I'm A Baller

Chapter 382: Things Are Not That Simple

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The complexity of getting a credit card with a high expenditure limit was beyond Wang Yan's imagination. Chen Xi had to run back and forth many times to gather the material required to sort the matter out.

It is even more troublesome when it came to swiping the card. Large purchases had to be confirmed by phone, and there was also a sum limit per receipt and per day.

Fortunately, these matters could be negotiated.

The final negotiation result was that the sum limit per receipt would be 3 million USD and that the daily limit would also be 3 million USD – in short, there was practically no limit.

As for the increase in the normal credit card, it was not even worth thinking about for the time being.

The corresponding restriction was that the credit card could not be used for more than 1 million unique purchases. Otherwise, Wang Yan's bank account would be frozen.

Did that mean that the credit card was meaningless?

Not quite.

There was up to a 50-day interest-free period for purchases made by card, and the money that Wang Yan had saved was generating interest all the time.

The current deposit rate set by the central bank in 2015 was 0.35%, and the banks could increase it by up to 30%. The highest current interest rate was about 0.455%.

At the same time, the minimum term for time deposits was three months.

However, what was more impressive was that commercial banks such as Minsheng and Guangda actually have a one-month fixed deposit when they are dealt with large deposits.

Young Master Wang did not know how to circumvent the supervision. In any case, the one-month deposit period could be paid at 1.75% interest rate.

The difference between rich people and ordinary people was clearly revealed in this small detail.

For the same one-month deposit, 50,000 was 0.35%, with a maximum of 0.455%, while 1 million was 1.55% .

20 million was 1.75%, a whole five times difference.

Young Master Wang not only had a large deposit slip of 20 million yuan, but he was also someone Chu Hong tried his best to befriend.

Therefore, his treatment was better.

Chu Hong specifically opened a back door for Wang Yan, allowing Young Master Wang to use the "Deposit" to buy the capital-protected wealth management products of the People's Livelihood's 7-14 days term investment in money funds and government bonds.

The annualized yield was of course far from those wealth management products that could easily reach 6% or 7%. It was only around 3.8% to 4.5% .

But it was safe enough.

In total, in 50 days, 20 million would have an interest return of 95,000 to 123,000.

That's right, Chu Hong didn't ask Wang Yan to save 30 million. 20 million was enough.

Casting a long line to catch a big fish, he was really putting in all his effort.

Regardless of whether he had a credit card or not, Young Master Wang had to be paid by the government.

Using a credit card to pay, there would be an additional 700 to 800,000 interest return every year.

It didn't sound like much, as if it was just two days of breathing wages. However, the significance wasn't in the income at all.

Actively integrating into the real financial system was a big hurdle that Wang Yan had to go through.

Building a good relationship with the banks was an important step for Wang Yan to step forward.

In addition, with the 20 million yuan limit for Minsheng Bank and the credit cards of other banks, almost every bank would be willing to give the maximum limit.

With cards, the difficulty would be very low, and it was very likely that there was no need to deposit.

Of course, the amount might not be as high as Minsheng's, but it could be made up with quantity.

If more than a dozen cards added together could have a limit of 80 million, then it would be completely awesome.

Using 30 million cash to transfer 100 million, properly managed, and card the billing cycle, it was simply a bloody profit.

Under normal circumstances, the big boss who can manage 100 million credits would not be interested in that small profit, and the kid who is interested would not be able to do it, so no one could play like that.

Wang Yan was a special case. In fact, he was not interested in that little bit of profit, but he needed a cover on the surface, which was especially suitable for playing like that.

Opening an alias in dozens of banks..

Please call me an Alias Maniac!

Using loans to stir up trouble, using turnover to mess up the accounts, dispersing breathing wages, and finally flowing back through Wangting Entertainment..


When he went out, dozens of banks would come out piecemeal, but when he came back, he would be divided into two parts.

One would go to Wang Yunxi, and the other would go to Divine Court Capital Corporation.

Paying taxes was done on the two levels of Wangting Entertainment and Jingyan to invest. If nothing unexpected happened, Wangting Entertainment would soon become a true big dog with an annual interest tax of more than 100 million.

With entities and tax records, no one could do anything to Wang Yan anymore.

Many years later, if someone wanted to take advantage of Young Master Wang's starting road, there would only be one question -- where did the money from the auction of Haiguang Office Building Come From?

As long as Wang Yan protected his parents well enough, the outside world could only come to one conclusion -- the Elder's mine was black gold.

The start stage of a god-level tycoon was the most vulnerable. Once it was set in motion, all the illogicalities would be explained.

Imagination was the fate of mankind.

With Wang Yan's pace, the risk of exposing his funds had almost been eliminated.

Thinking of this, the young master was even more grateful to the [ attribute modifier ] .

If he did not have 79 intelligence points, foolishly wasting it until today, the disaster would not be far away.

It would be a disaster for ordinary people to have unlimited money, but not give them the wisdom to control money.


After settling all the details, it was already 5 pm.

Next, Chu Hong was going to invite Wang Yan to a banquet to do a second round of public relations.

The difficult Young Master Wang didn't relent on transferring the basic household, but it wasn't the kind of merciless rejection. This made Chu Hong's heart boil.

There was nothing to say. Buy him!

The venue of the banquet was arranged by Chu Hong to be next to the People's livelihood, the bankers' club in the Bank of China Building.

Chu Hong proudly introduced, "This is one of the top private clubs in Shanghai. It is on par with the Yongfu Association and the Securities Association. It is equivalent to the Chang An club in the capital. The leaders of Shanghai often meet the guests here."

The Bank of China building looked very beautiful, but the banker's club on the 52nd floor only had one word in Young Master Wang's eyes --


There was no problem with the Chinese style of decoration, but the problem was that it was not beautiful.

The 50th floor was a five-star suite, the 51st floor was a western restaurant, and the 52nd floor was a club's reception and entertainment area. Basically, it was of the mid-western and mid-western style.

Young Master Wang felt that they looked familiar. It was as if he was watching a TVB drama. He asked casually, "Hong Kong Designer?"

Chu Hong was stunned and gave him a thumbs up.

"Young Master Wang, you're amazing! You really don't look like you're new to Shanghai... That's right, the banker's club is a product of Hong Kong.

When it was established in 2001, they hired a Hong Kong designer to decorate it according to the style of the Hong Kong Banker's club. Now, the club is still connected to the other party and sharing resources."

Wang Yan curled his lips and lost interest in the environment.

It was 2015, Old Chu!

He was still superstitious about Hong Kong?

Look at this lousy decoration, how could it be worthy of the title of "Shanghai's top club"?

The Kee club that Li Yixu had treated to last time, although it was also not very suitable for Wang Yan's appetite and was a little old-fashioned, was 80 miles better than this lousy place today.

The so-called private club was more and more disappointing to Young Master Wang.

However, today's focus was not on the environment.

When the accompanying guests appeared, Young Master Wang was slightly shocked... shocked.

Chen Xi was a girl who had been amazed before. When she entered the restaurant, two other girls of the same level appeared.

[Bai Jie, 33 years old, 90 years old, 95 years old, special 74 years old]

[Wang Yufei, 26 years old, 97 years old, 92 years old, special 85 years old]

Young Master Wang did not have any reaction to them. He was a decent man and did not know many strange things.

Bai Jie was about 163 years old, plump, and white to the point of reflecting light. He smiled before he spoke to anyone. He was very charming.

Wang Yufei was tall and slim, almost 170 years old. She had an oval face, and her eyes were very unique. Her watery peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, and any gaze that she gave seemed to be expressing some shy and timid invitation.

Together with Chen Xi, the gathering of the three golden flowers was simply a feast for the eyes.

And there were only two men present, Chu Hong and Wang Yan.

Young Master Wang immediately realized that the situation was not simple.

Are you guys trying to push the boss..

Chu Hong introduced with a smile, "Bai Jie is our office manager, and Feifei is the number one beauty in the credit department. Actually, I will have to deal with you often in the future, Young Master Wang. It's a good time to get to know each other."

The reason was really good.

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A butler, a secretary, and a loan officer. Logically speaking, they would indeed interact with each other often.

However, couldn't they just arrange for a guy out to work?

It was all because they wanted my body!

Wang Yan had a tendency to be a little shameless, but he didn't resist.

A meal like this..

Was quite interesting.

Don't think about anything else first. Just take it as a chance to broaden your horizons!

When they sat down, Bai Jie sat on Wang Yan's left. Wang Yufei took the initiative to sit on Wang Yan's right, followed by Chu Hong and Chen Xi.

It was another very interesting and thought-provoking arrangement.

Among the three girls, Chen Xi was still in her work uniform and didn't have time to change.

Wang Yufei and Bai Jie were both wearing private clothes. Their makeup was exquisite and they looked like they had specially dressed up.

It wasn't even six o'clock yet, and it hadn't even been an hour since they got off work.

How thoughtful..

Wang Yan had a rough idea of what Chu Hong was planning, but the direction of the banquet was still a little out of his expectations.

They were eating western food, and most of the time, they were drinking and chatting.

They began to get to know each other, talking about wine and food. Everything was normal.

Slowly, the topic shifted to Wang Yan, and the situation started to become delicate.

Chu Hong started with flattery.

"You guys probably don't know yet, right? Young Master Wang's company was the hot topic of discussion on the Internet. It's been trending for a few days. As an old antique who never plays with Weibo, I've heard my friends talk about it more than once."

This was a little exaggerated.

The trending topics were actually the live streaming industry, eating stream, the mysterious tycoon, and the sky-high price Häagen-Dazs. People usually really do not pay much attention to Wangting Entertainment.

However, Chu Hong's goal was to throw out a lead so that others could make use of the topic to make a show out of it.


Wang Yufei immediately looked at him with adoration. The corners of her eyes rose, and she looked extremely charming.

"Young Master Wang, quickly tell me about it!"

Pretending to be Young was a talent. She was obviously a seductive person, but Wang Yufei was able to pretend to be a young girl. Her expression was innocent and romantic.

Innocent seduction was not called flirtatious, it was called natural seduction. There was a big difference.

Actually, it was also very difficult for Wang Yufei.

Facing a cold and aloof young master, if you didn't take the initiative, there was no chance at all.

But if you took the initiative too much, it would seem cheap.

What should I do?

Turning an unfavorable factor into a favorable one is what an expert does.

However, Young Master Wang was still immersed in his aloof state and couldn't extricate himself. His response was very simple.

"It's not that exaggerated. Youshang just bought a few trending searches."

Wang Yufei returned in defeat. Bai Jie immediately followed with a glass of wine.

"Bacon once said: A person may be very young in terms of age, but he is very mature in terms of hours, if he has never wasted his time.

"Young Master Wang, your modesty and low-profile made me involuntarily think of this sentence.

"You should have never wasted your time, which is why you can be so mature and dignified at the same time as making such a big undertaking, and not be arrogant at all.

"Come, let me offer you a glass of wine, no other reason, just to show my respect.

"I'll drink to it, please make yourself at home!"


You can even persuade me to drink like that?

You're f*cking awesome!

Wang Yan was almost stunned by the pat.

It wasn't that he was happy or comfortable, it was just that he was shocked.

He had been seriously studying for a few months, but Wang Yan was still far from reaching the realm where famous quotes could be said so easily.

The key point was that he wasn't trying to embarrass her, but he was really using it to his advantage.

Who would be able to handle such flattery and persuasion?

Wang Yan had no choice but to raise his glass. "Sister Bai, you flatter me. Thank you."

After half a glass of dry red wine, Bai Jie really raised her head and downed the wine. Young Master Wang had no choice but to drink with her.

No matter how much he pretended to be aloof, he would at most speak less. He couldn't just let the lady drink alone and only take a sip, right?

He couldn't afford to lose face!

After finishing the glass of wine, Wang Yufei immediately refilled Wang Yan's glass and pouted in grievance.

"Young Master Wang, if sister Bai wants to propose a toast, then drink a toast. I asked you a question, but you didn't even bother to answer... have some food, drink slowly, and tell me about your company!"

Wang Yufei was doing it another way.

She poured the wine but didn't persuade Wang Yan to drink. She complained but didn't go along with the flow, so she fixed her eyes on the topic of Wangting Entertainment and insisted that Wang Yan let go.

Young Master Wang was a little confused again. He didn't understand what she meant.

Why did she insist on making me talk about the company?

Since he could not figure it out, Young Master Wang simply played along and gave him some positive feedback.

"Wangting Entertainment is just a start-up company that is based on the live broadcast industry. For the time being, it doesn't have any big achievements. As a credit company, you should be able to get in contact with those big companies frequently. We are still far from that..."

When Wangyan spoke, Wang Yufei did not say a word. She just stared at young master with an admiring gaze.

After Wang Yan finished speaking, she followed up with a question.

"Young Master Wang, how many employees do you have in such a big base?"

"For the time being, I have 100 + employees and 150 + hosts. The live broadcast needs space. Those two floors won't be able to fit many workers."

"Wow! Setting up a live broadcast company in Lujiazui, isn't that too extravagant? My office area is only less than four square meters..."

Wang Yan finally has a clue.

Wang Yufei's role was probably to induce Wang Yan to talk about his own matters and then show all sorts of adoration regardless of the situation.

Fangirl character?!

As he was pondering, Chu Hong pointed at Wang Yufei with a smile. "If you dislike the small work space, go hang out with Young Master Wang! Every day, if you don't work hard, you'll have a lot of things to do..

Don't say that brother Chu didn't give you a chance. If you serve Young Master Wang Well, wait until Young Master Wang tells me that Feifei is a good girl. I'll arrange an office for You Alone!"

Wang Yufei's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

Chu Hong shook his head in annoyance. "I'm a Vice President, why would I lie to a little girl like you?"

Wang Yufei immediately looked at Wang Yan pitifully and called out in a soft voice, "Young Master Wang..."

Bai Jie snickered, "What's the use of acting coquettishly? What about your attitude?"

Wang Yufei immediately raised her wine glass, "Young Master Wang, let me give you a toast! I'll drink to it, please do as you please! Xiaoxi is stupid and stupid, she won't cause any trouble. If she can't handle it, just tell me. In the future, I'll hit wherever you point!"


Wang Yan finally understood. Chu Hong was leading the way, Bai Jie was in charge of finding an opportunity to drink, and Wang Yufei was in charge of acting coquettishly and acting like a fangirl. The three of them came with a complete set of procedures.

So, what was Chen Xi's job?

She looked really well-behaved and demure. She was the only good person on the table.

After another glass of wine, Wang Yan turned his head to look at Chen Xi.

The beauty was still smiling faintly. Her posture was stiff and neat, and her smile was warm and distant. Jian Jian was still smiling.


That's not right!

This girl was too hard to see through.

Young Master Wang suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

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