If a Genius was Reincarnated to Ancient China

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Boredom of a Genius

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Cao Long is a genius among the genius

But because his genius, Cao Long grew incredibly bored as everything was just too easy

So hid his genius and wasted away by staying in his room all day long

That's when mother Cao became worried

In order for her son not to be a good for nothing, his mother always told him to work harder when he was young, so that he can relax when he gets older 

She even threatened him that if he did not work, she would throw him in the company and force him to work until he is old and wrinkly!

When Cao Long heard his mother, he was so terrified of his mother’s fury that he worked harder than ever(?)

…and somehow got to the top???

Mother Cao was very proud about her son even though she knew deep down, Cao Long had no idea of his achievement and the moment her son hears about this, he would immediately run away from home

On the other hand, Cao Long knew about his achievement long ago and planned to run away quite some time ago

Cao Long was sick of work, he had already reached the top, so what else should he do?

So he devised a plan to run away in secret since if his mother knew, nevermind the hospital, he might as well take a trip to the cemetery!

But on the day before his plan, when he was driving towards his office, thinking that he would finally be free, a large truck suddenly lost control and hit his car!

Cao Long’s vision darkened, he felt his body grow colder and colder

And just as he thought he was going to die, a loud cry came into his ears

Cao Long was very confused

Didn't he get in a car accident? Why is there a baby beside him?

As a genius, Cao Long knew he wasn't in a hospital

Since a large truck hitting him would definitely get him in the emergency room and he’s a rich man, so if he is in the hospital, he would be in the VVVVVVIP room, not just a common room

Of course, Cao Long also thought about the possibility of a baby, but no relative of his had a child yet so that was ruled out unless he was in a coma

Thinking of this only took 0.1 second without Cao Long looking around

So his next step was to observe his surroundings

The room he was in looked like something from an ancient china TV drama, the place he’s lying down in is a cradle, and his small baby hands are…



It seems like Cao Long reincarnated as a baby in ancient times


No words can describe how Cao Lo- Little Cao feels right now (LOL)author making fun of the characters would happen alot

Did little Cao swear because he died?


But he sweared because after working so hard in his life, and just when he was going to retire, he died

Poor Little Cao was only 28…

Little Cao’s ears twitched


After many years of dealing with old foxes, he always can tell when someone is talking about him nearby

Ops, did we get caught?

Ahem- anyways, suddenly, the door opened

A middle aged woman came in 

Little Cao had also watched many dramas before his reincarnation and knew that she was high ranked servant from her clothes

Seeing how she came into a infants room, little Cao thought she must be his wet nurse or nanny

“Does little Cao Long need to eat? Or does he need to change his diaper?”

She coaxed him while picking him up

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But Little Cao felt a hand groping a place between his legs

Obviously, the nanny was seeing if our Little Cao need to potty

Little Cao has never been so embarrassed in his life!

Angered, Little Cao let out a loud cry



Little Cao knew the most important thing right now is to gather information

So that's what he did for the next few days

From what he gathered, he is the first prince of the country and the only offspring of the empress

He knew that the palace is full of dangers, but he had no interest in becoming to emperor, so he decided to abdicate the throne and live a lazy life he planned in his last life

However, Little Cao doubts his brothers would let him be as he is the first prince after all

So he decided to gather as much power as he can so that his brothers won't even dream of messing with him!

So when Little Cao was ten, he started gathering people and power using his skills from his previous life

After all, who would believe a ten year old?

So most of his resources went under his other name, Qiu Guang

Years later, the name Qiu Guang spread across the country and little Cao graduated and became Cao Long!

Currently, Cao Long is 22 years old and is lazily living his life in a large courtyard in the corner of the capital city

But although it is in a very remote place, the courtyard is very luxurious

You can tell Cao Long is living to life right now

However, there is just one problem

He’s bored!

There is absolutely nothing to do in ancient times!

In the modern world, he can atleast watch some dramas and play games, but here, at most he can read some books!

One day, while Cao Long was mindlessly reading some books, one of his trusted servants came in

It was Song Huizhong, his most trusted servant that he picked up on the streets when he was younger

“Your highness first prince, forgive me for being impudent, but you cannot live in such way anymore!”

“Oh? In what way”

“Your highness, us servants all know that your highness is a great person”

Cao Long knew this guys gonna go one telling him how  great he is, so he cut him off before Song Huizhong could begun

“Stop beating around the bush and tell me”

“Ahem, after us servants cannot bear seeing your highness being so spirtless, so we all got together to find a solution”

“Something to cure my boredom? Go on”

“How about your highness watching the court? There are always something new as the princes are scheming everyday”

Cao Long was surprised since that might acutally be interesting!

“Hmmm, that would be interesting, we already have many spies for almost every prince and concubine so I guess that feasible”

“Shall I begin preparations?”

“Very well, let's see if my dear sibling can cure my boredom, Huizhong, begun your work”

“This servant shall obey”

“Now lets see what my dear siblings are doing, there seems to be some ‘special’ ones too… this should be very interesting, I should thank Huizhong, hmmm, what should I reward him with? Hmmm, Lets just ask him later”

Who knows what Cao Long was thinking

But for sure, he is definitely excited that there is something since he haven't had something making him this excited in a long time

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