I'll Just Live As A Villain

Chapter 22: 22

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“Whose theory is that?”

“Madame Louise.”

“Who is she again?”

“She’s a writer. She wrote a great sensual novel. Would you like to read it?”

“Emma, are you learning theories of life from sensuality novels?”

“It’s more useful than I thought. It helps in many ways.”

“… I don’t want to know what part of it helps.”

I sighed and shook my head.

“I like that theory quite a bit, but I really don’t want to go to the festival with the prince.”

I can’t believe I’m going out with no purpose with a guy that is watching out for me.

‘Why would I be the one to torture myself?’

“But it’s been a long time since the festival…..”

As Emma complained in discontent, I heard a knock on the door outside.

“Miss, a visitor has come. Shall I take him to the drawing room?”

“A guest?”

There couldn’t have been a guest who would come to find me at this time.

“Who came?”

“Lord Roytz of the Royal Knights.”

“Lord Roytz?”

‘What on earth is wrong with El?’

He didn’t make a separate appointment, and it wasn’t even that we could meet rapidly without an appointment.

Unlike me who was wondering, Emma’s face bloomed brightly.

“My God, my miss! So it’s not a prince but a knight? Knights are also good.”


“A date!”


Emma’s misunderstanding was flowing in a strange way.

“It’s not like that…”

I rushed to protest, but the excited Emma listened in my words in one ear and let it out in the other ear.

“Take him to the drawing room and serve him tea. The miss will go out after she is dressed.”


At Emma’s instruction, the maid bowed her head deeply and went out.

“Emma, it’s not like that. I don’t need to be dressed.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make you feel comfortable and beautiful enough to enjoy the festival.”

“Emma, you’re not listening to me at all, are you?”

“Now, come over here!”

“You’re not listening at all.”

I moved along with Emma’s hand, feeling despair.

‘I was planning of go to the festival anyway, so it would be good to decorate myself and go out with someone.’

I was sorry to keep El waiting for a long time, but anyone who came without an appointment would bear that much.

But the fear that it would take a long time was pointless, Emma’s busy touch instantly groomed me.

Yvesria’s face had a strong impression, but now her sharp appearance in the mirror has been reduced by half. She seemed to have fixed this impression with makeup.

‘Even though she still looks like an angry cat’s face, but …’

It was amazing that the ferocity had been reduced to this extent.

“Emma, you’re really good at makeup.”

“This is my job.”

Emma smiled without concealing her pride.

“What color would be good for the clothes?”

“I hope it’s not too noticeable.”

“If so, then let’s go with dark colors. There are blue, purple, and turquoise.”

“I like purple.”

“That’s a good decision.”

I was not able to be freed from Emma until I was dressed in the clothes I had decided to wear.

“Then have a good date, Miss.”

“It’s not a date.”

I opened the door to the drawing room, unable to clear Emma’s misunderstanding until the end.

El who was sitting and drinking tea, rose to his feet as his mouth was pressed shut seeing me dressed perfectly.

‘Did I make him wait for me to decorate myself like this?’

I become embarrassed and smiled exaggeratedly for no reason.

“Lord Roytz. You’ve been waiting a long time, haven’t you? Because my maid misunderstood something. No matter how much I tried to stop her, she wouldn’t listen.”

“I didn’t wait that long.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Fortunately, the long wait did not seem to have offended him much.

When I sat down with a sigh of relief, El asked me, who had been looking at me for a long time.

“Did I interrupt you when you were about to leave?”

“Oh, I’ll go out to see the festival after I finish talking with you. Don’t worry, you didn’t disturb me. “

I suddenly realized that the conversation with El was going on constantly.

“I didn’t hear your voice, did I?”

I looked around and touched my ears.

El couldn’t speak so well so I must have heard some crap.

“Did you hear anything strange?”

But this time, El naturally replied my words back.

He opened his mouth as I touched my ears.

“……I can speak very well now. “

‘Will the sun rise in the west tomorrow?’

In my blank stare, I recalled El’s face.

Somehow I felt he was embarrassed.

“You said it wasn’t that weird. My voice.”

“I did. Yes, I did—–“

‘You didn’t forget that? You didn’t take it as a sarcasm?’

It seemed to me that I could hear the emotional episode of El and Catherine crashing down.

If his voice complex had already disappeared because of what I said, then that episode doesn’t mean much to him.’

El had few episodes with Catherine because he was a small fish.

El’s voice episode was the most impactful and meaningful out of those few episodes.

I blew it off.

‘What am I supposed to do, apologize?’

In front of me, El calmly explained the purpose of his visit.

“I was watching the Knights’ training at early morning , and I suddenly thought of something. Tomorrow I’ll be back to the capital and I wanted to tell it to you before then, so I made a surprise visit without an appointment.”

“It’s all right.”

Compared to the fact that I blew up your precious episode, it wasn’t an issue that you came here without an appointment.

“What is it that you want to convey?”

“It’s a book.”

El pushed the book that was on the table toward me. It was not a very thick book.

“Can I read it now?”

El nodded. The title caught my eye as soon as I opened the book.

“Armor book?”

When I read the title aloud, El added an explanation.

“It is a book that summarizes of various armors for horses. It also explains the stirrups and saddles.”

“I see that’s the content of the title. But why is this ……?”

“Why not put the armor, stirrups, and saddles on the Wyvern?”

I looked at El as I looked at the book.

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“An armor for the Wyvern?”

“Yes. There are many people who can’t keep their balance without a saddle and stirrup when riding a horse. It would be more harder to ride on the back of a Wyvern which is bigger and more mobile. That’s why I thought it would be nice if there was a saddle on the back of the Wyverns. “

“Will the saddle be placed on the Wyvern’s back?”

“It’s going to be hard to attached it alone. So we’re going to put an armor, and put the saddle on the top of it.”

“Wouldn’t the armor limit the movement of the Wyvern?”

“We have to make it so that it doesn’t. Furthermore, the Wyverns will need armor to block arrows for battle.”

I listened to El’s explanation as I turned my eyes to the book.

Each page had a detailed descriptions along with various paintings of armors.

The horses in armor definitely looked stable.

“I think it’s a good idea. But it’s not going to be easy to produce.”

The problem was that the armor was made up of a more sophisticated structure than I thought.

‘It’s not a normal thing to produce.’

Indeed, the Wyverns were several times more bigger than horses. An ordinary blacksmith would not dare to produce.

“Is there a blacksmith who’s willing to make it?”

“I’ll search for someone, but…”

El who was speaking with confidence, blurred his words for the first time. He also meant that he was not sure either.

[I think a Dwarf is the only one who can make it.]

At that moment, Harry, who was looking at the book with me, said casually.


[Yes. Dogs are good with dexterity. They will make it if you get the ingredients.]


The problem seemed to be solved more easily than I thought. Of course, the idea didn’t last long.

[But it won’t be easy to find a Dwarf. Dwarfs builds a village in the deep mountains and stays closed. They don’t even like humans.]

[Well, is there a way?]

[If we can find out where they live, we can try to blackmail or persuade them. ]

If so, visiting the town of Dwarfs was the top priority.

“Lord Roytz, do you happen to know about the Dwarfs?”

“I know that there is a race called Dwarf. They have a very good hands. But they had never interacted with humans before.

“I see. That’s not easy either. “

“I’m afraid I’ve given you only a difficult time.”

“It’s a joyful worry. At least I know how to put the knights on the Wyverns’ back.”

The situation was better than when there were no countermeasures.

“Can I borrow this book, then? I’d like to talk to the blacksmith about it just in case.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. I’ll pay you back when the armor is completed.”

“It’s all right. I already received it.”

“What? What did I give you?”

I couldn’t remember at all. If I had given El something, I couldn’t have forgotten.

But El only grinned.

“Then I’ll get going now.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Oh, are you done talking?”

Emma, who belatedly brought my share of tea, opened her eyes wide with surprise.

I omitted the silly talk and immediately went to the main issue, and the conversation seemed to be over before Emma could prepare the tea.

“So you two are going out to see the festival now?”

“You two?”

El frowned at Emma’s words.

He looked at me as if he was asking what on earth this meant.

“This is the misunderstanding that I mentioned earlier. My maid thought we were going to go out to the festival together.”

“Aren’t you’re here for a date?”

Emma corrected my words on purpose and asked him straightforwardly. 

As soon as the word “date” came out, El’s ears flushed. 

‘Yes, how angry would you be? You was mistaken about going on a date with Yvesria Oberon.’ 

It was obvious that El Royz, the righteous knight, would be offended by such misunderstanding. 

“I thought you had another appointment. “ 

El said with a reproachful look. I looked at Emma, avoiding his eyes.

“Yes. I’m going to go out with Emma.”

But Emma had no intention of helping me. 

“What do you mean, miss? Going to a festival with me on this fine day!”

Emma looked eagerly at El.

Ask for a date! Come on!

El’s mouth quiver at Emma’s eager eyes seemed to say that. 

“No, Lord Roytz. You could just go back… “ 

“Would you like to go to the festival together?”


“If you don’t have a previous engagement. “

When I heard his words, I was amazed by the knight beyond my imagination. 

‘You can’t ignore Emma’s longing and ask me out on a date. El Roytz, who also serves lady like a god.’ 

If I refuse El’s date here, it will make him look quite ridiculous. 

I’m sorry for everything. 

I was forced to nod.

“Thank you for your suggestion. I’ll be glad to join you.”


Somehow, it happened that we come out together, but it was quite awkward.

Really a lot.

I was walking along the boisterous street in a festive mood, looking at El’s face.

His expression was stiffer than usual as if he didn’t like he came out with me.

“If you’re uncomfortable, you can just go back.”

Then I will be able to enjoy the festival in peace by myself.

‘You don’t want to hang around with me either. So say yes and leave!’

But El turned a blind eye to my earnest wish. 

“It’s not uncomfortable. “

“I see. You’re not uncomfortable.”

‘Anyone can tell you’re uncomfortable.’ 

I looked around, swallowing the words I couldn’t bring out of my mouth.

The streets were filled with festive energy. I could feel the energy just by looking at the long street stalls.

In the center of the square, musicians played a dance song on the violins.

Those who were gathered around danced in pairs. 

There was also a familiar face there. It was the Royal Knights, the main characters of today’s festival.

They always had serious faces when they passed by the mansion, but today they had a few drinks and was singing excitedly with their red faces. 

On such a day like this, gambling was inevitable. There was already a large crowd around the mountebank who were shouting loud calls. 

“Come on, come on, come on! 10 times as much as you can get if you get the right answer! Anyone can challenge!”

The number 10 times that was shouted with confidence has also drawn stern people to the battlefield around the mountebank. 

But who can fool a mounteback?People turned around with an expression of defeat. 

“Are you interested over there?”

I was watching the scene of trickery unfolded before my eyes as I clicked my tongue, then someone talked behind me. 

When I turned back in surprise, a familiar face came out and looked at El. It was Liddon.

“Yvesria Oberon and El Roytz. What an interesting combination. It’s very awkward. “ 

[mountebank. a person who deceives others, especially in order to trick them out of their money.] 

Txx: It was already late in my place so I will edit this chapter after I sleep. About my update schedule, it’s random but I’ll update a chapter every week.

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