I work for the CEO who loves to kiss me


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"Ohh noo ifraa please save me, don't tell me its him" she held both my hand so tightly as she was trying to digest the fact that her childhood crush , and her childhood enemy is standing just behind her.

I look behind aqsa and saw Arhan have a very bright smile on his face looking like a pure delinquent , he is looking at aqsa , he is not even confused between us even after soo many years , he always know which one of us is aqsa … I look at aqsa and her horrified expression on her face, I never saw her this startled..

"look like we have an admirer for our aqsa" I said to madiha playfully.

"Really" she wink at aqsa and we both smile.

"ifra don't joke around please save me from him." Aqsa whispered in my ear… I can hear the request in her tone..

Before I could say anything Arhan come toward us and wave his hand at me "Heyy how are you ?  my little sister" he always call me his little sis. And I love it because even he is just like a brother to me.

"I am totally fine you say" I replied as I saw him , he really changed so much since I last saw him.

"I am fine as long as my wife is fine" he said as he stand beside aqsa and put his elbow on her shoulder. And wink at me , I know that wink better than anyone, that wink says he is going to start irritate the hell out of aqsa.

"I am not your wife" aqsa said as she get down a little and Arhan losses his balance. I giggle  as I watch both of then they are acting just like they used to act ..

"And I come here to remove that 'not' in your sentence." he said and madiha and I giggle.

"In your dreams" aqsa said challengingly.

{"Ohh darling , in my dream I don't remove words from your sentences, in my dreams I have better things to remove"  Arhan whispered to aqsa. And one can see the faint hint of blush on aqsa's face }

Arhan whispered something in aqsa's ear and she blush , "it look like she still like him" madiha asked me. "offcourse , I never saw her blush" , just as I said this  , aqsa look at Arhan as she remembered something and said "If you think I will marry you , u better get wake up from your dreams. because that is utterly delusional" and walk away. Arhan look at her and smile.

"Heyy romeo I know you come back after a lot of time but don't tease her that much . let her enjoy our sister's engagement a little bit.." I said because I know Arhan comeback is more shocking to aqsa than anyone.

"Only if you say but don't worry I have better plans for her throughout the whole wedding…."  He said as he rubbed his hands and have a very bright smile on his face but he look at me like he considered my advice.

"Do you really like that much to tease her…" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Oh only if you knew …. I love it ifraa… and god knows how much I miss it , how much I miss her."

"You miss teasing her? or you miss HER…" I questioned.

"You can think of them as both…I miss being with her everyday , all these years I missed her a lot , and now I am finally here" he replied as he watch aqsa , she is talking to simraa .

"Then go and tell this to her" I said with a smile , then we saw simraa and saad are getting up for their ritual ..

"Hey come come the ritual is going to start"  aqsa came toward us and she looked just at me .. while she tying to ignore a certain someone. I look toward Arhan and give him a smile and he nod . I walk toward the stage by grabbing madiha's arm as we left the two delinquents alone.

"Ohh how much I am dying to put ring on your finger of my name? when are you planning to get engaged with me" Arhan said in a low voice as he touched aqsa's fingers with his.

"Tell me now I cant wait …" he said again when aqsa didn't reply him.

You are reading story I work for the CEO who loves to kiss me at novel35.com

"U better be shut up if you don't want me to break your jaw" aqsa said as she gritted her teeth angrily , she is really angry about how Arhan left the town without telling her and then even stop talking to her  suddenly.

"Okay okay" Arhan said as held his hand up in the air as surrendering .but then suddenly he hold her hand and clasped his fingers with hers . the heat of his palm is touching aqsa's soul …

"Leave it" she said as she didn't want him to hold her hand like this…. He have no right over her anymore."

"I bet ifra told you to not to tease me today…don't you get to" aqsa warn him.

"I am not teasing you.. I missed you and now I want to hold you…" arhan said with a serious expression , his eyes are showing the sincerity behind his words.

But aqsa is so angry that right now neither she see his eyes nor she let the his words affect the deepest parts of her heart. all she did is trying to freed her hand from his grips, but his grip is so strong that no matter how much she tried can't even move her one hand's one inch . even though arhan was holding aqsa's hand tightly but he is being careful about not hurting her, but the way she is constantly moving her hands she will sure get hurt.

"Stop moving right now" arhan said in a low ,deep voice.

"Or what ?" aqsa replied as she is still trying to move her hand.

"Do you want to watch your sister ritual or not because I would love to make you disappear from here .. like I always did when we were younger…." he said threateningly…and it was not even an empty thread , his eyes are reflecting that he mean it . seeing that his attempt work on aqsa , he said "Now lets go." And by holding her hand he walk toward the stage.

"… you are really here?" simra asked surprisingly as she saw arhan , she send him the invitation of her wedding but wasn't so sure that he would come or not but she was hoping for him to come for aqsa.

"Only for you big sis.." arhan said by bowing his head in front of simra , to which simra smile "No matter how much I try but I can't find this statement completly true" she replied as she moves her eyesight toward  his hand which was holding asqa's hand possessively.

"Just as you said now its not completely true.." arhan said and wink toward simraa ,and all of them giggle in their mind as no one was dared to , in front of aqsa.

But aqsa already feel embarrassed , and she try to hide their hands but arhan held them tightly and move the back of his palms toward his lips and kiss it. Its not like he want to embarrass aqsa or appear in front of her suddenly and start loving her .. its just that he knows aqsa is angry with him , and he wan to take everything slow , but just as he saw aqsa for the first time after years he can't control his emotions and now he want everyone to know that she is his.

When simra saw this lovey dovey act of aqsa and arhan she gave aqsa a wink to tease her.

"Simraa focus on your engagement" aqsa said while she want to hide herself from everyone.


"Where are the rings?" saad's mom asked.

"Here ,aunty" I said while holding the ring box in air, but as I said I heard someone also said it with me I look up and saw the face I never want to see , ever ..

That brownish red tux man is standing in front of me , and now he is definitely not wearing his brownish red tux , infact its now navy blue 124 beside saad while holding his ring…

And here I am standing right in front of him holding simraa's ring. His expressions are not changed and he still have that smug smirk on his face , and I still want to slap it off.. god why didn't he get confused between me and aqsa , not that I am afraid of him , but I would be highly satisfied when he will see back and forth between aqsa and me with a confused expression … just as I think of it I change my expression, fast enough for him to not to notice them and smile brightly just like aqsa… I swear , throughout the whole day I am not going to change this smile from my face even if my cheeks hurt …

Saad pick up his ring from the box and held simraa's hand … but before he putting the ring he saw her and I can see the sincerity in his eyes ..i am so glad simra find someone like him in her life , I believe he will keep her happy no matter what, he put the ring on simra's finger .the whole banquet errupt with applause and  rose petals are falling on them… as I was standing just behind simra , some petals fall on me too ..

Ohh god I love roses and their smell .. it looks so beautiful that I giggle like a child . and then simra pick her ring from the box and hold saad's hand , same peaceful expression are on her face too . just as she put the ring on his finger . again the guest applause loudly and rose petals fall on us .. for this whole time my smile was genuine , it was nothing fake I look at my parents they are happily watching simra and saad , my eyes falls on aqsa she is standing and watching saad and simra admiringly , just as I saw arhan , I see he is watching aqsa admiringly standing next to her as his one hand is holding aqsa's hand and one hand is in his pockets . I fell happy for my family ,but I can't help feeling alone .. I move my eyes to find  zayn , whenever I saw happy couples I instantly think of him , maybe I can still be with him , once I prove something I couldn't prove years ago… my INNOCENCE .

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