I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Labyrinth I

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I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 7

「Labyrinth I」

"I'm home." 

"Welcome home Lukas." (Mom) 

I take off my shoes and hurried to my room. My mom looked surprised at my excited mood before smiling, a look of understanding seen in her aged yet refined face. My mother is quite the beauty despite her age, nearing her 50s. She had me when she was 32 and Amy at 33.

That's probably where Amy and I got our looks from. I'm not meaning to brag, but we were attractive, atleast above average in this world. Amy had an innocent and cute aura to her, something that was reminiscent to mother's younger days — information provided by mom. 

I, on the other hand, took more of my father's temperament. Stoic and indifferent. Well, that image fell when it involves Rose or my family though, similarly to my father when she was with my mother. Pairing that up with my sharp face, deep blue eyes, and pure blonde hair, I looked like a villain. 

My father, by all means, was not unattractive. But he aged faster than my mother. I remember mom complaining about dad's womanizing ways. A wry smile appeared on my face as I reminisce that memory. I wonder if I would turn out to be like my dad? 

Polygamy was legal in this world. However, they were usually exclusive for the nobles as a man is expected to burden the cost of living for his partners. A commoner wouldn't have the financially means to support 3 or more women. 

In the end, my dad settled for my mom despite his womanizing ways. I heard mom 'fixed' my dad when they dated. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought of that. A mother's wrath was too much. I could tell from experience.

My dad became more serious and stoic as he grew older, unlike his immature past. The main trigger was Amy's and my birth. He always gets embarrassed whenever we mention it. 

In the past, I took my family for granted. I still loved them back then, but Rose truly occupied my attention more than necessary, to the point of making me forget my family. Now, with my otherworldly knowledge, I came to realize the true value of my familial bonds. 

I quickly change my uniform to a much easier to move in attire. A black t-shirt and equally dark colored jogging pants. I know. My fashion sense is as dull as it can get. But I was going to a dungeon. It's not like I could go in there in better clothes knowing it'll get dirty. I also needed comfortability. 

I pick up the sword that uncle Adam gave me. It was placed at its side on my bed. The blade perfectly concealed by the sheath. A look of admiration bloomed on my face when I picked it up. The sword, no matter how many times I've inspected it, was always beautiful to look at. 

I strap a waist band on. The left side containing a holder for me to put my sword in, allowing easy access with my dominant hand — my right hand. I asked my father to give me a waist band yesterday and he gave me one in his store. 

Looking at the mirror in my room, I take a look at my appearance. Despite my dull sense of fashion, I looked alright. Well, the pale face and thin frame made me look weak. But that was normal. 

I half-walked, half-skipped across my room and into the staircase. Unconcealed eagerness written on my face. After going downstairs, I skip pass the living room, kitchen, and straight to the hallway leading to the front door. I reach for the door and take my keys out, slightly fumbling. I was about to leave before my mother's voice called out to me. 

"Ah, Lukas." (Mom) 

"What is it?" 

"Are you going out… like that?" (Mom) 

Was there something wrong with my clothing? I thought I looked alright. I pat my body to see if there was anything wrong with it. Nothing seems off though. 

"… Yes?" 

"Hahh… Peter!" (Mom) 

"What!?" (Dad) 

"Get over here, right now!" (Mom) 

Footsteps echoed from the living room. I stood there, bemused by the whole situation. A few seconds later, my dad came running to the hallway. 

I never really got a close look of my father up until now. I took after his body composition and eyes. That was all, but it made the world's difference. His eyes were scary, but it did little to hide the fondness in them. His body was devoid of muscle, but he looked much healthier than me. He was still the same stoic man I looked up to. 

He eyes me up and down before nodding. His eyes sharpened and he looked straight into my eyes. I stiffened in agitation, awaiting his verdict. 

"Why are you going without armor?" (Dad) 


So that's the reason. I scratch my neck awkwardly. It only served to intensified the piercing look my parents gave me. I could see their concern a mile away. 

"I'm only going to the 1st floor… I don't really need armor." 

That was a lie. I was planning on going to the 2nd floor today, but I didn't want to worry them. I was competent enough to not die. 

The 1st floor contained slimes. Those squishy adorable creature in almost every start in RPGs. They weren't life-threatening. Hell, it would be an achievement if you died from one. Not that I planned to. 

"Anything goes in a dungeon, Lukas. Follow me, we'll get some basic leather armor." (Dad) 


"No buts~ Go follow your father to the store." (Mom) 

My mother nudged me to follow my dad that was already walking outside. Defeated, I reluctantly followed my father to the store. It was a 5 minute walk from our house. 

My dad went on to rant about safety and precautions in a dungeon. I knew my own ability and I had the help of a cheat called 'game knowledge'. But my parents didn't know about my own competence. It was understandable why they would be concerned for my safety, since I had low initial stats and no inherent skill. 

Their concern were irritating before, but I now took it to heart. I was once made aware that there were people who cared for me, loved me, and worried for me. Most teenagers would dismiss their worries but I wouldn't. Familial bonds — as unfamiliar as I was to it in my previous life — were precious to me… as the new Lukas Gasper. 

We saw my father's store. The words 'Gasper retail.' etched in big bold letters above the store. The lights were off and a sign saying 'closed' was placed in front of the main door. My dad took a three day break because of my enrollment. He told us that he had more than enough money made to take this break.

Entering the store, my dad routinely opened all the lights. He left the A/C off since we would be quick. My eyes scanned through the numerous items laid in the various aisle. Potions of varying potency, magic items that increase STR, AGI, or other stats, and weapons with various enchantments instilled into them. The store had them all. 

My father beckoned at me to follow him. I did as so. I followed him to the back or where the storage room was. He rummaged through the stockpile of equipment. I left him be. I wasn't much of help. He knew this place like the back of his head. 

After rummaging for a bit, he took out two items from the pile he scavenged. Throwing them to me, he told me to wear them. The first item was a leather armor covering my entire torso. The layer protecting my heart was thicker and the weight was light, even for my three STR stat. 

Other than the heavily layered protection in my heart. There were two layers in the leather armor. The outer layer was ochre in color. It was embroidered with various buttons and stitches to connect the plates of thickened leather. I knocked at the armor with my fist. I didn't feel anything as most of the force was dispersed, indicating the armor did work. 

The inner layer was much darker in color, a mix between pebble and shadow gray. It was more sturdy compared to the flexible outer layer. The gaps in the armor made the inner layer visible, creating an enticing look from the assortment of ochre and pebble. The armor, when put on, made me look adventurous in all ways. 

The second item was less ostentatious, but was more efficacious. Umber leather boots. They reached below my calf. I was planning on going in sneakers but the boots helped me move agilely. They were also comfortable. All in all, this was a good harvest. 

I thank my dad, which got a surprised look in return, before turning into a small smile. I smile back and say I'll be going. He excuses me whilst warning me one last time of safety before closing the store. 

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Whilst walking to my destination, I look at my body. I looked like a full-fledged adventurer. Excitement began to rush to my head as I finally got to go to a dungeon. Taking one last look at my armor, I started walking. 

It's time for the long-awaited main event. 

The Labyrinth of Vanitas. 

A labyrinth that was discovered 10 years ago. Labyrinths are more enormous and grandiose than dungeons. Dungeons contain 25 floors, with the occasional exception of some reaching 30 to 50 floors. Labyrinths, on the other hand, all have a minimum of 75 floors, a large disparity compared to your usual dungeon. 

Also, labyrinths are more stable, larger, and never collapse. For the development of countries, a labyrinth was necessary. 

Every race has a labyrinth of their own. The development of a race or country is closely tied to their exploration of the labyrinth. The deeper you go, the more resources become available. The more resources, the faster your race develops.

The emergence and discovery of another labyrinth shook the entire world. And, since the labyrinth of Vanitas was in the center of all the races in terms of geography, bloodshed and war was close to happening. 

In the end, a two-year-long diplomatic conference was held by the leaders of all races. The final terms settled on was to share the labyrinth to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and develop a city that allowed the unity of all races. 

Later on, the city was called the city of Vanitas and the labyrinth was called as such too. Vanitas High and the university of Vanitas also came to be from popular demand. The world flourish as the city became one of greatest trading points for the world. 

That was the story of the city of Vanitas. 

I already knew all of this. It was explained in elementary school from my memories and also in the game. But looking at the massive building, similar to the Rome pantheon of my previous made me recall all the information of this historical location. 

The entrance, spanning one hundred feet vertical was supported by multiple pillars. The frieze, layered with gold, magic stones, and other expensive yet durable materials, carved into a beautiful art piece . The pediment, the main attraction that allured most newcomers, was chiseled similarly like the frieze. However, in the center of the pediment, a perfect circle embodied the triangle roof. Inside, an illustration of some vile creature with horns jutting out the side of its face was sculptured. 

A look of astonishment glossed over my face. VR really couldn't beat the real thing. I've seen this scenery over and over again in my time in Vanitas Online. But I was left in a daze at looking at the entrance of the labyrinth. 

Few veterans, male and female alike, chuckled at my appearance. Well, I would also be amused at my bewilderment. Shaking off my awe, I strut towards the entrance and into the center. 

The inside of the pantheon was naturally a dome, around three hundred feet in diameter if I had to guess. In the outer region of the dome, counters were placed. All of which were loaded with attendants to accommodate your needs and questions. In the center region, a large square hole leading to a staircase where the labyrinth was. They were safely guarded by security of the place. 

A lump stuck to my throat. My heart beated erratically. Enthusiasm rose and my head filled with red. Despite the large scale of the pantheon, I knew it was nothing compared to the real scale of the labyrinth. This was just an entrance after all. Only the surface of what I'm about to enter and what I'm about to challenge. A mere sneakpeek if you will. 

Heading over to the massive square hole, I waited in queue. The labyrinth was large, so were the adventurers exploring it. The queue, although long, would only take around 10 or so minutes before I could enter. Which, from the scale of this place, was a bargain.

"Your A-ID, please." (Receptionist) 


I take out my A-ID. The receptionist carefully took it and scans it. It was a safety procedure to ensure that it wasn't a replica. Most people who enter a labyrinth without the proper license are either minors or criminals, both of which are a disaster to deal with. 

The process took no less than ten seconds. It gets to show the efficiency of this place. She gave me my A-ID back with a professional smile. As I was about to descend the flight of stairs, she called out to me. 

"By the way, stay safe. I can see your excitement, but anything goes in the labyrinth. Whether you're at the 1st floor or the highest." 

I turn back to her. A wry smile seen on her face. It didn't take much to tell she's been through stuff. Taking her concern to heart, I flash her a soft smile. 

"Noted. Thank you." 

Turning back, I descend. Instead of the excited and joyful expression I had, only a confident and elusive air enveloped me. 


The moment the soles of my feet touch the ground. The air shifted. An uncomfortable feeling washed over my entire body. It felt like small specks of dust trying to enter inside. It was so lukewarm that it only gave a sense of discomfort. 

I naturally knew this phenomenon. My body was reacting to the excessive MP in the atmosphere. By the way, MP means 'Magic Power'. The ambient MP in the air were coalescing to my body, a natural conductor of MP. 

There was MP back in the surface. However, the amount is scarce. But, here in the labyrinth, the atmospheric MP was several times greater than in the surface, thus creating the weird sensation. 

I was used to the feeling back in the game. I stretch my muscle, trying to loosen and relax them. It stiffened a little from the reaction. 

"Alright. Let's go." 

The 1st floor of the labyrinth of Vanitas, like I mentioned before, only contains slime. They were all level 1. Although I wanted to go straight to the 2nd floor, I chose to hang out here until I get to level 2. I wanted to get used to the MP reaction and I didn't want to take any risks. My parents are concerned for my safety. 

The 1st floor of the labyrinth looked like what you would expect. Long corridors leading to endless paths. The walls were made of stone, rough and gritty in appearance. The place was empty. Devoid of moisture, color, and passion. It only contained MP. The stone pavements were hard to walk on, unordered and unkept, but my leather boots kept me from falling or fumbling. 

In front of me, various adventurer lined up. All of them eager to get something done. I could sense their presence, partly due to the reaction and my own perception. Some I had a hard time discerning. They were probably using a stealth skill. 

There were alot of people here, huh. This might ruin my efficiency. Sighing, I take out a magic item. It was a smartwatch. It was given to all students of Vanitas High. It contained most information about the labyrinth and items. A useful tool similar to a portably encyclopedia. 

I left my smartphone back home since the ambient MP interfered with the signal. Magic items on the other hand use MP to function, so the smartwatch was working perfectly. 

I clicked on the encyclopedia section, then to the labyrinth. Finally, I clicked on the 1st floor page. A 2d map of the entire floor appeared in my retina. The game had a mini-map, so this feature never existed. I was pretty delighted at the new technology. 

I head over to a more secluded areas. The danger level increase the farther I go but I didn't mind it. The chances of dying from a slime was slim. In fact, dying from one is an achievement in on itself. 


I turn my head towards the source of the sound. A cute blue slime emerged from the dark. Gooey substance trailed out from where it crawled. In the center of smiley creature, a sphere-like solid instilled inside the creature. It was the core of the slime. The one organ that kept them alive. 

Without hesitation, I draw my sword and stab the core of the slime. A splashing sound followed by a cracking sound rang out in the corridor we were in. The blue slime, as pitifully as it appeared, dissipated into black mist before turning into a coin sized stone. A magic stone. 

I pick up the magic stone. The size wouldn't even earn me a dollar. However, I picked it up since my parents might ask me about my adventures. If I left it there, the magic stone would disintegrate and turn into MP for the atmosphere. So, in most cases in the lower floors, most adventurers leave it be. 

All monsters in the labyrinth have vital points. The slime's vitals were their core. Crack it, and you instantly kill them. Other monsters have more tricky vital points, but at the end of the day, all monsters have a weakness you could exploit. 


Three more slimes emerge from the corridor. It seems I've chosen a great spot to grind. I adjust the grip on my sword. An imperious smile etched on my face. 

Today's goal: Level 3.

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