I’m Overpowered but I’ll Let the Hero Do His Thing While I Save the Last Boss

Chapter 86: Chapter 78 – Relax, this won’t hurt

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The Enhanced Lifeform Project is but the first step in our journey to use science and magic to improve mankind.

—Doctor Viktor Greve, opening speech, 55th Hessel Conference


If this was the game instead of real life, everything would be easy and fun once the hero’s quest was finished. After the final boss was killed, there would be one scene showing everyone’s reaction, then an epilogue where the characters paired off happily ever after. Finally, the goddess would appear and give the player a score based on how they had performed during “Tales of Vesterland.”

I’m sure the hero would get a good score for his efforts.

✓ All bosses killed.
✓ Dying father’s last wish fulfilled
✓ Learned all special skills

But this wasn’t a video game. Instead of a celebration, I was forced to spend three days in the hospital recuperating. I had felt normal when I woke up, but a few hours later I suffered the side effects of anima overload and being pumped full of painkillers while I was asleep.

The doctor, who I now realized was a Lifer because no one knew his name, told me that they had waited for me to wake naturally. I remembered going in and out of consciousness for a while. Magnus was there, I think. Since I didn’t wake up of my own accord, they decided to use a drug to counteract the tranquilizer that had been used on me. That and the painkiller they used caused tremors, heart palpitations, dizziness, and a jittery feeling.

I was allowed to go home on the third day.

Seraphiel, Uriel, and Sariel escorted me back to my apartment. Magnus had sneakily gotten rid of my two-bedroom apartment while I was asleep, and my belongings had been moved to the triplex where I was forced to stay unless I chose to live with Seraphiel again.

“Home sweet home,” I said when we entered the grandiose foyer. The butler ushered us inside where trays of hors d'oeuvres and petit fours were laid out in front of the poolside bar. “Thank you, I was feeling rather peckish.”

The indoor pool was a lovely example of Neo-Eatuhean design, with blue and gold glass mosaic tiles depicting scenes from mythology. The walls were made of marble, and the ceiling was decorated with a faux morning sky. Two dressing rooms had been made to vaguely resemble Eatuhean temples. Even the bar, made of rare dark blue wood from Godeke, was engraved with Eatuhean angels. It was small, but a very pretty place, and I felt a little bad about what I was going to do in it.

The three ELs and I settled down on the comfy chairs that had been placed in front of the bar for us. I asked the bartender to prepare a pitcher of juice for me.

“I’d like coffee with-” said Sariel, but I interrupted him.

“Nothing for them. Please tell everyone to leave the apartment after you make my drink. I’ll call you back after one or two hours,” I said to the bartender.

When the staff had all left, I handed the three ELs a piece of paper which they silently read. Written on it was a simple message - “I’m going to punish you for disobeying my orders to not come to see me. You may plead for mercy now.”

I smiled at their looks of consternation.

Sariel cleared his throat. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked away from us and said, “Uriel didn’t want to go, but we made him.”

“No, it’s my fault, too. I didn’t insist hard enough because I also wanted to go,” said Uriel. Unlike the other two, he didn’t look particularly worried.

Seraphiel went to my chair and knelt in front of me. “I was afraid you might be in trouble.”

Wow, he’d come a long way from that shy and silent young child I first met in the laboratory. He’d actually learned how to coax people.

“The only thing I asked you to do was to stay away so you wouldn’t be in danger,” I said. “But no, of course, that wasn’t good enough for the great Commander Seraphiel. You thought you knew better than me.”

No one ever took me seriously. I should’ve taken the name “Cassandra.”

“I’m sorry,” said Seraphiel. Still kneeling, he looked into my eyes, but if he expected me to soften, he’s got another thing coming.

I shook my head. “Okay. I forgive you. All of you.”

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Now Uriel looked worried. Sariel and Seraphiel, who were clearly less experienced with women, looked relieved.

“I’m sorry, too,” said Sariel.

“And me,” said Uriel.

“It’s fine. Now take your clothes off and get in the pool,” I said.

“What?” said Seraphiel.

“Take off your clothes and get in the pool,” I repeated.

To give them some privacy, I went to the guest bathroom and took out three bathrobes. I could hear them grumbling behind me.

“I hope whatever she’s planning won’t hurt too much,” said Sariel.

“I’m sure it will,” said Uriel.

“She’s not going to peek, is she? Any other girl would,” said Sariel.

“She won’t because she’s not interested in you two,” said Seraphiel.

When I returned, the three ELs were in the pool. They were up to their chests in the water, so I couldn’t see anything. I put the bathrobes down beside two piles of neatly folded uniforms and Sariel’s pile of pink and white striped clothes. I noticed that Seraph had left a bag of candy near the pitcher of juice.

“Brace yourselves. This isn’t going to be pretty. Don’t panic and please help whoever needs it,” I said.

When the three commanders nodded, I knew it was finally time to get started. I sat on the comfiest chair and leaned back. This was going to take a while.

I closed my eyes and imagined chibis all around us, ready to do my bidding.

First, the chibis put a glowing golden shield up over the entire pool area. This would keep all of the miasma inside while keeping our activities private.

Second, more chibis added another shield inside that shield. This one protected a circular area one foot in diameter all around me.

Third, chibis hovered over the whole area, ready to purify any residue.

“Relax, this won’t hurt,” I said to the three ELs in the pool.

“Does she know we can tell when she’s lying?” Sariel asked the others.

“What was that, Sariel? Did you just say you want me to take Seraph X Sariel X Uriel pictures right now? Oh my, I would never even think of doing such a thing!” I said. Maybe I should have gotten a camera. The fangirls would’ve loved this.

All three ELs groaned.

“I left some candy for you,” said Seraphiel.

“Later,” I said.

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