Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 223: 208

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We were running low on seasonings, so I went out to buy some.

The sisters were busy preparing dinner, Makina was doing maintenance on my equipment, and although I had just returned from an adventure, I had too much energy and time on my hands, so I was naturally in charge of running errands.

I went to ask Misuranika-sama if she wanted to join me, but she was asleep.

It was twilight.

For some reason, I decided to take a detour, leaving the back alleys and heading down the main street instead.

The spaced-out street lights illuminated the street with their pale glow.

A buzz of activity spread out like a ripple.

On the street was a crowd of people who yearned for the night.

It felt almost like a festival was about to begin. Soon, the daily banquet of chaos would begin.

This manic air was something I had grown accustomed to.

The days when I felt excluded seemed so very, very long ago.


I ran into a boy and his companion, who let out a groan at the sight of me.


I greeted Arcane. I had intended to simply walk past him, but Nanassy started to walk alongside me.

Reluctantly, Arcane followed.

The three of us walked through the crowd together.

「Hey, Souya, what did you do to Khius-sama?」

「Nothing in particular」

I can't possibly tell you that.

「Well, whatever. You were looking strangely cheerful, so something good must have happened to you, I suppose」

「Arcane, what……」

These two have not been exploring the dungeon lately. They’ve just been doing simple requests within the city to make ends meet. They haven't even tried to recruit new party members.

What are you going to do from now on? was what I was going to ask, but……

「We're leaving Lemuria tomorrow」

……I was taken aback by those unexpected words.

「What's this all of a sudden?」

「There's getting to be too many stumbling blocks for us here」

That's true, but you're going somewhere else even though you've already reached the 40th floor? You're just one step away from becoming an advanced adventurer……it's such a waste.

Arcane continued with a grown-up look on his face.

「As you’ve probably guessed, Souya, the candidates for the heroes of Elysium have been cheating their way through the floors. The unofficial portal isn't the only way to get to Urovalus. There are others. I need fame, but this hasn't felt right for a while now. So I'm going to go elsewhere and start my training anew――――――」

「The truth is that Khius-sama told us to get away from here. He also told us to steer clear of Elysium and not get involved with them for the time being」

The story that sounded so good was ruined by Nanassy.

Well, that makes sense, I thought.

「T, there's that too. But I made that decision of my own accord」

「That's great, Arcane, but where do you plan to go?」

「I haven't decided. We'll just wander around freely」

「As such, please recommend us someplace to go」

Arcane yelped at Nanassy's suggestion.

「Hey, stop doing things that will give us more trouble later on!」

「I do have one in mind. You'll owe me though」

「………………I owe you one. I'll pay you back in future」

With his head in his hands, Arcane accepted my proposal.

This guy is really earnest in a weird way.

「There's this place called the Azorido archipelago where there's a guy who's fighting an infestation of wheat-eating pests. When he's done there, he'll be working his way through all the islands in the vicinity of the center continent. Go lend him a hand」

「Pests? You're asking a knight to go do farm work?」

「I like farm work. I want to try it. I'm interested」

Arcane's reaction was expected, but Nanassy was surprisingly interested.

「Some former farmers from over here are also joining up with that guy. The plan is to have them spread all sorts of vegetables throughout the islands once the pests have been exterminated. If you're interested, let me know」

「I want to have a vegetable garden when I retire from adventuring. I want to go and learn from them」

「Eh, you have a dream like that?」

Arcane goggled in astonishment at his partner's dream.

「I can never have children, so I want to raise other things. I've killed so many animals, so I want to nurture plants instead」

「Oh, is that so? Umm………yeah」

An indescribable look came over Arcane's face.

「So it's settled then?」

「A knight doing farm work, huh? It feels wrong somehow though」

Don't worry, it's farm work that even a hero is doing.

「Which ship should we take?」

Nanassy was totally on board.

「The Zavua Night Owl merchant company's ship. I'll make the arrangements. Now, there'll be a lot of chickens on board, but don't complain, alright?」

「I like chickens. Both their eggs and meat are delicious」

「They're intended for export. Don't eat them」

I turned to her partner.

「Arcane, what will you do?」

「Arcane, you're not going to do it?」

Nanassy turned to Arcane with sparkly eyes.

「………I’ll do it」

Overwhelmed, Arcane agreed with a pained look on his face.

「The ship sets sail early in the morning. Show your faces at the merchant company before tomorrow.」

「Got it. We'll go to the Zavua merchant company right now」

So fast.

「It's better than being late, I suppose. But don't you guys need to prepare for the trip?」

「No problem. Our things are already packed」

Nanassy seemed to be all set.

We just happened to be passing by the Zavua merchant company, so I went with the flow and introduced them to Lonewell and asked him to let them on the ship the next day.

As they discussed the details of the voyage, such as the necessary precautions and supplies, I left the two of them behind and exited the store.


I doubt I'll ever see them again.

It was quite a strange relationship we had. I don't particularly feel lonely either.

Really, they're such an odd pair.

I had only left it for a short time, but the crowd on the main street had doubled in size.

The feeling of night was thick in the air.

The reddish-brown color would soon turn into black.

I hurried down the street, slipping through the gaps between people like a creature with no presence.

In retrospect, I've strayed quite a bit from humanity.

Maybe it’s because I've adapted to this world, or perhaps I've been tempered by the difficulties I've faced, or even possessed, or have inherited things from others, and rampaged quite a bit. Does my own power account for even 10% of it all, I wonder?

But I've decided to face this with all my life. Then I guess it's fine to call them my power as well.

In reality, I get the feeling I've already died a few times.

But it's not enough. It's not even close to enough to allow me to force my way through.

I want to be strong.

I want to be strong, but right now, I'm at the limit of what a human is capable of. In order to become stronger, it would likely take years, even decades, of training. Furthermore, if I made a mistake in the process, I would be doing the equivalent of re-tempering a dull blade, making it weaker.

My enemies are strong.

Unbelievably strong.

I'm no match for them in a straightforward fight.

There’s a way to attain the strength needed, but it requires a sacrifice of the worst kind.

I don't know how I ended up in this situation when all I came to do is explore the dungeon.

Did it all start when I killed a hero for Irvin's sake, or when I contracted with the god of misdeeds, or the thing before that――――――


A sharp pain shot through my head.

Well, I'm a man, so rather than mope and lament, it's better to fight and die, I suppose

「What exactly is this, I wonder?」

I don't really understand that part of me.

The beast-like part of me.

I entered the back alleys from the main street and made my way through the labyrinth of alleyways without getting lost.

And then, I arrived at the "A Respite From Adventuring" store.

This was the time of the day when the store was the busiest. All of the seats were filled, and Rutsuko-san and the Gunmerrys were busy working.

When I peeked into the kitchen from the outside, I saw Tyutyu and the two elves who were assisting her.

Both of them are the wives of a certain elf. That means that………they're my mothers-in-law? It's a complicated relationship.

I thought about showing my face, but I didn't want to get in their way.

For now, my business was with the seasoning store next door.


A small bell chimed when I opened the door.

There were lines of low shelves for merchandise in the narrow store. Of course, the shelves were crammed full.

Bottled mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and other seasonings that I had made since coming here, as well as rock salt, pickled garlic, edible flowers, monster horns, dried meat, honey, and other seasonings native to the alternate world, and some preserved foods.

Dried mushrooms and medicinal herbs hung from the ceiling.

The number of products that had been added based on the storekeeper's preferences and without my knowledge had increased again. I had better give him a stern talking-to, or at least make him take responsibility if anyone got food poisoning.

「What, it's just you」

In a corner of the store, there was an elf who was reading a book while stretched out on a couch.

He wore a well-tailored robe, and his appearance was truly regal. However, when the storekeeper recognized me, he greeted me without the slightest hint of amiability.

「Melm, I'm a customer, you know?」

「Yeah, well, I'm the storekeeper, you know?」

「I'm the owner」

「What’s this "oh-naa"? Is it someone more important than me, the one who rules over all the elven clans?」

「No, it's not someone as great as that though」

You're bringing up your position as king here?

「Know your place then」


I'm the one who hired you to be the storekeeper, you know? Aren't you supposed to be beneath me?

I don't get it at all.

「So, lowly customer, what do you want?」

Why are you acting so high-and-mighty towards a customer? Even if I wanted to file a complaint, I'm the owner. I have no one to complain to.

Oh, I'll complain to Ea and Rana.

Anyway, for now……

You are reading story Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru at novel35.com

「Miso please」

「What kind of miso?」

For the sake of dinner, I'll take it lying down.

「One barrel of mixed elven miso」

「That's one gold coin. Take it from over there」

On the shelf that Melm indicated to with his chin, there were small barrels of high-quality elven-made miso.

Labels with the words "かあ" "ろし" and "せわあ" in an old Japanese font were stuck on them.[1]

I pulled out a gold coin from my pocket and tossed it to him. Melm caught it between his fingers without lifting his eyes from the book. He then slotted it into the cashier's safe. He didn't seem to be embezzling.

Even though it was my store, I was left clutching a small barrel of miso without any clue as to what was going on.

I wanted to go home as quickly as I could, but there was one thing that I had wanted to ask.

「Melm, do you know anything about the group of advanced adventurers who disappeared recently?」

「Ringusunova, huh? What about them?」

「You're the culprit, aren't you?」

「Yes, so what?」

Like I said, what's with the attitude?

The time when this guy had borrowed Lola's cloak coincided with the time the members of Ringusunova had disappeared. That was all I had to go on, but it appears that I was right on the money.

In its own way, this is a problem.

「They were the ones trying to wear you down by sending the dregs of adventurers at you non-stop. It wouldn't hurt to thank me, you know?」

「You’re not the type to dirty your hands just to be thoughtful, are you?」

Especially if it's for my sake.


You're attentive to the stupidest things, he said, clicking his tongue.

「Ringusunova used to capture elves and ship them to the center continent, where they were sold as slaves for a high price」

「Then you should have brought them to justice under the laws of Lemuria」

What this guy had done involved too much risk.

No matter what crimes they had committed, the king of elves killing off adventurers is something that would lead to animosity towards the entire elven race. This is exactly the kind of thing that could trigger a war.

「That was before the founding of this country. And they were cunning enough to get on Lemuria's good side, allowing them to maintain a secure position until now」

I can understand how he feels.

「But still, that was rather rash」

If you’re thinking of your race, you should have put up with it.

「Even if one of those elves that they sold off was Rana's mother?」


That's a different story.

I'm really such a mercenary person……

「She was a carefree woman who, like her daughter, was a little out of it when it came to the important things. She went into the city to buy fever medicine for her infant daughter, and on her way back, she ended up becoming merchandise instead. And to top it all off, her daughter recovered all on her own. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry」

「You weren't able to rescue her?」

「By the time I had tracked down the slavers, it was already too late. Apparently, she had committed suicide early on. That was a choice befitting a king's spouse. Ever since then, I've been waiting for an opportunity. This time, I was able to abduct Avarak, who had gotten into a dispute with you, using the cloak I borrowed from Ea. When I subjected him to a little bit of torture, Avarak easily sold out his comrades. Such is the extent of the solidarity among adventurers」

「What happened to that bunch?」

「You'll never know. Forever」

And that means that,

He had eliminated them without leaving a trace.

「What was it, that thing you mentioned before? You know, that thing」


Melm suddenly changed the subject.

「Those who achieved success, something or another」

「Those who achieved success and refuse to step aside?」

「That's the one. My sister has returned home. I've also avenged my wife. I've accomplished all that I wanted. Maybe it's time for me to step down. It might not be so bad to spend the rest of my life kicking back in this store」


I have zero intention of hiring you for life……but if I said that, we'd get into a fight, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

I sure have grown up, haven't I?

But I'm still going to complain to your two daughters about your customer service.

「Souya, I want to confirm something with you」

「What is it?」

I'm not going to give you the deed to the store, alright?

「I've had frequent conversations with "Makina" about the preparation of miso and the inventory of the seasonings」

「Now that you mention it……」

That Makina, because this store is near our home, she comes here pretty frequently. Not surprisingly, she ran into Melm.

『Kyaaa! Melm-sama is so handsome~~~!』

She had made a big fuss about it. I'm not jealous or anything, but it had pissed me off.

「How is she? Well?」


「I'm talking about what's inside. I've never seen a female dwarf before. The way her voice sounded, I'd say she's quite the beauty」

Makina is often mistaken for a dwarf by the people of this country.

That's because all dwarves cover themselves entirely with a drum-shaped covering that looks very much like an A.I. pod.

「Makina is………………」

It was at that moment.

All sorts of amusing ideas came to me.

「Melm, Makina is a very beautiful woman. I'd go so far as to say that her beauty is unparalleled」

「I knew it. I've never been wrong about such things」

When I saw the elation on Melm's face, I tried desperately to hold back my laughter.

I might get to witness the king of elves making a serious pass at an A.I. pod as early as tomorrow. I very much doubt I'd be able to take it.

I can almost hear the laughter I'm going to burst into.

I'm in a wonderful mood. Alright, time to head home.

「So, what are you going to do?」

「What about me?」

What are you talking about?

「You've defeated another hero, right? What's more, the opponent was Khius, the indestructible, the right-hand man of the First Hero. Do you actually think that this is over?」

「You're saying that another will come?」

「I'm sure of it」

Khius had also said the same, but it's a very depressing prediction.

「Lemuria will be held in check by Lanseal's pregnancy. For the foreseeable future, it's not likely that he'll sell you out」

The baldy is still bedridden, with Lanseal tending to him round the clock.

According to Makina's diagnosis, it's just a case of heartache.

「As the movements of the new Vindoobunikuru army are still a concern, sending another hero would result in a shortage of personnel. That's why he will come himself」


The First Hero? Come here?

「I have no doubt about it. His image may be built up from rumors, but that hero is that kind of person. Also, rumor has it that he's immortal, that he's destroyed every country he's targeted, and that he can conjure up spirits of the dead」

That guy's got a tail fin too, I'd bet. (Those stories about him sure are exaggerated)

「Melm, nothing in the world is eternal. There's always a trick to everything. The more foolish those who can't figure that out are, the louder they lament about it. That's just the way it is」

「How rare it is to hear such wise words coming from you」

He's a man who can't resist being sarcastic.

I can't picture him praising someone frankly at all.

「I'm not wise at all. I basically leave the planning to others. My strength and techniques are all borrowed. But I do have one thing I'm proud of」

「Shall I hazard a guess?」

I kinda don't want him to get it right……

「It's your black hair and eyes, right? It's the same for that guy Medimu, but there are sometimes women who are drawn to the color black」

「That has absolutely nothing, not a shred, not even a single speck, to do with it!」

Would it kill you to defy my expectations in a good way for a change?

「What is it then? I'm not at all interested, but I'll go with the flow and at least hear what you have to say」


I don't feel like saying it, but if I kept my mouth shut, Melm would get annoying.

Having no other choice, I opened my mouth.

「It’s my “reckless courage”」


Melm burst out into laughter. But because the way he laughed was so refined, I couldn't find it in me to get angry.

「That sentiment is that of a beast. For someone like you to defeat a hero, it's just laughable」

「Yeah, yeah」

This time, I'm leaving the store for sure.

As I headed for the door, I heard these words spoken to my back.

「You have no intention of running away, do you?」

I turned back and bared my teeth into a smile.

「Of course」

I began my walk home.

As the night deepened, I recalled the word "Sekki" that Yukikaze had used.

Melm had said that my sentiment is that of a beast, but it's actually not. Mine is the sentiment of a demon.

No matter how weak they are, demons know no fear.

Those who feel fear cannot become demons.

If there’s a beast that cannot be hunted by humans, then the only ones capable of hunting it would be demons.

「I'll fight」

I muttered words filled with determination to myself.

No matter what comes my way, no matter who I'm up against, be it a hero, a beast, or a god, I'll fight until every last bone in my body has been burned up into ashes.

That's my preference.

That's why there's no way I would stop.


[1] The words on the labels are “red”, “white”, and “mixed” respectively, but written right to left, which is used normally when using the traditional writing style(vertical). Because this WN isn’t written in traditional style but left to right, I’ll admit that it confused me for a bit.

Wow, what a way to end a volume, huh?

Also, has this volume made you change your opinion of Melm a little? From the way he speaks and thinks, Souya certainly has, don’t you agree? He’s stopped cussing him and is less prickly around him as well. He’s even playing jokes on him…pfft, Souya is so evil. But it’s interesting (well, to me at least) that there’s a reason why there were so many adventurers challenging Souya at the start of this volume.

“That guy's got a tail fin too, I’d bet” is too funny of a line that I just had to keep it in. The sass, the dripping sarcasm! But in case it was unclear, “having a tail fin (attached)” is an idiom that means “(rumors, stories, etc)become exaggerated/embellished”. It’s meant to evoke the image of “What you’re saying is so unbelievable, you might as well tell me he has a tail fin attached.”

Also, re-tempering a dull blade is hella stupid. You could screw it up and make it soft and unable to hold an edge or so brittle that it shatters. You could also get warps in the process even if you don’t screw up. There’s too much risk when you could have just sharpened it. Unless the heat treat on it was sloppy to begin with, then it’s a piece of crap and you should just get another.

Still, things sound ominous, don’t they? What’s to come in the next volume? Well, it’ll take a while before we find out. That’s because there’s a side-story, a volume 9.5. Now, side-stories in this series aren’t optional reading, they’re still key parts of the story and in chronological order. They’re just told from a different point of view. Ah-ha, who’s POV are we going to get?! This will be the first time we see things from someone else’s perspective! So stay tuned!

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