I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 15: 15

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Chapter 15: The First Date


Bai Ruyu’s eyes dropped slightly, and Gu Zechen felt that he was in a bad mood.


“I’m sorry.” Gu Zechen suddenly felt sluggish, but more of apology and guilt.


They sat in the boat and swayed slightly, but they lost the mood they had when they came. After a long time, Bai Ruyu said, “It’s alright, no need to apologize.”


Bai Ruyu chose this place, and it was poetic, but neither of them had any intention of appreciating it.


Gu Zechen said, “Although I’m sorry, but it seems… we’re not very suitable.”


Bai Ruyu glanced at him and thought, “Why agree if it ‘s not suitable.”


But he could also understand what Gu Zechen was thinking. They were a type of person, so they all focused on reality.


In terms of heart, Gu Zechen’s first object of interest is indeed not himself, and his first object of interest is not Gu Zechen.


“Indeed, if I just go to the mountain, I will be very tired.” Bai Ruyu smiled bitterly.




Gu Zechen felt that he was powerless to say anything other than sorry.


Bai Ruyu cleaned up his mood and shook his hand: “Forget it, I didn’t intend to find true love on this show.”


He shrugged and seemed to let it go completely, and joked, “Now you can go and seek your true love. “


Gu Zechen hesitated instead. He said, “We talked about Cheng Yichi the first day we came here.”




“I don’t think I’m suitable for him either.” Gu Zechen said rationally, “Of course, I’m too confident to say this now. I don’t think as long as I pursue, Yichi will definitely be tempted to me, I just made an assumption. 


In the end, I found that if there is no ending, even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility of starting this life, I would like to try at least…”


“Wait.” Bai Ruyu interrupted him, “How do you know there is no ending?”


Gu Zechen didn’t wear glasses today. He was wearing a white shirt and suit pants from Bai Ruyu. 


He was abstinent and handsome. He habitually touched his nose and said, “Yichi is an actor with high exposure, I…”


He sighed, no matter how deep his affection for Cheng Yichi was, all he longed for was a love that was as gentle as water. They could have a separation period, but it was best not to be too long. 


Gu Zechen’s own parents divorced. Since he was a child, he has followed his mother for a while and his father for a while, and has no fixed place. Because of this, he has a very strong desire for a stable family.


This is also the reason why he felt that Bai Ruyu was suitable for him at first sight.


“Okay,” Bai Ruyu told him honestly, “I talked to you about Teacher Cheng on the first day because I was also interested in him. It’s just that we all knew that it was impossible to be with him, so I seriously wanted to get along with you. 


You responded to me, I think we are suitable, we can get along, even if I only invest in a relationship for two days, I feel uncomfortable being ignored by you, but it does not mean that I like you from the first time I see you. 


My feelings are easily transferred, because I am not very affectionate. Maybe I feel sad, but I am trying to please you but still being ignored, which makes me feel embarrassed, not necessarily because I like you so much…


But , Gu Zechen, do you know where your biggest problem is? “


Gu Zechen listened to Bai Ruyu’s analysis, raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were light, but his expression was very focused.


Bai Ruyu continued: “The difference between you and me is that I don’t have to be Teacher Cheng. That’s why I can pursue the next relationship, but you, even if you try to get along with others, you still think about Teacher Cheng.”


“So, admit it, Gu Zechen.”


Bai Ruyu’s voice was like a key, opening Gu Zechen’s closed heart –


“You just completely fell in love with Cheng Yichi, you must have him.”




On the other side, Li Yi took a keyboard, looked at the Internet cafe in front of him, and sneered.


Not in front of Cheng Yichi, he was obviously a lot wilder, and he looked unhappy all over. It was not until he got out of the Internet cafe that he sorted out his clothes, put away his murderous aura, and walked upstairs with a blank expression.


But obviously, since the person upstairs who knew the date was him, he didn’t take this date seriously.


The cameraman followed Li Yi, trembling with fear. Li Yi didn’t look like he was going on a date, but looking like he was here to smash the scene.


Li Yi arrived at the agreed box, only to see the back of his head facing him, and a man’s calm voice entered his ears: “Come here to fight Lan…I’ll lead the troops…”


Li Yi’s eyes were good, and he saw that the man’s screen was LOL page, and a “victory” interface popped up. 


He didn’t say anything, walked over to the man and sat down directly, putting the keyboard that was sent on the table.


After the man beside him finished the game, he pushed the keyboard away and moved his wrist, and asked coldly, “You’re here.


He opened his mouth and said, “Hello, I’m Li Yi.”


“Qi Jing.” The man turned his head, with a high nose bridge, thin lips, and beautiful eyes, Li Yi recognized at a glance that he was the most popular e-sports player – Qi Jing .


Qi Jing is known as a cold-faced god in the e-sports circle. He usually doesn’t like to talk, but his style of play is fierce and he wins every game. 


During the interview, Qi Jing never cooperated. He just answered one or two questions vaguely and then slipped away, giving reporters no respect.


But because he is handsome and has many fans, some people eat his coldness. Li Yi didn’t expect that he would also come to a love variety show.


Qi Jing squinted at him, and snorted: “I know there is Cheng Yichi in this season’s love drama. The director showed it to me. You are his roommate, right?”


Li Yi had a bad feeling.


Sure enough, the next second, Qi Jing said:


“The program team has assigned me a task, and you can pack your bags and move to the dormitory when you go back.”


Qi Jing looked younger than Li Yi, after all, it is understandable to be mad when playing e-sports…


No, Li Yi couldn’t understand.


He was not afraid of anyone, he pushed all the hair on his forehead back with one hand, leaned back on the swivel chair, and laughed softly: “How do you know that the program crew didn’t give me a task.”


“Hey, don’t say anything. It’s too obvious, kid.”




Cheng Yichi, who was also dating a new guest, had already arrived at the date. This date was very much to his taste, and it was set in a garden. 


The flowers are fragrant and fragrant. Just being in it, Cheng Yichi felt that his soul seemed to be sublimated, and he felt relieved and happy.


So the heart of seeing the date becomes even more excited.


There was a special person at the gate of the garden to guide him: “Hello, Mr. Cheng, please come here with me.”


He followed a few steps, and saw the place in front of him called the Hundred Birds Garden.


The person leading the way politely said: “Mr. Cheng, the owner said that if you are interested, you can watch it here for a while.”


Cheng Yichi was a little moved, but still embarrassed: “It doesn’t matter, let’s go directly, when the time comes, we can enjoy it together.”


The essence of dating is that two people can act together, Cheng Yichi thought.


The person who led the way smiled: “It’s okay, Mr. Cheng, the owner is dealing with other things now, you can go and see, and our husband will come and pick you up later.”


Cheng Yichi happily agreed: “Okay.”


He loves to observe people, things, and objects, especially changes and uniqueness. The birds in the Bird Garden are basically rare species, and they are kept here, and there is a brand introduction next to them.


Cheng Yichi looked down at the sign and looked up at the birds, thinking: The owner of this garden has raised these birds really well.


He didn’t know that when he looked around at the birds, there were also people watching him in the corner.


The person who just led the way whispered, “Sir, why don’t you watch it with Mr. Cheng? Wouldn’t this enhance your relationship?”


The man who was asked had a handsome face, a cool and cold appearance, and wore gold-rimmed chain glasses, dignified and calm.


When he heard the question from the person beside him, he rubbed the jade wrench on the thumb of his right hand, and said softly, “If I watch with him, I’d be very happy.”


“It’s just,” he sighed, “I’m afraid he’ll be uncomfortable.”


Cheng Yichi just watched the birds from a distance, and then tweeted twice. He also went to the zoo. He never thought about getting close to the animals, but just carefully observed their shapes.


He read their routines and mentally imitated the behavior of these animals. When he had seen enough, he was optimistic, he stood alone at the door, gesturing the direction of the bird’s flight, and finally heard the footsteps of people coming.


Cheng Yichi raised his head, startled a little – he was a new guest.

You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com


The new guest seemed to be taller than him, very handsome, with the charm of a mature man, and very stable, which made Cheng Yichi feel good after seeing it. 


Of course, this good feeling is the feeling of wanting to be friends with him.


Cheng Yichi smiled and stretched out his hand: “Hello, it’s the first time we met, I’m Cheng Yichi.”


“Hello.” The other party also stretched out his hand, and the jade finger was attached to Cheng Yichi’s hand, which was a little warm and cool, but it seemed that he had brought some men himself. “Duan Qingsi.”


Duan Qingsi, Cheng Yichi seemed to have heard the name, and his eyes became blank.


Duan Qingsi coughed lightly and said, “I worked with your father.”


Cheng Yichi knew it instantly, and he finally remembered where he had met Mr. Duan. 


He had invited this Mr. Duan on his 18th birthday, but Duan Qingsi had something to do at the time, so he just took a quick glance after he came to deliver the birthday present, and the two never saw each other again. 


It’s just that his father always mentioned that Mr. Duan is young and talented, and he is a rare elite in the legal world, so he is familiar with this name. 


His father even said that he wanted to recognize Mr. Duan as his younger brother, but was directly rejected by Mr. Duan. His father also regretted it for a long time.


Thinking of this, Cheng Yichi couldn’t help laughing.


Duan Qingsi didn’t know what he was laughing at, but just looked at him helplessly. 


Cheng Yichi stopped his laughter and said, “Sorry, Mr. Duan, I…remembered a little story about you and my father.”


Cheng Yichi thought of Duan Qingsi’s relationship with His father was of the same generation, so he couldn’t help but say, “Uncle Duan.” 


Duan Qingsi smiled and couldn’t help coughing again, “Call me Qingsi, Brother Duan will do, I’m not that old.”


Cheng Yichi’s face had a sly smile.


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The people who followed Duan Qingsi looked at the husband beside him in surprise, and then looked at Mr. Cheng Xiao, thinking: 


I didn’t expect the owner to like the partner’s young son. The rabbit didn’t eat the grass on the edge of the nest. This is obviously a long-term plan, I don’t know what Mr. Cheng knows will happen.


*****The proverb is usually used derogatorily. It is believed that a villain usually does not harm his neighbors. Full explanation: https://www.laitimes.com/en/article/1ljds_1pnwb.html***


But Cheng Yichi was obviously relaxed at this time. The two walked side by side, Duan Qingsi let the people around him leave first, and he and Cheng Yichi together.


There seemed to be a floral fragrance on Cheng Yichi’s body, intertwined with the fragrance of tea on Duan Qingsi’s body, which was very harmonious.


Focusing on Duan Qingsi’s recent situation and Cheng Yichi’s parents, the two talked for a while before entering the tea room.


Duan Qingsi picked up the teapot and poured tea for Cheng Yichi. Cheng Yichi wanted to say “I’m coming”, but Duan Qingsi couldn’t refuse to pour it directly. 


Cheng Yichi had to bend his right index finger and middle finger and tap it twice on the table. Say thank you. Duan Qingsi smiled and made a polite gesture.


“We’re eating vegetarian food today. Iwonder if you can get used to it.”


“Of course!” Cheng Yichi had eaten vegetarian food, and it tasted very good, and he was full of expectations.


The two of them chewed and swallowed slowly when they ate. They chatted a few times from time to time. 


Cheng Yichi scooped the soft tofu into his mouth and couldn’t help but admire in his heart: This kind of vegetarian food is simply invincible!


It was as if he had entered a new world today, a world in which he could be completely at peace and relaxed. 


When everything around is in a hurry, accidentally entering here, it is like a fairyland in Taoyuan, and people’s moods are different.


Cheng Yichi said sincerely, “Thank you, Brother Qing Si.”


This date was not like a date, but it made him very satisfied.


Duan Qingsi rubbed his fingers again: “We are the same age, so we don’t need to call ‘you’ all the time. Have you eaten yet? I’ll take you to a place.”


Cheng Yichi followed him obediently, step by step, again to another world. When he walked to the entrance, he had the urge to cry, 


“Cheng Yichi Sixth Anniversary Film Exhibition”


He saw the title of the entrance, was stunned, and did not dare to go forward.


Duan Qingsi noticed his sudden step and asked, “What’s the matter? Don’t you want to go in and have a look?”


Cheng Yichi raised his head, not wanting to let his tears flow, and said, “It feels like a dream.”


He smiled as Duan Qingsi took him inside, on the wall were the stills of his previous TV series and movies. 


Even if it was just a mannequin, Duan Qingsi also found the pictures and hung them on it. Below each one, like a bird in the Birds Garden, is attached his brief introduction –


how many years it was taken, what role, and the advantages and disadvantages of playing this role.


Duan Qingsi said: “I’m sorry, because I watched your play and thought everything was good, so I can’t give an objective opinion. These are all written by professional film critics. I hope you like it.”


Cheng Yichi said: “Why? Of course, I do.” 


All an actor wants to do throughout his life that other people remember him for a few more roles. But when someone remembered all his roles and showed him one by one, Cheng Yichi couldn’t help it anymore.


He knew that Duan Qingsi must be very attentive in doing this. It would take at least several days to collect these, and he had to find a professional film critic teacher for guidance, and finally he had to get all his movie and TV series resources. 


It’s absolutely impossible to do in one day.


With tears in his eyes, he smiled and thanked: “Brother Qing Si, how do you know it’s me?”


“If it wasn’t for you, the date would probably have ended just after the meal.” Duan Qingsi didn’t care.


“Would you like to watch “Red Dance” together?” Duan Qingsi invited, “I like that one the most.”


Cheng Yichi looked at him, wiped his tears, and said with a smile, “It’s an honor.”




When Fang Yinuo and Fang Yun Shi came back, only Jiang Heng and Wei Buyan were in the villa.


“Where’s Brother Yi Chi?” The two of them slumped on the sofa, one playing games and the other reading magazines, looking impatient. Tang Yinuo kicked the magazine reader’s leg.


Wei Buyan raised his eyelids and said, “How would I know?” 


“Yo.” Tang Yinuo laughed: “Who said yesterday that he must have a fate with Teacher Cheng?”


They both changed completely, Wei Buyan sneered and ignored him.


To be honest, Wei Buyan wasn’t too sure about his date with Cheng Yichi, but he never thought he would date Jiang Heng.


He could date Bai Ruyu, Tang Yinuo or even Fang Yunshi. But Jiang Heng? 


The two looked at each other’s faces at the rosé wine, and they looked at each other’s faces during the candlelight lunch, and they felt really speechless.


However, Wei Buyan would feel even more unlucky if he went on a date with Li Yi.


Tang Yinuo laughed when he heard his description, until Wei Buyan asked him how the date was, he fled and said that he was going to change and went back to the room.


Fang Yunshi walked to the living room with water in his hand, and the venue was arranged by him. Wei Buyan turned around and asked Fang Yunshi what he played today.


Fang Yunshi’s eyes were bright: “I took Xiaonuo to race today!”


Jiang Heng was interested and pricked up his ears to listen.


I also showed Xiao Nuo my motorcycle riding skills.” Fang Yunshi didn’t know what to think, his head drooped down, looking very regretful, “But Xiao Nuo got motion sickness and vomited several times, I don’t know if it’s still difficult now. Suffering.”


“Oh, I vomited.” Wei Buyan didn’t smile.


Of course, motion sickness is nothing, but if you suddenly get motion sickness when the adrenaline is very high, you vomit and feel nauseated.


And you screw up today’s date, it will definitely be embarrassing. No wonder Tang Yinuo refuses to say anything.


“Everyone is there?” It was Cheng Yichi’s voice!


Did he come back so early?


Everyone looked at the sound, but saw another strange man standing behind Teacher Cheng. 


His appearance is restrained but charming, he has the temperament of a mature man, and he has a cool and handsome face.


The enemy is here!

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