorbed with what they are doing. His little hamster stomach rumbled, but he patted it with his tiny paws… Let’s endure for a while.

After some time, Tina realised it was weird for Rosette to be so quiet. She looked around and met Rosette’s engrossed eyes staring at her face, then as if caught, she immediately looked away and went back to drawing.

“Are you drawing me?” Tina asked, her interest piqued. “You know how to draw?”

“Mhmm,” Rosette mumbled her confirmation, and with her eyebrows pulled together, she added a few more strokes on the paper. “A bit.”

Tina got self-conscious of her posture when she realised she was being drawn. Her hunched back straightened and her chin lifted a bit to highlight her jawline. She continued working, but her eyes would often travel to Rosette who was now raising the paper to compare her drawing with the model sitting before her.

“If I have to say so myself, this is the best work I’ve done both my past life and my current life combined,” She exclaimed proudly. Even Jin who was dozing off raised his little ear when he heard this and couldn’t stop himself from sneaking a look at the artwork.

“……” He was speechless. Rosette really had some talent.

“Are you done?” Tina asked bashfully. “Can I see?”

“No.” Rosette seductively smirked, giving an evil-doer look. 


“Ahhh, I’m so hungry, you have to cook for me as a payment.”

Tina hesitantly put down her sewing materials. From behind Rosette, Tina could see Jin’s impressed face at the sketch, so she was half-curious how great it was. Maybe she could use some of Rosette’s art style for inspiration. She was hungry anyway, making lunch was no big deal for an extra person.


“Wow thanks! If I had knew you’d be so willing, I’d have drawn pictures of you sooner.” Rosette smiled brightly, making Tina dazed for a second. “Oh, by the way, you’ve got a stray thread on your face.” 

Rosette kindly reached out and wiped the thread from Tina’s face, but struggled to get it the first few tries. After finally getting the string out of the way, she threw it on the floor. 

“…Thanks.” Dumbfounded, Tina thanked Rosette and entered the kitchen.

Why is she being so nice right now? Is she sick?

Jin looked at Rosette and flinched upon the sight of her innocent smile… This person is really amazing.

While Tina was cooking, Rosette entered her bedroom. Rosette usually complained about the lack of a couch to lay on, so she kept using Tina's bed to laze around, despite making several complaints about how small it is. Tina assumed she was doing the same this time and didn’t think much of it as she strained the leaves after washing them.

“Can I see it now?” Tina asked after making Rosette some sandwiches. She glanced at the snoozing hamster and left some aside for him on the countertop. Rosette didn’t know Jin was a shape-shifter. At most, Rosette assumed it was another case of a cursed male lead who permanently turned into an animal. Tina didn’t fix her misunderstanding.

Rosette finished her sandwich first, and looked out the window.

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“Oh Aria’s back.” Rosette grinned at the sight of the pink hair pretty girl. “I’ll be leaving now. You can have a glance at my work, I left it in your bedroom.”

Rosette then made a dash for the door and rushed towards Aria, making it seem like it was all a coincidence. The dumb heroine believed whatever lie was spoon-fed to her anyway.

Tina entered her room and slowly picked up the masterpiece Rosette had left to her. Her anticipation had got her hopes raised for the drawing.

A moment passed while her brain tried to register the charcoal sketch of weird bird-like creature sitting on a stone, its massive open beak letting out a speech bubble which exclaimed “Diarrhoea!”


The even had a nice arrow pointed to it and a label "Tina".

At this point, Jin had shifted into a human as he peered over her shoulder to take another look at Rosette’s drawing. 


He stopped when he saw Tina’s frozen expression as cold as the tundra. His self-preservation instincts kicked in. They were saying he should stay quiet if he wants to eat dinner tonight. 

“Are you laughing right now? Do you find this very funny?”

“No ma’m.” His face straightened again, as he shifted his eyes away from Tina’s face.

“Look into my eyes and tell it straight to me. Is this funny to you?”

When Jin hesitantly forced his eyes to land on Tina’s face, he choked on air while trying not to laugh. “Sorry,” He said with a shaky voice mixed with laughter. He coughed, and regained his straight face.

“Of course not," He said very seriously. "It’s really not funny.”

After a few seconds of maintaining eye contact with Tina, his face started getting red with his lips twitching.

Soon, Jin was on the floor making guttural noises as he audibly tried to stop laughing.

Tina kicked the man curled on the floor laughing, but he only laughed harder. She crumpled the drawing and went to wash dishes in the kitchen.

After a few seconds, Tina finally looked down at her reflection in the murky water in the  dishwashing basin. Rigorous pan clangings emerged from the kitchen. 

“You crazy fuck! I’ll kill you the next time I see you!” Tina screamed as she finally scrubbed her face clean of charcoal.

Jin was gloriously dead on the floor while vibrating like a Nokia phone. He wasn’t even making sounds anymore, he just wheezed.


A few days later, when Tina was ready to forget about the whole incident, she found a scrap paper fallen under her bed. She unfolded the paper to see its contents.

“If you see this message, you have been in a coma for 20 years. We tried to send you a message with every method possible, but we are not sure if this will even get to you properly. You need to wake up…” She softly read the lines to herself and felt confused for a second.

Tina paused and squinted to read the next line. “We’ve been…” She struggled to make out the handwriting. “…trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”



“ROSETTE!!!!” she screamed, scaring Jin awake from his nap.

For the following months, Tina would unexpectedly discover more snippets of paper like this with bullshit content scattered around different crevices in her room.

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