I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 1: 1

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Chapter 1 – A Sour Bird

When Shen Jiajia was about to prepare lunch, she received a mourning report from her paternal granduncle’s family, saying that her granduncle—who was also her father’s uncle, was eating red dates and glutinous rice cakes this morning when he choked on a jujube pit, and the person passed away.

Shen Jiajia no longer cared to cook. After sending the person away, she left a note for her father, then locked the door and set off to find her mother.

Her father was a public bailiff working in the government office. Unless there were special circumstances, he would eat his three meals a day at home. Her mother was a cook in Assistant Minister Zhou’s house, and her cooking skills were quite appreciated by the family. She would go to the Zhou residence in the morning and would only go home after dinner.

The Shen family was only a hundred or so steps away from the back door of the Zhou residence, and it was only a short walk away. The weather was fine today, azure sky without any cloud. There were two or three children flying kites on the road. When they saw Shen Jiajia, they smiled and said, “Sanniang, do you want to play?” Shen Jiajia was the third member in her family, hence her nickname[1].

Shen Jiajia waved her hand and smiled. “I have something to do today, I’ll play another day.”

The young servant boy at the Zhou residence knew Shen Jiajia, and after asking the reason, he let her in and led her to the kitchen. There were four cook ladies working in the kitchen full of rising steam, making people felt as if they were passing through thick fog, while two little girls were tending the firewood. Shen Jiajia’s mother was making steamed cakes. Seeing Shen Jiajia, her hands didn’t stop while she asked, “Why are you here? Did something happen at home?”

Seeing that her mother’s head was sweating, Shen Jiajia took out a handkerchief and wiped it for her. Just as she was about to open her mouth, she heard someone shouting from outside, “Is there anyone here? Pick up this mess!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the person walked in. Shen Jiajia took a glance and saw that it was a neatly dressed sixteen- or seventeen-year-old servant boy. In his hand was a bird.

One cook smiled and said, “How come you have spare time to come here? Yesterday I heard someone say that the Young Master is going to go out to play polo today, so why are you not waiting upon him?”

“Ah, don’t mention it. They were originally playing polo, but Young Master Xie accidentally fell off the horse, now his life and death are uncertain. Not sure how many people will be implicated——”

“Which Young Master Xie?”

“Who else? That is, the son of Grand Princess[2] Xinyang, nephew of the Emperor, Young Master Xie—Xie Chengfeng!” The young servant saw that everyone, including the little girls in charge of the fire, all pricked up their ears to listen to the story. He shook his head and said, “I don’t have time to tell you all this now, so hurry up and stew the bird! Alright, I still have to deliver medicine! The Young Master asked someone to pick a big piece of ginseng, and from its length, this ginseng was said to be hundreds of years old…” As he spoke, he was a little satisfied seeing the gaping mouth of these people who hadn’t seen the world, and he smiled. “Naturally, the Grand Princess’ mansion is not lacking this little thing, but it is our Young Master’s kind intention.”

The servant boy threw the bird in his hand on the chopping board. “After stewing, send it to the Young Master, the Young Master personally handed this over so don’t forget it.” After speaking, he turned around and left.

The cook asked towards his leaving back, “What bird is this?”

“It was bought from a vassal merchant; they said that it could speak. After three months of teaching it, it still couldn’t speak. Today the Young Master came back in a bad mood. It pooped on Young Master’s hand and so it came to grief.”

After the servant boy left, several cooks gathered around the bird to look. Shen Jiajia was very curious, so she also went to the side.

The bird was all snow-white, with two red spots on both sides of its cheeks. With a round bird face, it was quite cute; the bird’s beak was short and thick, hooked downward; the bird’s head had a tuft of hair that curved back and facing upwards.

Several cooks whispered to each other, what kind of bird is this, it looks like a parrot, but it doesn’t look like one.

Shen Jiajia thought that this should be a type of parrot, but a species that no one had ever seen before. She gently poked the bird’s wings. It was still warm to the touch—perhaps it was still alive.

She touched her chin and murmured, “This bird…”

“Sanniang, what do you think?”

“This bird, I seem to have seen it in a scripture book.”


“Well, try to feel it, it’s still alive… Who’s going to slaughter it?”

Several cooks retreated, and the firewood girls avoided by a distance.

As the saying goes, it was better to believe something was true rather than false. Since it was found in Buddhist scriptures, it must have a reason. Even if people didn’t believe in Buddhism, they would show respect and stay away from these things.

“I will say something unkind—Zhu Erniang, you usually get the most bonus, so this matter is up to you.” These words were immediately approved by the other two cooks.

Zhu Erniang was Shen Jiajia’s mother.

Zhu Erniang was honest and sincere. She was not good at words. At this moment, she also felt that what they said was reasonable, so she bit the bullet and nodded.

Shen Jiajia stepped forward bravely. “Forget it, I’ll do it. Mother, I know what you’re going to say—killing it is a sin, but watching my mother bear the sins and being indifferent is also a big sin of unfilial piety.”

This remark unconsciously moved everyone present.

“Else we can beg Young Master for mercy…”

“No need! Give me a pot of boiling water, and I will kill it by the river, so you don’t need to witness it.”

Shen Jiajia’s thoughtfulness once again moved everyone.

After she left with the bird in her left hand and the pot in her right hand, the cooks all gathered around Zhu Erniang to praise Shen Jiajia.

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One person said, “Sanniang has become more and more eloquent, and her temperament is decisive. In the future, not sure which kid can be worthy of her.”

The other said, “Sanniang is so filial, you are such a lucky mother. Meanwhile my family’s girl annoys me practically every day.”

Another said, “Sanniang is so capable, she will surely inherit your mantle in the future.”

When Zhu Erniang heard this, she smiled but she disapproved it in her heart. Both husband and wife only had this one child together, and from small to big, this child was cherished by them. She couldn’t bear to see Sanniang suffer from the repercussions. Besides, they also provided money for her to study and read for several years. Each and every teacher praised Sanniang for being smart. Such a smart and clever daughter, it was unknown what kind of good fortune she could have in the future.


On the other side, Shen Jiajia went home after leaving the Zhou residence. She put the bird down and went to the yard to catch a pigeon. Her father raised five pigeons, and these pigeons were already mature. She threw a handful of rice, then caught a pigeon in single swipe.

Shen Jiajia slaughtered the pigeon, plucked its feather, cut off its head and claws, and cleaned it up before returning to the Zhou residence’s kitchen. Only then did she tell her mother about her granduncle’s death.

The others in the kitchen were quite polite. “In that case, Zhu Erniang, you be at ease to express condolences in the afternoon, we will look after here.”

Zhu Erniang still needed to continue making lunch before leaving, so Shen Jiajia went home by herself.

Her father, Shen Bukuai, had already returned. After reading the note left by his daughter, he went to Mute Wang by the market entrance to pick up some steamed buns and went back. He was making a pot of tea when Shen Jiajia pushed the door open and walked in.

Shen Bukuai said, “Sanniang, you’re back? I know about the matter already, let’s eat first… Oh, by the way, where did you pick up this bird from? I think it’s almost dead.”

Shen Jiajia was not in a hurry to eat; she went to the kitchen to get a handful of millet and a bowl of water. She put the little white bird on the table, then dipped her chopsticks in clean water and placed it under its beak, hoping she could feed it a little.

Shen Bukuai watched curiously while eating mutton buns from the side. The aroma of mutton slowly spread on the dining table.

“This bird looks so weird,” Shen Bukuai said, looking at the round red spots on the bird’s face, then tutted. “Where did this sour bird come from!”

“It should be a parrot.”


“But it’s too stupid, it couldn’t learn to speak.”

Shen Bukuai finished one steamed bun in a couple bites. Reaching out to take the second one, he said, “I don’t think it can survive. Looking at its meat that’s not even a few ounces, looks like it cannot be eaten either.”

As if it was purposefully slapping him in the face[3], at this moment, the bird slowly opened its eyes and actually woke up.

It had a pair of big black eyes—round and bright, clever just like a human’s.

Shen Jiajia hadn’t had much hope, but she didn’t expect it would wake up like this, so she was overjoyed for a while. “You woke up!”

“Who are you?” it said. The voice was similar to that of ordinary people, but it was slightly softer.

Shen Bukuai wondered and said, “Hiiey, isn’t this speaking?”

“Where is this, why am I here? This is not my home.” It looked a little confused, trying to stand up while flapping its wings, and took two staggering steps, like a chick just learning to walk. It fell down once again, this time its tone was filled with panic. “What is going on!”

Shen Jiajia couldn’t help touching its head. “So cute!”

The parrot got angry and shook its head. “Don’t touch me.”

Shen Jiajia couldn’t help laughing. “Quite temperamental.”

The parrot stood up strong again, spread its wings and waved, with plump feathers and elegant shape, it seemed to be a beautiful parrot. It looked down at its claws and turned its head to look at its wings. “How could it be… I must be dreaming.” The tone was doubtful of life.

It was staring at the wings and was worried, and suddenly felt its body lighten, and its claws left the table. It immediately said in fright, “What are you doing, audacious! Presumptuous! Let me down…”

Shen Jiajia held it in her arms and gently stroked. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

The parrot struggled hard, both angry and a little awkward. “You are a young woman, can’t you show some propriety?!”

On the side, Shen Bukuai was holding half a steamed bun, stunned.

This parrot, it’s much more than just speaking, could it be that it is an enlightened spirit?

[1] Sanniang(三娘) – San is three or the third, and niang is how people call young woman.

[2] The emperor’s sister

[3] Refute his words

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