I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 49: Chapter 48

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Qin Li was deliberately left out during this time. It was not all hesitant to say at the time and hesitant to choose. He was really angry, but he could not see it. Awkward grievances and panic. After calming down, Qin Li realized that it was meaningless to do so. In short, he wouldn’t really ignore it, and it’s even more impossible to ignore it. This person has to worry about what he has to do for a lifetime. Meaningless awkwardness.

He deliberately created an illusion that he would no longer care for him. One is to give him the opportunity to let him clear his thoughts. The other is that he will take shots of the second uncle during this time, and he does not want to be implicated in this matter. The more rigid the relationship with you, the safer your situation will be. However, just in case, Qin Li still sent people to protect the embarrassment at the moment, so as not to cause anything.

Qin Li did not expect that the second uncle would actually give up on him and ran to target him.

At this moment, the situation of shackles will undoubtedly be very dangerous.

He must rush to the side of Yan and He as soon as possible.

In the Happy Valley, a burst of laughter mixed with screams and screams, shaking the eardrum.

When I was holding a donkey from a children's roller coaster, I was still a little dizzy, and I couldn't help but be too small. The amusement park's rides were age-restricted, so I couldn't play adult-like items that would particularly stimulate the heart. Otherwise, he would Probably there is no way to stand up.

"Is it fun?" I fainted, and after a little waking, I asked the next one.

His face was ruddy, his eyes were full of boring, and he turned his head like nothing. "It’s not fun." When he said, his eyes were still watching the big pendulum in the distance, the screams of the tourists who played the big pendulum. Probably the entire Happy Valley can be heard clearly. I just took a look and felt that my feet were not stable.

The large pendulum swings left and right, and the seat will rotate continuously. When swinging to the highest point, the large pendulum will swing 360 degrees. The tourists are completely in a state of inverted weightlessness, and the screams are like ghosts.

I saw a frightened battle, feeling that a heart was completely thrown into the air, and the foot was soft like a cotton, and he even looked back and looked at it. This look, but found that the eyes of the previous boring eyes lit up, he fixedly looked at the big pendulum, the eyes clearly read the words "I want to play", full of expectations and embarrassment.

I missed the half-beat and even shook my head to stop this terrible thought: "You are too small to play."

"Oh." Qin Mi was quite disappointed, and then looked forward to looking forward to him: "When I grow up, can you accompany me to play?" He said as he pointed to the big pendulum.

At this time, the large pendulum rose to the highest point again, and it rotated 360 degrees in an inertial manner. The ghost of the tourists’ heartbreaking sounded again.

"..." stunned: "I will let my father play with you later?" He did not hesitate to sell Qin Li.

Qin Mi's big eyes: "Dad will accompany me to play?"

"Will do."

"That's good." Qin Mi was happy to clap his hands: "I, Dad, hey, let's play together later."

"..." I didn't talk, and the dark road said that you are not asking for my life.

Qin Mi was reluctant to look at the big pendulum. He realized that he was too small to play, so he regretted to withdraw his sight.

After that, Qin Mi refused to play the children's play project again, saying that it was not exciting and fun. There was no meaning at all. The children's play project made the legs soft and there was nothing to say, silently giving the thumb to the heart. His family is not the same. It can be seen from an early age that it is not an ordinary embarrassment. It is definitely the level of a big man.

Take the hustle and leave the children's play area and head to the restaurant next door. The play area is some distance from the restaurant, and there are still a few quiet forest trails. There is no one in the trail. It is especially quiet and quiet, showing a comfortable atmosphere.

阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 崽崽 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段 这段He believes that Qin Li will not ignore him. As he said, Qin Li will definitely come to him after a while.

Enjoy the breeze that the forest has passed, feel more comfortable, and the hunger is more obvious. I think I can eat immediately, and he has already begun to think about what to eat.

At this moment, the beggar who was holding the hand suddenly whispered: "Hey, someone followed us." He was very sensitive. He had no awareness of the amusement park before, so he would go to a remote place and track. Their people immediately became apparent.

I didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it been a long time?" They had already noticed that someone had been following them before, but those people didn't bother to hurt them, so they didn't care.

More importantly, there is a hunch that those people should be sent by Qin Li. Qin Li will be like this before, and he is always uneasy about his safety.

Qin Mi heard the words but shook his head: "Not those people, other people."

As soon as he mentioned it, he immediately warned him. He led the cockroach and continued to walk forward without any trouble, and carefully looked around. After looking at it, I found out that the people who followed them did change a batch, not the original ones. And he also has a strong intuition, these people will not be kind to them.

"Hey, what should I do?" Qin Mi suddenly grasped his hand. Although he is very determined and loves to be a big man, he is still young and has never encountered such a thing, so he seems a little nervous.

"Nothing, don't be afraid." Reluctantly calm, hold his head, continue to take him forward, but not in the direction of the restaurant, but go straight to the crowd.

The people who tracked the sputum and Qin Mi noticed the intentions of the two, and even quickly accelerated their pace. They were still far following, and this would already have the tendency to cover up and contain.

When I saw the situation was wrong, I quickly ran to the side of a rockery next to me. This rockery is not big, you can see the whole picture at a glance, but there are a lot of narrow holes in it, people can't get into it at all, but the cat is different.

I looked around and saw no one around me. Even if I didn’t pay attention to it, I even whispered it into a cat. He became obediently turned into a kitten, and he took him into a narrow hole. This became a big cat. He climbed the rockery agilely and sneaked into the hole where he was hiding.

Soon, the people who followed them chased them, and failed to find the target person. A group of people gathered in a puzzled way around the hole where they were hiding.

He squatted tightly into his arms, staring alertly and staring out. These people dare to hurt, he will definitely go to work hard.

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This group of people then discussed inexplicably.

"Where did you go? You can't find it when you come over here?"

"Don't you sneak away?"

"Impossible, I have been staring at the side, no one is coming out."

"That is diving? Do you want to look under the water?"

"You are stupid, there is no movement in the water. Can the two big living people go in quietly?"

"Then where did you go? Can you disappear without air?"

"Okay, noisy, noisy, find someone to find, or you can't tell Xiang Xiang." This person should be their boss, speak a little hoarse, but also cough with a strong tone, then this group of people will not After another speech, they went to find someone next to them.

He squatted and squatted, and then he listened to the outside movement with his ears up. When he noticed that everyone was walking away, he wanted to drill out of the hole.

Although these people are looking for them everywhere in Happy Valley, they may even arrange people for export. However, as long as he and he become cats, they should be able to escape. After all, no one can guess that two cats are actually their target.

He just got up and prepared to go out, but suddenly he heard a voice outside.

"Mr. Yan." It was a man with a cough and a hoarse voice. His tone is very respectful, contrary to the stern attitude.

Then, it was the voice of a very nice boy: "Waste." He said with contempt and arrogantly asked: "Is people disappearing here?"

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that they ran over, and in a blink of an eye, people disappeared out of thin air, and they could not find it."

"Okay, let's go." The boy is still in a state of extremes.

The coughing man is not annoyed, and his attitude is still respectful: "How many people do I leave for you?"

"You don't have to, just rely on you, it's impossible to find people in the Happy Valley. Let's go, give it to me, you are getting in the way."

After he said this, the coughing man followed his command and left. Soon, there is only one teenager left on the rockery side.

I don't know why, but I feel more dangerous than before.

This dangerous feeling flashed past, and I didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't think that in the form of a cat, someone could recognize him and he was jealous. This young man said so much, he was so proud, and still couldn’t find someone.

When I thought about it, I gently licked it and told him that he would naturally go out like a normal cat, and that if he was in danger, he would block the enemy. Call the machine and run quickly.

Qin Mi worried about the mantle, and felt depressed for him to be too young to help him. If he was a little older, he would be able to rush to the front and then protect him. At this time, he secretly made up his mind that he must become strong in the future and no longer give anyone a chance to bully.

He was stunned and then squatted down, and he walked toward the outside without vigilance. The cockroaches followed, and the strings at the bottom of my heart were taut.

There is no one outside the cave, quietly.

He stepped on the rock and jumped down the rockery, and encouraged him to look up and let him do it in his own way. He clenched his fists, did not want to drag back, stepped down step by step, and finally landed steadily on the ground.

Out of the scope of the rockery, I saw the teenager who was on the road to the future.

The boy gave a particularly dangerous feeling, even if he could only see the side face, it was enough to see the beautiful beauty that the teenager could not match. Beauty always symbolizes two extreme values, one is very sweet and delicious, like soft cheese, a kind of poppy, the leaves are jagged, poisonous, beautiful but full of danger.

Hehe is certainly the first, but he intuitively believes that this boy will be the second.

The teenager did not notice the two cats. He leaned against the trunk, looked at the front, chewed the bubble gum in his mouth, and chewed and blew the bubble out.

He led the cockroach and passed through the road as naturally as possible. The closer he is to a teenager, the more uneasy he is, and he cannot trace the source of this uneasiness. The teenager still didn't notice them, he spit in a leisurely bubble, and even began to pick up the song.

This is actually quite wrong. The original shape of the cat is very cute and beautiful. Most people will find it more.

Therefore, I walked through the place where the boy was, and I quickly gave it a look. It was very intelligent, and I immediately understood it after I mentioned it. The two looked at each other and then began to scatter the scorpion. The cat runs very fast, and humans can't catch up.

However, this will have a strong intuition. His instinct told him that this boy is most likely not human.

After the cockroach and the cockroach ran fast, the boy bowed his head slightly and stared at two beautiful cats with interest. Then he looked like something particularly interesting, and he did not hesitate to chase after the two cats fled.

At this time, as long as you turn back a little, you can discover the prototype of the boy.

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