I’m Nyot a Catgirl!

Chapter 8: 7. My (Un)ordinary Life as a Catgirl

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The extra credit wasn’t worth it.

So many eyes were on me as I walked through the front gates of Kincade High on Monday. So. Many. Eyes. I mean, come on, look at that cool girl who went all out on their cosplay, or the guy who looks like his skin was falling off! Don’t look at some random catgirl in a maid outfit! Even if mom did help me with my makeup again, and even if I did look like a shy cute trans girl, I’m still socially awkward, dammit!

…Look, don’t ask. Long story short, Sachi and Yuki as costume pickers exist purely to spike my social anxiety.

“Lighten up, Miyu! You’re adorable. That’s why everyone is looking at nyu,” My ever-present cat spirit said.

“Yeah, the same way that dude was looking at Mum at the mall yesterday… kinda creepy, if you ask me.”

“You’re nyo fun,”

“You’re not the one in a maid outfit!” A few people turned their heads at my outburst. Shit, uh, come up with something! I awkwardly put my hand up to my ear to pretend I had airpods in - wait shit, my ears are on my head now - ack, just get inside, get inside!

“Uuu…” Emma Uuu’d. Good to know I’m not the only one who makes that sound.


She sat up, turning to face me, which gave me a full look at her costume. It was a simple gothic-styled black dress, coming just above the knee and dangerously close to the dress code standard. The look was completed with a stereotypical vampire’s signature red flared cape and some very real vampire teeth to boot.

“Hey, Miyu,” she sighed depressively, giving me a once over. “You look cute.”

“Oh uh, thanks. You too…?”

Emma just shrugged, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “This is the kind of costume that girls wear, right?”

“Well, yeah, I guess, you don’t seem that excited about wearing it, though…”

She just shrugged again. “It’s just for extra credit. I’m changing after our presentation.”

“Right. Um, same.” Now it was my turn to fidget awkwardly. “Oh! I uh, made you something.” I reached into the bag, fumbling around for the binder I’d enchanted with Sachi’s help. After I texted her last night, she dropped by my house to make a comfortable undergarment that’d help her hide her feminine features. Sachi said something about being a ‘repressed egg?’ 

Anyways, I offered the binder to her like some sort of peace exchange, and she eyed it warily. “I already bought bras, Miyu.”

“No um- it’s a binder. It’ll hide your uh…” I made a vague groping motion in front of my own relatively flat chest.

“Oh. Well, thanks, but no thanks. Hiding them won’t make them go away. I just gotta… embrace it. This is who I am, now.”


“Good morning, class,” the history teacher said as the bell rang. “I’m glad to see so many of you in the Halloween spirit today. Now then, let’s get on with the presentations.”

Drat! I guess this conversation would have to wait until after school then. I gave Emma one more concerned glance. We’d just have to hang in there.



The four of us tapped our usual drinks together at the cafe. Our project had gone off without a hitch, so Emma and I decided to celebrate at the cafe and thank Sachi and Ada for their help over the weekend.

“I saw your costumes this morning,” Sachi said to us. “You two looked super cute!”

Ada didn’t seem quite as impressed. “A bit stereotypical for a catgirl and a vampire though, don’t you think?”

“Tell that to Sachi and Yuki!” I protested. “They were the ones who picked out my costume for me.”

Emma mumbled something into her straw that I didn’t quite catch.

“And you rocked that maid dress, girl! Ten out of ten.”

“Totally!” Yuki mewed into her cup of milk.

I grumbled, taking another sip of my drink. “Uuu… This is bullying!”

There was a moment of awkward silence, broken by Sachi, Ada, and me breaking down into a fit of giggles. Emma smiled faintly, but otherwise seemed out of it.

“Hey, are you alright, Em?” Ada asked, concerned. “You seem kinda out of it.”

“I’m fine,” she replied, in a totally not fine way.

“Um…” I wanted to help my friend, but I didn’t really know what was bothering her. I mean, I could take a guess, but-

My train of thought was interrupted from Sachi’s phone chiming. “Sorry girls, I need to borrow Miyu for a minute. You got this, right Ada?”

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Ada nodded, and Sachi practically dragged me behind the store’s counter while I protested. “Wait, Sachi! What about Emma?”

“Let Ada handle it,” she reassured me. “This kind of thing is way more up her alley. Besides, this will only take a minute, right, Mom?”

An adult catgirl in her mid-thirties with dark pink hair - presumably Sachi’s mom - greeted us as we stepped into the back of the shop. “Yeah, I’ll only be a minute, Sachi. Thanks for bringing her here on short notice.”

“Of course! Anything to help a friend!”

Sachi’s mom smiled, then turned to me. “You must be Miyu. Sachi’s been telling me all about you.”

Oh shit. Friend’s parents. What do? “Uh - really? Well, it’s nice to meet you, Ma’am…”

“No need to be so formal. My name’s Celeste, I’m Sachi’s mom, and the owner of Cafe Pride.”

Ohhh shitttt… 

“R-Really? T-The drinks are really good, m-miss Celeste! The uh… Catgirl Cuppa is my go-to drink now. Did you come up with the recipe?”

“Who, me? I’m just an old hand. Sachi’s the one who came up with it.” She pat Sachi on the head, who, predictably, leaned into the pets. 

“O-Oh. Well, I really like hanging out here,” I finished lamely.

“I’m happy to hear that,” Sachi’s mom said. “On that note, would you be interested in working here part-time? Pay would start at nineteen dollars an hour and include more… catgirl training sessions. Assuming Sachi is willing. Your youkai - Yuki, I think her name was - is welcome to hang out here too.”

I went slack-jawed. I had to be dreaming. Free lessons with a friend and a well paying part-time job? I pinched myself hard. Nyowch. Okay, not a dream.

“R-Really? You don’t need a resume or an interview or anything?”

Celeste laughed. “No, I trust my daughter’s choice in friends. Besides, having a Maneki-Neko on staff would be good for business. Honestly, you’re doing me a favor here.”

“Well, um… I accept, then. I can start as soon as tomorrow?”

“Awesome! I’ll see you then, Miyu. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.”

Sachi stood up and began dragging me back towards Ada and Emma. Geez, was I really that light now? “We’re gonna go back to help another friend then, Mom. See you at home!”

Celeste laughed at our antics and let us go. When we returned to the table, we found Emma crying into Ada’s shoulder.

“Woah. What happened?” Sachi asked as we rejoined the group.

“Evan finally admitted some things to himself,” Ada replied, continuing to pat her (him?) on the back.

“I-” his voice hitched. “I’m not a girl! I hate being like this! I… I need help.”

Sachi traded a look with Ada. “And you’ll get it. We’re here for you, gi- dude. I’m sorry if I’ve been making you uncomfortable.”

Yuki jumped out of my backpack, holding a packet of tissues in her mouth. She deposited the gift next to Evan and licked one of his tears away. “Here,” she mewed, before jumping back into my bag. What else could she be looking for?

“Oh!” I exclaimed, digging into my bag with my cat, pulling out the binder I’d tried giving him this morning. “Um, I’m guessing you want this now?”

Evan looked up, smiling through the tears. “Yeah. Thanks, Miyu. Sorry for being such a shitty friend.”

I tilted my head. “Huh? You haven’t been a bad friend at all! Having a bad week doesn’t make you a bad person. So… chin up, okay?”

Ada sighed. “That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. We’re friends, dummy. Of course we’ll have your backs.”

I picked up Evan’s drink and handed it to him. “Come on, we’re here to celebrate! And after that, let’s figure out what to do next. Together.”

Evan smiled for the first time in a while, taking the drink from me. “Yeah. Together.”


So, did I get my happily ever after? Kind of! With me and Mum’s new jobs, we had more than enough to spare for the lucky little kitten that had wandered into our lives. Which is a good thing because at this point, I’m pretty sure it’d be impossible to convince Yuki to leave my side. Despite how much of a brat she could be, I’ll admit I’d grown to really enjoy her company.

Sachi, Ada, Evan, and I ended up getting together to go trick-or-treating too! We were a little old to be going out at night, but we still had a good time in the end. Up until it started raining, that is.

“Ack! Hurry up, Miyu! We’re gonna get soaked!” Sachi called, running past me and back towards the Cafe. I was content to walk, though. I know what you’re going to say about cats and water, but I was feeling kind of nostalgic. A week ago I’d gotten caught in the rain, and met the lucky cat who’d changed my life. I’d definitely gotten some good karma from saving her. Or perhaps it was just a stroke of good fortune?

“Move Miyu! I’m getting wet!” Yuki mewled, trying to hide under the tiny space between my head and shoulders. I just giggled, taking off after my friends.

Best Halloween ever.

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