I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 28: 28

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Chapter 28: Second Room Change


“It’s delicious.” Cheng Yichi nodded, took the basket in his hand to the table, picked out some and put them on the plate, “Wash it right away, you’ll know after you taste it.”


Li Yi behind him didn’t say anything out loud but in his head, he was laughing hoarsely.


Wei Buyan: … OK, I’ll take it.


Finally, I know why he’s called a straight man.


[Gosh, it’s so miserable, it’s so miserable. Who wouldn’t think that Young Master Wei is especially miserable? ]


[Wei Buyan: My crush invited me to eat the little strawberries he picked with my rival. Am I the witness of your love? ]


[Although Wei Buyan is very sour at this time, I really want to laugh at this time hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha help. How? There is such a straight gay? ]


This sentence floated quickly in the barrage, and no one paid attention.


If Wei Buyan didn’t know that Cheng Yichi was a straight man, would he really think he was there?


He deliberately scolded himself, knowing that he was a straight man, this feeling of suffocation could not be eliminated.


“Brother, let me wash it.” Li Yi took the plate from Cheng Yichi’s hand, nodded to Wei Buyan, and went to the kitchen.


There is a special room for secret chat in the small house. No one has ever used it.


Wei Buyan pulled Cheng Yichi with a serious expression and said, “Come with me.”


“Oh.” Cheng Yichi naturally left obediently. Before leaving, he shouted to the kitchen: “Xiao Yi, I have something to do with Buyan, you eat first!”


In the kitchen, the water flowed slowly through Li Yi’s fingers which was washing strawberries. Seeing that the water in the plate was about to overflow, Li Yi stared at the strawberry in his hand, completely unresponsive.


Brother seems to have something to do with Wei Buyan? What’s the secret?




Wei Buyan took Cheng Yichi to the room and asked him, “What did you do? Didn’t you promise me?”


“Reject, don’t do too much, don’t be ambiguous.”


Wei Buyan asked, “You rub his legs…”


Cheng Yichi was very frank: “But his legs were numb from my sleep.”


“Feed the strawberries…”


“My hands are so dirty that I can’t eat them by myself.”


Wei Buyan felt dumb.


Are all traight men like this? Candid?


He tried to let Cheng Yichi know that such an action was already ambiguous.


Cheng Yichi said, “Are you all gay sensitive?” The expression on his face was innocent, as if he really didn’t understand this ambiguity and distance.


Wei Buyan rubbed his hair and smiled. He suddenly approached Cheng Yichi, attached to his ear, breathed softly, and an ambiguous breath hit his ear: “So what?”


He tilted his head again.


You can kiss the white and tender neck of the person in front of you and leave your own mark.


Cheng Yichi gave him a strange look: “It’s itchy.”


Wei Buyan was completely frustrated.


Cheng Yichi thought for a while, and said, “At least to the level of kissing, right?”


Otherwise, he really couldn’t think of these? What’s the action? It was ambiguous. I felt strange before because he was so old, and he was compared by a man.


I’m really embarrassed to tease my own little kid and do some stupid things to make others see jokes.


To be precise, that is—the old face blushed.


“So it’s okay to be seen by others?” Wei Buyan suddenly remembered taking a bath in a hot spring.


“It’s all men, what’s wrong with the body?” Cheng Yichi said, “I have abdominal muscles, but I don’t feel inferior.”


Wei Buyan thought: You really don’t have inferiority, but you are driving us crazy.


Wei Buyan looked at Cheng Yichi.


Cheng Yichi knew that his understanding might be wrong, he apologized in a low voice: “I’m sorry, I may be stupid.”


Wei Buyan’s reaction made Cheng Yichi very sad.


I didn’t expect there to be so many drama. I am so stupid, if I can’t handle it well, I will fall into love.


This is the first time he feels that he is not very smart although he is usually quite confident.


Also, Cheng Yichi has been smooth sailing since his debut, and he is also well-organized in interpersonal communication.


Due to family reasons, others have to respect him, and he is never proud, always putting himself humbly in the position of listening to the teachings of others.


So Wei Buyan was also the first person to express his disappointment and speechlessness to him.


Wei Buyan softened again, and he even thought: If it wasn’t for Chu Moyan, he wouldn’t know that the person in front of him was Liar, so why don’t you force it?




The two came out of the small room, and Li Yi found that Cheng Yichi was less excited when he came back.


He couldn’t help but glance at Wei Buyan, then handed the washed strawberry to Cheng Yichi’s mouth and asked, “What’s wrong, brother?”


Cheng Yichi also looked at Wei Buyan, instead of holding it directly, he smiled and went to He stepped back a little: “Xiao Yi, eat it. I don’t really want to eat it right now.”


“Give it to me.” Wei Buyan inserted forcefully between them, instead of taking the strawberry directly, he deliberately took the strawberry that Li Yi held in his hand.


Li Yi released his hand, picked up the napkin and slowly wiped the bright red juice that had just flowed out, “What were you two talking about inside?”


He and Wei Buyan’s eyes intertwined, and the two eyes were filled with inquiry, aggression and even unhappiness. The atmosphere cooled down.


Cheng Yichi said “ah”: “I’m going upstairs to change clothes, you guys chat first, have a good chat.”


The audience in the live broadcast room: … Do you think they look happy?


[What did the wife and Young Master Wei say just now? Suddenly Li Xiao Wolf was not allowed to feed strawberries when he came out? ]


[Maybe Young Master Wei asked his wife to stay away from Xiao Li? ]


[Wife listened? Xiao Li is so miserable. ]


[Damn, is this the legendary Shura Field? My wife runs fast, hahahaha hahaha laughed. ]


Cheng Yichi left, the two sat on the sofa, Wei Buyan leisurely picked up a book and flipped through it, eating a strawberry from time to time.


Li Yi was calmer than the average person. Wei Buyan and Cheng Yichi didn’t answer him just now, so he didn’t ask any questions. He just took stock of the vegetables in the tote bag, and went to the kitchen for a while.


After he left, Gu Zechen and Bai Ruyu came back.


[White Meiren is so beautiful! I feel that he wears black for a reason. He looks very emotional, and it feels like a queen. ]


[Especially Gu Zechen is still wearing an abstinence white shirt, and I feel like the two of them are very good. ]


[Ah, ah, I’m still young? Don’t let me see this! ! ! …is there a meal replacement hehe]


“Buyan, you guys are back?” Bai Ruyu came back and asked Wei Buyan with a smile, “Have Yichi and Xiao Li returned?”


Wei Buyan used to tease Bai Ruyu but this time he completely lost interest: “One is in the room, and the other is in the kitchen.”


“Is Xiao Li in the kitchen? I’ll go help him.” Bai Ruyu hung his clothes in the cloakroom. The black lining of the lining made his skin more white and moist, and the audience in the live broadcast room felt that he really deserved the title of beauty.


Gu Zechen was still as indifferent as always. He glanced upstairs, and after thinking about it, he still didn’t go up and sat on the sofa, hesitating to say anything.


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Wei Buyan didn’t say anything. He looked confused and smiled: “What do you want to ask? Just ask.”


Gu Zechen breathed a sigh of relief: “Yichi, He’s not bad, right?”


Gu Zechen and Bai Ruyu went to the art museum, where the art exhibits in the pavilion are quite rich, and Bai Ruyu was very interested.


He looked all the way and asked. Gu Zechen lacked interest, but it didn’t show on his face, and he complied with promises. There is a lot of intersection between the two, but they are all light, nothing too impulsive.


But Gu Zechen completed the task this time.


Wei Buyan turned a page, made a noise, and snorted coldly: “He is good? Very good.”


“Do you want to eat strawberries? ”


He did not hesitate to put the strawberry into his mouth and crushed it, letting the juice overflow, boasting, “It’s delicious.”


Wei Buyan reminded him: “This is the result of one afternoon with Yi Chi and Xiao Li, sweet and sweet.”


Gu Zechen was stunned for a moment: “They went farming?”


Wei Buyan: “More than that, I was watching the live broadcast. In addition to farming, he also went to pick strawberries and celery. Li Yi will cook for him today.”


Gu Zechen was relieved after hearing this: “That’s okay, Yichi should be quite happy without planting all afternoon.”


“Yeah.” Wei Buyan put the book up and said, “I’ll go up and rest for a while. I’ll get down later.”


He was a little confused. It felt like talking with a gun with rod He feel that he was strange, so he should go up and think about it and think of something else.


Gu Zechen ate another strawberry, then began to study research on the sofa, waiting for Cheng Yichi to come down.



When Bai Ruyu entered the kitchen, Li Yi had already washed most of the vegetarian dishes.


Li Yi heard the sound of footsteps and turned his head, and after seeing that it was Bai Ruyu, he nodded again and continued to wash the vegetables.


Bai Ruyu smiled: “Let me see if I can do anything?”


[Although this pair is quite eye-catching, but…it’s weird. ]




[What is the white beauty doing? When Xiao Li was cooking before, he didn’t go into the kitchen, didn’t he? ]


[(Lower voice) Shouldn’t he have a complete falling out with Mr. Gu and want to find another one? ]


Li Yi nodded, and made room for Bai Ruyu.


Bai Ruyu took out the chicken wings and took some bread slices, planning to make spring onion chicken wings and the temptation of bread.


With his white and slender fingers, he turned the thawed chicken wings into flower knives, and asked, “Xiao Li, did you really go farming with Yichi this afternoon? Are you tired?”


Speaking of Cheng Yichi, Li Yi’s voice softened: “Well, I don’t have much to grow. Later, I went to pick strawberries, celery and ones that my brother wanted to eat it, but I’m not tired.”


Bai Ruyu paid attention: Does Yichi like to eat those things?


He asked, “Then do you guys have assignments today?”


Li Yi was a little annoyed when he thought that the appointment was over and they were going to change rooms. He lowered his eyes to wash the dishes and said in a deep voice, “No.”


“Oh.” Bai Ruyu said, “Zechen seems to have completed the mission.”


“But Qingsi and Xiao Jing got the mission opportunity on their last date, so I guess they won’t have it this time.”


[What does this mean? Does he still have feelings for Mr. Gu? Or he wants to work with Li Yi? ]


[At present, the people who have the most obvious affection for : Li Xiaolang, Duan Da Lao, Dr. Gu, and Qi Xiaogou., Bai Meiren includes all these people in one sentence, absolutely. ]


[What is he trying to convey? You want Li Yi to be more vigilant against Gu Zechen to prevent him from changing the bed tonight?]


“I see.” Li Yi slowed down in washing dishes, “Thank you.”


Bai Ruyu smiled subconsciously: “What’s this? Thank you very much?”


When everyone came back, sure enough, they mentioned the issue of changing beds.


Qi Jing and Duan Qingsi returned late, but when they returned separately, they basically stayed for an hour and then went their separate ways, and no one paid attention to the other.


When they came back, Duan Qingsi brought a box of chocolates to Cheng Yichi.


Cheng Yichi brought it over, his eyes lit up, and then he was very distressed: “You can’t eat it, you will gain weight.”


“Sweet food can make your mood better.” Duan Qingsi said warmly, “Because I hope you will be in a good mood every day, I chose this one to give it to you. Then I will keep it for you first, if you are in a bad mood, come to me and ask for one. Don’t eat too much, okay?”


Wei Buyan thought: Then you will have a reason to comfort others.


Just after thinking about it, he heard Cheng Yichi laugh: “Thank you, Brother Qing Si.”


Cheng Yichi always felt that if he didn’t accept it, he wouldn’t give him face, but he was already thinking how much he wanted to get back, so he couldn’t take it for nothing.


Duan Qingsi put on his jade wrench again, looked at Cheng Yichi, and kept touching, feeling very good.


Qi Jing didn’t watch the live broadcast. He was afraid that he would be angry when he saw it.


When he came back, he would see Cheng Yichi and the other two dating people, especially Li Yi’s relationship was still the same, so he was relieved.


But neither of them did the task.


After Fang Yunshi finished the task, he looked at Cheng Yichi and said, “Can I sleep with Yichi?”


He had been greedy for the scent of Cheng Yichi for a long time.


But Cheng Yichi looked at him, always afraid that he would come and bite his face in the middle of the night.


Tang Yinuo pretended to be angry: “Don’t you sleep with me all the time? I’m so sad.”


He thought: I didn’t sleep with Brother Yichi, and neither could anyone else?! Even if it’s an hour.


Fang Yunshi held this opportunity in his hand, looked at Cheng Yichi, and then looked at Tang Yinuo. He still wanted to choose Cheng Yichi, but Nuo Nuo seemed to be really angry. Fang Yunshi thought for a long time, but decided “never mind”.


Gu Zechen was very entangled. He was wondering whether to seize this opportunity or not. Soon, one third of the thirty days will pass, and he should fight for love for himself.


He said, “I also got a chance to change rooms, and now I transfer it to Ruyu.”


Bai Ruyu smiled and exchanged a look with him.


“I also want to sleep with Yichi, can I?”


Cheng Yichi was relieved, he had long forgotten that he almost kissed Bai Ruyu that night.


On the other hand, he knows that he can’t enjoy the single room all the time, otherwise the effect of the variety show will be gone, and sharing the same room with Bai Ruyu happens to be the best choice.


“Okay.” He rolled his eyes, agreeing with the decision.


Others are also relieved, after all, Bai Ruyu is a bystander and has no one to like.




The author has something to say: 

Bai Ruyu: I also think it is very good:)


List of nicknames:

Cheng Yichi: Wife (老婆)

Li Yi: Little Wolf (Li Xiao Lang)

Qi Jing: Puppy (Qi Xiaogu)

Duan Qingsi: Big shot (Duan Da Lao)

Gu Zechen: Doctor.Gu (好好先生) but it can also mean Mr Goody-goody / yes-man

Wei Buyan: Young Master Or your son lol ( 公子 )

Bai Ruyu: Beauty

Fang Yunshi: Rabbit

Tang Yinuo: Cat

Jiang Heng: Wounded

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