I'm A Baller

Chapter 407: Interesting...

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When Young Master Wang saw the visitor for the first time, he only had one feeling --

The secret was not as good-looking as he had imagined, but Guo Yuting was even more beautiful than in the movie.

The former could not even cover the dark circles under her eyes with makeup, which should be the side effect of long-term overwork, while the latter looked much better.

Perhaps it corresponded to the difference in fame?


After a simple glance, Young Master Wang did not use his radar eyes anymore.

There was no need for it, and it was meaningless. Wang Yan's attitude toward celebrities was very cautious.

"Young Master Wang, are you staying here today?"

An Xiaofang was a little stunned when she saw Wang Yan signing for a room.

At that moment, her feelings were complicated and indescribable.

Young Master, aren't you a little too anxious?

I'm not sure...

Secret and Guo Yuting remained calm on the surface, but they were also a little apprehensive and on the highest alert in their hearts.

Wang Yan couldn't guess what they were thinking, but that wasn't important. I'll do what I want to do; who cares what you think!

He calmly shook her head. "I'll go live in Xianji. I'll leave the room to you later. The executive lounge downstairs is too noisy and inconvenient."

Intangibles were the deadliest.

Everyone was stunned by Wang Yan's way of doing things.

There was a ready-made place for chatting in the banquet hall below, but you didn't want it. You booked a Presidential Suite just for a short meeting?!

You are showing off your wealth?!

The few of them didn't know Wang Yan Well, so they could only guess in the most common direction.

Secret and Guo Yuting were experienced and knowledgeable, so they felt a little disdainful.

An Xiaofang did not care so much. She said a polite greeting and immediately introduced them to each other.

"You should know both secret and Tingting. When we worked together, we got along very well. We were like sisters."

"Wang Yan, the extremely mysterious Young Master. The live broadcast guild created by him playing with money is already the strongest in the industry. The first movie of the film company is a big top-tier production. Young Master Wang personally modified the script, and he might even become a director. It's not enough to describe him as young and promising. He's a genius!"

Praises were piled up without any cost, but unfortunately, no one took it seriously.

Wang Yan did not extend his hand. He smiled and nodded to the two celebrities.


Secret was exceptionally generous on the scene. She took the initiative to shake hands with Wang Yan and said, "Hello, young master Wang. Take care of me in the future!"

Guo Yuting was very quiet. She had the atmosphere of an introverted and shy young lady.

Immediately after, An Xiaofang began to introduce the young man.

"This young talent is called Wang Muye. He graduated from the Director Department of the Beijing Movie University with a Master's degree. He is one of the best in the film Master Class of the 2014 Chinese New Director Program. He is the most promising in the future of Chinese films."

This time, Wang Yan took the initiative to extend his hand. "Nice to meet you!"

"Hello, Young Master Wang!"

Wang Yan looked at the other party deeply. His first impression was standard.

Wang Muye did not look good. When he shook hands, he was very nervous. His palms were full of sweat, which made him look especially unimposing. He looked like the most ordinary person.

However, Wang Yan would not judge him based on that. He observed his words and actions. Whether he could use him or not, he would decide about it after the conversation was over.

Everyone took their seats with their own thoughts. The Butler came forward at the right time to ask for advice.

"Young Master Wang, please choose the concierge package in the Presidential Suite. You can choose anything under 5,000. Also, does any distinguished guest need any other catering services?"

An Xiaofang said politely on behalf of everyone, "The guests are up to the host. Young Master Wang, please make the decision."

Wang Yan did not decline, but he did not make a big deal out of it either.

He took the wine list, took a quick glance, and made a decision very quickly.

"Give me a bottle of the Beautiful Time Vintage Champagne. Ladies and Director Wang, Feel Free to drink whatever you like."

Secret smiled and said, "I'll drink champagne with you."

Guo Yuting ordered a glass of warm milk with an apologetic expression. "Young Master Wang, I'm not feeling well today..."

Wang Yan waved his hand and did not let her explain further.

"Help yourself. Don't stand on ceremony."

Wang Muye did not touch the wine list and instead just intended to drink champagne.

An Xiaofang was the most at ease. She flipped through the wine list and asked casually, "Young Master Wang, the Flower Wine is less than 800 dollars. There is a big difference in the gift amount?"

What's a gift amount?

Young Master Wang smiled lightly. "Then you can choose what you like and fill it up."

He didn't take it seriously at all.

After this simple conversation, Secret and Guo Yuting finally understood -- this person didn't mean to show off his wealth deliberately. He wasn't the nouveau riche they had imagined.

He only chose what he liked and was highly insensitive to the price. He was used to not looking at the price.

What a rich man!

An Xiaofang carefully selected a bottle of Sweet White Wine from the Rhine district and filled up the gift amount perfectly.

The Butler's etiquette was perfect and did not reveal any attitude.

Very soon, fruits, nuts, chocolate, and desserts were presented as if they were free and filled the table.

Uh, Alright, it was indeed free...

He ordered the wine, but Wang Yan did not drink it much, nor did he persuade anyone to drink it. His focus was on chatting.

The first question he asked was to Wang Muye.

"How did Director Wang and Sister An meet?"

Wang Muye's cautiousness came from the bottom of his heart. He sat up straight and replied, "Actually, I've only met Director An twice. I shot secret's comeback scene..."

Wang Yan didn't understand. What was a comeback scene?

An Xiaofang was about to explain, but for some reason, Secret answered first.

"Muye is a very talented director. Although he hasn't proven himself with a feature film, I firmly believe that he can make a good movie."

The bull's head doesn't match the horse's mouth...

After chatting for a while, Wang Yan finally understood the situation.

After Wang Muye graduated, he had been shooting short films. The only big-screen movie was "City in Love." This year, it was released on Valentine's Day, and the total movie earnings were just over 50 million.

Of course, it was not his fault.

It was a co-production with a unitary structure. The five new Directors were each responsible for a unit. Secret, Lily, Jiang Yiyan, and more than a dozen other famous star actors/actresses were filmed separately.

Wang Muye was the director of Secret's unit.

Young Master Wang did not know much about professional techniques such as composition, expression, montage, parallel editing, etc. He could only learn theory by reading books and cramming hard. He could not know to the actual level.

However, just seeing that Secret was willing to recommend Wang Muye, this person had something outstanding about him.

Strictly speaking, compared to Wang Muye, Secret now has a vast difference in status. They were not on the same level at all.

And in their quick contact, Wang Yan's perception of Secret could be described with one word -- shrewd.

She was not the kind of person who made friends casually.

Even if introducing Wang Muye to An Xiaofang was just a small matter, if Wang Muye didn't have some skills, she probably wouldn't help.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan became more and more interested in Wang Muye.

"Director Wang, do you have any projects recently?"

Wang Muye smiled shyly and replied, "My classmate, Han Jiaru, modified a book based on the Cheng Yong case. It's called the "God of Medicine." Director Ning Hao handed the first draft to Teacher Zhong Wei and me. We're grinding the script."

Wang Muye was a director, so he was not stupid. He knew how to show off his advantages.

Young Master Wang was in awe.

Wang Yan did not know who Han Jiaru and Zhong Wei were, but director Ning Hao's name was well-known.

At present, the strongest director of the new generation in the country, not just one of the strongest.

His commercial comedies had stones, racing cars, heart flowers, and no-man's land. Wang Yan looked for a long time for an uncut version and was shocked.

Wang Muye must be a rising star to get Ning Hao's trust.

The only problem was...

"Director Wang signed with Director Ning's Company?"


Wang Muye nodded, his face full of happiness and glory.

"Thanks to Director Ning for thinking so highly of me. I signed with Huai Monkey this year, and I'm in charge of the "God of Medicine" project.

"Of course, the script still needs to be polished. Adding on the actor schedule and investment issues, the earliest filming will not be until 2017. I now have enough energy to work on the "Witch" of your company."

Oh My God!

Who cares how your "God of Medicine" Project Is?

I only care if you can sign with Wangting Entertainment...

Young Master Wang didn't take the project prepared by Wang Muye thoughtfully, but An Xiaofang pondered for a moment, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Muye, that Xiao Han Screenwriter, is she Third Master's..."

Wang Muye frowned slightly and then shook his head with a silly smile. "Maybe... I'm not familiar with Senior Sister Han. I've met her in school a few times, and we have a nodding relationship. The company doesn't need us to sit and work each day, so I haven't met her yet."

Wang Yan didn't understand, but he already realized that something was unusual.

Third Master?

Which Third Master?

Having made up his mind to go back and investigate, Young Master Wang became more interested in Wang Muye.

However, he didn't even wait to investigate. Not long after, An Xiaofang quietly sent a message.

"Han Jiaru is the daughter of President Han of Hua Ying, the number one producer who often appears in the opening credits of movies! Wang Muye was selected to be in charge of Han Jiaru's script; needless to say, let's use him as the assistant director of the "Witch" project. There are many benefits!"

An Xiaofang had not been clear about this situation before.

Now that she heard it all of a sudden, she was incredibly excited.

Wang Yan was not particularly familiar with the situation in the industry, but he could still think of many specific benefits.

The simplest one: passing the examination!

The domestic film and television examination system... er, that was quite excellent. There was no problem at all.

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There were many that he did not dare to say. Anyway, it would be more smooth if they had connections. Everyone understood that.

In the society of relationships, having more friends meant more options.

Many times, when one was at the end of their rope, all they needed was a few words from a critical person to turn the tables.

Wang Muye isn't a known person now, but he could be a bridge, connecting them to Ning Hao, brother Zheng, Han Jiaru, Zhong Wei, third master, and other outstanding filmmakers.

Fine, he'll be the one!

Wang Yan made up his mind, but he did not immediately announce it.

He could not be in a hurry... as an investor, he had to be patient with potential benefits.

"Director Wang, this is the script. Take it back and read it. We'll talk about shooting next time."

Wang Yan took out a script and handed it over, planting the seed.

The Young Master did not want to expose his real aim in front of Secret and Guo Yuting.

Their relationships were made of 24K pure plastic. They did not need to be tempered by fire at all. If the sun were slightly more extensive, they would be able to melt under the sun. Whoever took it seriously would be an idiot.

What followed was a casual chat.

Secret asked jokingly, "Producer Wang, is there any role suitable for me to play?"

Wang Yan replied jokingly, "Yes, the leading role of the antagonist in both the first and second movies. If she plays it well, it will be especially hated. Are you interested?"

An Xiaofang added, "Whether I'm interested or not depends on the money!"


Secret nodded calmly, and then she was the first to laugh.

She was not interested in the movie. Today, she is not here for the role.

Even when Wang Muye asked, "Sister Secret, do you want to come to the "God of Medicine" crew to act with Brother Zheng?" she was still perfunctory. "It depends on the schedule! If you ask for me, I'll definitely come!"

"It depends on the schedule" meant that she was not interested, so there was no need to ask.

She did not need to be a supporting character with her status and popularity, much less a villain for "Witch."

When she had the time, she could shoot a TV series and get a variety show. She would make a lot of money, and it would be fantastic.

In terms of her busyness, she was among the top three female stars of the new generation. The dark circles under her eyes could be evidence.

Guo Yuting, on the other hand, was very interested. It was rare for her to take the initiative to ask, "Young Master Wang, can you give me a copy of the script?"

Young Master Wang did not think highly of her acting skills, but he did not say it directly.

He raised his head to look at her and then glanced at Secret. He shook his head regretfully and said, "Sister Guo, you can't do it. Your beauty is too dignified. You can't act out the malice of a stepmother."

Everyone was stunned and then burst into laughter.

Secret was furious.

"Hey, Producer Wang, what do you mean by that? It seems that I'm especially suitable to act as a stepmother, right? !"

Wang Yan held back his laughter and pretended to be stupid. "No! I'm just saying that you're too pretty in a sharp way. Isn't it easy to understand?"

"Bah! If you really think I'm beautiful, give me the female lead!"

The Young Master rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Why don't... I seal the script? Fifteen years later, I'll give it to your daughter. The age will be just right..."

Before Wang Yan could finish, An Xiaofang and the others were laughing like crazy.

Secret was so angry that she was grinding her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.

What was there to explain when a 20-year-old youth despised her for being older?!

He was a decade younger than her, so there was nothing to fight over...

However, she was a public figure, so that she could take a joke. She spat at Wang Yan, and the relationship quickly became closer.

The direct evidence was that she began to persuade Wang Yan to drink.

A private gathering could not be without jokes. If everyone were tense, then they would not be able to communicate.

However, they could not be too Low-key and affect their emotions.

Wang Yan had an excellent grasp of the situation. He found the person who was the most carefree and opened the joke at the right time. He successfully livened up the atmosphere.

"Come on, smelly Brother. Drink or be done with our friendship!"

Young master saw it was time to end the joke; he smiled and raised a glass: "I was just joking; in fact, you are my idol."

Secret's eyes lit up. "Really? What's your favorite movie of mine?"

"Country Love Story..."


Guo Wuting directly sprayed milk on An Xiaofang's face...

Big Secret: :(

It was not without benefits to talk nonsense. With Wang Yan's interruption, Guo Yuting no longer cared about the role.

She lacked good films, but she would not be fixated on a villain. At the same time, her confidence in Wang Yan was still not very strong.

A 20-year-old genius screenwriter and genius director?

Why don't I believe it?!

Little Mo... The box office of the Childhood Four-part series was guaranteed to exceed 1.5 billion. She had her pride.

If he wanted to impress her, it was not enough to be rich, handsome, and humorous.


They chatted all over the place until nine o'clock. Guo Jie came up in a hurry and especially paid a visit to Wang Yan.

Imperial Entertainment was just a fart. However, the Producer who was willing to fork out 50 million for the first trial movie could not be over-respected.

Even if there was no chance, she had to find an opportunity to get close to Wang Yan. Now that she was close to Wang Yan, she had to leave her contact information.

Guo Jie's attitude was very in line with her "Famous" but not "Top-notch" status.

If it were someone of a lower rank, it would be more explicit than this.

Producer Wang was very polite and not distant, giving An Xiaofang a lot of respect.

Previously, Guo Jie had been worried that the Young Master was too willful and arrogant. In the end, when she came into contact with him, she realized that it wasn't the case at all. After she left, she even secretly sent Guo Yuting a message.

"He's handsome and elegant! Is Sister An going to hook you up? Hold on, Sister Tai!"

Both of them were 4W people. Their personal relationships might not be better, but they could indeed talk deeper.

Guo Yuting glanced at her phone, put it down, and ignored it.

She had never had any scandals. It wasn't that the company didn't want to use her; it was that she didn't want to.

No one could understand how the literary and artistic young woman thought.


At 9:30, Young Master Wang raised his hand to look at his watch.

When Secret saw this, she immediately put down his wine glass without batting an eyelid.

An Xiaofang smiled and asked, "Shall we go down and accompany Xiaojie?"

"Sure, let's Go!"

As they took the initiative to get up, today's small gathering came to an end.

Wang Yan sent them off one by one. He had been shaking hands with Wang Muye for an exceptionally long time, and his bromance was overflowing.

"Director Wang, if you have time, contact me more often. I look forward to communicating with you next time."

"Young Master Wang, I will do my best to do what needs to be done!"

This was a man who had yet to prove himself. He was as hungry for opportunities as a hungry wolf.

However, he did not appear impulsive, rash, or impatient. It was a rare sight.

The only pity was that he could not sign with his own company.

Young Master Wang finally realized that the film and television industry wasn't easy to get along with. Good directors, good actors, good scripts, and good teams were all in the hands of others.

It wasn't easy for a new company to rise.

Therefore, it was even more necessary to film the "Witch" well.

Only a successful film could leverage more resources and open up the situation.

By looking at their attitude toward Secret, he could understand that the entertainment industry's power never came from money.

Only those who could get a good script, build a good project, find a good director, and a good actor had the power.

If he gritted his teeth, he could even afford the money himself.

What about now?

The gossip that Secret spilled just now frightened Wang Yan --

"Wolf Warrior 2" is starting to launch, and it should start shooting in the middle of next year. The initial budget was estimated at 130 million, and two companies were already willing to commit to a guaranteed minimum price!

Guarantee a minimum price before the auction started. Guarantee a minimum profit of 80-100 million. What kind of concept was that?

It was impossible to be short of money. Young Master Wang would not have a chance to get involved even if he wanted to. Who would bring a newbie to play with!

This was the benefit of success.

With Wang Yan's foundation in the entertainment industry, he could only help in times of need and pick up scraps. He was not qualified to do business that was guaranteed to make a profit.

Unless next summer, the "Witch" exploded as he wished. Then, Producer Wang would be the number one figure.

There was still a long way to go, but he still needed to work hard...

After leaving the Ritz-Carlton in deep thought, Wang Yan left the Presidential Suite to An Xiaofang. She could live there or with whomever she wanted.

After returning to Xiangji, he chatted with Xiaoliu for a while on the phone before starting work.

After settling the matters of Wangting Yule, he exchanged a few words with Li Yixu, who had returned to Shanghai before taking a shower. Finally, it was midnight.

Today was a special day.

After midnight, it was December 1st.

The level 10 system refreshes the shopping mall at the beginning of the month. Today, a new product would appear!

Rubbing his hands and taking a deep breath, the young master timed the opening of the shopping mall. The first thing he saw was weird-looking.

He glanced at the price out of habit, and his eyes immediately widened.

I'm going wild in the canal!

50 million!

Looking at the item's name, Wang Yan immediately knew what it was -- it was a trap from before.

Looking at the description carefully, the young master gradually became excited.

Hey, this is interesting!

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