I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 42: 42

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Chapter 42

Angry wife

Translated by Flo
Edited by Flo


Cheng Yichi thought the scene seemed outrageous. He took a deep breath and asked Li Yi, “Didn’t I let you go?”


Li Yi, who had just seen Cheng Yichi, was clearly pleased. In a red wedding gown, Cheng Yichi removed his clothing. His exquisite facial features make him appear lovely, handsome, and clean even when he is wearing a mask. His beautiful facial features stood out even in the red wedding gown.


But after the coffin door was opened, the anger on Cheng Yichi’s face made Li Yi fall silent:


“No, brother, they put this on me too. I was caught on the second floor. They tied me right here, put on my clothes, and I was forced to come. Only then did I find that you were lying in the coffin.”


“I didn’t lie to you, brother.”


“But you still came here with a 50% possibility? Looking for me, right?” Cheng Yichi asked.


Li Yi didn’t? Tell? Lie, he came? It was an act on a whim. There was no such thing as saying? Why did he intentionally design Gu Zechen and Cheng Yichi to separate and come by himself instead of a date? It’s just that every time when Gu Zechen was away, he couldn’t help but want to come to find Cheng Yichi.


Brother is going on dates with eight people and living with his rival in love. He is a little scared, afraid that Cheng Yichi will forget him.


In a sense, Duan Qingsi is right—Li Yi panicked.


Even if Cheng Yichi is angry, it’s good to see, his cheeks are flushed, and he stares at him with rounded eyes. Li Yi can’t help but look at him while trying to coax him to stop being angry. However, once he speaks out, I’m afraid Cheng Yichi will be even more angry.


Cheng Yichi didn’t take his hand, but pulled off his clothes by himself, and took them with him, fearing that they might be of use later, Li Yi stood beside him and looked at him, without saying a word.


Cheng Yichi packed up, and asked him, “Do you know this is my date with Gu Zechen?”


Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and nodded.


“You know the meaning of a date, right?” Cheng Yichi snorted, “It means a date between two people together.”


 “Yeah.” Li Yi responded in a low voice. He is tall, but at the moment he feels a little wronged.


Cheng Yichi thought: Why would he feel wronged?


In that small room just now, Cheng Yichi was filled with anger, and now he has vented it all. He asked Li Yi: “You said you were forced to come here, right? But you obviously don’t look like it. You entered this haunted house and came with us secretly to interrupt our date.”


“However, if Zechen is in the coffin, and he sees you here, deliberately disrupting his well-prepared date, what will he think?”


“Li Yi, he would think you’re selfish.”


“Or do you enjoy the pleasure of cheating? You think I can date you and Zechen at the same time, don’t you? Am I merely a courtesan?”


Li Yi shook his head quickly: “No? Brother, I just…” The more I said, the louder my voice became Weak, “I just want to meet by chance.” Cheng Yichi sneered: “Li Yi, I think you are mentally ill. We are not together, not in love. Even if we are really together, how dare you follow me when I’m meeting someone? I can break up immediately. In your heart, I can date two people at the same time. I’m a very flirtatious person, am I?”


“It’s really not!” At this time, Li Yi was like a puppy who did something wrong. He knew he was wrong, so he just said, “I’m sorry.” 


He was afraid that Cheng Yichi would be even more angry if he said that. But every time Cheng Yichi belittled himself, Li Yi felt extremely uncomfortable.


He didn’t think so, he really didn’t think so.


Cheng Yichi was so angry that he took a few breaths after saying a few words to him. Although he could breathe in the coffin, it was after all a “mostly sealed” space, not so smooth and uncomfortable. After he said so many words in one breath, he was a little out of breath, and he didn’t let Li Yi get close to him, and he was alone, leaning on the wall to breathe heavily, and he looked very weak and beautiful.


He asked for the last time: “I just asked you to go out, why didn’t you just leave? Why did you still come looking for me?”


Li Yi resolutely admitted his mistake: “Brother, I was wrong. I’m sorry.”


Cheng Yichi asked again : “Then can I bring Zechen on the date with you?”


Li Yi’s pupils shrank suddenly, but he didn’t say anything, and acquiesced.


Cheng Yichi smiled: “What you did today crossed the line, Li Yi.”


“Meet by chance… Hah…. Do you know what kind of behavior this is? You are so stalker-like, it’s scary.” Li Yi remembered when Cheng Yichi said that during the illegitimate meal, there was fear and hatred in his eyes. He had never seen Cheng Yichi so against a certain type of person.


It seems like my brother has some bad memories.


But he didn’t dare to ask now.Cheng Yichi didn’t say anything, just waved his hands, and asked him: “And how did you get out?”


Li Yi didn’t dare to hide it, and said: “After saving you, I will pay homage with you. Someone will then come and lead us out.”


Cheng Yichi beckoned and said to him, “Let’s go and pay homage.”


Li Yi said, “It’s in the hall outside.” 


The two of them went out, the gloomy red light illuminates the lobby, and there are two “paper figurines” sitting on the upper seats, smiling. The paper figurines seem to be controlled, staring at the two of them, with their eyeballs moving back and forth with their movements looking ver seriously scary. 


Cheng Yichi stood on the left, putting on the happy blessing, and Li Yi stood on the right, and the two of them began to pay respects to the hall—


“One bow—to heaven and earth—” a shrill female voice sounded, and the two of them bowed to heaven and earth;


“Second bow—to the parents—” The two people turned around and bowed to the creepy paper man;


“Third bow— to each other—”


Li Yi was bitter in his heart. He was looking forward to this, but he seemed to have messed everything up. The brother facing him had no expression on his face. He gave a wry smile and bent down to give homage.


The paper figurine suddenly came up and down from the high hall, Cheng Yichi was startled, and dragged Li Yi back.


Unexpectedly, the paper figurines did not move after they came down. There was a secret door behind them that opened directly, revealing a little light from the outside, and the sharp female voice sounded again: “Li Cheng—sent to the bridal chamber.” 


The bridal chamber was located right outside the haunted house.


After going out, Cheng Yichi put on a mask. He had no time to take care of Li Yi, and asked the staff: “Did the man who came in with me come out?” 


The staff adjusted the surveillance and found that he was still inside, Cheng Yichi anxiously asked: “He is my companion, he is afraid of ghosts, can I go in and look for him?”


After getting permission, Cheng Yichi walked inside without hesitation without turning to look at Li Yi.


“Brother,” Li Yi asked, “Do you want to pay homage to him too? And…” Is there another way to get out from the second floor?


Cheng Yichi’s footsteps did not stop: “I should have paid homage to him instead.”


When Li Yi saw that Cheng Yichi had entered the haunted house without any scruples, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and his indifferent expression returned to his face. His narrow and cool eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his foot to leave. 


Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a small figure on the surveillance camera. They were wearing a mask and a hat. He couldn’t tell whether it was a man or a woman. Their whereabouts were a bit strange. 


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He asked the staff: “Is this also a guest? Like my friend, he seems to have lost his way. Can I go in and find him?”


Feeling uneasy for no reason, Li Yi frowned. The staff only thought that he was worried about his friend’s safety, so they said: “Hurry up and find him.”


They were also afraid that there might be some guests who were too afraid of ghosts to faint inside, and the surveillance showed that this guest’s timid behavior may have been a result of being frightened. If he fainted in the haunted house, they would be responsible.




Cheng Yichi went in and found Gu Zechen directly. Seeing him coming, Gu Zechen smiled slightly and said, “You’re here.”


He had never been frightened by ghosts before, and the anxiety of looking for someone had completely overwhelmed his fear of ghosts, but he did. For a long time, he still couldn’t find Cheng Yichi. How did he know the secret door to find Cheng Yichi? Li Yi had already opened it first?


Seeing Cheng Yichi, he let go of his heart and blamed himself: “I should have gone to look for you and surprised you.”


Cheng Yichi comforted him and said: “It’s okay, I’m brave, and I can’t be scared. I already know the way out so come with me.” Gu Zechen followed him trustingly.


The two people walked to the flower hall again, and the paper figurine sat on the high hall seat again. They smiled strangely at them, keeping their eyes fixed on them, following their movements.


Gu Zechen was so startled that he took a step back. Cheng Yichi picked up the clothes they had dropped just now, and handed it to Gu Zechen: “No, put on the mask.”


When Gu Zechen saw the bright red wedding gown, he was stunned.


Cheng Yichi said: “We can go out directly after the hall visit.” 


“Huh?” Gu Zechens neck turned red, “We are getting married?”


Married, with someone I like?


Gu Zechen lowered his eyes, and silently put on his happy clothes. Although he was sorry to see Cheng Yichi, he thought: This is so grand.


Even the gloomy BGM sounded like a wedding in progress.


His face turned red, and he looked at Cheng Yichi, preparing to pay his respects in a serious manner.


As soon as the two of them put on their clothes, a female voice rang out:


“One obeisance—heaven and earth—”


Gu Zechen looked at Cheng Yichi who was dressed in bright red, gentle, and seemed to have affection on his face. He couldn’t help but think: If it’s possible, even if I marry him, I’m willing.




After coming out


Cheng Yichi secretly took a few deep breaths of fresh air before putting on the mask again. He looked around, but he didn’t see Li Yi’s figure, thinking: This kid has finally returned.


Gu Zechen put the hat on him with a smile, and said: “It’s getting late, let’s have something to eat. We’ll go ride the Ferris wheel later, okay?”


They stayed in the haunted house for at least one and a half hours, plus standing in line before going up. Cheng Yichi looked at the time. It was almost three o’clock. He nodded and smiled: “I’ll lsten to you.”


The food in the amusement park was good. Because of their identities, they even specially chose a private room. In the private room, Cheng Yichi took off his mask and complained: “I was suffocated to death in the haunted house.”


“Right. By the way, you weren’t frightened, were you?”


Gu Zechen could go to the haunted house for Cheng Yichi, so naturally it was impossible to say he was frightened.


He said: “No, I thought it was a little scary at first. But after you disappeared, I was more worried about you, and didn’t care about the horror.”


Cheng Yichi lowered his head and poked the ham with a fork. What Gu Zechen said was ambiguous. He was afraid that Cheng Yichi would feel uncomfortable when he heard it. 


As soon as he was about to make amends, Cheng Yichi raised his head and smiled: “Me too. I was scared to death at first, but then I walked away when I was looking for you. It was so fast, I felt like I wasn’t the one who was timid before.”


“I’m fine, too. I was more worried about you.” Cheng Yichi stuffed a small piece of bread into his mouth and swallowed it bit by bit, like a little squirrel hoarding food.


Gu Zechen felt that his whole body was exuding heat: Is he really nice?


Gu Zechen didn’t eat much by himself, and Cheng Yichi was fed by the people in the hut, and he couldn’t eat the food here. When he left, there was still half of it left to eat.


“What a waste.” Cheng Yichi rubbed his stomach, showing a troubled expression. This? It was really unpalatable. The bread was very soft and tasteless. He looked at Gu Zechen for help.


Gu Zechen thought about it, found a plastic bag to pack the bread, and said, “It looks like there are pigeons that can be fed with bread. I don’t know about this? I’ll ask around if you can feed bread.”


Cheng Yichi laughed at the reply of feeding the pigeons. He smiled very sweetly. Although there were no dimples, there were two parentheses on the corners of his mouth, which hooked up when he smiled. It was like a layer of honey. 


Gu Zechen saw this and couldn’t help but smile a little, and handed him the bread in his hand.


Once out of the restaurant, there is a large square where pigeons stop here in twos and threes. 


There were white pigeons and gray pigeons. When Cheng Yichi tilted his head and blinked,  the pigeons also stopped, tilting their heads to look at Cheng Yichi.




Cheng Yichi’s eyes lit up, and he said to Gu Zechen who was holding the camera: “Look at them! They are so cute!”


Gu Zechen nodded with a smile, but he was actually taking pictures of Cheng Yichi all the time.


At first, Cheng Yichi didn’t dare to feed the bread directly on his hands, but only dared to crush it and put it in a corner, and the pigeons flocked to it.


Cheng Yichi turned around and said, “No wonder it’s not good to eat. It turns out that it’s all for the pigeons.”


Later, he got bolder and put the bread crumbs in the palm of his hand, waiting for the pigeons to come eat.


“Crack——” Cheng Yichi asked Gu Zechen excitedly: “Did you catch it eating bread in my hand?”


Gu Zechen looked at the half of the pigeon in the camera and Cheng Yichi who occupied most of the screen, and nodded without guilt.


“Great,” Cheng Yichi continued to squat on the ground to feed the pigeons, “Can you send me a copy of the photo when you get back?”


Gu Zechen paused, grabbed the camera immediately, and snapped a snap.


The author has something to say: 


Chirp Chirp~Xiao Li knew he was wrong and would pay the price! 


Flo's notes:

I'm out of chapters T-T I'm going to take hiatus for this series until I have managed my other series so if any of y'all are interested in picking this up, you have my permission to do so. No translators war or whatsoever. xD However, if no one has picked this up even after I finally have time to translate this again, I will consider picking this up again! Hope you had fun with this series! <33 Have a great day or night!  

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