Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 206: 191

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【189th day】

I hung my pointy hat and cloak on a nearby chair and put on an apron and a chef hat.

「Appetizer, salad, noodle course, bread course, meat course, sweets & dessert, tea, and confectioneries to finish the meal off」

In the castle's kitchen, I checked the prepared ingredients against the menu items, reading them out loud as I did so.

Rutsuko-san and Tyutyu had done a great job.

The ingredients had all been prepped, and all I had to do was warm them up or stir-fry them, and then put them together to finish the dishes.

「Souya, are you ready?」


Lanseal and two maids had come to pick up the food. I give them appetizers for three.

The people in attendance today were King Lemuria, the magistrate, and one of their guards.

「What’s this dish called?」

「Buttered potatoes topped with shredded anchovies」

Potatoes of the alternate world had been steamed, cut in half, topped with butter and shredded anchovies, then drizzled with soy sauce.

It's simple, but the ingredients are so delicious that this should suffice.

Most of the time, unappetizing dishes are a result of chefs doing too much in an attempt to improve on the recipes.

「Lanseal, if they ask about the dishes, just read this to them」

I handed her a list of the dishes that Rutsoko-san had written.

It had descriptions of the dishes written in this side's letters.

「Okay, I got it. Umm………is this all the dishes you have for them?」

「It's a course meal, so the dishes will be served incrementally. Tell them that there are six more courses to be served」

「Yes, I see」

What's considered a luxurious meal on this side is to have all of the dishes served at once.

This is the same for both the center continent and the land of the Myriad Kings.

With the plates of appetizers in hand, Lanseal and the maids of the castle exited the kitchen.

I got started on the next course, which was the salad.

I wiped dry the potherb mustard that had been soaked in cold water with a clean cloth, cut them into bite-sized pieces, then arranged them on plates. Boiled pork and soft-boiled eggs were placed over them before I scattered some edamame on top.

I seasoned the dish with a ponzu sauce made with citrus fruits from the alternate world, then finished it off with a sprinkling of sesame seeds from high up for no particular reason.

Okay, the pork shabu-shabu salad with potherb mustard and soft-boiled egg is complete.

As expected of Rutsuko-san. This dish is sure to be delicious.

I was about to start on the noodle course when……

「Souya, is the next dish ready?」

「Eh, that was quick」

Lanseal and the other maids had already returned with empty plates.

This is bad, I had better get the dishes ready faster.

「The salads are right there, so take one each」

『Got it~』

I can only smell the whiff of trouble from the starving big shots. I quickly got to work making the next course.

I dropped a colander with noodles in it into boiling water, then put the broth over the fire.

「Yukikaze, timer please」

『Understood, indeed. I'll set the timer for four minutes, the proper boiling time for thick noodles』

At the same time, I got to work on the bread course.

The first thing I did was to pull out two shallow fry pans that were connected together at one end. Bread could be placed between them and then put over the fire.

In essence, it was a hot sandwich maker.

Opening it up, I placed some slices of Shoku-pan(white bread) inside. I put bacon and cheese on one side of the bread and then sprinkled a little bit of olive oil scented with garlic over it.

I closed it up and put it over the fire.

I prepared two more of the same, and then put them over the fire as well.

「Yukikaze, thermal imaging」

『Understood, indeed. Commencing monitoring of internal temperature. Yukikaze will notify you when the proper temperature has been reached』

Grilled sandwiches, easy and delicious.

We often have them for breakfast at home.

But I wonder if it's okay to serve them as part of a course meal. I get the distinct feeling that it's not. Well, the same is true for the ramen I'm cooking now though.

『The noodles will be done in 40 seconds』

Gotta move fast.

I drizzled some soy sauce, seasoning oil, and threw some ground ginger into porcelain bowls. Next, I added the pork bone broth and stirred to mix it all together

I taste-tested it.

I could taste the concentrated deliciousness of the broth, the subtle soy sauce flavor that came out strongly, and the refreshing kick of the ginger. The touch of onion oil complimented it nicely.

『The noodles are done』


I pulled the colander out of the boiling water and lifted it up high to drain the water.

There's no deep meaning to it, but for some reason, I feel like I'm running a ramen store.

After dropping the noodles into the broth, I loosened them up, then placed a piece of pork chashu on top. Next was the fried onions and the spicy miso.

The upgraded version of flame religion's Tonkotsu Flame Miso Ramen was completed.

As the saying goes, simple is best.

「Souya, are you done?」

「Oh, yes. Go ahead and take them」

Lanseal and the others had been waiting behind me.

The maids left holding trays with the ramen on top.

『The bread has reached the proper temperature』


I removed the hot sandwich makers from the fire and placed them to one side. Yukikaze would tell me when the residual heat had cooked the bread to perfection.

Next came the main dish, the meat course.


I cocked my head when I saw the ingredients and the recipe Rutsuko-san had provided.

I poured some oil into a frying pan and placed it over the fire.

She had prepared a piece of premium pork tenderloin. It had been aged and was at its best. I pounded the meat lightly and then cut it into bite-sized pieces. After seasoning them with salt and pepper, I coated the pieces with potato starch.

I taste-tested the seasonings that had been prepared.

Ketchup, soy sauce, alcohol, sugar, a little bit of miso, garlic, and demi-glace sauce?

I put the meat aside for the moment and picked up a head of cabbage.

Using the entirety of the sword skills I had acquired in the alternate world, I shredded the cabbage. I was impressed by my own handiwork, and I felt like I had something I could brag about.

The temperature of the oil was just right.

I started cooking the fillet.

Making sure that the pieces of meat were all half-submerged in the oil, I carefully watched the temperature to make sure they didn't get too dry from being overcooked.


Trusting my instincts, I mixed the seasonings together.

「Souya, I'm sorry, but……」

「Eh, seriously?」

With empty porcelain bowls in hand, Lanseal and the others were waiting.

That was quick~.

「Sorry, Lanseal, cut the grilled sandwiches for me」

The sauce still needed to be worked into the meat a little bit more. I also had to make the garnish for this dish.

「Oh, okay. Are you sure?」

「You’ll be fine」

What are you saying after all this time?

Lanseal opened the hot sandwich makers and placed the grilled bread onto a cutting board before cutting them diagonally.

I don't see any problems at all. I wonder why she had hesitated.

At this rate, the bread will probably be gone soon. I'll have to speed things up.

Once the meat had been cooked in the sauce long enough, I divided the pieces of meat into three portions and plated them.

After adding the shredded cabbage on the side, the main dish, teriyaki pork tenderloin, was completed.


It may be a bit weird for me to say this, but Rutsuko-san truly is a daughter of a ramen store owner after all.


Oh, err……

No, I'm sorry.

Even though she had done a great job, I was disappointed for a split second there.

I'm really sorry.

Next, the garnish, I thought to myself, but thankfully, it came straight out of the jar.

A quick glance revealed shredded carrots, sesame seeds, and some kind of seasoning. I didn't have time to taste-test it, so I transferred everything onto fancy plates and that was it for the dish.

I need to work faster.

In any case, I should work faster.

I can already feel their presences.

Next comes the sweets & dessert――――――


「No way~」

Lanseal was already back.

Are the king and the magistrate engaged in a speed-eating contest or something?

「They gobbled it down in one gulp」

「In one gulp, huh?」

Who the heck is this magistrate person? And King Lemuria, don't just go along with them. Is there some rule of etiquette that dictates that the host has to eat at the same speed as their guests or something?

「Lanseal, this meat dish is the main course. I'm counting on you」

「I’m very sorry. Even if you count on me………」

「That’s true」

Mercilessly, the main dish was taken away.

Really, really quickly, at the speed of sound quickly, I got started on the dessert.

「Are these for the sweets & dessert course?」

There were two jars.

One held ginger pickled in honey and some twigs of some sort.

One was filled with sizzling carbonated water.

When I poured both into a single cup, I got ginger ale.

Oh, if I remember correctly, carbonated water can be made using dry yeast as well.

I had attempted to make it using baking soda in the past, but it had a strange, sour taste that made it undrinkable. But this carbonated water has a mellow taste.

I downed it in one gulp.

The ginger ale's refreshing taste invigorated my body, which was tired from rushing all the dishes.

It's delicious, but is this really something that can be served as the sweets & dessert course? Rutsuko-san, did you cut corners?

You are reading story Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru at novel35.com

When I looked closely at the recipe, I found a note written in tiny letters at the bottom.

『I racked my brain as hard as I could, but sweets and the like are impossible for me』

It’s good that you’re honest.

But tell me earlier……

I rummaged around for ingredients, but I couldn't make sweets either. I had failed once before. The honey candies and the egg bolo were my crowning achievements.

The biggest problem is that I have no desire to research sweets. I mean, one soup and three side dishes are enough for a well-balanced diet, so why would I even bother with sweets?

Did I look down on them too much?

Was I too sweet(naive)?!

Well, even I don't really know what the heck I'm so mad about.


I found some pears pickled in honey. Well, at least I assumed they were pears. I took out a few slices and put them into the ginger ale.


Well, I'll just go with this, I guess.

Please work out somehow…… I'm bad at making sweets, I'm telling you.

They’ve been eating at such a fast pace. I'm sure the dishes so far have been well-received, so they probably won't storm into the kitchen to yell at me.

I pray that they won't.

If they do, I'll just send them away.

Maybe it's because I hit a stumbling block with the sweets, but I'm rapidly losing motivation.

I want to go home.

I looked at the recipes for the rest of the meal with reluctance.

It should be fine if I skip the tea. They already have the ginger ale after all.

As for the confectioneries, it's Rutsuko-san, so I'd bet she just………………


However, my fears were unfounded.

There was a bag of delicious-looking cookies.

When I ate one, a refined sweetness filled my mouth.

Are these ginger cookies? Rutsuko-san, you must really love ginger. Wait, can ginger be considered a type of sweets?

It's a mystery.

「Umm, Souya, do you need more time?」

「No, it's done」

Or perhaps I should say that they were already prepared beforehand.

「These…… Eh? These are……」

Lanseal was taken aback by the final course.

「These cookies......aren't they the ones Maria baked? It's not that I'm prejudiced against her or anything, but serving guests food made by a child is………」

Rutsuko-san, they aren't even stuff you made yourself?

And Maria, when did you learn how to bake cookies? I'm so happy.

Leaving that aside……



I laid out the ginger ale and the ginger cookies.

「Sometimes, a person with the simplest of skills can create the most sublime of dishes」

「I, I see, is that how it is?」

I had lied.

It's just too much of a pain right now. I'm not blaming Rutsuko-san or anything. I'm the one who left it to her, so I bear full responsibility for everything.

In other words, I can go home already.

Because I'm abandoning my responsibilities.

There's nothing wrong with that.

「Alright then」

I took off the chef hat and the apron, then put on my cloak and pulled my pointy hat down over my eyes.

Maids, I'll leave the cleanup to you.

「On a separate topic, the magistrate apparently wants to see you in person」


「Is it bad if I don't go?」

「It’s bad」

「Even if something urgent came up?」

「That won't do. I’ve received a royal order to bring you to them right away」


I breathed out a deep, deep sigh.

「Let’s go」

I don't want to cause trouble for Lanseal. Even if I run away now, I’ll just get summoned later on anyway.

I followed after the maids carrying the supposed sweets.

It may just be my imagination, but I feel like a convict being led to prison.

In the end, my cooking skills are just barely at the level of someone who cooks for themselves. The reputation I've earned up until now is just luck. It's all luck. I don't have a shred of ability. For the life of me, I don't know why I decided to try cooking at all.

We arrived at the castle's dining hall, a place I had been to numerous times.

There were three people seated around a long table.

On the left, King Lemuria,

And on the right, two young girls.

Both of them were young and beautiful girls with chestnut brown hair. Their sickly-white skin, good looks, and modest figures were identical, almost as if they were copies of each other. Even the way they turned to look at me was the same, the timing not a millisecond off.

Their unearthly beauty and the sense of eeriness they gave off.

It was as if they were ceramic doll automatons.

The only difference was……

One wore a black dress with a red inner lining that showed through in places.

One wore a black dress with blue trim.

「Souya, don't forget your manners」

「Please excuse me」

Warned by King Lemuria, I lowered my head.

Even after I had raised my head, those glass-like eyes were still fixed on me.


What is this discomforting feeling?


Why do these two look like Maria, no, Misuranika-sama?

「The one in the red dress is the magistrate, Jutta Erlene Gargantua-sama. The one in the blue dress is her assistant, Morniella-sama. Both of them are people of position. You may be an advanced adventurer, but you're still a commoner, so it's a rare honor for you to be allowed to meet them」

「Yes, I was so nervous that I forgot my manners」

The king's words fell on my ears.

What followed was a voice that rang clearer than I had expected.

「The dishes were delicious, Adventurer」

「Thank you very much for your kind words」

I put as much gratitude into my words as I could. But my eyes were trying to see into the depths of the girl in the red dress.

Even if I don't physically close my eyes, if I create a darkness within my consciousness, I can still sense presences.

The darkness of a twisted form of life.

Their presences are unlike anything I've ever encountered. They’re different from that of monsters, beasts, Braves, or heroes.

I had been utterly mistaken earlier when I thought that they were similar to Misuranika-sama.

In the depths of that person, there is a sadness akin to everlasting darkness and a loving benevolence akin to the light of the moon.

She's nothing like these pieces of living filth.

「If you'll excuse me」

Two maids set the ginger ale and cookies in front of the filth.

The filth dumped it all into their mouths as if they were throwing it into a trash can.

With sweat pouring down his forehead, King Lemuria also hurriedly shoveled the cookies into his mouth and washed them down with the ginger ale.

I was right.

It seems that etiquette does indeed dictate that the host has to finish their food at the same time as their guests.

I guess that's why the king looks like he's having a hard time.

I don't hear any chewing sounds coming from the filth. They had simply swallowed everything down.

It's too eerie.

In the first place, do they even have a sense of taste?

「Adventurer, that was very delicious. I have a question for you」

「Yes, what is it?」

Don't ask me to give you the recipe.

「Where did you get the【knowledge】required to make these dishes?」

「I gained it through self-study.」

The lie flowed smoothly from my lips.

「Assistant Morniella, do you believe that statement to be false?」

The filth in the red and black dress asked the filth in the blue and black.

「It's false, Magistrate Jutta. This adventurer is a foreigner. According to the rumors circulating in the city, whenever he encounters problems that are impossible for him to deal with initially, only a short amount of time needs to have lapsed before he is able to resolve them. I believe that a【source】exists」

That surprised me.

These two even have identical voices.

「Assistant Morniella, I am of the same opinion, indeed」

「Magistrate-sama, what are you―――――」

Cutting off King Lemuria's words, the filth rose from their seats.



I couldn't tell which one said what.

「Magistrate Jutta Erlene Gargantua hereby designates thee」

「Assistant Morniella shall carry out the order」

「What are you two………」

I listened dumbfounded as the magistrate issued an order.

「I designate thee as the new【King of Beasts】, to be captured and subjected to religious conversion」

Ah, yeah, I’ve mentioned that I hate stuff like thee, thy, and whatnot, and haven’t been using them, but I’m using them just this once cuz those two are being super formal just this once as well. They speak normally before and after. Well, I say normal, but their choice of words and way of speaking is sometimes eccentric… Also, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, those words sound ceremonious, like they’re something said every time. And it’s my belief that this sudden change into “old-speak” is meant to hint that these words have been used for a very long time.

“A sprinkling of sesame seeds from high up for no particular reason”… This is a reference to Salt Bae, isn’t it? For those who for some reason have never heard of him, Salt Bae is a Turkish chef famous for his technique of seasoning food, as seen below.

If you’re wondering about the part about the teriyaki pork and Rutsuko-san being raised by an owner of a ramen store, well, teriyaki anything isn’t exactly high-class food, and is a pretty common dish in ramen stores and so on, which again aren’t exactly high-class establishments…

That sudden drop in motivation...I can relate to it so well lol. Haven’t you ever faced a troublesome problem when doing something you didn’t want to do in the first place and just felt like giving up? I like how we got to see Souya do just that.

Well well well, did you go numb from all the cooking stuff and then had to do a double-take when things suddenly went sideways? The author loves doing this, don’t they? So, Souya is now the new King of Beasts? And he had just wondered a few chapters ago if the King of Beasts was a fictional construct created by Elysium... And the magistrate’s last name...where have we seen it before? Hehe, things are getting interesting, aren’t they? Stay tuned!!

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