I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 68: Chapter 67

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The secret base of the finger is a hot spring. The hot springs are covered by lush green vegetation, the water is clear, and the surface of the spring is surrounded by rising mist. Even better, this place is far from the living area, the terrain is hidden, and it should not be surrounded.

Qin Li held the cockroach into the hot spring, and the two bodies were instantly immersed in the warm water, feeling very comfortable. The neck of Qin Li’s neck is like a staring star, and he is fixedly watching him.

Qin Li found a suitable position to sit down and put it on his lap, and then slowly relieved the wet clothes.

This process is extremely cooperative, and I enjoy Qin Li's meticulous care. He narrows his eyes and looks very beautiful, like a cat full of food.

"When you take a shower, go and spend your time with you." Qin Li grabbed his fingers and said.

He rubbed his head against Qin Li’s chest and nodded. "Well, I will go." He said after a little hesitation and nervousness, Qin Li: "Is not given you a few fruits, you can accompany you later." Am I coming back?"

Qin Li did not let the embarrassment of the embarrassment last for too long, and quickly replied: "Of course, when you miss home, tell me."

"Yeah." He was suddenly ashamed and embarrassed to sneak out Mimi: "I actually miss the world."

Qin Li is quite unexpected. “Why?” He thought that he would like this place very much. After all, there are many novel things that are not found in the human world.

"I tell you, but you have to keep it secret, you can't disclose it to me." The look of 阮恬 reveals the feeling of being a guilty conscience.

Qin Lidao: "Well, I promise you." He has always been a promise, never promised.

So I can rest assured that the truth is: "There is no network here, I can't access the Internet, I can't charge it. My mobile phone is useless. Now I want to go online and want to play games. The food here is really hard to eat, even the bathtub. I don’t have a mattress. I always feel a backache when I sleep at night."

He said that he felt that the place where he lived in this place was not so good. He turned his head and licked his lips, pretending that he had just said nothing.

Qin Li's head continued to clean the body, and the lips contained a faint smile. He asked: "I didn't think I would stay to inherit the throne?"

"No, the throne has something to say, can't eat, can't drink, can't play, and then says that both parents and sisters are in the human world. I just want to be with you. Nothing is more important than this." Of course, there is no hint of a deep attachment to Qin Li.

Qin Li smiled even deeper: "When you go back, you will eat delicious food and eat whatever you want."


"Well, it’s true."

阮恬 阮恬 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

After the shower, the two changed their clothes, and they went to accompany them. By the way, they talked and talked. Qin Li was wandering around in the mood of inquiry. These three days have passed away, and there are many things to do every day. He had no time to visit the mainland before.

Mo and Yi are very reluctant to leave, but they will be determined, no hesitation, and they will only be helpless, letting go and telling the truth, as if they were going to finish all the words. Speaking out, you still have to take time to see them often.

Infected by such an atmosphere, my mood has become sad and low, and the sadness of the parting is filled with my heart.

In the afternoon, I will go to the deadline for departure. Mo and the art like the fear of falling out to the hustle and bustle, he prepared for him the countless treasures and rare objects on the spiritual continent, if not afraid of affecting the natural order of the human world, do not even want to bring a shackle The bird goes back so that there are convenient transport tools in the future.

Qin Mi is very suitable for the environment here, or is driven by curiosity. When he left, he was still reluctant. He made several friends in the past few days. When he left, these friends also came to bid farewell to him. A lot of precious things in Qin Mi, looking at the background of Qin Mi’s departure, there is a tendency to cry and cry.

However, he is seriously skeptical. The reason why Qin Mi can make so many friends is that he must be separated from his deceptive appearance. Maybe there are a lot of friends in his friends who don’t know the gender of Qin Mi.

Mo and Art personally sent 阮恬 and others to the human world, and then directly returned to the spiritual mainland. For them, the human world is too arrogant and chaotic, far less simple and pure than the spiritual continent.

Returning to the human world, Qin Li contacted the driver to pick them up. He still has a spare mobile phone, just to prevent such a situation. This place does not have a store in front of the village. It is extremely difficult to find a vehicle.

Until the driver arrived quickly, the cockroaches had not been able to pack their emotions, and there was always some unclear feeling of uncertainty.

This time, a total of two cars came in, one was picked up and one was carrying goods. There are so many things that her mother has prepared for him. The car can't be completely transported. These things are valuable and worthless, but in any case, they are the minds of the mother.

They are waiting to be stunned, even if they are very embarrassed, they are willing to respect his wishes, which undoubtedly shows that they are very competent parents.

So even if it is more troublesome, these things must be safely transported back intact.

In addition, the wedding saplings of the saplings were carefully brought back by the two, like the love and marriage of the two, this sapling will also grow together. Qin Li could not verify whether the two saplings would accompany their lives, but he was willing to believe and protect them.

The low mood of the cockroaches continued to the villa, and then the food that was quickly followed was quickly occupied by the mobile phone that was fully charged with the Internet. During this period, even Qin Li could hardly separate the attention of Kenting.

Satiate and drink enough, play enough games, squat and go to the bathroom to bathe, fill the bathtub with hot water, and then lie comfortably in, this feeling of clean and comfortable enjoyment is too long. He opened the TV on the wall while taking a bath and watched the latest TV series.

"It's so comfortable." He couldn't help but lay down and hit two rolls. He was glad that he didn't stay, otherwise he would never be able to enjoy these modern human products. He would be lonely and bored.

The throne of the lion cat family, how can human food be fun with mobile phones.

It didn't take long for the film "Let's Earth" that was filmed before to enter the publicity period. After the trailer was released, the super-shocking scene effects shocked the audience, and they expressed their infinite expectation, and said that after the release, they will definitely contribute to the film.

During the propaganda period of the previous works, the company was basically in a state of disappearance and participated in propaganda and roadshows. It ran several cities. I like his fans to see him, and even follow the propaganda of various cities. For a time, all kinds of news about 阮恬 占据 占据 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断

After returning from the Lingzu mainland, he seriously thought about it. Since he likes to perform, he must work hard and not be absent as before. When he brushed Weibo, he always saw the fans saying that if he continued to disappear in this way, it would be easy to lose the fan baby.

So for those fans who still like him, you have to work hard.

After a long period of publicity, the embarrassing journey has slowly slowed down and there is no need to constantly rotate.

You are reading story I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child at novel35.com

After that, I quickly went to the premiere of "Live Earth".

I was very excited to look forward to this day, so on the night of the premiere, I dragged Qin Li and I went to the cinema in the morning. In order not to highlight the speciality, he insisted that they should go to the ordinary cinema with Qin Li. Said to be with the fans.

Qin Li has some helplessness, but there is no way to refuse the proposal of the shackle. He can only be more vigilant to prevent it from being recognized by the fans.

The popularity of 阮恬 is of course incomparable with big-name stars, but there are still many fans who like him, so the chances of being recognized are still quite large.

Now that I want to seriously develop my acting career, Qin Li is certainly supportive and can’t be dragged down. After all, a star like this has just developed, and the love affair will have a great impact on the star route. For the sake of thinking, Qin Li still does not want this to happen.

He believes that 阮恬 is also not hopeful.

After the other spectators entered the show that night, Qin Li and the crickets sneaked into the audience with a low-key appearance. They also looked forward to the movie starring in the show, and they were very proud. A few people look very good, belonging to the type that can be selected from the crowd at a glance, so it is not easy to low-key, at least the ticket inspector quickly recognizes the shackles, pointing at him and pointing at the poster, saying that you are not who?

Qilian erected his fingers, and the ticket collector who was excited and excited to come over to take a group photo: "I am taking photos with you, but keep it secret, low-key, don't say anything."

The ticket inspector was naturally good, and after finishing the film, they were sent all the way to the cinema.

This movie has just started, the bright lights have been extinguished, and the darkness is surrounded by only a spacious movie screen that shines brightly.

The opening of the movie, the glimpse of the magnificent Xinghai. The lens is large and small, enters a certain galaxy, and then enters a certain planet. The halo around the planet is beautiful, and it is reflected in the fundus and goes straight into the bottom of the eye. In the meantime, a huge ship with smooth lines of cold metal luster penetrates the interstellar space and constantly moves toward the lens. Closer, you can also see the eye-catching "X" sign on the spacecraft.

I looked up and looked forward to seeing you, and asked if you were going to appear.

He replied "yes" and leaned closer to his ear, as low as possible: "Don't talk when watching a movie, it will affect other people, okay?"

"Okay." He replied, and then he looked at the screen cleverly, no longer asking questions.

Controlling the curiosity of Yu, he couldn’t help but look at Qin Li, and he was very dissatisfied with Qin Li’s behavior of watching the movie. So deliberately looking for a sense of presence, slightly grabbed Qin Li's hand.

Qin Li immediately clenched his hand and pinched it to show comfort.

The film is very fast, there is no drag on the whole process, the acting is first-class, the special effects are cool and shocking, the plot is fierce and intense, the whole movie theater is very quiet, all the audience's attention is attracted by the movie, no one notices sitting in the back row at this time. Three people.

The success of the film is not related to high investment, experienced directors, and other superstar acting. As a male third, 阮恬 is an important role throughout the whole story, and naturally occupies a very important part.

Near the film screening, take Qinlin and the 崽崽 to leave early, so as not to be noticed by a gushing audience. Qin Li was very serious when watching the movie, especially when he appeared, he even looked at it, his eyes did not shift.

I can understand the degree of his intention from Qin Li's performance, so I don't bother Qin Li. I will watch the movie for a while, and look at Qin Li for a while. It seems that Qin Li is better than the movie.

Out of the shadow hall, Qin Li will not praise the words: "You performed very well. This character is very different from your own personality, but you will not play when you watch it. You are perfectly integrated into the role. Great."

He was praised by Qin Li, and he was proud and shy. "It is very interesting to challenge the new role, but I still need to continue to work hard."

Qin honey took the hand of her hand, and her face raised red and smiled. "I also feel that the performance is particularly good and better than everyone else."

The heart was eating honey, but the surface was deliberately rubbing his hair. He smiled and said: "This is not better than anyone."

"In any case, I feel that you are always the best!" Qin Mi mouth sweetly.

He was so stunned that his head was dizzy, and he took the shackles, and Qin Li just wanted to leave the elevator in a low-key manner. As a result, when the elevator was waiting, the line of sight inadvertently looked into the side, and found that several girls stopped to stop, watching him hesitate and surprised to discuss something.

When I glanced at it, I quickly turned my eyes away and my eyes were slightly flustered. The girl apparently noticed this, and she was able to see the panic and the outline of the cockroach, and immediately surrounded it without hesitation.

The elevator will not arrive yet, but the girl will come to her eyes in a blink of an eye.

“Hey?” The girl wearing a hat and long skirt and boots is excited: “I am your fan, I’ve been specializing in the premiere. It’s so good, I didn’t expect to meet you.”

阮恬 There is no way to deny this time, not to mention that he does not like to lie, but he admits very eagerly: "Well, I am awkward, you are so powerful, so you can recognize it."

The short-haired girl holding her mobile phone excitedly replied: "I can recognize it when you turn it into gray."

I feel like I can recognize it when I turn it into a gray. Who can recognize the gray, and even the low-key surface is grateful and explain: "Thank you for supporting me, but I still have something to do, let me go first, then talk about it. It will be very dangerous to come over more people. You should also pay attention to safety."

The girl in the long skirt nodded and said: "Okay, okay. We will definitely pay attention to safety."

Then someone asked: "Hey, can you sign me a name?"

"Hey, can you take a photo with me?"


Looking at Qin Li and Yu, I just want to leave quickly. If he is alone, he will be willing to accompany fans who like to support him. But now there are Qin Li and Yu, and he can't ignore the ones he loves.

I just prepared to explain to the fans. The result has not been said yet. I suddenly heard a clear and bright voice in the crowd. I was puzzled and asked: "Hey, is Qin Liqin next to you? How can you be there? Together? There are children next to you, what the **** is this?"

This phrase awakens the dreamer, instantly like an infectious disease, so that everyone's line of sight will be turned to Qin Li and Qin Mi.

In the middle of the night, the two men made a special trip to take the children to watch the premiere. Whatever the matter is, it is very wrong!

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