I'm A Cool Salted Fish In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 162: CH 43

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You Qiuqiu disagreed with Shi Jing’s blind worship.

Zhou Yi is so unlucky, and she can only claim that if she does too much injustice, she will kill herself. Adding a sequence of coincidences that have nothing to do with her. How does she have such a powerful skill to pull down Zhou Yi’s backer? She could have made a fortune with her skills, but she remains a social animal in the entertainment industry.

Don’t be superstitious; instead, believe in science.

Shi Jing: I’m not listening, I’m not listening!

Science can explain what happened to You Qiuqiu, and Shi Jing never forgot how much she suffered in Leisure Time at that time, and how easy You Qiuqiu was.

You Qiuqiu, “…” Whatever she wants.

Shi Jing regards her like a sister, while she regards Shi Jing as a goddess.

And after hearing Shi Jing’s explanation, is it because of Zhou Yi’s poor circumstances that she wishes to be her sister for the rest of her life?

Plastic sister flower stone hammer.

Shi Jing, while having a plastic sister relationship with You Qiuqiu, nevertheless cares about You Qiuqiu. She asks You Qiuqiu one by one. Have your angry tears welled up in your eyes because you can’t argue with each other? Have you lost sleep until dawn in the middle of the night because you couldn’t accept what happened?

“No,” You Qiuqiu pondered carefully. She rarely had disagreements with others.

“…” Shi Jing, how does she solve it?

However, the character of You Qiuqiu does not exhibit the phenomena she mentioned before. It is unusual to have such a large fire at this time of year. Shi Jing initially mistook You Qiuqiu for someone with the same name when she saw the hot search. It wasn’t until she watched the video that she recognized it was You Qiuqiu.

Shi Jing insists on continuing the issue, leading You Qiuqiu to say, “Tell me if you have.”

“… Yes,” you Qiuqiu.

Shi Jing was content and continued to speak on her own.

The more you take a step back, the more enraged you become. She will teach You Qiuqiu her famous poisonous words because we are all good sisters for life.

To be honest, You Qiuqiu didn’t want it and didn’t understand what Shi Jing meant, but when she saw Shi Jing’s excitement, she dropped her opposition and listened to Shi Jing.

“Tell me a few words. Let me first see your level of swearing,” Shi Jing said.

You Qiuqiu paused for a moment before asking Shi Jing, “You stinky pig, what kind of small biscuit are you…like this?”

“What do you think?”

You Qiuqiu asked after a little pause.


Shi Jing then recounted to You Qiuqiu her scolding experience, which she had spent more than 20 years summarising. The entire process is full of beeps, and only a few words can be taken out.

Shi Jing informed You Qiuqiu that this is a gift as a lifetime sister, and that You Qiuqiu should repeat it and practice it frequently.

Shi Jing also requested that You Qiuqiu repeat the words.

“I don’t seem to be able to say,” you Qiuqiu held back for a long time.

Shi Jing, “…” She chose to give up and made her eyes bronze, which the king couldn’t carry.

Shi Jing not only brought You Qiuqiu excellent news, but she also informed her that she had taken over for Zhou Yi. The role was not bad and had some personality. It was an unintentional bonus, and Shi Jing softly asked You Qiuqiu.

“What do you think of having a fight with Ren Bing?”

Ren Bing is the goddess of Li Ge. You Qiuqiu previously took a photo with Ren Bing while filming the Heartbeat Challenge. Ren Bing has already received the Best Actress Award in China and the filming is a big production.

Shi Jing pondered whether, if You Qiuqiu had a fight with Ren Bing, she, too, could… Pick up something. 1

“No,” You Qiuqiu say emphatically.

It’s a miracle she can cooperate with Ren Bing’s coffee position. Ren Bing is very gentle, and even if she fights with people, it can’t be for her benefit.

She doesn’t have a line… Now she is not sure if she can be referred to as the eighteenth line. How can someone devoid of virtue and tolerance remain with the actress?

She doesn’t deserve it.

Shi Jing’s plan is too risky. She pledged to be a nice sister for the rest of her life.

“Actually… even if it’s as mysterious as you think, even if Ren Bing can’t play the role, the role won’t fall on your head,” You Qiuqiu wondered.

Shi Jing was poisoned because of her telling the truth.

“I lost. You don’t have to learn from me. You’re more powerful than me by simply by telling the truth,” Although it is the truth.

A joke was spoken between friends, and the giggling subsided. Shi Jing still had filming to do, so she bid goodbye to You Qiuqiu and hung up the phone.

You Qiuqiu, who Shi Jin named the Daughter of Heaven, remained paralyzed at home, but she couldn’t stay that way forever, so You Mother arranged for her to take out the garbage downstairs.

Even the “Selected Daughter” is required to carry out the garbage.

You Qiuqiu had nothing to complain about with this little housework. She put on slippers and left the house in her pajamas. Anyway, she couldn’t walk very far, so she thought about wearing a hat for herself.

You Qiuqiu then went downstairs with a large rubbish bag. A person with a camera stopped her not long after she got out before she could find the trash bin.

You, Qiuqiu:!! She was shocked and nearly turned around and ran.

No… Is she now being followed by the paparazzi?

Is it because of Zhou Yi that she isn’t popular?

You Qiuqiu assumed Zhou Yi’s situation had ended. It was the first time she had found herself in a scenario where she was surrounded. To be honest, You Qiuqiu was confused.

But the one who is more confused than You Qiuqiu is the cameraman who was standing beside his companion. When You Qiuqiu wanted to flee, she instantly seized You Qiuqiu’s hand, and You Qiuqiu was caught.

The history is eerily similar, except that You Qiuqiu was previously caught by fans, but today she was caught by “paparazzi.”

You Qiuqiu: What’s the matter? Are the paparazzi that arrogant these days?

“Hello, I’m a reporter from the Life Channel of our local TV station, and I came here today mainly to interview the residents of the community about the phenomenon of manhole covers being stolen,” the “paparazzi” who grabbed You Qiuqiu claimed.

You Qiuqiu: Is the Life Channel reporter from a local TV station, not paparazzi?

The female standing next to the guy with the camera is a reporter for the local TV station Life Channel and was the one who captured You Qiuqiu.

Today, the Life Channel received a hotline call from locals reporting that manhole covers were frequently missing along the road in this town, and Life Channel reporters who lacked the subject matter rushed over with their colleagues.

They, too, want to shoot something intriguing and exhilarating, but there are so many exciting things to shoot every day that they don’t mind.

The important point is that they did not despise it, but they were unable to find someone ready to be interviewed. They had been squatting here for a long time and had only seen a few individuals.

They could only reach out and grab someone at that point.

The female reporter is afraid that the young girl in front of her is fleeing, so she says things a little provocatively. “Strive to be an excellent citizen and help others.”

You Qiuqiu’s attitude softened. It’s good not to be paparazzi, but she’s now just a passer-by to the other party, so it shouldn’t matter.

With a guilty conscience, You Qiuqiu drew her hat down, almost obscuring her eyes, and nodded to the female reporter.

It would be preferable if the reporter could refrain from pulling her in this manner.

The female reporters may relax now that they know the young girls in front of them will not flee and are willing to be interviewed by them.

She put down the hand that held You Qiuqiu and motioned to her colleague, who was carrying the camera, to begin shooting. The female reporter chose to speak with You Qiuqiu first.

“Why did you pull the hat so low? Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to have your eyes blocked?”

You Qiuqiu is dressed weirdly now, with only the delicate lower face revealed, and the female reporter is intrigued by this young girl’s attractiveness.

“It’s not uncomfortable. My eyes have been uncomfortable recently, and I’m afraid of the light,” she replied in a little milky voice. I’m sorry. She lied, she regretted, but there was nothing she could do.

Such a sentence quickly put an end to the female reporter’s plans to ask her to pull up her hat, and she felt that the other party was pitiful, suffering so much for not being able to see the light.

After lying about her hat, You Qiuqiu didn’t lie again when the reporter asked the opponent what her surname was.

There are many people in the country with the surname You.

Fortunately, the female reporter did not come here to interview someone about their daily lives. She brought up the matter, which was that the community’s manhole cover had lately been stolen. What are your thoughts as the community’s owner?

You Qiuqiu responded, “It’s extremely unfortunate. We have to reject and severely condemn this kind of behavior, which is not beneficial to social harmony and human progress.”

Her tone was very serious, and her words were serious.

For a brief period, the reporter was taken aback.

This awareness… is too high!

On the instant, she almost praised the opponent.

The TV station reporter was still concerned that the person she had snatched at random was unreliable and that she would be unable to say anything.

She even wanted to ask her about her high school politics score, which she thought should be high.

The question was pointed out at the start of the recording, and the answer was spot on, so the TV station reporter persisted in her efforts.

“Is there any inconvenience to the residents of the community because manhole covers are routinely stolen?”

From short answer to long answer.

“After the manhole cover is taken, if you don’t look closely enough, you will fall off accidentally, and if it is serious enough, it will even cause a catastrophe,” You Qiuqiu recognized an example was needed here and nodded to demonstrate her knowledge.

This was the best answer, according to the TV reporter.

“And since this road is the only access to the snack street,” the girl with the hat said, ” stealing manhole covers has a big influence on hungry diners, and it also makes it difficult for people to eat barbecue!”


The milky voice was filled with rage.

TV reporter: Huh?

Even the colleague who was filming was taken aback. How did they discuss the snack street and the barbecue?

The TV station reporter was surprised to see a snack street at the end of the street and eventually urged You Qiuqiu to lead the way and have a look.

If You Qiuqiu had a lot of worries at first, she has entirely let go now and forget about it.

Of course, the hat was still snugly wrapped around her head, and she led a few individuals to the snack street.

A group of people traveled a few hundred meters and came to a fork in the road. The odors of many delicacies surged towards the people in an instant.

Fresh, aromatic, numbing, and spicy!

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The reporter noticed that the young girl was well-versed in this area, so she led them here without saying anything, and some people greeted her.

When it came to greetings, You Qiuqiu was still a little anxious, frightened of being exposed, but the aunts and uncles selling snacks didn’t address her by her first name, which was great.

You Qiuqiu acted as a tour guide, explaining to reporters one by one, that the iron plate tofu of that house is very smooth and tender, that the barbecue of this house is very authentic, that the pork belly is excellent, that it is best to burn it a little, and that the noodles could not be more fragrant with cumin and pepper.

The TV reporter had no idea what was wrong with her. Originally, it was merely a case of snatching a manhole cover, but she ended up running towards the food show.

She was carrying a tiny bowl of sizzling tofu in one hand and the girl’s strong recommendation for pig belly skewer in the other when she replied.

Reporter: “…”

It’s not over yet, because the cameraman has ceased working with the equipment. Because he didn’t have a free hand, he pleaded with her, “Give me pork belly again… aah.”

He stared at her with his mouth wide open, waiting for her to feed.

Reporter, “…” she began, putting the skewer in her colleague’s mouth with a blank smile and taking a puff.

Then she ate a lot of it herself because it couldn’t be eaten by her colleague.

Perhaps the other party is overly skilled at making recommendations. Every word conveys the delectability of the cuisine. It appears that going without food has become a sin. And neither the skewers of meat nor the sizzling tofu stepped on the thunder.

You Qiuqiu faced the barbecue stand, her stomach growling, but she nevertheless greeted the TV reporter and prepared to go.

She should have been done interviewing.

“Aren’t you going to eat it?” asks the reporter.

“Would you like me to offer you some strings?”

You Qiuqiu: QWQ

Refused ten times.

She wants to lose weight, not gain it.

The temptation of food is strong, but You Qiuqiu has developed a conditioned response. When she thinks that everything she eats will result in sweating at the gym, You Qiuqiu believes she can handle it.

This is simply a trivial incident in You Qiuqiu life. After the Life Channel reporter returned with the material, she asked the director to edit it.

When the editor and director saw the blockbuster’s food footage, he thought his coworkers were water monsters. This material is far too watery!

He did, however, keep the food clips. After all, the original theme of their show was water, and it was a large ocean.

So, in the first part of the editing, Ms. You, an eager enthusiastic citizen, talked about manhole cover theft in the neighborhood, and in the second half, Ms. You, an enthusiastic citizen, showed everyone the food on the food street.

After the editing was completed, the TV life program broadcast the video at night.

You Qiuqiu is sitting around at home, paying attention to the fan support group.

Everyone was agitated and concerned about her safety, but they weren’t as good as Shi Jing, believing that five steel plates had been struck on her arm, but they were still in a bad mood.

So You Qiuqiu took the initiative and made a special post on Weibo to explain it to everyone.

Don’t worry, she’s okay now.

Xingqiu: I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it, and you don’t have to put up with it. If you want to express something, Xingqiu will carry it for you.

Qiuqiu: But she’s okay.

You Qiuqiu didn’t know how to handle it better and even considered doing a live broadcast directly, despite the fact that the previous Mukbang account had been neglected for a long time.

Jiang Tao gave You Qiuqiu feedback.

“You don’t need to clarify, Qiuqiu. Everyone thinks you’re fine right now.”

You Qiuqiu was perplexed. Did the company explain it?

“…no, you’re on TV,” Jiang Tao says. It’s Life Channel.

The company clarified it for her?

No, it was the artist who went on TV and showed herself without spending a dime or wasting time, letting fans and netizens know she is suddenly incredibly good.

“That’s all…”

Jiang Tao paused for a moment before saying, “Everyone stated they wanted to buy your slippers and house wear.” It was a euphemism. In other words, she believed her slippers and home clothes were unattractive.

You, Qiuqiu:!! Is she on television?

Because of that interview?

You Qiuqiu considered it and remembered that she might be found in her slippers and home clothing because of this.

Yes, You Qiuqiu, an enthusiastic citizen, has been on TV under the name Ms. You, and the traffic of the local TV live channel should not be underestimated. It’s always been a favorite of both mom and dad.

This also implies that young friends will accompany their parents to watch.

So there are a lot of Xingqiu.

As a fan, particularly a loyal fan, they can rely on a hazy silhouette or a word to identify their idol.

Xingqiu examined it and discovered that something was wrong. Ms. You, an enthusiastic citizen on TV… It’s Qiu Cub, isn’t it?

They were surprised and had a surprise encounter with their Qiu Cub on TV, and when they saw You Qiuqiu righteously attacking the man who stole the manhole cover, saying that it was a normal scale. They then noticed You Qiuqiu yelling angrily because the manhole cover was missing.

Xingqiu: Qiu Cub is indeed Qiu Cub!

However, it can be confirmed that the Qiu Cub is in good health, that her spirit is still high, and that she can write a gourmet essay on the barbecue stall.

Xingqiu couldn’t wait to call their Weibo buddies, watch the xx channel, today’s xx program, and see Qiu Cub!

The purpose of the first few Xingqiu is to reassure the companions. Xingqiu is concerned about Qiuqiu in the aftermath of Zhou Yi’s incident. Everyone may relax while watching Qiuqiu because the situation is favorable.

But other netizens noticed it as well, and when they followed the directions to find Ms. You, an enthusiastic citizen, they couldn’t stop laughing.

Let’s watch You Qiuqiu together, hahaha together.

D*mn! What a devout follower of God, Ms. You.

Cartoon house attire, Uncle Slippers, carrying a giant rubbish bag, and wearing a big hat. There is no trace of a female star’s aura. If her fans didn’t recognize it, neither would the netizens who could.

She wears a large hat and is afraid of being recognized by reporters, claiming that she has weak eyesight and cannot see the light?

The way You Qiuqiu answers and solve things is standardized and clean. Some netizens felt she did well! This is high school knowledge. They have an impression of her because she is in her freshman year and her high school knowledge has not been shredded.

To put it simply, they are interested in You Qiuqiu political or historical achievements in High School.

People were even more taken aback by You Qiuqiu’s statements regarding the food street later on. The manhole cover was missing, and diners were inconvenienced. She had a soft spot for that food street. Her back is also a little unsettling. They would like to…

Order 50 barbecues and eat them in front of You Qiuqiu so that You Qiuqiu can only watch and not run.

They have to say that netizens have captured the essence of You Qiuqiu and Xingqiu’s interaction, and Xingqiu also enjoys letting You Qiuqiu watch them eat.

Netizen: What’s the deal with You Qiuqiu? This woman grew up on everyone’s laughs!

You Qiuqiu realized she’d become a meme again since her various contact information had been flashing since Jiang Tao told her she was on TV and being recognized by followers.

You Qiuqiu didn’t worry too much about it. Everything is OK, everyone is happy, and Xingqiu is no longer concerned.

The only thing she was glad about was that she didn’t go to the BBQ at that time since she would have been spotted by the personal trainer and Mr. Sheng.

Mainly Mr. Sheng.

Fortunately, she is a lucky girl.

You Qiuqiu is watching the video of the big guys in the group. Xingqiu in her group is all-powerful girls (boys), who can not only Photoshop but also edit videos.

There is a Xingqiu that cuts her debut work together. In that regard, she does not have many works. The first is a web drama, and the second is a recent broadcast of “Ting Yu Pavilion.” The vegetative film has yet to be released, but it contains so little material that it must be trimmed into work with convoluted stories of love, hate, and separation.

You Qiuqiu discovered that because the material was insufficient, Xingqiu even used a portion of her performance in Hello Acting with Fang Shubai.

You Qiuqiu gave a strong like after watching the edited video. Then she glanced at the video for a while before uploading the photo saved from the Photoshop Boss in the group to Weibo. There was a big picture that had been Photoshop sand in the group. They say she can pick it up yourself.

She is completely smitten by this picture.

The image is a screenshot of the murderer she portrayed in “Ting Yu Pavilion.” From top to bottom, the vision is complete. The woman in black is hiding under the eaves from the rain, her head slightly elevated. The sidelines are exceedingly superb, and she is carrying a sword in one hand.

With tenderness in a heroic setting.

When he released this shot, the Photoshop tycoon blasted rainbow farts for a long time. What kind of cub’s beauty has broken him? He can’t get away from the cub’s beauty every day.

You Qiuqiu: Xingqiu is strong! This color tone, this depiction of the environment, is also far too appealing!

She even thought the appearance of the characters was a little unnecessary.

After You Qiuqiu finished uploading, she paused for two seconds to examine the photo’s color tone before receiving a call from Mr. Sheng.

“Hello, Mr. Sheng. I’m also looking for you.”

“You say,” the other side said.

You Qiuqiu: “That is, if there is a suitable drama, you can pick it up for me.”

Sheng Shiyun: “There is no drama.”

He is also fighting for You Qiuqiu, but there are still too few suitable roles. The role is difficult to obtain, her status is too low, and their company is weak.

You Qiuqiu, “Okay.” She knew what to do, and sure enough, she was stupid.

The tentative little foot shrank back.

“Then you called, Mr. Sheng…” What do you want?

Sheng Shiyun fixed his gaze on the screen. There was the photo that You Qiuqiu had just put on Weibo, and he looked down at the time when the fan support club Photoshop boss posted the picture on the mobile phone.

He… seemed to have discovered something.

Sheng Shiyun remained silent for a moment, then opened his lips, but said nothing. He then responded to You Qiuqiu.

“There is no drama, but there are two variety shows.”

The industry now recognizes You Qiuqiu as having a stalk. The drama did not discover her, and a better variety show would have welcomed her.

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