I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: The calm before the storm

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I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 4

「The calm before the storm」

My ears perked up at those words. His words were filled with annoyance and a trace of malice. Lifting my eyes from my phone, my eyes met directly with Andrew Rubis. As the protagonist, he was naturally confident and has a sense of pride. So, we were left in a staring contest as both of our gazes clashed into one another. 


I sighed, annoyance leaked as my concealed feelings were slowly running rampant. I answered her questions, didn't I? What do you mean 'What's my problem?'. Just because I wasn't interested in talking to her doesn't mean I have a problem. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm asking what's your problem." (Andrew) 

"W-wait… You guys.." (Stella) 

"What makes you think that?" 

I answer in an even tone and looked at Andrew straight in the eye. My deep blue eyes, reminiscent of the ocean, stared at him without hesitation. My face was poised and composed, impervious of the sharp glare from Andrew. Protagonist or not, I wasn't going to get intimidated. 

"Stella is trying to talk to you. You don't have to rudely dismiss her." (Andrew) 

"Okay. And? I answered her questions, didn't I?" 

"Yes. But you didn't have to treat Stella like that." (Andrew)

"I don't see why I have to treat with her more than the bare minimum amount of respect?" 

My brows furrowed as I sent an annoyed glance towards Andrew. I was usually calm. But this instance where I just transmigated to another world out of nowhere, my muddled feelings for Rose, and my assimilation with Lukas left me more emotional vulnerable than I thought. 

I mean, no matter how level-headed and collected of a person you are, your sanity would wane at being thrown at the very situation that I am in. And my feelings for Rose were not helping at all. 

I was being polite enough to Stella by answering her questions and showing her my lack of interest instead of just outright ignoring her. But what I get is beratement for my actions? 

"Lukas!" (Rose) 

A loud voice, almost shouting, resounded towards me. I was about to continue on my rant but my words got stuck in my throat when I realize it was Rose. I inwardly clicked my tongue when my feelings were starting to get out of control. 

Ignoring Rose, I grumble as I continue scrolling through the latest news on my phone. I was done with this argument with Andrew and I don't believe I can hold back if it escalates. I was quite well-verse in the art of trash talking, courtesy to Vanitas Online. 

"What's going on here?" 

A husky voice was heard. Looking at the direction of the voice, my eyes met a burly tall man. He had a frown in his face. He was holding two fully clothed items. As they were covered, I couldn't make out what they were. 

Black substances were smeared in his arms and face. I instinctively knew it was coal. He had an apron that was smothered with even more coal and he was sweating heavily. 

The room was silent when he entered the room. His very presence voided the room of the previous tension and replaced it with a much heavier one. He was intimidating to look at, but I knew he was a gentle giant. In fact, he was more straightforward with his affection than my stoic father. 

That was Adam Hart.

The head of the Hart household, my close uncle, and Rose's father. Regarding his appearance, he was a blacksmith. It was a rather profitable profession in this world. Anyhow, he looked like he just came back from the forgery, which explains his tired appearance. I take a deep, steady breath to calm myself down. 

"Hello, uncle Adam." 

"Oh. If it isn't Lukas. You became more handsome when I last saw you. Hahaha." (Adam) 

His intimidating figure completely dissappeared when I greet him. My lips curled slightly seeing the friendly giant. Looking at his daughter, I sighed. If only she got half of his kindness… Wait, she's probably only like that towards me. 

"Thanks. You don't look a day younger too." 

"Haha… Save your sweet talks for a certain someone." (Adam) 

Uncle Adam gave me a thumbs up. I shudder at his words. Seriously… In front of the hero party no less. Taking a quick glance at Rose, she looked visibly uncomfortable. I expected that, but her reaction still stings. Well, forget it. I'm not hurt. Definitely not. 

"I'll take note of that. By the way, what's that?" 

I point towards the two fully clothed items in his hands. Having a closer look, I had a general idea what their purpose was, but I wouldn't spoil the fun. 

"Oh, these babies? They're for later. Just wait for a bit. I'll go change to some nicer clothes." (Adam) 

Alerted by his intentions, I was about to tell him it was okay to stay… Atleast until I saw his figure had already disappeared from the spot and making its way towards his room. Great. That's twice in a row my only remedy to this situation being brutally rejected. Should I give up at this rate? No, I refuse to yield. 

"Anyone up for cookies~? Hm? Why's it so tense?" (Olivia) 

Thankfully, God or whatever higher being there was up there, heard my heartfelt wish and decided to help me. Aunt Olivia came in with freshly baked cookies in a tray. The aroma that came out was mouth watering. Even my earlier surliness diminished because of the smell. 

"Dad just came back." (Rose) 

"Urgh.. I always told your father not to scare the guest. I'll scold him when he comes back." (Olivia) 

Aunt Olivia placed the tray on top of the table in the center of the room. Without hesitation, I reach out for one and munch on it. The outside was crunchy and the inside was chewy. It was a simple chocolate chip cookie but the skill and care put into it made it more flavorful than most complex desserts. It was the perfect blend. 

Ahhh… This is bliss. I feel the waves of fatigue and stress leaving my body. Without noticing, a soft smile crept into my lips and a delighted 'hm' left my mouth. Aunt Olivia saw my reaction and gave a smile in return. I was enjoying chewing on the cookies until I felt someone staring at me. 

I stopped chewing and looked at Stella who was looking straight at me. I met her gaze as she fumbled. Embarrassed at being caught staring, she sheepishly took one of the cookies from the tray and started munching on it, taking little bites and lowering her head. 

I raised a brow at the sight. She was akin to a dog who got caught doing something naughty. It was adorable. No, not in that way. It was like looking at a puppy. That was my impression of Stella Wilson. Rude? I know. But hey, It's not like I'm saying it straight to her face. 

Andrew and aunt Olivia seem to be talking. This should be the stage where they get acquainted and get along. I mean, getting along with your future in-law's is the first step in a harmonious relationship. Go for it Andrew! I fully support your womanizing ways. 

In the meantime, let's just enjoy this cookies. Seriously, aunt Olivia makes the best cookies. It's been more than half a decade since I've first started tasting them and they're still as good as the first time I tried them. Actually, it seems like the taste is more refined. 


My hands was about to reach my 4th cookie of the day before abruptly stopping. I realized that my sugar intake for today has exceeded my weekly intake. I had around 3 slices of honey cake at home, another slice at Nando's, and now 3 cookies. I wouldn't be surprised if I got diabetes tomorrow. 

I pull away my hand that was eagerly reaching for the cookie with a sad expression. Drats. Had I known aunt Olivia would bake cookies, I would have rejected the honey cake from Nando's or ate less at home and gave most of it to my glutton of a sister. But alas, regret always comes later. 

"Pfft…" (Stella) 

A brief chortle left Stella's mouth. I could tell it was directed at me as she looked at me when she laughed. I glanced at her once again. 


"N-nothing… Pftt." (Stella) 

I stare at her blankly. She noticed my apparent gaze as she awkwardly coughed. 

"Khoff.. Uhmm… I wasn't trying to be rude." (Stella) 


"It's just that… You look so sad when you couldn't reach for the cookie… It's like the world ended… Pft…" (Stella) 

I seriously didn't get what was humorous. I was starting to believe she had some sort of brain damage. Well, until I realized my previous demeanor. Earlier, I acted presumptuous. But now I probably looked like a kid whose Christmas came early. 

Such a clear contrast in character would be amusing to some people. Aware of this fact, my face cringed in embrassment, which didn't go unnoticed by Stella as she started laughing harder. I didn't think she had it in her to be mischievous. 

"Do you enjoy staring at people and watching their reaction?" 

"No, I don't usually do this. But you look cute when you eat." (Stella) 

"Sorry, I'm not interested. I have someone I like." 

I lean back and bow my head.

"…" (Stella) 

"That's not what I meant…" (Stella) 

"Oh, that's good." 

"Mhm… So, who do you like?" (Stella) 

"Are you seriously asking that?" 

"I'm taking that as you don't want to say who it is. Is it someone from our class? Maybe another race? Or is it… " (Stella) 

She takes a quick glance at Rose. I lightly frown but quickly controlled it to a passive one. For an airhead, she's unusually sharp. 

"You don't know her."

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"Really, what's she like?" (Stella) 


I thought about my reply. All of my potential replies leaned on Rose's looks and personality. There was another girl though… Well, I don't even know if she is a girl. 

"Long black hair, eyes that sparkle like a child, snarky yet confident, and has one hell of an attitude." 

"Do we even have someone like that in school?" (Stella) 

"No. You don't know her. Besides, why do you want to know who I like?" 

"Just because?" (Stella) 

"Yeah, right. What do you want?" 

I stare at her with firmness. I knew what she wanted. But I was going to shut her down before she got any ideas. 

"…" (Stella) 

Stella took a deep breath. Then, she stared straight at me. My figure reflected in her light blue eyes. They contained an aura of innocence that was in complete contrast to my deep blue eyes. But even with that innocence, I could see the firmness and determination behind her eyes. 

"I want to be your friend." (Stella) 


"S-so fast! Why not?" (Stella) 

"I'm not interested."

Her shoulders slumped as a disappointed look bloomed into her face. I felt a little bad… Only a little though. Even if she was held at gunpoint, she would try to be friends with the person threatening her. Like I said, she's the typical nice girl who believes in the power of friendship. I wasn't compatible with her at a personality standpoint. 

Her ignorance in certain places because of her innocence and kindness annoyed me. She's deliberately making things harder for herself because of her belief in the greater good. I like the thought but in this world where killing is normalize, being a nice girl wasn't enough. 

In short, her kindness was a poison, a burden, and a hindrance to herself and to others. 

I didn't want to friends with such a person. Also, being friends with the hero party is just weird. I mean, I'm a villain, aren't I? Although a low ranking one, I still oppose the protagonist. 

"AHEM." (Olivia) 


We both look over at aunt Olivia. She was smiling at us. No, at me. A smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. I was terrified, legs trembling from the trauma. The last time she was genuinely mad at me was when I ate all the cookies in Christmas day when I was 9. I remember crying myself to bed at the sight of the demonic figure of aunt Olivia when she was mad. 

But why would she be mad? 

Wait, why are you all looking at us? 

Everyone on the living room was looking at us. It seems I've been too preoccupied with my conversations with Stella to know. Well, this is awkward. Oi, Rose! Stop glaring at me, your eyes are gonna strain at this rate. 


"Hm… You seem to be having a great time there Lukas." (Olivia) 

Uh I'm actually not, but okay. Let's go with that. I'm not going to argue. You're the man, or lady, of this house. 

"It's like you forgot what you're here for." (Olivia) 

I shudder at her clear emphasis on the last part of her sentence. You do know I'm also waiting for uncle right? Anyways, let's do what she says before she fully turns into the embodiment of death and destruction itself. 

"Ughh, Rose." 

"What?" (Rose) 

"Rose. That isn't a nice tone to talk to someone, especially your childhood friend." (Olivia) 

"… What. Is. It. Lukas?" (Rose) 

So stiff! I'm seriously going to cry. Holding back my tears, I reach for my pockets and take out the red-ribboned white box. Reaching it out to Rose, I display a forced smile. 


"Thanks." (Rose) 


An awkward silence followed our interaction. Just gets to show how incompatible we are. Well, most of the time it was me who was doing the talking. 

"I'm back. What's up with you two?" (Adam) 

"I gave her my parent's gift."  

"Oh, a magic bracelet. Nice choice. It looks like it increases STR and AGI." (Adam) 

Uncle must have used a skill to tell. I'm at level 1 so I don't have any means to tell. Anyways, I've done what I needed. And since uncle is here, I don't have to wait for long before I can go home. 

"Yawn~ It's getting kinda late." 

"Right, you still have classes tomorrow. Let's get this done." (Adam) 

After his words, he unclothed the two items in his hand. Two swords emerged after the reveal. The lengths varied. One was 110 cm from my general assessment and the other was 100 cm. They were a long sword and bastard sword respectively. 

In the game, the sword was my main weapon, so things such as sword length, center of mass, and design was crucial for me. I would even replaced a better performing sword if it wasn't to my ideal size and weight. 

Simply put, I was good at discerning what a good sword was from a bad one. I'm rather prideful of this ability as most people, even the high-ranking players, didn't have this unique trait. It made me feel special. 

Anyways, dungeon exploration in this world is several times more dangerous than back in the game. Equipment was crucial in your survival. You could even say your weapon was your life. Pick a bad one and you might die prematurely. 

That was why — from the moment uncle Adam unclothed the two swords — I was already discerning the two weapons. 

"Congratulations Rose. Here's your gift." (Adam) 

"Thanks, dad." (Rose) 

Uncle Adam gave Rose the much larger sword, the long sword. She lifted it up with both her hands and started examining it. I could see her eyes sparkle in joy at her new weapon, a smile threatening to leave her lips. Damn, I wish she reacted like that when I gave her the bracelet. 

Anyways, Rose's initial stats should be higher than mine. Maybe that's why uncle gave her the heavier looking sword. It even had a scabbard instead of a sheath. It seems he really went all out this time. 

"And here, congratulations to you Lukas." (Adam) 

Handing me the bastard sword, I take it off his hands. It was heavy but not to the point of inconvenience. Instead of a scabbard, it had a sheath. It wasn't because uncle was playing favorites. It was because it was far more convenient to have a sheath than a scabbard in my case. 

A scabbard is made of much heavier and refined materials. Such weight would be a hindrance for me. Although my AGI stat was average, I still specialize in AGI rather than my incredible low STR. 

A sheath on the other hand is more flexible, light, and just better for my build. This issue might be redundant at higher levels, but these swords were made for us to have an easier time leveling up at level 1 and above, which is the most dangerous because of our fragile bodies and lack of skills. 

The thought and care put into the gift made me feel warm all over but I quickly snapped out of it. I should thank uncle Adam first. 

"Thank you." 

"Haha.. No problem." (Adam) 

He awkwardly scratches his neck at my words. I lightly chuckle at him. Taking the sword out of its sheath, a beautiful straight sword reflected in my eyes. 

Intricate and detailed designs were etched into the blade of the sword. It was what people called an edge pattern. 
The letters A.H. in italic were written just at the center of mass of the blade. It was uncle's initials. 

Most blacksmiths put their initials in their weapons to show off and advertise their work. I bet Rose's gift also has it. 

The hilt of the sword was where the most work would be. The guard had a thickened diamond design and the grip was made with a unique leather that increases grip strength. 

From the center of mass, the hilt, and the blade, I could tell it was a pretty damn good sword. It could probably help me up until level 15 in terms of performance. 

I really wanted to test it but chose otherwise. After all, swinging a sword inside a person's house would be quite rude. 

In the end, I planned on testing the weapon on the dungeon tommorow. But for now, let's just rest easy. 

Bidding goodbyes and exchanging regards to the Hart family, I left their house. The hero party also left shortly after. Heading back home, I was greeted by my parents and sister asking me what happened in their house. I happily told them what happened. 

After all was said and done, I hit the sack immediately. I was mentally exhausted from what had transpired the entire day, and a good night's sleep was what I needed. 

Who would have thought tommorow would be much more worse?

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