I'm A Baller

Chapter 345: Hurry Up!

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When they chatted in the evening, Wang Yan told Liu Li about Zhu Jike's situation, which made the ladies very happy.

"Good thing! The prodigal son has returned, and there's another good person in the world who works hard and is filial to his parents. We are the best!"

A beautiful person with a kind heart was definitely Liu Li!

"How wonderful is that?"

Young master Wang wanted to hear her praise him a little more. As expected, 30,000 muttered and continued to encourage him.

"Great, great..."

The next day, Wang Yan got up early and boarded the plane in a refreshed manner. He flew back to Shanghai.

He was quite busy today. In the morning, he was invited by the tycoon Hei Hu to attend Richard Miller's new product launch.

In the evening, He Miaomiao had to accompany He Miaomiao to attend the Paris Flower's new product launch dinner. The young Miss was afraid that Wang Yan would forget, so she sent a few text messages to remind him yesterday.

There was more than enough time, but in the end, her luck was especially bad. The flight was delayed for two and a half hours. When she landed, it was already 11:05.

Without hesitation, she opened her phone to contact Hei Hu.

"Brother, I'm sorry, the plane is late..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Hurry up and come out. Let's have our meal."

"Uh, you didn't go to the launch party?"

Young Master Wang was stunned. Before boarding the plane, he had already said that he didn't need to pick him up. There was a concierge car from the hotel, but not only did Hei Hu come, he even waited until now.

"What are you talking about? I invited you to come, but I didn't wait at the airport. is that how you treat guests? I'll see you at the VIP parking lot."

Oh, that was very enthusiastic...

Wang Yan simply didn't think much about it. Under the escort of the airport service staff, he arrived at the parking lot.

Hei Hu drove a Mercedes-Benzes. Wang Yan could not identify the exact model, but the domineering aura that came from his square and huge body was very eye-catching.

The airport staff helped to pack the luggage. Young Master Wang and Hei Hu shook hands and greeted each other.

"Brother Hu, it's been hard on you. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"God Wang, you're too polite. You're the big brother, and you're so obviously handsome. Thousands of young girls can't even get a chance to look for you. It's only right to wait for you..."

It was clearly a very serious business exchange, but it sounded different when it came from Hei Hu's mouth. There was always a sly and cheeky air about it.

Wang Yan was already knowledgeable about his lack of integrity, so when he heard that, he also joked along.

"You're my big brother. It's easy as long as you admit that I'm more handsome than you."

The easygoing way of communicating was obviously to Hei Hu's liking. He laughed out loud. "I've never submitted to anyone when it comes to face. You're even worse than being shameless..."

Vigorously, Wang Yan nodded. "Yes, yes, yes, I'm very shameless."

There was no reply, for Hei Hu felt a little uncomfortable from being choked. He then raised his middle finger. F*ck!


Most people had a fixed social style. In most cases, social interactions were not about seeking common ground while sheltering differences. Instead, it was about people who were compatible with each other to huddle together for warmth.

Hei Hu's style was the type that was cynical. He was very extroverted, hiding his mature side under the appearance of jumping around.

As for Wang Yan, he was strictly practicing the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences. He was working hard to weave a web and expand his network of contacts.

Getting along with someone strategically was a great learning, but it was also a form of cultivation.

When Hei Hu raised the middle finger of his right hand and Wang Yan responded with two fingers, a foundation for continuing to have a deep relationship was naturally established.


"Let's go, I'll bring you to try some of the more unique dishes of Our Gang!"

"As you wish. Wow, the car is so cool!"

"Right? Men should drive a big car!"

"Hey, when you step on the accelerator, can you think about the feeling of the passengers?"

"Then sit tight, I'll bring you to experience the pleasure of accelerating from above!"

At the moment, the surrounding cars were like dwarves. The two-meter-tall car lived up to its reputation.

The almost vertical windshield made master Wang a little uncomfortable, and the wide seats were much more comfortable than he had expected. The sense of acceleration at the start was not strong, but the field of vision was extremely wide.

In short, it was quite a contradictory feeling. It was a very domineering car.

Should he get one to play with?

Normally, such a "small matter" like spending a few million to buy a toy did not need to be seriously considered. Wouldn't he be out in a month?

Unfortunately, Young Master Wang was really poor now. He did not even have enough money to buy an office building. He really did not dare to go overboard.

At least, he would not be able to go overboard for a month.

So, he would have to wait and see.

He casually asked as if he was chatting, "Brother Hu, what model is this car of yours? How is its maneuverability?"

"Why, do you want it?"

Hei Hu instantly noticed Wang Yan's intentions. Another smart person.

"Poor! Think about it again."


Wang Yan complained half-truthfully, but Hei Hu did not take it seriously at all.

"Mine is the G500, a 15-model remodel. If you want to buy it, you can get the 15-model AMG, G63, and the limited edition Hanye. That car is even more domineering!"

Wang Yan did not understand and asked humbly, "What's the difference between the cars?"

"The car is the original factory, and the AMG is the modification factory. The G63 can be simply understood as a high-performance special version under the strategic cooperation framework. Its performance is much better than the G500, and it only takes 4.5 seconds to accelerate 100 kilometers! Of course, the price is also much better."

Speaking of cars, Hei Hu knew them like the back of his hand.

Wang Yan was shocked by the G63's 100-kilometer acceleration. His 2015 limited edition prams only accelerated 3.9 seconds at 100 kilometers!

One was a fake supercar, and the other was a pure-blooded off-road vehicle. How could they compare?

"Then why didn't you buy the G63? You don't seem to be short of that little money."

Young master Wang asked curiously.

Right then, the corner of Hei Hu's mouth twitched.

"Money? God Wang, your chatter is really choking me!"

"Haha, you should reward the female streamer less. That little difference in price would have been saved a long time ago!"

"If I don't reward the female streamer, how are you going to live as a profiteer? We have to be a little more conscientious. Being coaxed by a young girl to be happy, we can't go whoring for free..."

'You're stepping on the gas again!'!

Wang Yan had a feeling that he would get pinched by the crab pincers sooner or later if he were to chat with Hei Hu...

He quickly changed the topic. "Yes, yes, you're the Breadwinner and the Big Brother. Can we go back to the car problem?"

"Sure, I'll do the math for you. You'll understand why I can't bear to buy the G63."

While Hei Hu nodded, he became a little more serious and seriously did the math for Wang Yan.

"When I was studying in the United States, I drove a G63 of 12 models. At that time, all of them cost less than 140,000 USD, which was more than 950,000 RMB.

This year, when asking prices in China, the CIF price of the 15 G63 models was 1 million RMB.

Then, the tariff was 25% , + 250,000 RMB

A 40% consumption tax (1 million + 250,000 RMB)/(1-40%) × 40% = 833,300 RMB.

Value-added tax (1 million yuan + 250,000 yuan + 833,300 yuan) × 16% = 333,300 yuan.

Without doing anything, that broken car went from 1 million yuan to 2.41 million yuan...

If one added in the inspection fees, storage fees, license fees, and dealer profits, the quoted price directly went up to 270 yuan. Isn't it a loss?

Young Master Wang was shocked. He gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"You're amazing!"

What was amazing was the knowledge, the attitude of trying to understand what he liked.

Hei Hu was elated and continued to calculate.

"Purchase tax 240,000; vehicle and boat usage tax 5280; compulsory insurance 950; brand 500, plus price for a good brand; full insurance 64,000."

"The full purchase tax is exactly 3 million yuan, which is three times the price of the same car I drove in America!"

"Not to mention that I don't want to wait for the car to increase the price. The price starts at 50 yuan!"

"I grit my teeth and grit my teeth. No matter how ruthless I am, I still can't bear to buy it."

"With that 2.5 million yuan, how many female streamers do I have to sleep with?!"

"You stinky hooligan, look at your 250 yuan!"

Wang Yan glanced at him and asked with a faint smile, "Are you treating me to a meal because you're thinking about our female streamer?"

"Of course not!"

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Hei Hu slapped his thigh and suddenly winked at him. "Actually, I'm thinking about you..."


What a disgusting person!

This was the first time Wang Yan had met such a shameless person. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Fortunately, they finally arrived at the restaurant. Hei Hu didn't dare to act rashly when they stopped the car, which was good at everything, and it was really hard to park. Normal parking spaces were not enough to fit inside.

In front of him was a one-way road that was nine meters wide and three lanes wide. Parking spaces were drawn on the right side.

There was an empty space at the entrance of the target. The distance between the front and back cars was about six meters, and most of the cars were very easy to park.

In spite of that, the G500 car was a full 4.9 meters long and nearly two meters wide. It was square and square, and it was difficult for the thief to stop.

Hei Hu danced for a long time, but he still could not stop. Wang Yan could not stand it and volunteered, "Why don't I do it instead?"

With the skill of an experienced driver in hand, it was up to this brother to play dirty!

Hei Hu could not wipe away his face. He gritted his teeth and shook his head, "No need!"

He put the car in gear and reversed the car. The front of the car was aimed at a roadside shop, and he stepped on the accelerator.


Young Master Wang was shocked. Just as he was cursing, the car easily rode on the 30 cm high curb and parked horizontally in the middle of the parking space. The front of the car was facing the roadside shop.

"Done! Let's go and eat!"

Hei Hu proudly pulled out the key and raised his eyebrows at Wang Yan.

Young master Wang got down from the slanted car and looked at the height of the curb. He clicked his tongue in wonder.

"You're awesome! 200 yuan for parking fee..."

Hei Hu became even more proud. "Do I Need Money? I bought Big G because I want to have no obstacles. No matter what slope it is, I just need to run it over!"

It was indeed very satisfying. Wang Yan was a little tempted and really wanted to get one to play with.

F*ck you. Just bear with it for another month!

The restaurant where they ate was especially small. It was called Hao Sheng restaurant. There were only four small tables and one big table.

If they did not book it, they would not receive it at all.

They had to book it a week in advance.

"I booked today's lunch after I greeted you last week. Brother Hu, am I generous enough?"

"You're good!"

After Wang Yan gave him a thumbs up, Hei Hu immediately raised his eyebrows. "How about it? Do you want to stay at my place tonight? My bed is very big..."

After being teased repeatedly by the mysterious sand sculpture tycoon, even though he knew that the other party did not have any ill intentions, young master Wang still could not control his temper.

"Sure, in the afternoon, let's find a boxing gym or martial arts gym to exercise our muscles and bones. Then, I'll arrange for you to soak in the hot spring, get a massage, and recuperate. If you think it's okay, then we'll sleep in the same bed tonight."

Hei Hu's figure was quite strong and his frame was very thick. When he heard that, he glanced at Wang Yan's small body and laughed in disdain.

"Little Guy, you're playing pretty well? Sure, I'll accompany you to practice in the afternoon!"

They bicker until the dishes were served, and the aroma filled the air.

Hao Sheng could not order the dishes, so he served the dishes according to the per capita budget. Hei Hu gave the range of 1,000 to 2,000 per capita, and the dishes were very solid.

Rotten chicken, sweet razor clam with garlic, braised black pork, fried shrimp with oil, steamed river channel catfish, black ginseng with grass head...

Wang Yan rarely ate the local dishes. He felt that they were too sweet, but he was eating very happily today.

The only regret was that although his mood was high, he could not get a gourmet reward.

As he ate more and more exquisite delicacies, the threshold increased rapidly. Now, it was harder and harder to get a reward.

After eating and drinking their fill, the two of them suddenly started to stare at each other.

Hei Hu could not help but speak first. "Let me tell you, this brother has been working out all year round and has reached level 18 in actual combat. It's not too late for you to regret now!"


"Don't be anxious if you lose!"


"I'll call a few of my brothers and sisters to watch the battle. You Don't mind, right?"


"You'll definitely need to wear a protective helmet on your head. You Won't be able to see your face, so I'll record a few small videos. You Won't mind, right?"


"I've already thought of the title for the video."


"Shall we act now?"

"Let's go."

Hei Hu crossed his arms and went out first. He was like a crab, aggressive and aggressive.

Wang Yan was as calm as ever. He just thought that it was very interesting.

Two men who had met for the second time had directly thrown themselves into the boxing ring. What kind of fantasy was this?

It could only be said that men were all crazy.

How harmonious was it for girls to be intimate with their sisters and talk about cosmetics, clothes, and entertainment when they had just met?

If it really didn't work out, it would be fun to chat about family matters...

In any case, the "duel" was already a foregone conclusion -- there were no stakes, nor were there any grudges. It was just a weird type of social interaction.

When he got into the car, Hei Hu suddenly threw the keys over.

"Give it a try?"


Wang Yan was really interested in Big G, so he didn't refuse.

He had to take a walk on the road in person to know whether it was good or not.

He lit the fire, stepped on the gas pedal, and stepped on the floor. The sound was astonishing.

When he was on the road, he would control his speed to his heart's content. His advantages and disadvantages were obvious.

His vision was good. It was great.

Undoubtedly, he was standing on the shoulders of a giant.

But the problem was that he was sitting too straight. If he drove for a long time, he would inevitably have a sore back.

In terms of control, you were two levels weaker. Wang Yan's model was limited to 550, so its control performance was extremely outstanding.

In terms of shock absorption, the over-speed reduction belt was a little bumpy, and it was not as good as air suspension.

If the car was slightly faster, it would sway slightly when it turned.

These were all unique problems caused by the body of the car, so there was no way to avoid them.

As for Big G itself, the two things that people criticized the most were its cost-effectiveness and fuel consumption..

What did Young Master Wang mean by that?

Hei Hu, on the other hand, raised the topic of fuel consumption. "I'm driving in Shanghai's urban area. For 100 kilometers, I want more than 40 f*cking liters of fuel!"

Even though he was ridiculing, he actually didn't care.

People who cared wouldn't buy this car at all. Wouldn't it be fragrant to drive a c-class car?

In fact, after using it, its perceived weaknesses were more than its strengths. However, when the huge and square body of the car stopped in front of the red light, the owners on both sides of the car looked up enviously...

This was enough!

Young master Wang was thinking about when to buy it when a beautiful group of riders suddenly jumped out from the corner in front of him. It looked like they were about to get on the car.


Wang Yan was shocked, but his actions were not chaotic at all.

The high reflexes brought about by his 79 points of agility, coupled with his cool-headedness and fantastic skill, allowed him to shift gears in a very short amount of time. He rode on the side of the road to complete the emergency evasive maneuver.

Seeing the rider pass by him, Hei Hu finally reacted. His body was filled with fear.

"Your sister! Are You in a hurry to be reincarnated?"

The rider had already fled far away. He could not even hear his curses.

Hei Hu turned his head and gave Wang Yan a thumbs up. "Godly Wang, your driving skills are awesome! D*mn, I've already let the delivery rider beat me up three times this year... You're amazing!"

Wang Yan did not respond. He was silent for a few seconds as if he was in a daze.

Then, he suddenly turned his head and asked inexplicably, "Brother Hu, where have you sold car?"

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