Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 245: 230

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My fighting strength has increased by one.

Does this give me any kind of an edge? I have no idea what this guy is capable of though.

「What can you do?」

「Myself can do all sorts of things」

I'm currently on my way home with Gunmerry in tow.

I still haven't told Tyutyu about Rutsuko-san. I've decided to cover it up for now by saying that it was an emergency.

I'll tell her everything when things have settled down at the store and I'm not so pressed for time.

「What do you mean by "all sorts of things"?」

「Myself can clean, do laundry, repair electronics, do ego-surfing[1], and remove mosaic. Myself even learned how to peel potatoes just now. That's not exactly a man's job though」

「I'm asking about fighting ability here」

What the heck is ego-surfing?

Also, there isn't any mosaic in the alternate universe. It's all uncensored.

「Myself is strong. If my opponent is a conventional A.I. or a machine that runs on electricity, myself is invincible」

「The opponent is human. After a fashion」

He may have surpassed the realm of humanity though.

「Myself is "so-so" when it comes to physical combat. Myself should be stronger than the average warrior」

「It's not good enough to be stronger than the average warrior. We're trying to defeat a hero here. How's someone who isn't stronger than a hero supposed to be of help?」

「Let's just say myself is high-end」

This guy, he's dodging the important questions.

「Tell me whatever information you have. And let me know what equipment you have that can be used for combat. You brought firearms, right?」

「Because Yukikaze objected to them, we didn't bring any firearms」

You’ve got to be joking.

「How were you going to defend yourselves?」

「There's myself. Yukikaze has also received training in self-defense techniques. And Souya, you're the best proof」


「You've made it this far without firearms. So Yukikaze thought that it shouldn't be impossible. Besides, firearms aren't any good against beasts」

This guy……seriously, how much does he know?

「If the enemy has an army, we'll need firearms to reduce their numbers, won’t we?」

「If they can be defeated with firearms, myself will have no problem dealing with them single-handedly. You have a trump card as well, don't you, Souya?」

You even know about that, you bastard?

「Next is information」

I changed the subject, letting my annoyance show.

「Myself could tell you, but it would only confuse you. That's why myself won't say anything」


Should I refuse his help, I wonder?

「Myself will act as needed, when needed. Myself will never do anything that could be a detriment to you. Is that not good enough?」

「So you won't take orders from me?」

「Myself will follow your orders, but there’s an enemy that only myself can defeat. Ultimately, myself will have to fight that one」


An enemy that can only be defeated by him? Some kind of spider variant? And why would such a thing be coming together with the First Hero?

「You'll understand when the time comes」

「………Stop making it more complicated than it already is」

This is so tedious and annoying.

Don't give me more to think about when I'm already so busy.

「It's best to think of myself as an expendable pawn. That way, you can use myself without any reservations. This body may be frail, but it won't be affected by the curse of death. Myself won't be a drag on you」

「Don't say that, you idiot」

He speaks so freely of the secret I absolutely want to keep hidden……


I had forgotten something important.

「Did you get permission from Yukikaze?」

「Myself is autonomous, hence there's no need for her permission. It's not like myself is a child」

「Explain it to her later. What are you going to do if something happens?」

「No problem. The moment myself brought Yukikaze here, myself's role is as good as over」

「Is that something you've discussed with Yukikaze? If you were to suddenly disappear like Rutsuko-san, she'd miss you, wouldn't she?」

「No problem. Time and distance are irrelevant to our bond. It's best to not worry about it, Souya」

「You don't say. Tch……… Have it your way, I'll use you up like you want. I'll see how strong you are out there」

「Mm-hmm, that's fine」

I don't feel very reassured. I can sort of trust him, but not completely.

I'll try to use him without relying on him unduly.

「So, do you have any information that could be useful to me?」

「Believe in yourself and accomplish what must be accomplished. Souya, you must fight with determination and confidence. A true man fights even when his confidence is baseless. After all, if you fail, the worst that could happen is that you die quickly」

「Is this a problem that will end with just me dying?」

「It's not a problem that ends with the death of a foreigner, myself supposes」

「Isn't it no good then?」

「Souya, if you win quickly, there will be no problems, but the opponent is who he is, so it will likely be difficult」

You bastard, why the heck do you think I'm discussing this with you?

「You're bad at grasping my point, huh? Speak clearly, unambiguously, and with accuracy」

「The hero you're facing this time is strong, so strong that the others pale in comparison. That's why myself will help you. As for you, Souya, do your best. Do your very best. That ends the report」


This is hopeless.

After that utterly fruitless conversation, we reached my home.

When I took out the key, inserted it into the iron door, unlocked it, and went in――――――

「You! Fool!」

A kick came flying.


A girl's heel was driven into my solar plexus, bending my body into a "く" shape. The impact knocked all the wind out of me for a moment.

It was a perfect surprise attack.

I never imagined for a second that an ambush would be launched from within my home.

「M, Maria. What did you do that for?」

「What do you mean, "what"?!」

The dark-skinned loli elf had drawn herself to her full height and was standing indignantly before me.

Did I do something to anger her? I always make sure she has plenty of snacks though?

「Oh-ho. Well well well, this is an elf who seems likely to wear erotic panties in the future. Mys――――」

I closed the iron door with Gunmerry still outside.

My paternal instincts have judged him to be dangerous.

「Could it be that Ea mixed some spicy stuff into your food as a prank?」

「No~! I'm not that much of a glutton!」

「Ehhh, what is it then?」

I hadn't promised to play with her or anything. What else could it be about other than food?

「Battle! I'm talking about battle!」

「Huh? With who?」

「Obviously, it's between you and that bastard! Why didn't you discuss it with me? That should have been the first thing you did~!」


Maria grabbed me and bit my ear. It didn't hurt too much, but I was so surprised that I let out a cry.

Oh, come to think of it……

You are reading story Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru at novel35.com

She's the commander-in-chief of the new Vindoobunikuru army.

The whole time she was here, she was just a willful brat with a big appetite, so I completely forgot about that.

「Makina told me! About how you're going to fight the First Hero! You should have told me first and right away! Grrr!」

While inter-continental communication is impossible, quantum communication is possible between Tortch and Makina. That's what he had used to hack Makina last time.

Makina must have secretly contacted him about this matter, I guess.

「Oh, well, I'm sorry. I accidentally……」


「You know, somehow or other……」

「Somehow or other?」


She bit down hard on my neck.

「Owwwww! Stop it, Maria! Wait, you……」

Maria was covered in sweat. Her body was unusually hot.

I quickly put a hand to her forehead.

「Hey, you're burning up」

「Shut up~. I was just trying my hardest for a bit. It's all your fault, Souya」

「Yes, yes, it's all my fault, alright?」

When I picked her up in my arms, she rested herself against me.

Did she catch a cold? And what does she mean by, "trying my hardest"?

「Yup, that's right. It's your fault for trying to do everything by yourself, Souya」

「Yeah, yeah」

At a critical moment like this, I can't sense Lanseal, Ea, or Rana's presences. Makina doesn't seem to be around either. I'll have to change her into her pajamas and put her to bed. After that, I'll give her some fever medicine and make some nutritious food for her.


A presence.

There's an unknown presence in the basement of my home, and it's climbing up the stairs and heading towards me.

The presence shines with intense light because of its strong life-force. It's big, but somehow……huh? It feels familiar for some reason. It gives me a sense of nostalgia.

「Come now, Maria. Don't blame him so much」

The person who had appeared was a man with an imposing physique.

He was clad in his characteristic black leather armor and a fur cloak. He had long, wavy red hair and brown eyes that were sharp but held a calmness in their depths.

This is the man said to be the Myriad King of Myriad Kings.

He's the kind of "real" hero from the world of myths, one who has the blood of a heretical dragon hunter in his veins.

According to a certain knight,

He's the secret child of Velsvain, the ultimate embodiment of martial skill, a horseman who rides a huge horse that’s akin to a demon beast like it’s part of his body.

Armies are scattered when he shows his ability with a lance, and dragons are driven off when he wields his sword.

A legendary warrior who’s regarded as the next god of war.

His name, Ra Dainsleif Riog Ashtalia.

「Your Majesty?!」

「It's been a while, my last vassal」

「Eh? What?」

Did Maria bring him here? Him alone is reinforcements equaling an army of ten thousand.

「Even if it's me, teleporting Dainsleif along with his weapons is exhausting」

「Yeah, that must have been really tiring. Why did you do something so reckless?」

His Majesty and his weapons must count for at least four people. Rather than the weight, the size of what Maria teleports is what increases the burden on her.

In addition, the moment it exceeds the size of two people, the burden on her increases drastically. If she isn’t careful, it could even cost her her life.

「Men are not made to rely on women so easily. A man who relies on them is not a man」

「Yes, I agree completely, Your Majesty」

Yeah, as I thought, I really see eye to eye with this person.

「Boo! Who cares! I'm tired so I'm going to sleep!」

Maria separated herself from me and staggered towards the stairs to the second floor. I wanted to help her, but she appeared to still be fuming, so I decided to leave her alone.

「Now, Wolf Knight」

Cracking sounds rang out.

「What is it, Your Majesty? And why are you cracking your knuckles?」

「Hmm, first, let me thank you. You made my wife, Regure, feel welcome despite the suddenness of her visit, and listened to her woes about being pregnant. You've been most helpful. Despite how she may appear, she has a sensitive side to her, you see?」

「No, it wasn't me who heard her out and offered advice but my women」

I was just jerked around by her the entire time.

「If it was your women who did so, then it's no different from you doing so yourself」

「I see~」

That’s a very Myriad-King-like way of seeing things.

So, why the cracking, I wonder?

「Now that that's out of the way, what’s the meaning of someone who has sworn to be my vassal not even showing his face upon leaving?」


Oh, that, huh?

I don't know whether that was because I was embarrassed, or that I'm bad at goodbyes, or that it was just a hassle.

「I was worried that you were hiding a disease or something, but then I come to hear all about how well your adventuring has been going, that you've gathered more women around you, and to top it all off, that you've defeated Ashtalia's nemesis, Khius Logret Londahl, without even a word to me……」

There was a smile on his face, but his clenched fist was shaking.

It seems that I had angered His Majesty much more than I had Maria.

「Your Majesty, I, umm………………that was thoughtless of me」

「What do you mean? Say it clearly」

「The matter with Khius was too pressing, so out of necessity, I had to act quickly」

「Then what about the matter of leaving without a word?」

「I'm bad at goodbyes, so I thought that doing it that way would be……」

「So it was just too much trouble, huh? The oath you swore to me, the bond between king and vassal, is it worth only so much to you?」

「I'm so very sorry」

I want so badly to drop into a Dogeza, but it's not a good idea to lower one's head in front of the Myriad Kings.

That’s because, if things go poorly, they would go ahead and chop the head off right then.

「Well, it's fine. That was a little unmanly of me. It's because my wife, my daughter, my generals, and even Zamonglass all left me without a word, you see?」

「………I'm sorry. I didn't think of that」

That's kinda inauspicious.

I guess I really should have said something to His Majesty before leaving. I'm reflecting on it deeply.

「It's fine, don't worry about it. However……」

And then there was his fist.

A fist that could kill the average monster in a single blow.

「Face or stomach. And then all will be forgotten」




It sounded and felt like a cannon had been fired at my stomach.

If it were the me who had just come to the alternate world, I probably would have thrown up my internal organs and died on the spot. To have endured that, and not even lose consciousness, I sure have grown.

But for some time to come,

I doubt I'll be able to move because of the pain.

[1] Ego-surfing(also vanity searching, self-googling) is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results. The term was coined by Sean Carton in 1995.

It’s His Majesty! Is this the entrance of the most powerful ally ever? Just when Souya desperately needs help, a man who can face armies alone appeared! By the way, Dainsleif is one of the most popular characters among the Japanese fans of this story and everyone calls him “His Majesty” only, just like Souya does haha.

Also, did you catch that? Gunmerry’s main task was to bring Yukikaze over to the alternate world, huh? On whose orders? Dun, dun dunnn!!!

And that’s it for this arc! Stay tuned!

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