I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 38: 38

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Chapter 38

Eight dates

Translated by Flo
Edited by Flo


The fourth is Wei Buyan.


Wei Buyan was wearing a blue silk satin top with a pair of jeans on the bottom, looking romantic. He only received one gift, a bottle of expensive perfume, which he usually uses. Wei didn’t say anything, didn’t care too much that he only received one gift. In fact, he only expected this gift.


“Yichi’s, right?” He curled his lips and smiled, the corners of the fox’s eyes twitched, very confident.


“Yes, congratulations.”


Wei Buyan suddenly stopped when he was about to go out: “According to Yichi’s character, there should be a gift for everyone…”


He smiled, a little curious: “I I don’t think no one will guess? Come out with Yichi’s gift, so our dating qualifications are in Yichi’s hands?”


    [Ah, this is true, that’s right. ]


    [Yichi will definitely prepare gifts for everyone. He will only be partial when he has someone he likes very much. He is still very careful and will take care of everyone’s mood. ]


    [Tsk, so now wife is still one? No one likes it? These guys are so rude. ]


    [Yi Chi is very slow, and the purpose is not to fall in love, just to announce sexual orientation, how can it be possible in ten days? But everyone else who has known Yichi more or less paid more attention to him. Wife is so good, who wouldn’t like him? ]


Cheng Yichi bit his lip, he seemed to understand why the program team put his own video last. Hiss, some headaches.


The next one is Tang Yinuo and Fang Yunshi. Each of them received two gifts, one they gave to each other and one from Cheng Yichi. Fang Yunshi didn’t give up after guessing the gift, and asked the staff: “Can the three of you go on a date together?” 


The staff was stunned, then smiled: “Of course.”


Tang Yinuo on the sofa rubbed Fang Yunshi: “Where do you want to take Brother Yichi? On a date?”


“Racing track!” Fang Yunshi’s eyes lit up.


“Going again?” Tang Yinuo went on two dates with him, and already went to the racetrack twice with him. Help!


Fang Yunshi nodded and looked at him. Tang Yinuo murmured, “I want to go bungee jumping and skydiving.”


Neither of the two would agree with the other, but they wanted to go on a date together, and finally decided to go!


Cheng Yichi, who was sitting on the sidelines and listened clearly: … Have you considered my feelings?


On the TV screen, Duan Qingsi, wearing a white suit and glasses, walked in slowly.


He naturally only had one gift. The box was small and square. Duan Qingsi thought for a moment before answering, “It’s from Xiao Chi.”


“Yes.” The staff smiled, “You can you open it and see what’s inside.”


 Duan Qingsi untied the strap on the box, put it in his clothes pocket, and lifted the lid to reveal the gifts inside —


Two round, brown, wrinkled walnuts, very cute, small walnuts, one slanted on each side, hustle-headed, staying in Duan Qingsi’s palm.


 Duan Qingsi familiarly kneaded the walnut with his left hand and said, “It’s a good walnut.” Then he carefully put the walnut into the box and put it away.


“Aren’t you going to use it?”


Duan Qingsi shook his head: “The walnuts need to be cleaned first.” Cheng Yichi suprised him. Duan Qingsi had expected many different kinds of gifts, but he didn’t think about walnuts. The smile in his eyes gradually deepened and gradually revealed, “I like it very much.”


He put the box in his pocket, rubbed his jade finger, suddenly kissed it lightly, and said, “I’m sorry…maybe I won’t be able to use you in the future.”


“I always like Wenwan walnuts.”


    [You like Wenwan walnuts? ? ? ]


    [Is it like that person! ]


    [The old man is really good at flirting. Although he is the oldest, he is very fond of people. He has been thinking about Yichi, but he is neither aggressive, not force Yichi to accept his heart. He is completely a life mentor that Yichi trusts! It would be great if he could open up Yichi’s tendon. ]


    [The two of them are really good brains. The elder is also a teacher. They say that in the future, they will be taught about love, hugs, and kisses. Even… when their actions become yellow. ]


    [Next year? No? Is it good to knock? The wife is already very mature and intellectually attractive, okay? Need a tough young man to win his heart! ]


    [But Yichi  is also very cute, isn’t he? He’s also very young with that sense of innocence and frailty that sometimes makes people want to pamper him! ]


Duan Qingsi is coiling the two walnuts in his hand. He seems to have been coiling it for a long time today, and the color has changed slightly, but it may be just Cheng Yichi’s illusion. He took a closer look and found that Duan Qingsi really didn’t wear the jade finger.


Duan Qingsi noticed his gaze and smiled at him: “Thank you, I like this gift very much.”


He said softly: “Now there is one more reason to like you.”    




The second to last one was Qi Jing.     


Qi Jing just woke up, dizzy, and didn’t know that he was recording, so he went in in his pajamas, his hair was fluffy, and he was rubbing his eyes. The cat that hasn’t woken up yet.     


Qi Jing in front of the TV had a stern face and didn’t say anything. He didn’t know that this episode was going to be broadcast to his brother. If you know, you will definitely not look like this. His expression was serious, different from the one on the TV.     


“Is it a gift from brother?” Qi Jing said impatiently when he got a box.     


“Name the specific person.” The staff reminded.


The hostility on Qi Jing’s face became heavier, and he said, “I only have one brother.” He licked his back molars, looking very unhappy.


After that, he still compromised: “It’s Cheng Yichi.”


“Right,” the staff said, “Please open your gift.”


In fact, Qi Jing can also guess, because most of the gits people have given him, including those who used to chase him and the fans of the club, were different kinds of keyboards, headphones and so on. But in fact, for him, these can only be regarded as burdensome, because he already has the equipment that he is used to, he won’t change it at all. The gift that Cheng Yichi gave was a big box, probably the same thing.


But looking at the face given by brother, he will still take good care of it, and will not put ashes in the storage room.


Just the moment he opened the box, he was stunned— A few hand rests of different brands, a full five boxes of ointment stickers that can be attached to the sore hand when the hand hurts, a hand warmer, a large box of medicine boxes including from the band-aid to the common medicines that can cure cough and cold, and a few packets of coffee.


Very daily necessities, but very practical. The whole box is not expensive, but very carefully chosen and packed, which suits him very well.

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In the bottom, Qi Jing found a doll that was very similar to him, with the words “Champion must win” on it, and a note next to it: You are only 19 years old, you are very powerful, your future is bright. I am looking forward to it.     


Cheng Yichi knew that Qi Jing never lacked pressure, he didn’t need the so-called pressure relief, he just moved forward under pressure, so he just had to affirm his efforts and praise him constantly that Qi Jing is very worthwhile.


Both Qi Jing on TV and Qi Jing off TV were stunned. It was the first time that Qi Jing on TV received such a gift. He blinked. Even though a 19-year-old child has begun to learn to pursue the person he likes, he still cares about online comments, and he still cares about his own career. 


He liked Cheng Yichi before because only Cheng Yichi told him, “You can try something you like”. After everyone persuaded him to give up e-sports and choose a more secure major, Qi Jing resolutely chose to leave school to join e-sports. Although he is still young and can do trial and error, if he doesn’t try, he will regret it for the rest of his life.


But when everyone thought him as aggressive, Cheng Yichi acted as his strong backing again. He only said, “You are great, you are worthy of the championship” and gave him a lot of thoughtful and everyday things, just like at the beginning. 


—And then settled in his heart and refused to leave.


The 19-year-old boy has tasted a sour and sweet secret love, but because the person he likes is too good, he refuses to turn back, even if he hits the south wall, he will fight for it.


    [Qi Pup is really touched, his eyes seem to be a little wet. Look at him now, looking at Teacher Cheng with such affectionate eyes. ]


    [Maybe apart from e-sports, Cheng Yichi is his favorite, right? ]


    [But if it were me, I would also be very moved. All these things are ready and packed within one day, and I also need to buy Qi Jing’s peripherals. Even if the individual price is not expensive, when packed in one, the sincerity of the heart is . ]


    [Wife is really caring, and it is the most suitable gift for everyone. They all like it…]


    [… Then I like wife even more. ]


Qi Jing looked at Cheng Yichi intently, and lowered his eyes when Cheng Yichi was attracted by the anxious gaze, and said in a low voice, “Thank you, brother, I really like it.”


“…” Cheng Yichi said with concern, “Remember to use it well.”


Qi Jing nodded, and there was a hint of paranoia in his drooping eyes. He twitched the corner of his lips and thought, “Brother, you are so good, and I can’t possibly give up.”




Jiang Heng also received a gift. To everyone’s expectations, it was Jiang Heng’s way of thanking him that made them feel uncomfortable, but thinking about not having to date him, he felt calm again.


The last clip was Cheng Yichi receiving a gift.


He walked in slowly, and asked the staff, “Are there a lot of gifts?”


    [So cute, beloved wife, he was scared hahahaha]


    [Wife, don’t doubt everyone’s love for you! ]


    [Now that everyone guessed right as a gift from the wife, the choice is in the hands of the wife, right? ]


    [Is it all in or in all? ]


Cheng Yichi opened the gifts one by one, and guessed exactly which guest gave them, and the reason was also very accurate. It seems to really understand.


To be honest, because the love line in the house is too obvious, many guests only received one Christmas gift. It is difficult to guess whether it was from Cheng Yichi, so several people directly said Cheng Yichi’s name before opening the gift. But for Cheng Yichi, who has nine gifts, it is difficult to guess the owner of each gift correctly.


If you make a mistake and say an inaccurate name, the guest who was not guessed may be very disappointed, or may feel embarrassed.


Moreover, the requirements for “heartbeats” on the Internet have always been very strict. Here is a group of elites fighting for love. Who will make them fall in love and want to please him? If this “heartbeat” is weak, it’s easy to think that this is a deliberate dispute created by the show team. It is more likely to be critical of “heartbeats” or even go viral.


Fortunately, this person is Cheng Yichi.


But because this person is Cheng Yichi whose a crowd-pleaser.


The penultimate gift, Bentley’s car key, was still correct.


    [Oh my God! Mr. Wei is too embarrassed, he is really inhuman! He literally bought a car worth millions of dollars and send it out? ]


    [I’ll definitely pay it back later. You see, wife’s hand is hot when he holds the key. ]


    [Cheng Yichi is a star, so he should be quite rich. ]


    [We actually think Yichi is actually really poor. For a period of time, he went through six production crews in a year to support their work and studio. Later, it got better to the point of buying a car. ]


One last gift.


The guests sitting in front of the TV watched as Cheng Yichi took out the bunch of flowers, with a very surprised smile on his face. Obviously there was no flower fragrance, but he sniffed and sniffed, and finally said that he was very surprised but he liked the gift.


He really likes this gift.


Duan Qingsi’s hand holding the walnuts paused for a moment, and he still seemed to be lacking. Immediately after that, the walnuts were re-coiled again.


It’s good to be happy with Yichi, other minor details are not that important.


    [The meeting is still the Little Wolf meeting, for real. He has always remembered the flowers that his wife likes. I am still wondering why he didn’t buy them at that time but instead chose to send them to wife now. ]


    [Tsk tsk, the flowers they planted haven’t bloomed yet, so what are you saying? It seems like this flower is a token of his love. Does this mean that although there is no fruit of love now, there will be in the future? ]

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    [Wait?? The wife got all the answers right, didn’t he? Yes…!!!]


    [all in! all in! all in! ]


    [Ah ah ah ah! All in is so good! ]


Cheng Yichi sat on the sofa, watched his video, and thought: Yesterday, I was thinking about keeping a distance from everyone, and I have to go on a date today, really… speechless about this rule.


He smiled a little, not knowing what he was thinking, but said: “I’m honoured and willing to do eight dates, it’s just—”


“Director, you aren’t willing to let me run eight places a day, right?”


The author has something to say: 


Cheng Yichi: Running around eight places in one day…


The donkeys in the production team dare not run like this.

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