I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 26: 26

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Chapter 26: The second date


Since Cheng Yichi wanted to date two people at the same time within one day, the program group deliberately divided into morning and afternoon.


Cheng Yichi thought: I’m so tired.


He doesn’t seem to be on a date, he’s on a mission. He slumped on the bed, looked at the dazzling light above his head, and slowly closed his eyes: I hope tomorrow will be smooth.


Li Yi knew that his date partner was also chosen by others and didn’t have any other reaction. He just closed the phone and said, “Alright, I can’t let brother and I plant the same world.”


Duan Qingsi lived with him. In the same room, the two have a cold temperament and haven’t said a few words in total, but they are at peace with each other, and they won’t fight each other because they both like the same person.


Duan Qingsi knew that Li Yi was ranked No. 1, and knew that he must have chosen Cheng Yichi, so he asked, “Li Yi, is it okay to ask you where your date is?”


Li Yi turned his head down, not very enthusiastic: “Farming.”


Duan Qingsi frowned: “Yichi has been in poor health for a while, how could the show team arrange such a date.”


Li Yi sighed: “I don’t know.”


He really didn’t know how the show he invested in could be so self-assured.


Li Yi is indeed a pianist, but like Cheng Yichi, it is a side business. His family’s main business involves many industries.


For example, Wangjiang Pavilion, which he and Cheng Yichi went to together before, is one of the stores under his name.


And he likes to play the piano, just because he knows that Cheng Yichi has the habit of listening to the piano music when he drinks coffee, and that photo is posed.


Li Yi was good at showing weakness like other guests did. He found that Cheng Yichi was very soft-hearted. As long as he expressed his grievances with no expression, Cheng Yichi’s heart would turn to him.


Then go a little further.


But this time it greatly exceeded his expectations. He really didn’t interfere too much with the show crew, and he didn’t even know about the other guests except Cheng Yichi, but…why? Why is there such a date place?


Duan Qingsi was chosen by Qi Jing. I don’t know what Qi Jing’s motive was.


When choosing the date place, Qi Jing directly chose the favorite e-sports club, but he liked it. The result was that Cheng Yichi was chosen to go farming.




The next day, Wei Buyan started very early.


He looks like a male peacock who is flamboyant and trying to promote his charm, wearing the original burgundy shirt, fine hair, and a little perfume.


Cheng Yichi naturally dressed better than usual, but it was cold outside, so he added an extra off-white down jacket.


“Good morning.” Today Wei Buyan was making breakfast, a bacon sandwich with a cup of hot milk. Cheng Yichi is glad that Wei Buyan baked the sandwich and heated the milk, so that it won’t be cold in the winter.


“Morning.” Cheng Yichi smiled, “Why are you wearing so little?”


Wei Buyan brought the sandwiches to his table: “The car and the club have heating, so it won’t freeze.”


“I don’t know . What do you think about Mr. Cheng and me dating?” Wei Buyan sat across from Cheng Yichi, his voice rose, and he asked frivolously, but his hand hidden under the table clenched slightly.


“That’s right? It’s pretty good.” Cheng Yichi didn’t lie, although Wei Buyan was always very romantic and liked to provoke others, but overall he was a gentleman and wouldn’t do too much action, “I’m looking forward to dating you.”


“I was a little sad when I heard that I was left yesterday.” Wei Buyan said deliberately, “But I learned that I can still have a chance to date Teacher Cheng, even if It’s only been a long time, and suddenly I’m happy again. So I hope Teacher Cheng can be happy too.”


“Why do you keep calling me Teacher Cheng? It’s weird.”


“Don’t you think this name is very interesting?” Wei Buyan’s fox eyes was mischievous, “I like you.”


Wei Buyan’s straightforward confessions and praises were much more than those of the other people in the house, but maybe it was too straightforward.


It was very comfortable to hear the second time, and Cheng Yichi gladly accepted it.


Of course, he didn’t take these confessions seriously either.


After seeing that Cheng Yichi finished eating, Wei Buyan made a gesture of invitation:


“Yesterday was not very formal. Today I want to formally invite Mr. Cheng Yichi to meet me. I don’t know if Mr. Cheng Yichi agrees.”


The moment the palms touched, Wei Buyan’s heart skipped a beat. He looked at Cheng Yichi and smiled at himself: “Of course, is there any other choice besides agreeing with you?”


Wei Buyan has to admit that Cheng Yichi is more flirtatious than he is.




Wei Buyan drove to the location by himself, followed by two cameramen. Coincidentally, these two cameramen happened to be the same two that Cheng Yichi and Li Yiyi were with when they went out to choose gifts.


Wei Buyan didn’t open the door for Cheng Yichi, and waited for Cheng Yichi to sit down before getting into the driver’s seat.


Just as he sat firmly, Wei Buyan leaned over.


Cheng Yichi shrank back subconsciously, clutching the seat belt in his hand.


Wei Buyan smiled: “Mr. Cheng don’t think that I wanted you to fasten your seat belt?”


After speaking, he complained: “Am I so dirty?”


Cheng Yichi nodded and said: ” Certainly not with other people’s words, but I don’t know about yours.” There was a smile that couldn’t be hidden in his tone.


Wei Buyan also laughed, grabbed the steering wheel with his hand, and then firmly grasped the steering wheel.


He knew Cheng Yichi’s attitude towards his suitors, but it was obvious that Cheng Yichi treated him very casually, but if he was asked to convince himself it was because Cheng Yichi had a good impression of him.


Oh, ghosts believe.


So now he doesn’t know whether to be happy about Cheng Yichi being able to get along with him very relaxedly, or to be sad about Cheng Yichi not taking what he said to heart at all.


Never mind.


Wei Buyan started the ignition. Teacher Cheng was happy. Why are you thinking too much?


Let’s go.



Someone picked them up when they arrived at the club.


“Is it Mr. Cheng Yichi and Mr. Wei Buyan?” The two nodded.


This club is quite high-end, and basically has all the items that should be there, and even massage items when you are tired from playing.


Cheng Yichi’s eyes showed yearning at the massage. He wanted to go there but was pulled away by Wei Buyan.


When he was leaving, Wei Buyan coaxed him: “The massage is very fast, half an hour is finished, now go on a date with me, you can’t let me go on a date alone, I’m alone, I’m still dressed like this to look good.”


Cheng Yichi was inexplicably guilty.


Wei Buyan asked him first, “Did you come to the club often before?”


“I don’t come here very often.”


I was tired enough from filming, and there was no time to come to such a place.


Wei Buyan smiled and said, “Many people will come to this place to discuss business cooperation, and some will come here. I met Lie Yan, my ex-boyfriend at the club.”


Wei Buyan had rarely mentioned his past so he was inexplicably interested in such a relationship. He didn’t have the idea of ​​spying on other people’s privacy, but simply wanted to know: what it’s like to fall in love.


He asked, Wei Buyan was stunned for a while, and said, “Dating in love, just like that, when you like it, it’s good to see each other.”


“Then you’re tired of it?”


Wei Buyan smiled: “It depends on who it is, some people never get tired of it.”


Wei Buyan would not say, he has only been in love once, and it was because of the incompatibility with the other party, they parted.


In fact, I don’t like sex to that extent, maybe I simply like the person deeply, so I don’t care so much about being the top or the bottom.


Looking back now, there are only sighs and blessings, no regrets.


And what Wei Buyan didn’t want to admit was that when he learned that Cheng Yichi had never been in a relationship, what Wei Buyan thought was: I would have never been in a relationship if I did? Well, I always thought it would be more compatible.


Thinking like this, I’m pretty scumbag.


Cheng Yichi keenly sensed Wei Buyan’s low mood. He didn’t know why he got up, but he knew that this topic should not be continued.


“Let’s go in and play.” Cheng Yichi said, “You have been here so many times, you must be very good at playing. Teach me.”




They went to the billiard room first.


A triangle was already placed on the table. Wei Buyan picked up the stick and flipped it a little. He found that the table basically met the requirements of snooker, so he asked, “What will Mr. Cheng play? Snow? Pool?”


Cheng Yichi said modestly, “I know it a little bit.”


I learned it when I was a child, I don’t know if I still remember it now?


Wei Buyan habitually holds the stick with his left hand, so he will demonstrate it to him first.


He twisted the index finger and thumb of his left hand together, held it into a hook, then wrapped the back of the club, and moved his fingers back to a distance of twenty or thirty centimeters from the tail of the club and stopped.


The palm of the right hand is downward, straight, flat on the table. The palm is slightly arched, and a groove appears between the base of the index finger and the thumb.


Wei Buyan didn’t have his frivolous smile before, his expression was serious, his back was straight, and he was hit with a single blow.


“Beautiful.” Cheng Yichi applauded sincerely.


Wei Buyan handed the stick forward: “Come and try?”


Cheng Yichi was keen to try all interesting things. He followed Wei Buyan’s way, holding the stick, leaning over, and looking at the ball in front of him.


It’s just that he hasn’t practiced for a long time, the movements are generally the same, and the small details still need to be corrected.


“Hold the front of your hand a little bit, don’t be so behind.” A warm breath hit his neck, and as the man put his hand on Cheng Yichi’s hand to adjust the position.


Cheng Yichi could feel that Wei Buyan seemed to be wrapping him in his arms.


The tone became ambiguous: “The left hand too, don’t put too much pressure.” The five fingers were inserted between Cheng Yichi’s left fingers and overlapped.


Cheng Yichi was at a loss for a while, and he could clearly feel that he was being guarded. The breath of words was completely engulfed.




“It’s alright.” Wei Buyan smiled, smiled, helped him pose and didn’t leave, he lowered his head and spoke in his ear.


Cheng Yichi panicked, the ball missed, and he didn’t know where it went. But Wei Wei laughed softly without saying a word, and said, “It’s really amazing.”


Cheng Yichi couldn’t bear it anymore! This is a blatant irony!


He quickly dropped the pole, broke out of Wei Buyan’s arms, and glared at him.


Wei Buyan felt that Cheng Yichi’s explosion point was quite strange, he spread his hands and shrugged, looking very helpless.


Cheng Yichi played another ball by himself. His comprehension ability is very high, and he completely remembered the movements just now. He hit a ball directly according to the movements just now, which is even more beautiful than Wei Buyan’s.


“Great!” This sentence is really sincere.


Cheng Yichi took a sip of the water next to him, moistened his throat, and squinted at him again: “You just laughed at me in your heart, right?”


Wei Buyan said, “No ridicule.”


As if afraid of Cheng Yichi noy believing him, he casually hit the ball himself and went off the track, “See? I’m not laughing.”


“Oh.” Cheng Yichi took a sip of water again, “Then why are you laughing?”


Wei Buyan smiled: “I think, if they are someone you like, no matter what you do, you would like to praise him as ‘amazing’.”


Cheng Yichi’s hand on the cup stopped. He stared at Wei Buyan’s eyes with some surprise, trying to find a little bit of a joke in it, but no, Wei Buyan even restrained his smile and stared at him fixedly.


“You like me.” Cheng Yichi said, “I really couldn’t tell.”


Also, if he could tell, he wouldn’t be the only straight man in the line up.


Wei Buyan was a little aggrieved: “How can you see Li Yi and the others, while I have confessed many times?”


Cheng Yichi said sincerely, “You you didn’t say ‘like’ to me, right? If you said, ‘I want to marry,’ maybe your words are more credible.”


Wei Buyan immediately retorted: “Then how can it be the same, one is based on personality, and the other is based on true feelings…”


“But how do I know which one is you? It’s hilarious.”


Wei Buyan was speechless in an instant.


He finally realized that at the art exhibition, Cheng Yichi was indifferent when he said so sincerely that he liked the painting. It turned out that he always thought he was joking.


“But now I know.” Cheng Yichi compares his heart, draws it to his chest, bends his eyes and smiles at him, “I received your heart.”


“But please forgive me for not being able to. I can answer.”


Wei Buyan nodded: so he is very satisfied, as long as he is not blind, he can see that Cheng Yichi is not interested in anyone at the moment, then he still has a chance, but if one It would be sad if both parties thought it was fake.


Cheng Yichi looked at his watch: “It’s almost time, let’s go have dinner.”


Wei Buyan walked behind him, smirking twice, I don’t know why, but he was quite happy.




The meal is still in the clubhouse, and the buffet style is adopted, but it looks relatively clean. It is a self-service choice of small plate style, and you can also order your own food.


Because Cheng Yichi is still a public figure, and they were recording a show, the cameraman asked them if they wanted to go to the private room for dinner.


Cheng Yichi saw that there were not many people, so he just let it go, let the two cameramen eat together in a group, and didn’t need to follow him and Wei Wuyan.


Since the words started, Wei Buyan’s direct compliments and diligence became less, not busy helping Cheng Yichi to add vegetables, nor taking care of him in other places.


He said, “I did those actions to make you feel my love. But I don’t think you like being taken care of by others, right?”


After a while, he said again: “I broke up with my ex-boyfriend for some of these reasons.”


“Both of them feel that they are the dominant party, taking care of each other too much, but in the end they both feel restrained. So what do you want to order? Well, I’ll eat with you.”


Cheng Yichi thought: Although Wei Buyan has less praise, his ability to convey love words seems to have become stronger.


The two were eating when Wei Buyan suddenly froze for a moment.


Cheng Yichi noticed it and asked him what was wrong.


Wei Buyan shook his head: “It’s fine.”

You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com


How could that be? He seems to have seen his ex-boyfriend just now?


Wei Buyan guessed that he was wrong.


But as the man got closer and closer, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his indifferent eyes, Wei Buyan felt that it is definitely be Chu Moyan.


Although it was a peaceful breakup, the two didn’t plan to be friends after the breakup, and all contact information was deleted. I didn’t expect to meet again one day.


Wei Buyan whispered to Cheng Yichi, “I saw my ex-boyfriend.”


“Ah?” Cheng Yichi put down his chopsticks, “What a coincidence?”


As soon as he finished speaking, the man deliberately stood in front of their table and smiled. He said hello: “Hey.”


“Chu Moyan… Hahaha, I didn’t expect to meet you here.” Wei Buyan felt a little embarrassed for the first time, and brought his crush to meet him and his ex-boyfriend does this.


But it didn’t take long for him to find that Chu Moyan’s eyes were all focused on Cheng Yichi. He seemed to be completely ignoring him.


Chu Moyan.


Cheng Yichi froze completely when he heard the name, and didn’t dare to look at him.


“You guys are dating?” Chu Moyan raised his eyebrows, “But, Cheng Yi-di, aren’t you a straight man? I remember when you rejected me, you said that you would never like a man.”


Cheng Yichi thought: It’s over.




“So you are the liar?” After so long in the show, Wei Buyan almost forgot to find out the rules of the game, liar.


If it weren’t for today, he might have to wait until the end of the show to know about Cheng Yichi’s hidden secrets.


“Yes.” Cheng Yichi made a “please” gesture, “I was also forced by the show team.”


“What they forced you?” Wei Buyan said with anger, “Cheng Ying-di, you don’t need this celebrity position to go on variety shows to promote coffee. Do you know why we never thought you were a liar? Because we thought, you are here to announce your sexuality to the outside world.”


“Is it interesting to be a liar? Don’t you feel bad that so many people like you? Do straight men need gay likes them to gain supplement self-satisfaction?”


Cheng Yichi looked at him and didn’t say anything.


“Do you know how many people will call you gay at the end of the show? People don’t exclude straight men or gay people, but everyone likes you, you lied to them, do you think your image will not be damaged? ”


Cheng Yichi has already considered this: “Someone will always take this role, and there will always be someone who will be scolded.”


“But you need to know that the less people liar likes, the less likely he is to be scolded in the end.”


Wei Buyan sighed, “Emperor Cheng, I really don’t understand why you came to this show. Did you put yourself in the position of a deceiver just because it’s fun? Do you feel your starship is going too well and you want some excitement?”


“Now each of our guests has a certain number of fans, and there are even CP fans. Li Yi, who is a CP with you, is the trend. If they finally find out that you are Liar, they will definitely get rid of their fans and step back.”


Cheng Yichi It’s a little uncomfortable, he thought: I didn’t expect anyone to like me either.


Wei Buyan looked at Cheng Yichi’s sad look, and suddenly softened his heart again: “Okay, now think about how to be in the final show? Minimize the impact, now everyone thinks? You are gay and you all like it. You, you should be right? Everyone refuses.”


Cheng Yichi is a straight man, and he can’t grasp the proportions of many actions. He nodded, as if he understood what Wei Buyan was saying.


Also, he has done so few emotional scenes, he knows all about family and friendship, but only in love is a mess.


“Okay, Mr. Cheng, remember to be careful when dating Li Yi this afternoon.” Wei Buyan sighed, “You really should know where your charm is?”


Cheng Yichi seemed to have heard this sentence, and it sounded familiar. It seemed like someone else had told him the same.


He glanced at Wei Buyan: “Then I’m leaving.”


Wei Buyan sat in the car, waved his hand, and said goodbye.


Cheng Yichi took what Wei Buyan just said to heart. He knew that Wei Buyan was worried for him, but he was already here. He bit his lip and went on to the next date.


Wei Buyan sat in the driver’s seat, covered his face with one hand, and leaned back in the chair? He didn’t know what he was thinking.


After a long time, he took out his mobile phone and searched: Is it possible for a single straight male to be bent?




When Cheng Yichi saw Li Yi, Li Yi had already changed into his farm clothes. He had also prepared a set for him.


Li Yi has long hands and long legs. Wearing agricultural clothes doesn’t look like going to work, but like a catwalk. Cheng Yichi couldn’t help laughing when he saw it.


“What are you laughing at?” They sat in the car and went to their destination. Li Yi tilted his head and asked Cheng Yichi.


“No, I just think it’s not very established when people rely on clothes. For example, you.”


“Remember when people say on the Internet that some people look good in sacks. I think it would be you.”


[It took so many days to vote! Finally! My cp is on a date together! ! ! ]


[No words, what the hell is the program group doing? We worked so hard to cast our votes because we wanted to see the young couple fall in love, not to see them go farming together. ]


[But Li Yi and his wife look good in farm clothes, they feel very temperamental! ]


[Why? Why do other people start dating in the morning? Li Yi and his wife are only in the afternoon? ]


[Because in the morning, his wife wants to go on a date with someone else. Will someone be jealous? Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee]


The other groups went out and went out to live broadcasts. After all, there is only pure brotherhood. Live streaming is fine.


But Wei Buyan made up his mind that he wanted to express his feelings with Cheng Yichi in the morning, so he only brought a follow-up shot without live broadcast.


In the afternoon, Li Yi didn’t plan to broadcast live, but thinking about going to farm, there is nothing to avoid. Anyway, they have been live broadcast in the hut all the time.


So they just started it and let the audience see that it will be more convenient if there are still voting items in the future.


Cheng Yichi’s side has naturally no problem with it, he will cooperate no matter what.


In the morning and afternoon, I was a little tired. They sat in the car for ten minutes, and Cheng Yichi felt a little sleepy.


“Are you sleepy?” Cheng Yichi secretly covered his mouth and yawned. Li Yi could see it. Li Yi took the pillow he had brought and put it on his body, and said, “Go to sleep.”


Sleeping like this is really comfortable.


“Forget it…” He leaned back in the chair and squinted, and fell asleep after a while.


Li Yi was afraid that Cheng Yichi would suffer from back pain when sleeping like this. When he was stable, he forced Cheng Yichi’s body to come over and let him fall asleep on his body.


Cheng Yichi only twisted a little, found a comfortable position and went back to sleep. He slept very quickly, very peacefully, and without any precautions.


He was very good when he slept, revealing a childish and cute look, Li Yi looked down at his sleeping face and watched the whole way.


For fifty minutes, there was no sound at all in the live broadcast room, only the one who was sleeping peacefully on Li Yi Cheng Yichi stared at Cheng Yichi’s Li Yi with concentration.


The strange thing is that the number of people in the live broadcast room has not decreased-


[Huh, I want to sleep too, I can’t help it when I see my wife sleeping soundly and soundly. I’ll sleep for a while…]


[Sisters! Your phone is still live! ]


[Why? Why can Li Yi see his eyes so affectionately? And if you don’t move, help, is this a superman who can be immobilized to make his wife sleep comfortably? ]


[Who knows? Just now the wife moved for a while, and someone froze. Where did the wife move? ]


Wei Buyan, who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone: …


Cheng Yichi didn’t hear a word of what he said.


Because of the sound-proof glass, the environment in the car has always been very quiet, but when the driver in front rolled down the window, the noisy sound in the farmland sounded.


Cheng Yichi was woken up and muttered with his eyes closed.


Li Yi covered his ears and pushed him again: “Brother, we are here.” Cheng Yichi slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on Li Yi’s lap.


Li Yi hadn’t figured out how to explain it yet. He heard Cheng Yichi say, “Sorry, Xiao Yi, I was so sleepy just now. I didn’t pay attention. I’m really sorry.”


Li Yi was about to explain but he nodded: “It’s okay, brother, I don’t care.”


When he got out of the car, Li Yi was resting on his leg for so long, and he couldn’t exert himself all of a sudden, so he raised his body a little and sat back again. “My legs are numb, I need to take it easy.”


Cheng Yichi felt a little guilty: “I’m sleeping numb, right? I’m so sorry, I’ll rub it for you, you follow me to do a pounding? Your legs will be much better? ”


I used this method when I stayed in the air for a few hours when I was hanging Weiya in a pool, and the inside of my hind legs were numb and swollen when I came down, so I used this method, but he had a little assistant to rub his legs with him. This method can only be used to rub one leg with two hands. Otherwise, it will not work.”


Cheng Yichi rubbed Li Yi’s thighs with both hands, there was still a certain distance from the base of his legs, but Li Yi couldn’t take it anymore. His legs became more numb, and a sense of electric shock hit back and forth.


Cheng Yichi rubbed it twice and said, “Stop, just let me knead with me like this.”


“Yeah.” Li Yi responded lightly, looking at Cheng Yichi’s hair spinning on his head, so small and cute, but he couldn’t make any movements in his hands. It is good.


Cheng Yichi guessed that he couldn’t learn this movement for a while, so he said, “Forget it, I’ll give you one rub while rubbing the other. It’s very easy to learn, you can write it down.”


“Okay. “Li Yi simply leaned back on the back of the chair with enjoyment, watching the person in front of him rubbing his legs, feeling an inexplicable sense of satisfaction and a guilty conscience.


[? ? ? Just outrageous. ]


[Wife, why? Why is it so easy to deceive! Help! ! ! ]


[This move is against the guest? I call it my wife chasing me! ]


[Li Ge’s face doesn’t blushed or his heart skips a beat, but luckily his mouth is slow, otherwise he’d be a self-defeating move. ]


[When did Cheng Yingdi have so many husband fans? Don’t everyone call him husband and boyfriend? Isn’t he the star with the fewest husband’s fans? ]


[Upstairs, you haven’t seen the man in the apron? ]


[You didn’t look at the tangled wife picking gifts, did you? ]


[You didn’t even see the crying wife with red eyes? ]


[You said, are you sure it is Cheng Yichi?]


[Note: From now on, we only have one wife, and Bai Meiren is a Meiren, not wife!

Note: From now on, we only have one wife, and Bai Meiren is a Meiren, not wife!

Note: From now on, we only have one wife, and Bai Meiren is a Meiren, not wife! ]


Cheng Yichi rubbed Li Yi’s legs for a while, but Li Yi didn’t want him to squat, so he said, “I’m fine.”


As a result, when he got out of the car, his legs became soft and he threw himself into Cheng Yichi’s arms. Cheng Yichi hugged him, and the two hugged each other.


Cheng Yichi asked worriedly, “Can you still go?”


“Yes.” Li Yi smiled reluctantly, “It will be fine in a while.”


[? You are lame. ]


Cheng Yichi didn’t understand him at first, but when he understood it clearly, he let go of his hand on purpose, and Li Yi shook himself twice and stood firm.


He hummed and said twice: “Did you just pretend in front of me?”


Li Yi really didn’t want to act: “Why would I act in front of you? You are a movie star. Just now, my legs were really numb, but I didn’t want to. Hold on to the point of walking, and rush directly towards…”


He paused for a while: “Maybe it’s just because of the involuntary body.”


Involuntarily. Cheng Yichi’s fingers curled slightly, he avoided Li Yi’s gaze, and said, “Let’s go farming.”


“Okay.” Li Yi was obviously in a good mood, maybe it was because Cheng Yichi was right.


But Cheng Yichi’s head was blank. He really had to think about how to get along with the people in the house. It was too difficult.




The program team is not a human being. They gave them a piece of land, saying that it has been bought, and it can be used to grow flowers or food.


Li Yi: … It turns out that the investment of the program team is all used in this kind of place.


He turned around and looked at Cheng Yichi, who had already started bargaining with the hawker.


“What?” Li Yi also came over and squatted down.


Two tall men surrounded the hawker. The hawker was stunned, but he was still righteous: “This kind of flower is very rare, you can’t buy it anywhere else! I bid 1,000 to be considered cheap.”


“One thousand yuan for seeds.” Cheng Yichi negotiated.


Pulling Li Yi’s sleeve, he pointed to the side, and next to the hawker there was a large pot of beautifully colored flowers, which were very full blooming, but at first glance they couldn’t tell what kind they were. “He said he could grow that kind of flower.”


After he finished speaking, he leaned into Li Yi’s ear and whispered, “Let’s not say that we only plant for one day, but his attitude is not good. Anyway, I don’t really believe that that kind of flower can be planted.”


Li Yi did not refute, instead asked: “You want it?”


“Yes..” Cheng Yichi nodded embarrassedly.


When he saw the pot of flowers, he squatted down and held it in a fascination. It seemed that there were none of the flowers he had seen before.


It was so gorgeous. Originally, he thought that it was painted with something, but color additives such as fluorescent agents also have a special smell. This potted flower is very strange, and it has no smell at all.


This made Cheng Yichi suddenly think: It turns out that only appearance and no other characteristics will still be very attractive. He kind of wants to take care of it.


But the hawker was only willing to sell the seeds, and the price was extremely high.


“Then buy it.” Li Yi pulled his pinky finger and asked, “If you really like it, don’t let yourself miss it. Even if there is no result, it doesn’t matter. If you work hard, you will be fine, after all, there is still one more thing. Take your time.”


He looked at him, wondering whether he was talking about flowers or people.


[Hey, to be honest, is my wife tempted by Xiao Li right now? It felt like he was barely escaping from his eyes. ]


[This is also a no-brainer. My wife hasn’t been in a relationship for so many years, and there have been scandals. I’m only on this show to announce my sexuality. It’s too difficult to suddenly let him accept other people’s love. Isn’t there more than 20 days, take your time.]


Cheng Yichi was moved by him, nodded, and bought a bag of seeds directly.


After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned back and said to the hawker, “You remember, if it doesn’t bloom, I’ll be back…”


Others think he’s going to say something cruel, who knows what he’s going to do next? In a sentence:


“If I want to come back to buy your finished product, you will sell it to me.”


The live broadcast room was turned over by him cutely.


[Ming? Ming? Wifespeaks very normally, but why is it that my brain is full of coquettish voices? ]


[He was so serious just now, I really thought that he was so angry that he wanted to speak harshly, but I didn’t expect that he would turn into milk in one fell swoop, help! ]


Li Yi couldn’t hold back, he put his right hand against his lips and chuckled.

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