Ice Cream for The Planet

Chapter 16: 13th Fragment – Afternoon Hanging Spot

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"Wow, it's so beautiful."


Rita can't take her eyes off from the view from above while feeling the strong breeze sweep across her face at the height of several hundred meters. The decoration design for the cafe's outdoor area has been arranged so that the wind can be filtered out and makes it not blow too hard. However, the comfort of being on the terrace depends on the weather conditions at that time. Thus, her hair flutters several times when a strong breeze occasionally goes through.

Valerie smiles with satisfaction seeing how he saw this scene with his own eyes. What he had seen through a detailed three-dimensional projection display could not beat the first-hand experience he is now witnessing. The fresh air and breezes give of more relaxing vibe that goes straight to his heart.

As far as he could see, most of the Tantoris could be seen from this height. The Major River, which divides the city in half, is accompanied by two large bridges in the north and south parts of the city and a large dam near the mountain in the north area. The city station and the Ferris wheel playground can be seen in the south region if one is observant enough.

When Valerie gazes upon the city's outskirts near the dam, greenery spreads like a wide carpet on the mountains. It's mesmerizing for everyone who sits in the cafe right now, including those three.


"It turns out that this is what our planet looks like in the past. I know that we've studied it many times while we're in our own era. A gentle reminder that we will never experience anything like this if this planet is not saved in the future," said Valerie.

Rio takes his drink slowly before responding to his friend. "Definitely. So that's why we are here to carry out a mission of humanity. I hope we can give our best contribution so that we can still be able to see the natural greenery like this when we come back."


Rita averted her attention to the fish and chips she had ordered earlier and chewed on it very solemnly. Once again, she was reminded by the variety of cuisines of the past that were so otherwordly to the palates of those who came from the future. Even though she had been around in this era for a while, there were still many dishes that she had never tried. So, Rita is trying hard not to eat the whole thing right now since her two friends are in front of her.


"It's delicious, isn't it?" Rio guessed while getting curious at the same time. He tried one of the french fries and then chewed it carefully.

The girl with short dark hair waited with a bit of curiosity. "How?"

"Splendid. Really makes you chew it nonstop."

"Alright, Don't mind if I take it!" Valerie shamelessly grabs the french fries that Rio is about to take.


He gives Valeria an elbow on his guts by reflex. Rita laughs at them and blames Valerie with her cheerful tone. Like cats and dogs who couldn't stay still when they met, the two guys mocked each other to their heart's content until they finally ran out of their mocking vocabulary.

At that moment, Rio truly feels his chest is less heavy because of Valerie's annoying attitude or Rita's crisp laugh. He just realized that spending time together on this late afternoon under the fresh air like this can heal him somehow.

Shortly after, his eyes happen to catch the city dam in the far north. Rio was reminded of something by looking at the massive concrete wall that enclosed the water.


"I remembered Arisa told me yesterday that she adopted a child that originally lived at the dam," said Rio with eyes still glued to the water source of the Major River.

Valerie smiled mischievously. "Ah, I see, said the one who had just been dumped by Arisa recently."


Rita almost choked in the middle of the snacks when she heard that. However, she avoids jumping to conclusions and listens carefully to learn more about Valerie and Rio's conversation.

Even though a slight pain in her chest could be felt, the girl tried not to spoil the atmosphere by acting normally like a friend who is also interested in the story from others.


"Something has happened?" asked Rita.

Valerie sneered. "You can see the boy who was rejected by the person he has been looking for years. If it were me, I'd just skip work and go to travel for a week."

"Haha, thanks, Val. Excellent advice."

"No problem!"

Rita tries to sympathize with Rio. "Then, are you really okay now, Rio?"

The man takes a deep breath. "Indeed, it takes quite a toll for me. Because I've been looking and chasing her after all this time. It took me a few days to come to terms with the fact that she rejected my feelings."

"That's right. I am a living witness to Rio's turmoil," Valerie added.

"However, when I told Val everything, it just lifted the weight off my shoulders. Little by little, I accept that Arisa really doesn't feel the same way as me. But I also should say this to you. Being here with you and Val really makes me feel better."


Rio smiled wryly. When Rita saw this, she could relate to how he was feeling.

Because the girl imagined a scenario when Rio had been rejected, her feelings too, it is pretty sure that it'll be painful.


"Rio, don't forget that I'm here for you too. I can listen to all of your troubles, really."


Rita's sweet smile had taken Rio's full attention. Hearing this, the man in charge smiled faintly.


"Thank you. For the time being, being here with you and Valerie is enough for me," Rio said. 

The wind blows lightly to give more comfort to his wounded heart. The short-haired girl nods. Another feeling immediately replaced the pain that had settled in her heart when Rio said those words. A feeling that makes her think that he genuinely needs her.

"Right, Right. I totally understand what you feel, Rio. Anyway, guys, have you heard about--"

As Valerie butted in, their conversation was flowing again, talking about anything interesting. Valerie made sure that the topic always involved both Rio and Rita talking more and more since he was interested in watching how these two friends interacted a lot.

For a moment, Valerie smirks with satisfaction.


"Rio, I'm curious because you said Arisa adopted a child that originally lived at the dam. Is that because of her past record being inconsistent?" asked Valerie with a spoonful of pudding that immediately went into his mouth.

"About that… I don't think that Arisa's record of the past influenced her decision. She adopted the child of her own free will on a whim, I'm sure about that. Arisa is that type of person, after all.

Valerie swallowed his pudding and said something. "Is such a thing possible, adopting someone and merging them with one's family of the past?"


Rio shrugs. "I don't remember that they forbid us to actually adopt someone. The most important for the volunteers is the secrecy of our identity."


"Alright. We assume it's not a problem for now. By the way, have you submitted a report to the scientists in the future, Rio?"

"Yeah, since a few days ago. There is still no response other than asking me to be patient and live a normal day more carefully."

"Guys, I don't understand this conversation about records of the past. Is there any problem with yours?" asked Rita.

Rio scratched his head slowly. "About that…"


He explained every detail related to the error on his records of the past and what had happened with his relationship with Vemia. Not to forget, Rio also told how Arisa's records of the past are no better. Rita listened with a look of disbelief but was also quite interested in the matter.

Valerie also added his opinion regarding this matter, so that's a chunk of the information Rita suddenly received that afternoon.


"Basically, it's just like that," Rio concluded. Rita nods in understanding.

"This is the first time I've heard of any problems related to someone's records of the past. I don't have any other comment and agree with what the scientists said. You should be more alert, Rio."

"I agree. It's quite impactful for me. My past sister, Vemia, was affected by that. I can't be careless at home when I'm alone with her."

"Right," Valerie seemingly agrees while french fries are in his mouth.


The three talked for a while longer before the sun finally set and headed home.

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At the same time, two figures were sitting in front of each other in a different places. The atmosphere is relatively calm and fresh, thanks to an air conditioner combined with a soft fragrance that gently pampers one's sense of smell. The small cafe is so cozy for anyone who wants to relax, including Arisa and Vanilla, who are inside.

The girl with the ice cream hairpin enjoys a few scoops of ice cream at once before tasting it slowly. Seeing that, the little girl in front of Arisa couldn't help but try how the parfait on the table tasted like, even though something was still bugging her. Vanilla can't help thinking that maybe Arisa is not an average person, so she puts the spoon on the table and asks her adoptive sister instead.


"Big sister."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"Why can you gobble ice cream without feeling stings in your head at all?"


Arisa is silent for a moment while tilting her head. Presumably, she just realized that she never received any questions about it. As far as she could remember, she couldn't know for sure since she was fine eating so much ice cream without a headache.


"Perhaps my body has adapted in any way, so I can enjoy ice cream without any problem. It can't be helped. It tastes delicious, you know. Come on, you should quickly enjoy the parfait before most of it melts! The combination of ice-cold cream with sweet toppings and bananas will definitely be outstanding!"


Vanilla turns her gaze to the shape of the parfait in front of her. It is the first dessert she has seen in front of her eyes. From the color combination alone, it is pretty appetizing. Especially if she had tasted it, that's what Arisa thinks.

The adoptive big sister patiently waits for Vanilla as she takes a spoonful of the sweet dessert. She is curious to see how she would react when she tasted her big sister's carefully chosen parfait.


"How does it?" asked Arisa with a light smile.



Vanilla's tears started to spill as her mouth filled with that sweetness.


"…it tastes delicious."

"Wah! Vanilla, why are you crying?"


The little girl didn't answer right away. She swallowed more of the parfait until it hurt her head and looked down, trying to hide her tears.


"This is the first time I've eaten something this sweet and delicious," Vanilla replied quietly. 

Arisa's smile is even wider. "Eat a lot, please. I will buy more if you really want them. Don't worry about anything now, Vanilla. When you're with me, you can eat as much parfait and ice cream as you want."


Arisa is gazing out at the twilight sky, slowly turning dark. The dim, warm light that enveloped the Major River began to disappear, replaced by the lamps around the river that divided the city of Tantoris.

It's time to go home, Arisa thought. 

She just needed to wait for Vanilla to finish and walked out of the cafe, enjoying the sights of the Tantoris' night.

Arrived at the house, the younger brother—Tirto—welcomed the two of them. His eyes are fixated on what Arisa has brought home. The big sister certainly understands the meaning of his past brother.


"Hi, Tirto. I brought some delicious ice cream from the cafe," said Arisa while gently patting his brother's head. "It's not much. But, you have to share with Vanilla."

"Yay! Thank you, sis! I'll take it just a little bit."


The little boy almost jumps for joy when he knows what is inside. It contains several pieces of ice cream in a medium cup with various flavors. Tirto's can't take any longer to choose, so he grabs one of them randomly and hurries off to enjoy his dessert.

Mom also came closer to check if anything caught her attention in the box that Arisa had brought. However, she then points to the dining table, which is already filled with dinner.


"I'll put it in the fridge first, okay? We will eat it later since I've been waiting for you two to have dinner together."

"All right, Mom!"

"Please tell Dad to come, Arisa."


Arisa nods and approaches someone who is currently reading the newspaper in the living room.


"Dad, it's dinner time," Arisa called.


Dad turns and stands up to come. At the table, the three of them are already waiting for Arisa and Dad to join.

Being in the middle of this family makes Arisa smile wide. It's no longer a smile that requires manipulation of the muscles on her face without really feeling it in the heart. That is a genuine smile that comes from the heart. She somehow reminded what Rio had said at that time.


Something like this… Indeed, I never felt this kind of feeling when I was in the future. I am genuinely grateful to have this journey into the past.


Arisa is starting to have tonight's meal with her past family members with a warm heart. The presence of Vanilla adds to the warmth that surrounds this house as Mom helps her enjoy the dinner. The atmosphere is quite lively because Tirto tries to talk to Arisa and Vanilla until Mom tells him not to forget his dinner, while Dad prefers to enjoy his meal slowly, watching how his wife tries to calm the situation.

This may be one of the greatest gifts she had ever experienced.


Soon, dinner was over, and everyone rinsed their stuff in the kitchen. When she is done, Arisa intends to take one of the ice cream cups she brought as a snack before going to bed.

However, Tirto hurriedly opens the refrigerator door and hits Arisa with it. He takes out two fruits and goes away without saying anything to her.


"Oh. My existence is gone again," she muttered.


No problem. It'll be only temporary until the scientists can fix my records of the past.


She walks around the house, observing every family member at this time. Mom is busy preparing breakfast for the following day. Dad returned to his favorite sofa and resumed the newspaper. At the same time, Tirto talked with Vanilla, who was currently having her ice cream.

Everyone is doing business as usual without Arisa's presence in the middle of them.


There's a slightly unpleasant feeling started to emerge from Arisa's chest.

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