I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 17: 17

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Chapter 17: Live Preview


Cheng Yichi slowly straightened up. Li Yi was a little nervous behind him, but he couldn’t see Cheng Yichi’s expression.


Li Yi had never been so nervous before.


His palms were soaked with sweat and sticky, but as if he didn’t feel it at all, he still stood at the door, waiting for the flower arranging person to turn back.


I’ve made it obvious, haven’t I? Li Yi thought, I did show it very clearly.


It seemed that he was in a hurry. It was only four days, and he regretted it. He shouldn’t have said it so early.


Cheng Yichi cut off the excess twigs, turned around, and asked him, “Xiaoyi, I didn’t understand what you just said.”


Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but for no reason, he felt a little uncomfortable and panicked.


Cheng Yichi had an apologetic look on his face, he said, “I’m sorry, Xiao Yi, when I am obedient, my ears need to respond. You just said it too suddenly, and I was arranging flowers again. 


I only heard what you said, but didn’t specifically listen. I’m really embarrassed to know the content, Xiao Yi, but I really don’t want to hear it.”


Li Yi smiled, he seemed to be a good child in front of Cheng Yichi, always smiling.


“It’s okay, bro, I’ll take a look at it and buy it back, as long as you like it.”


“Well, I like it.”


Li Yi said, “Then I’ll go down first.” 


The laughter slowly stopped. He recalled what Li Yi said, and kept touching the stem of the sunflower, squinting and thinking about the question.


Li Yi’s words just now were a little ambiguous. Is that what he meant? He’s an actor, and it couldn’t be easier to play someone who didn’t understand and pretended to be confused. 


He suddenly remembered his role in this love game – he was a liar.




With ten people altogether, the variety show instantly became crowded.


What’s more, most of them just want to be close to that one person.


“Xiao Shi.” Tang Yinuo dared to say anything to Fang Yunshi after going to play the car for a while, “Did you see Brother Yi Chi doing push-ups last time? How is it?”


Fang Yunshi couldn’t help but tease, remembering the hormonal shock that made one’s cheeks flush, made his face completely red, and replied obediently: “He is as beautiful as a butterfly.”


“Who asked you this? I asked if there are abdominal muscles?”


“Yes…” Fang Yun Shi doesn’t remember when but every time he noticed Cheng Yichi it was because of this feeling. 


The feeling that attracted him so much that he felt his heart beating faster and his breathing was short, and there was only that person in his eyes.


But I can’t see it happening, and I don’t seem to want it very much.


Tang Yinuo thought that he was his good friend when he was young. If he liked Brother Chi, he would chase after him, and he was not afraid of not being able to catch up




But thinking about it this way, he was a little unwilling.


It seems that he still cares more about Brother Yichi.


When Cheng Yichi came down, the new guest hadn’t arrived yet.


Several people were sitting in the living room playing cards.


Everyone came back after they had eaten, except for Jiang Heng and Wei Buyan, who had a grudge against each other. 


After Bai Ruyu helped them cook two portions of noodles, Jiang Heng kept praising people for their virtuousness, and Wei Buyan even said, “Ah, I want to marry you.”


But Bai Ruyu didn’t take the two of them seriously. On the one hand, it was because he had only two stinky younger brothers and they were not suitable for dating. 


Cheng Yichi smelled the fragrance. He was hungry, and his stomach rumbled, but fortunately no one heard.


“Is it delicious?” Cheng Yichi asked deliberately.


Bai Ruyu immediately understood what he meant. He beat the rest of the noodles into an egg, added some sesame oil and chopped green onion, put them out of the pot and put them in front of Cheng Yichi: “Eat it.”


“Thank you Ruyu!” Cheng Yichi smiled. She thanked Bai Ruyu, “Ruyu, you are really all-powerful! No man can match you, you are too good.”


“How can it be that good?”


It’s strange, Bai Ruyu thought, the exaggerated compliments of Wei Buyan and Jiang Heng just made him laugh, but now the same compliments are coming out of Cheng Yichi’s mouth, making him a little shy .


Not so good.


Cheng Yichi got hungry easily after a night’s sleep, but he was full after half eating.


He looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him embarrassedly.


Duan Qingsi kept an eye on him and asked, “Can’t you eat it?”


“Well, I’m full.”


Cheng Yichi’s expression was very playful when he was eating, like a little hamster who was hoarding food, chewing the food in his mouth obediently all the time. 


Without speaking, he kept chewing with his cheeks puffed out. Now that I am full, my expression suddenly loosens, and I look at the noodles in the bowl in embarrassment, not wanting to waste it and eating unpleasantly.


“Give me something to eat, I’m hungry too.” Duan Qingsi said.


If Duan Qingsi’s heart gave Cheng Yichi a reminder for the noon date, then this bowl of noodles in the evening told Cheng Yichi completely:


Duan Qingsi had an idea for him.


And it may have been premeditated.


Cheng Yichi smiled and didn’t wait for him to say anything. Bai Ruyu raised her eyebrows and said, “So, Qingsi, you’re hungry too, I’ll just help you with a bowl. Eat slower and eat more in the pool, so as not to be hungry before going to bed.”


Duan Qingsi laughed: “Xiaochi can Just finish eating. After all, I was afraid of wasting it, so I spoke rashly.”


He said this very naturally, after all, he wouldn’t think that Cheng Yichi would really give him the noodles.


He just wanted to send a signal to Cheng Yichi: I like you. That’s all.


Cheng Yichi smiled, took small sips of noodles, and then drank another sip of soup. He really finished the bowl of noodles.


The others were in the living room and did not hear their conversation. Wei Buyan and Jiang Heng, who were sitting at the same table, could hear them clearly. 


Wei Buyan was eating noodles in a gentle way, and he didn’t understand what he heard here. He thought to himself: I’m afraid I didn’t come prepared.


Jiang Heng blinked and said nothing. It’s really tiring to date Wei Buyan today, and I don’t know if I can date Brother Yichi next time.


He feels that he is a bit Buddhist now, and the pressure of competition is too great, and he doesn’t want to compete anymore. 


Of course, this is also because he hasn’t liked Cheng Yichi to that point.


The sound in the restaurant was not very loud, but there seemed to be flashes of fire in the air, and war was imminent.


The living room wasn’t much better, except that Li Yi was willing to talk to Cheng Yichi, and had little communication with others. 


Not to mention Gu Zechen and Fang Yunshi, who were originally reticent, only Tang Yinuo was curious about the new guests, while watching the trailers on the Internet and the comments of netizens on them.


That’s right! In order to create momentum for the live broadcast, the program team deliberately released the preview content the week before.


In order to create a sense of mystery, even the tidbits of one guest and one guest are particularly eye-catching.




The first preview of the program team is the silhouette of ten people. It can be vaguely seen that the ten people have long legs and wide shoulders, and they are very photogenic. 


In terms of body shape, these guests are considered qualified.


As the first gay love variety show in China, “Who’s a Liar” is very active in online views and discussions. 


Just a week’s notice, it is on the hot search every day, almost a guest’s notice is released Just a hot search. 


While browsing the comments of netizens on the Internet, the program team felt that they had made a lot of money: they were going to buy a few hot searches, but now they are done, and the money has been saved.    


As the first guest, Bai Ruyu left a gentle and pleasant impression at first sight. He sat upright in the chair and thanked the staff all the time for the adjustment. 


In the camera, he said directly: I hope I can find a suitable marriage partner whose three views are compatible.

You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com


He speaks softly and generously. It can be said that he is the most perfect white moonlight in the hearts of everyone. It is a boy who has good tutoring and excellent academic performance, who can be worthy of him! 


*****It’s people or food that are important to themselves but not belong to them.****


    [Omg! The white moonlight is actually a designer LAN! I love his work so much! Why is the handsome little brother so talented? ]




The second is Gu Zechen. The show team also seems to be interested in making their CPs popular. 


Gu Zechen is wearing a white shirt, buttoned up to the top, his expression is cold, only showing a little reddish skin, he said: 


I hope I can find a suitable partner. I want to marry him. 


This caught off guard——


    [Marriage! It’s hard for Gu Bai not to get married! They get married, my cp wants to get married! ]


    [This is fate? Is it love? Is it God’s will? The two of them can be matched so that everyone present will get a share of money! ]


    [Are you all struggling to get married? Am I the only one who thinks this guy is so abstinent and wants to peel off his clothes to see if the skin inside is red? He is so cold, I like it so much, woo! ]




Tang Yinuo smacked his tongue, thinking about the state of Gu Zechen and Bai Ruyu after they came back.


Although it was disappointing, he still wanted to say: Your CP seems to be betrayed.


The next one is Jiang Heng. Compared with the first two elites with successful careers, 


Jiang Heng is playing the banner of a little milk dog, with a handsome face, a cheerful personality, and a proper sunshine-type school drama male protagonist! 


What’s more, he’s still the tyrant of X University, and he belongs to the category of extreme excellence——


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    [Jiang Heng gave me the feeling that he was watching a campus drama, he is really young, and he feels different from the first two. ]


    [But the mixed race is really handsome, and the boyfriend who makes you happy like this is really cute! I’m just curious how Jiang Heng was kept without a target until now? ]


Below are Jiang Heng’s alumni who responded: Jiang Xiao-cao only focused on studying at school, and did not listen to gossips outside the window at all. 


At least there was a series of people chasing him, both boys and girls, and he still says he didn’t feel it.


    [Why are the guests so good this time? Yan dog heaven belongs to yes! What kind of surprises will the people behind me bring me? Damn, I’m looking forward to it! ]


 The fourth one really surprised them—


    [This boy looks like a little milk cat, you told me that he is the assistant to the chairman??? ]


    In the video, Tang Yinuo, wearing an off-white sweater, obediently introduced himself in front of the camera, and the following voices- 


   [Baby Nuonuo! My dream lover! I dream of giving birth to such a good son, absolutely! ]


    [Nuo Nuo is Dong Zhuo! Nono is great! ]


    [It’s a match for Jiang Man! A cute boy and a healthy boy! Still young! ! ! save! I love it! ]


Tang Yinuo couldn’t help laughing when he looked at the comments, he was one of those kinds of children who looked particularly likable, and he grew up well since he was a child, and everyone would give him more candy. 


Originally, I was afraid that some people would think that he was not so good, but now I am really relieved!


However, he did not want to be sons to so many mothers.


Flicking his finger to the next video, Fang Yunshi appeared expressionless in a leather jacket. At the beginning, there would be a barrage saying, “Why is this kid so dragging?” 


Until they saw that the video was finished, the staff lied to Fang Yunshi and said that it was finished, but when there was a clip that was not recorded well.


Fang Yunshi grabbed his pants, blushing, very anxious: “Do you want to record it again?” 


Everyone understands: it’s shy!


    [You all want to be Tang Yinuo’s mother, so I took Fang Yunshi away! ]


    [Why is this kid so shy, his face turns red when he teases him casually, and he’s very serious, so he’s so lovable and so appealing! ]


Tang Yinuo was very happy when he saw that his friend was also very good. Seeing Fang Yunshi holding his mobile phone, he motioned him to come and look at it, and the two heads came together to see what the audience said to them.


Last two videos.


When Wei Buyan in a bright red shirt appeared, the barrage stagnated for a moment, then flashed wildly, occupying the entire screen, and it seemed that in order to match Wei Buyan’s clothes, most of the barrage turned red. 


“Beautiful Murderer”, “Playboy”, etc.


Tang Yinuo snorted and read the comments below——


    [Why is it also a guest, I feel very serious in front of me, but as soon as this one appears, you know, there is an indescribable astringency. ]


    [Understood! Why did he lower his head and smile, rolled up his cuffs, and trimmed his hair before I felt like I was going to die? This is so handsome! ]


    [Actually, they are similar in appearance, maybe the mixed-race Jiang Heng is more delicate, but this one has a kind of impact when he comes on stage, just… I feel like I want to bring you to his bed emmm I won’t say what you understand. ]


How can there be such an exaggeration? Tang Yinuo murmured and automatically forgot the scene where he had a good time with Wei Buyan on the first day.


Because Cheng Yichi is a killer, it should be put at the end, and the other two guests are new guests, so they need to maintain a sense of mystery, so the last video can only be Li Yi.


The video is turned on, and the sexual tension is full – 


black background, the man’s eyebrows are cold and thin, his long and narrow eyes are looking at the camera casually.


His hair is casually grabbed, a little messy, but there is a sense of aggression in the man’s eyes.


When he glances at him, the heartbeat will miss a beat, and the barrage flashes frantically with “walking hormones help”. 


In the video, Li Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, saying: “I came for my love.”     


In fact, most of the comments below are jokes, and Tang Yinuo only read some of the comments above, and some other bad comments were naturally suppressed below because of their amount of comments. 


But the comments at the bottom of the previous videos are still very different. Some call their sons, some call them handsome, and some even call their husbands. 


Anyway, watching these things is just a picture of happiness, not to mention that they will soon want to see these handsome guys working hard for each other for their love. 


Thinking about it, I look forward to tomorrow’s live broadcast even more!     


But only the comments below Li Yi’s video are of the same style, all of them-     


[Husband! Your love is mine! ]   




When Bai Ruyu and Cheng Yichi came out, Tang Yinuo was still smiling while holding his mobile phone. 


The program team really raised their expectations to the highest point. If the live broadcast effect is not satisfactory tomorrow, then I can’t blame them. 


However, with Brother Yi Chi, how could it not be ideal.


It was already nine o’clock, and Cheng Yichi asked, “Has the new guest arrived yet?” 


As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of unlocking the door.


Finally! They’ve been waiting for a new guest for a long time!


The boy with a big black bag took off his shoes and put on slippers, and the moment he saw Cheng Yichi, his eyes lit up, but he seemed shy, he just said in a low voice,


“Hello everyone, hello Teacher Cheng, I’m an e-sports player, Qi Jing.”


The boy was very good-looking, and Cheng Yichi had a good first impression when he looked at his shy and polite appearance.


He smiled: “Hey, you hungry? There is noodles in the kitchen.” 


The boy seemed embarrassed, nodded, his eyes were bright, like a puppy begging for meat.


Li Yi, who was watching the whole thing on the side, was expressionless: During a certain noon, he doesn’t seem to have this attitude, right?


The author has something to say:

The article “It’s useful to act like a spoiled child” by Bai Taobobo, a friend of the mine, is a funny an beautiful. Oh, don’t miss it if you like it!

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