I’m Overpowered but I’ll Let the Hero Do His Thing While I Save the Last Boss

Chapter 41: Chapter 35 – Remember, always use protection

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Travelers from all over the continent come to gawk at Aarlborg's historic mansions, magnificent yachts, and fancy supercars, but there’s more to this seaside resort town than the famous Yacht Club. It’s a town that's filled with quirky bars, elegant cocktail lounges, and pleasant cafes.
—excerpt from “Aarlborg: The Golden City by the Sea,” Luxury Travel Magazine, vol. 8, no. 3


“Whoever this mystery man is, I know he’s up to no good,” said Katja. “What kind of dirty pervert would ask a seventeen-year-old girl to move in with him?! He’s totally trying to get into your pants!”

We’d gone to my apartment first where we’d both showered off the day’s grime and sweat. Katja had a change of clothes in my apartment for whenever we had a sleepover. She was now wearing a new pair of jeans, a green T-shirt, and one of my black jackets. I’d changed into a blue dress, black leggings, red coat, and blue scarf.

Unlike Katja, Oren didn’t sleep at my place, so he didn’t have a spare set of clothes in my apartment. He was still in his uniform.

We took a cab to Seraphiel’s apartment. Oren whistled when we got off in front of a luxury high-rise residential building.

“He must be loaded,” he said.

“I bet he thinks he can buy Asteria’s virginity with his money,” said Katja. Her eyes darted around nervously, noting the marble floors, gold-leaf-decorated columns, sweeping archways, and almost impossibly high ceiling as I led them to the private entrance. “Did you tell him that we’re coming, too? That pervert better not be thinking of deflowering my little Asteria.”

“I have a bad feeling about this,” said Oren. “Asteria, don’t move in with him. People who live in places like this aren’t easy to deal with.”

“She’s obviously in over her head,” said Katja, shaking her head.

“Please stop talking like that. We’re really just friends,” I said.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a bright blur approaching us at high speed.

I recoiled in surprise, and Oren stepped in front of us.

“Hello, ladies,” said the red-and-white blur which had resolved into an S-class EL dressed in red pants, red vest, white shirt, and black boots. Sariel’s hair was blue and purple today and he was wearing pink and blue colored contact lenses.

“It’s alright guys, it’s only Sariel,” I said. “Gosh, you scared me!”

“Who are your friends?” asked Sariel. His upper lip drew back from his white teeth in a not-quite smile.

“Why were you running?” I asked.

“I forgot the keycard,” said Sariel.

I laughed. “Oren, Katja, this is Sariel. Sariel, this is Katja and this is Oren.”

Sariel didn’t offer to shake hands. I’d forgotten how intimidating he was to people who’d just met him.

“Sir,” said Oren. He and Katja drew back when Sariel moved to the elevator.

Katja grabbed me and whispered in my ear, “You’re going to live with him? I thought Sariel was…”

“He is,” I said.

“I am,” said Sariel. The elevator ride only took a few minutes, but it seemed like hours.

“It’s not Sariel. This isn’t his apartment,” I said.

“He’s cute, ” said Sariel, looking Oren over from head to toe. Sariel was leaning back against the elevator’s mirrored wall, arms crossed over his chest.

Oren looked like he couldn’t figure out if that was a compliment or not. Katja just stared at Sariel.

When the elevator stopped, Sariel gestured for us to precede him. I got out first and had a great view of Katja and Oren’s faces when Uriel opened the door to the apartment.

“Commander!” said Oren. His mouth dropped open, and he stood frozen in shock.

Katja grabbed my shoulder and stared at Uriel. She recovered her wits first.

“Excuse us,” said Katja as she dragged Oren and me to the other end of the hallway, away from the two ELs.

“Commander Uriel? You’re shacking up with Commander Uriel?” said Katja. “Don’t you know his reputation?”

“I’m ‘sir’ but you’re ‘Commander’ to them?” said Sariel to Uriel.

“I think we should leave now,” whispered Oren.

“No, you’ve got it wrong, this isn’t Uriel’s apartment,” I said.

“What? Who is it then?” said Katja.

“Come inside,” said Uriel. “He’ll be here soon.”

“It’s fine. You’ll see,” I said to Oren and Katja as I chivvied them along into the apartment. “I’ll show you the room I’m staying at.”

The hero and his childhood friend gazed in wonder around them at all the plants and books.

“Why isn’t he here yet?” I asked Uriel.

“He had to finish some paperwork,” said Uriel.

“Traffic,” said Sariel.

“It shouldn’t take him that long to get here. I’ll order the food,” said Uriel. There was a restaurant on the lower floor of the building that we often used. It was convenient because we could just call them and have food sent up.

Sariel made his way to the bar while Uriel phoned in our dinner order. I showed Oren and Katja to the guest bedroom.

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“It’s very fancy,” said Katja.

“He bought all this for you?” asked Oren.

Katja picked up a silver-backed hairbrush and said, “He’s going to want a return on his investment, you know.”

“Why don’t you just tell us who it is? It can’t be worse than Uriel,” said Oren.

“Ha! It’s Asteria. She always attracts predators,” she said.

“I do not!” I said. “Anyway, I don’t know what you mean about Uriel. He’s actually very nice, you know.”

Oren sat down on a chair and put his head in his hands. “Asteria…”

“Did I tell you about that time when we went shopping in Marslet? I swear to the goddess that every lowlife scum for miles around came out of their holes like predators sensing easy prey,” said Katja.

“Just tell us who it is, okay? I promise we won’t be mad,” said Oren.

“I’m not sure you’d believe me even if I told you,” I said.

“Who could be more unbelievable than Sariel or Uriel? A demon from the underworld? The legendary Horror from the Deep? I’m starting to get really worried,” said Katja.

“We should just leave before whoever it is arrives,” said Oren.

I could sense him approaching and soon we heard the sound of the front door opening. “Too late, it sounds like he’s here.”

I went to greet him. Oren and Katja followed me, and I was once again treated to the sight of their shocked, disbelieving expressions.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hello.” Seraphiel bent down to kiss the top of my head. We’d found out that my reaction to the virus was less pronounced if only hair was touched.

“Hey,” I said to Oren and Katja. Oren was staring at Seraphiel without blinking while Katja had placed her hand over her mouth as though to stifle an exclamation. “This is my friend Seraphiel. Ely, this is Oren and this is Katja.”

Seraphiel pressed his lips together tightly. I knew him well enough to know that he was displeased, but to others his expression probably looked like cool boredom.

“Hey,” I said again. I took Oren and Katja by the arms and led them back to the guest room. Over my shoulder, I said, “We’ll be right out in a bit.”

Oren and Katja kept glancing back to look at Seraphiel. Katja even half-tripped over her own feet.

“Hey….” I said for the third time when we were back inside the guest bedroom.

“Impossible,” said Oren. His blue eyes were wide with shock.

“Only Asteria,” said Katja. She placed her hands on my shoulder, and I thought she was going to shake me, but she just gripped me tightly.

“What? It’s Seraphiel, so it’s perfectly safe,” I said.

“She means it. She actually thinks Seraph is...” Oren’s voice trailed off then continued in a louder, hysterical-sounding tone of voice. “Safe. Seraph. Safe.”

Oren kept repeating the words “safe” and “Seraph.”

“Oh, Asteria,” said Katja. She hugged me and patted my back. “You sweet little fool.”

“Come on, you two are being weird,” I said. What was it with people thinking Seraph was some sort of highly dangerous person? Even Magnus had offered me sanctuary from Seraphiel.

“Do you think we can get her away from here?” Oren asked Katja.

“Not a chance. You saw,” said Katja.

Saw what? What were they even talking about?

“My poor little Asteria,” said Katja. She patted the top of my head. Why were people always patting my head?

Sariel knocked on the door and said, “The food’s here.”

“Let’s go eat,” I said.

Oren and Katja glanced at each other then shook their heads.

“Seraph, huh?” said Katja. “Oren, go on ahead. I’ve got to tell Asteria something.”

Oren left.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Are you on birth control? I bet you aren’t. I’ll take you to a clinic tomorrow,” said Katja.

“I told you it’s not like that! And I’m underage,” I said, but there was no escaping Katja when she was determined.

“Fine. You’re still a virgin right now, but when you do it, make sure he uses a condom every single time, okay? No excuses.” Katja was in full “big sister mode” and wouldn’t let me go and eat dinner until she finished talking about safe sex.

I hoped the food wouldn’t be completely cold by the time Katja finished her lecture.

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