I'm A Baller

Chapter 396: Completely dumbfounded

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Wang Yan sent the three girls to the first floor of his office directly. They'd be able to arrive at their headquarters after walking for less than a kilometer.

The distance was really close. During future afternoon breaks, they could even gather together for a game of Mahjong at any time.

After parking the car, he took the elevator up to the 18th floor. Wang Yunxi was already waiting in the front hall.

"Xiao Yan, there are five tenants left on the 18th floor and three on the 19th floor. They basically have no intention of moving..."

Wang Yan strolled around and quickly understood the situation.

Among the eight tenants, six of their rental contracts had not yet expired.

However, due to the incident with the owner, only two had actually paid the rent in full, while the remaining four were in arrears.

The last two tenants whose contracts had expired were even completely obstinate and disgusting.

"What did they say?"

"They're just stalling! They're just using the excuse that they need time to move, that they want to renew their leases, that they're looking for a new location, and so on..."

"How long are the lease periods for the two companies that don't owe rent ?"

"More than a month, and less than two months."

"What about the surface area and rent?"

"One is 340,000 yuan, and the other is 280,000 yuan."

Wang Yan nodded in understanding and waved his hand. "Let's go and talk to them first."

The remaining eight companies were in different situations, so of course they had to be treated differently.

Those two companies that had yet to have their contracts expired were the most troublesome. They stood at the highest point of law and morality.

They were also the least troublesome because they did not intend to be deadbeats.

It all depended on how to resolve this.

He directly invited the bosses of the two companies together. Just as the other two were still surprised at Wang Yan's age, the young master went straight to the point.

"You two chairmen, we are in a hurry to renovate. I plan to directly buy out the remaining contracts from the two of you. We will charge you by the day, double the price, and give you an additional month's compensation for rent."

The two bosses were shocked.

The 340,000 rent was doubled to 680,000 yuan. With the addition of the compensation of around 200,000 a month, if they moved tomorrow, they would receive 880,000 yuan.

This compensation was extremely generous.

The two bosses' eyes lit up. "Are you serious, Chief Wang?"

Young Master Wang laughed lightly. "You can draft out the contract right away, move out tomorrow morning, and the money will be in your accounts by the afternoon."

"Okay! Give us a day!"

The negotiations went unexpectedly smoothly. With money as their trump card, all obstacles could be broken through easily.

For such small companies, moving was not a difficult matter. They could find two hundred square meters of hardcover working space in any building nearby.

The rent for a month was more than a hundred to two hundred thousand yuan. If they were not picky, the compensation of 880,000 yuan could even cover half a year's rent.

So why stay here and waste two more months?

In less than 20 minutes, the lease and buyout agreement was completed. The two bosses did not waste any time and immediately went to seek out new locations.

They had long heard that the new owner did not intend to renew the leases. The two of them were prepared, so when the time came, they were very calm.

After leaving the room, Wang Yunxi took the initiative to discuss with Wang Yan.

"Xiao Yan, wasn't it a little rash to have settled it like this? If those two take advantage of our anxious mentality and manipulate us, asking for a lot at once..."

"I know what to do."

Wang Yan waved his hand and smiled calmly.

"Brother Xizi, your concern is reasonable, but you didn't take into account the other party's personality."


Wang Yunxi was stunned. "How do you determine someone's personality from the first meeting?"

"In the case of the previous owner's accident, most of the tenants began to owe rent. How many of them did everything according to the contract?"

Wang Yan's reminder made Wang Yunxi feel enlightened.

"Huh? That's right. Those two lads do seem different..."

Young Master Wang laughed.

"Do you understand now?

The other party respected the contract and did not attempt to pull off any tricks. They were discreet and cautious. How could they dare to offend a rich heir who bought 400 million in property rights just because of a small matter?

We were powerful enough and gave them benefits. It was expected that we would win on the spot."

Wang Yunxi was impressed. He turned into a sycophant and gave him a thumbs up.

"Xiao Yan, you're really awesome now!"

I do spend money quite loosely...

Young Master Wang wasn't arrogant, but he was a little proud.

From the first day he got the system, Wang Yan had been feeling the strength of money.

Understanding, learning, training, control...

As his world views got larger and larger, he was becoming more and more confident about how to spend money and who could be bought by money.

He had not learnt economics and psychology for nothing.

"Let's go. The remaining six are the tough ones."

Wang Yunxi followed behind happily. "What do we do? Do we stick to the original plan?"

Wang Yan pondered for a moment. "The water and electricity authorities won't budge, right?"

Wang Yunxi shook his head in a huff. "The property management won't cooperate. That Manager Ge is a freaking idiot!"

Each floor of Sunrise Building had a separate watch, but the main gate was under the control of the property management. If the property management didn't cooperate, the single-level property owners wouldn't be able to take the initiative.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just go straight to the second step."

Wang Yan was very calm. He strolled up to the 19th floor and patrolled the level with his hands behind his back.

Three-fifths of the 19th floor was still occupied, mainly because of that Jinsheng Foreign Tradings company.

That company's business seemed to be good. The employees came and went, bustling about.

Wang Yan watched coldly from the side. He walked around the concentric-circle-shaped corridor, feeling that the other party was not affected at all.

At the elevator entrance, he saw the notice his company had posted.

There were two big words written in the blank space -- Idiot.

Wang Yan sneered. He turned around and was about to leave when the elevator stopped beside him with a ding.

The door opened and a young man walked out. He happened to bump into Wang Yan.

The young master was slightly stunned.

San Xin?

Why was this guy here?!

San Xin did not show any surprise at Wang Yan's appearance.

This guy licked his upper teeth, gave a cocky smile, and gave Wang Yan a middle finger.

Then, without saying a word, he swaggered past Wang Yan.


Wang Yunxi was so angry that he clenched his fists and was about to chase after him. "You little b**tard, who're you messing with?!"

Wang Yan pulled Brother Xizi back and shook his head.

"Don't be rash. Call people up to start work."

Wang Yunxi took out his phone and ordered while gnashing his teeth, "Brothers, come up and work!"

In less than twenty minutes, a team of renovation workers came up. Their leader was a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face.

When he saw Wang Yunxi, he immediately bowed and came forward to offer a cigarette.

Wang Yunxi took the cigarette and lit it. He took a deep breath and asked leisurely, "Old Fu, you know how the work should be done, right?"

"I, I know!"

Old Fu nodded with a silly smile.

Wang Yunxi gritted his teeth and said with a hostile look, "Increase the horsepower to the maximum. After it's done, the renovations of the two floors will be yours. Use the best materials, and I'll increase the price by another 20%!"

Old Fu was so excited that his cheeks were trembling. He patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I guarantee that it'll be done within three days!"

Wang Yunxi patted the other party's shoulder and took out two stacks of money from his bag and handed it over. "Here's the starting fee, take it to buy cigarettes for our brothers. Go get to work!"

Old Fu was not in a hurry to take the money. In the end, he confirmed one thing with Wang Yunxi.

"Boss Wang, we're not afraid of anyone finding trouble, but we can't hold our own against the authorities. As we agreed before, if the other party calls the police, you'll settle it, right?"

Wang Yunxi turned to look at Wang Yan. The young master silently nodded, and Brother Xizi made a firm promise.

"For official matters, we'll handle it!"

"Okay, then let's do it!"

Old Fu was full of energy and immediately waved his big hand. "Brothers, find a spot and get out the weapons!"

The group of people agreed loudly and dispersed around the floor, starting the final investigation before work.

Wang Yan took out his phone and called Huang Guangliang from the Intermediate People's Court.

"Director Huang, about the matter from the day before yesterday... Has the appointment been made? Oh dear, thank you very much! Okay, see you later!"

After hanging up, the young master looked at the time and pondered for a moment before dialing Chu Hong's number.

"Chu Hong, are you familiar with the business and tax police stations in the jurisdiction?"

Chu Hong did not understand Young Master Wang's meaning for a moment, but he reacted quickly.

"Yes! If there's anything you need, I'll go arrange a meal for you!"

Wang Yan smiled. "That's not necessary. Wangting Entertainment has just arranged a lunch for the leaders of those departments so that we can go pay them their due respects. If you know them, you could come and direct us as to how it works..."

"Oh man, what're you talking about! What right do I have to guide you? I'll go drink on your behalf!"

The management was strict now and they could not drink in the afternoon. Huang Guangliang had warned them about this beforehand.

It was impossible for Chu Hong not to understand. It was just about showing attitude.

Young Master Wang was quite pleased. He laughed and fixed a time before hanging up the phone.

He turned around and instructed Wang Yunxi, "Go and arrange it. It must be grand, but not too extravagant. In the future, I'll leave this level of connection-building to you to maintain."

Brother Xizi was overjoyed.

When Wangting Entertainment had just registered, it was simply not on par with that level of connections.

In just a few short months, it had developed to the point where it was on equal footing with the other party.

As the general manager of Wangting Entertainment, Wang Yunxi could use this opportunity to expand his network and the quality of his social circle. His social status would obviously rise by a large margin as well.

From a dispensable salesman to the general manager of a large company with a market value of one billion, he had completed such a leap within a few months. Wang Yunxi really wanted to go home to pay his respects to his ancestors and set off celebratory fireworks.

Sucking up to the right person felt freaking awesome!


Young Master Wang called for the elevator. Just as he was about to retreat, the first sound finally came from the 19th floor.

"Wu... Weng... Gah!"


Wang Yan subconsciously covered his ears and was momentarily confused.

What were those group of men doing?

Why was there such a big commotion?!

The ear-piercing sound spread throughout the entire floor, like a drop of water falling into a boiling pot of oil and exploding instantly.

At first, Jinsheng's employees were only having their discussion in the office, but the sound did not stop. Instead, it became more and more intense. Finally, they could not stand it anymore.

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San Xin rushed out of the office in a fluster. The moment he opened the door, he was almost bowled over by the noise.

He took a closer look and was stunned.

In the corridor at the door, a renovation worker was wearing large earmuffs and had his cutting machine turned on. He was cutting a piece of triangular iron.

The sawtooth rubbed against the triangular iron violently. Sparks flew in all directions, accompanied by a loud, ear-piercing sound.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

San Xin was furious and roared.

In the end, his roar was drowned out by the loud noise.

Not only did the master not hear it, San Xin did not even hear what he was shouting.

San Xin wanted to rush up and stop him, but he was afraid of the sparks from the cutting machine.

The worker was wearing a protective suit, but he was not.

After a long five minutes, when the worker finally cut off a piece of the angular iron and stopped the machine to cool it down, San Xin immediately rushed up to him.

"What are you doing?!"

The worker's back was still facing San Xin, so he did not hear him clearly.

San Xin went up and grabbed the other party's earmuffs, and his vision instantly went black --

Not only was the guy wearing huge protective earmuffs, there were also soundproof earmuffs stuffed inside!

F*** you!

You're sure smart since you're covered up so tightly, but what should the rest of us do?!

However, San Xin's actions finally alerted the worker. The young man took off his earmuffs and grinned.


You're asking me this?!

San Xin was so angry that he scowled. "What are you doing?!"

The young worker continued to laugh foolishly. "Cutting the angular iron."

"Cutting it for what?"

"Punching holes."

"Punching holes for what?"

"To stuff expansion screws."

San Xin was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "Can you just freaking tell me what is it you want?!"

The honest young man looked around and thought for a moment. Then, he pointed at the wall and said with certainty, "The boss wants to install an air conditioner here."

Set up an air conditioner in a corridor with central air conditioning?!

Screw you!

San Xin almost went wild with rage. He shouted, "Don't freaking cut it anymore!"

The young man bared his white teeth, smiled honestly, and then shook his head.

"It's not up to you. The entire floor belongs to the boss. I'll do whatever the foreman wants me to do. Oh man, move back a little. I'm going to turn on the machine. Sparks will jump out, so be careful of your clothes."

Seeing that the young man had put in the earplugs and was about to start cutting again, San Xin quickly called his father's employees and went up to pull the plug on the other party's power supply. No matter what he said, he would not let the guy do it again.

The young man did not struggle. Just as San Xin was about to scare him, an even more ear-piercing sound suddenly came from the next room.

If cutting angular iron was the kind of noise that pierced the eardrums directly, then this new sound was the kind that straight out hammered at the heart.

After that, creak, creak... Some bastard was using something to scratch glass.

Buzz, buzz, buzz... An army of flies?!

Boom, boom, boom... Subwoofer cannons.

These noises came from all directions, like the immersive experience when using panoramic surround stereo sounds from Dolby Productions...

San Xin jumped around everywhere, and after looking around, he almost went mad with anger.

Was using an angle grinder to slowly grind stainless steel plates something a human would do?!

For a non-load-bearing wall, you could have just demolished it if you wanted to. Using an electric drill to pop a hole on the left and another one on the right, are you freaking doing embroidery?

And what was the point of cutting tempered glass with a chainsaw?

Freak this, just cut out my brain and let it buzz!


What happened on the 19th floor could basically be seen as an upgraded and enhanced version of the renovation noise encyclopedia.

Normal renovations were noisy too, but if the materials were simply left alone there, it wouldn't have caused the current commotion.

What level was he at now?

Anyway, the managers of the remaining companies on the 18th floor looked at the renovators who were moving things back and forth. They trembled and laughed so hard that it was uglier than crying.

Old Fu was in an empty office cubicle on the 18th floor discussing something with his workers.

That simple and honest young man suddenly rushed over and asked, "Uncle, the saw blade is worn out. What should we do?"

"Go change it! Continue cutting. Don't worry about the money. It's all accounted for!"

Old Fu waved his hand dismissively. Seeing that the young man was about to run away, he suddenly waved his hand and called him back.

"Hey, hey, don't throw that worn out saw blade away. Use It to cut the glass. That dull one will produce a lot of noise!"

Not only would it cause a lot of noise, it would be a freaking infrasound weapon!

After chasing his nephew away, Old Fu continued to study the paint bucket under his feet with the workers.

"Little Five, what else do you think we should add in it?"

Little Five's eyes were smarting from the smell emanating out of the bucket. He covered his nose and said in a muffled voice, "You still want to add more? If we spread this around the level, there won't be a single soul here for three months!"

"Are you stupid? We'll put it on the board and dry it in the corridor at night. When those idiots get out of here, we'll just take the boards and throw them away. It'll be quick!"

"Then, let's mix it with some glue. Whoever dares to touch our boards will definitely get their hands stuck on them. They won't be able to wash it off!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

The honest-looking Old Fu was so wicked when he did bad things.

Chief Wang's order was too important to the entire renovation team. This was the way of survival for the small fry.

While the floors upstairs and downstairs were in chaos, Manager Ge from the property management finally arrived.

When he went up to the 19th floor, his mind started buzzing and he was very confused.

"Hey hey hey, what are you guys doing? Stop, stop!"

Everyone ignored him.

In his exasperation, he wanted to have Ali's two security guards intervene.

The two men rolled up their sleeves and were about to stride forward aggressively when a big and burly renovation worker glanced over casually, turned on the electric drill, and got up silently.


My dear brother, please sit down. We can always sit and talk things through if there're any problems!

Amidst the buzzing sound of the electric drill, the two security guards smiled and took out tissues to wipe their sweat.

The weather's sure hot...


Manager Ge gulped and gave San Xin a knowing look. He whispered, "Call the police first. I'll ask Chief Wang!"

Holding his phone, he went up to the 20th floor. The noises were still quite overwhelming, and the complaints were endless.

It would be better if he went up another floor.

He dialed Wang Yan's number directly, and was unprecedentedly polite.

"Chief, as to what's been happening today..."

Wang Yan didn't let him finish his sentence, and asked clearly in return.

"Those two floors are mine, aren't they?"

"Yes, but..."

"The purchase contract states that I have the right to decorate the building freely without damaging the structure of the building, right?"

"Yes, but..."

"That's good. Just follow what's in the contract. Also, be clear of where you stand."

"Huh? Chief? Young Master Wang?!"

"Du du du..."

The only sound on the phone was the disconnect tone.

Damn it!

Manager Ge was so angry that he wanted to smash his phone, but he couldn't bear to do so.

It had cost a few thousand yuan...

Before he could go downstairs, San Xin whom couldn't stand the noise came up to him first.

"Manager Ge, what did the other party say?"

Scrawny old geezer Ge helplessly spread his hands. "He didn't give us face... We'll let President Jin and the police station greet him..."

San Xin was very doubtful. "Will that be useful?"

Of course it would be useless.

The relevant departments did come very quickly, but when Wang Yunxi took out the title certificate and the expired lease contract, the basis for law enforcement didn't exist anymore.

The staff gave President Jin and Manager Ge face and stayed in Sunrise Building for the whole morning, mediating all kinds of things.

The noise disappeared from 10 o'clock.

However, the staff at Jinsheng had only been happy for less than three hours before the renovation team started work again on the dot at 1 o'clock.

President Jin called the relevant departments again, but no one came.

Aaah, I'm so angry!

San Xin was furious, but President Jin was raging mad.

"Little rascal, you want to play with me? I'll freaking let all my employees go on holiday and we won't budge!"

President Jin was seething, and San Xin reminded him, "You have to be more vigilant. Don't let that little rascal empty our company directly."

"If the property management doesn't give the nod, would the moving company be able to come up?"

President Jin glanced at Manager Ge and put on a fake smile. "Don't you think so, Old Ge?"

Manager Ge nodded vigorously. "Don't worry, we can only bear with it for today. Tomorrow morning, I'll send more security downstairs. I won't let any of the renovation workers come up!"

"Oh?! This is a good idea!"

San Xin's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

Manager Ge smiled but didn't say anything. He stroked his chin, which had only a few strands of hair on it. He felt like he was the reincarnation of Strategist Zhuge.

He was so pleased with himself, as if this was something natural for him.

Just as they were scheming against Wang Yan and planning to teach the "little rascal" a lesson, Young Master Wang was in the SSCC club, signing up for a membership.

Zhou Jianwu and Chuxin were beside Wang Yan, and they were extremely excited.

The troublesome Huang Yiqing specially rushed over to get acquainted with the Car God.

In the evening, she held a banquet to welcome Car God Wang, and brought over dozens of rich young ladies at the last minute.

Brother Hu, who had been in seclusion for a long time, was finally willing to show up. He looked at Young Master Wang with a resentful gaze.

Half-drunk, Wang Yan asked Zhou Jianwu, Chu Xin, Black Tiger, and the others for help.

After listening to Wang Yan's plan, Zhou Jianwu slapped the table and stood up. "Damn! Godly Wang, you're awesome!"

Chu Xin and Brother Hu were even more eager to give it a try. They felt that this matter... was really freaking interesting!

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