I’m the Only One Who Knows the Secret of the Perfect Neat and Tidy Committee Chairperson Who Lives Under One Roof

Chapter 2: 1

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Chapter 1 - My Childhood Friend Moves Into My House



As usual, I stayed up all night playing games until my eyes got dark. When I woke up in the morning to go to school, I kept rubbing my eyes with my tired body.

During class this morning, I kept falling asleep until that voice spoke.

"Now, Kurokawa-san translate this sentence."


...I suddenly woke up when I heard that voice, a melodious voice like a bell ringing in a quiet room with a gentle breeze.

When the teacher called his name, Kurokawa stood up and read fluently.

"I'm a Japanese 'YAKUZA', so I'll never forget my boss's kindness"

"I am Japanese with a samurai spirit, so I will never forget my boss."

"That's right, your answer is absolutely right. But if I replaced the word "samurai" with a softer-sounding word like "chivalry", it would be fine.

Although I didn't really understand the meaning of that sentence even after it had been translated. But thanks to that voice, my sleepiness disappeared, my mind gradually became more awake and refocused for the next lesson. 

It's time for a break

Masato Narumiya, my friend sitting right next to my bench stretched his shoulders upwards in a pose as if he was releasing all the accumulated fatigue and said, "It's finally over!!" while turning to face me.

"The princess's voice is still as beautiful as ever. Thanks to that, you can focus on studying."


I agree with that one as a fact .... Then he turned her gaze toward Kurokawa

She smiles as she talks to her classmates. A bright and honest smile combined with the appearance of a beautiful girl with a noble temperament, this holiness creates a perfect person, extraordinarily beautiful, just one angle is enough to see this scene as a beautiful picture. 

Just like her nickname "Princess" that Narumiya said earlier. The more I look at her, the more I think that nickname fits her perfectly. 

While looking at Kurokawa, it felt like his amethyst blue eyes were glancing at me, not just this feeling, but she was looking at me. 

At this moment, the conversation with Kurokawa's classmates ended with his will, then he stood up and headed towards me.


That slender, small, delicate hand and smooth snow-white skin gently stroked my head, it made me look down in shame.

".... Huh?"

Kurokawa smiled at my confused expression and spoke in a soft tone.

"Are you not used to sleeping well? So you should be more careful, or you'll be reprimanded by your sensei." (TL/N: Sensei = Teacher)

Having said that, she returned to her seat and continued her conversation with her female classmate.

What was that?

My heart was beating fast with excitement, but still felt a little confused.

Narumiya sighed sadly

"It's true that the "Princess" treats our boys well. Angel .... She really is an angel... isn't she?"

"That big step ...."

"By the way, Tanoji. I think you and Kurokawa have been childhood friends since kindergarten, right? To be honest, I'm so envious of you, I'm so jealous that I want to die."

"Don't show a face that wants to cut people like that."

I shrugged my shoulders at Narumiya's exasperated attitude, by the way "Tanoji" was the nickname people used to call me.

"Yes, he and I were childhood friends... if I remember correctly, we were last together only until the time we went to elementary school, right, In the following years, we didn't talk much to each other. It's been a while, let's go"

"Well, what to do now, I don't even know if she's really nice to everyone."

"Kurokawa treats boys well, but is that right,

"I don't know."

Narumiya sadly nodded at my answer and said "That's right" with her dyed blonde hair wobbling like pudding.

"Ah~ I didn't even know that I had bad sleeping habits. Anyway, the "princess" patted her head"

I smiled at Narumiya, who seemed to be serious about this, and kept glancing at Kurokawa.

When we were in elementary school, we used to go out and have fun together. Our parents were also very close.

It wasn't until I grew up that I realized we weren't as spontaneous as we used to be, even though we both came home from the same club.

Unlike now, when she was little, she was very shy and very timid. That's why I was the one who took care of her back then. If I were to tell the truth, no one would believe what I said.

While recalling those memories, a heavy feeling suddenly came up from behind.

"Making Kurokawa-san pat your head like that, see how happy you are?"


This is my second friend, Matsuri Kasumi. We've been friends since our first year of middle school, and since she was sitting next to me, we became close friends.

"Wh-what childhood friend, who?"

"This guy and that girl"

Narumiya then answered Kasumi's question, who excitedly wiggled her two hands in my face. She then turned towards me with a cheerful face as if she had just discovered something interesting.

"Huh? Really?"

"...Something like that."

"Are you and Kurokawa childhood friends? Have you two been engaged since childhood? Hey~ Takkun, is that true?"

"It's okay, don't worry"

"What's so boring to answer?"

Kasumi, a beautiful girl second only to Kurokawa with a pretty face, slim body, brown braided hair, the atmosphere around her was that of a cute cat.

Kasumi moved to the back and rested her chin on my head and said.

"I didn't expect you and Kurokawa-san to be childhood friends."

"Not really, just like that."

"Hehe, that's all"


I glanced at Kurokawa.

"Kurokawa-san, can you help me with the next exercise! Because I think you can help. "

"It's okay, it's okay....you're doing the right thing with this sentence, but this method will take a lot of time..."

"Kurokawa-san, sorry Sensei asked me to check this! This is a document about today's class activities, please check it for me!"

"Well, that's all. Senpai I understand this sentence."

It's only morning and she's already surrounded by people and work. As for me, I can only sit and watch from afar.

The girl I knew....Before I realized it, this girl had become a model student with outstanding performance who was trusted by her teachers, and she was also a member of the discipline committee.

It was because she was so special that her existence was too far away for an ordinary high school kid like me.

This "childhood friend" relationship was no longer strong enough to close the huge gap.

From now on, the two of us will go our separate ways and never be together again.

At least now I can still see it from afar. While thinking that, I gave up thinking and turned around.

Time to leave soon. My smartphone lit up with a text from me.

"Do you remember that girl by the name of Kurokawa used to play with you when she was little? That girl's mother just contacted me and wants to meet you."

From what I heard, the meeting place was at a cafe near where I lived... and what I was most curious about was why Kurokawa's mother wanted to meet me?

Although this happened very suddenly, but I had no obligation to refuse, after school, I went to the designated place and entered the cafe.

The cafe was made in an old-school style with the atmosphere of a quiet residential area. It seems like Kurokawa and I used to eat pancakes here when we were kids.

I walked into the cafe.

The doorbell rang, there I saw a woman in her twenties sitting on a sofa close to the window looking at me. The woman was wearing a business suit, her silver hair shining brilliantly like Kurokawa's. In terms of appearance, this woman looked like a movie actress, her skin snow-white, her face pretty and neat. And this was Kurokawa's mother.

Compared to when I was a child, she hasn't changed at all from then to now, which is surprising. After a few seconds, Ms. Kurokawa seemed to recognize me and waved her hand with a bright smile on her face.

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"Ma~ Takkun. It's been a long time since I've seen you, you look so big already~"

Takkun, that's what the Kurokawa family has called me since I was a child, but now people usually call me "Tanoji.", but not so for most people, there are some people who call me "Takkun". It's been a long time since I was called that, it's really not familiar at all.

"Yes, ....Okaa-san also hasn't changed at all since the last time we met, huh?"

"Ma~ I'm so happy to hear you say that"

Ms. Kurokawa laughed as she called the staff to order drinks.

"I'm sorry, Takkun, for suddenly calling you and I wanted to meet you too"

"Oh no... I'm just a little surprised to be called Okaa-san, I haven't seen you in a while."

"That's right... I used to play with Vetchika a lot, but not anymore."

By the way, Vetchika is Kurokawa's nickname.

Kurokawa's parents are both elite businessmen who belong to the children of a large, globally influential company called the "Riya Group".

Because they were too busy with work, I often took care of Kurokawa on their behalf every day in the area where I lived.

"I remember, when I was little, Kurokawa used to go to amusement parks with my family. And when I was five years old, he was so scared that he cried when he entered the haunted house, and when he came out of it, he fainted on the way."

"I'm grateful to you"

"No, no, it's not a big deal."

"But I am very grateful to you."

Ms. Kurokawa smiled at that, then lifted her teacup to take a sip and continued speaking.

" .... Ah, I'm sorry, I kept talking about it until I forgot all about it. Now let's get to the main matter."

"The main issue?"

While I was thinking of the reason why Mrs. Kurokawa needed my help, someone so dedicated to her work said with a serious face.

"Actually, there's something I'd like to ask you to help me with. It's about her, Vetchika, can you take care of her for me and my husband for a year?"


I stood there for a while, then she thought I had misunderstood something and said with a surprised expression "Ah"

"Sorry, sometimes my Japanese isn't very good...I mean, you should stay with him."

"Live together!!!"

"Ah yes. Living together under the same roof. Can I ask you a favor?"

Actually, the Japanese is not wrong. What surprised me here was the word "living together".

"Etto... isn't your daughter coming for dinner only?"

"No, what I want is more than 24 hours a day as a couple. You go to school together, you go out together. Sleep together and say good morning together."

These sentences were spoken fluently in Japanese, it took me a while to compose myself, and I shook my head repeatedly.

" .... Wait, wait! Why...why do we have to live together?"

"In the near future, my husband and I, we both have to move overseas for work, for about a year... But, I can't take him with us..."

Back then, it was true that they often went on long business trips, two people going together or maybe one person alone. As far as I remember, there was also a time when my family took care of Kurokawa as well.

"...I understand. But I have to discuss it with my parents."

"There's no need to worry. Your parents have already accepted it."

She said that while making a V with two fingers with a mischievous smile on her lips. I had expected it beforehand, since my parents and Kurokawa's parents were very close.

" .... Kurokawa. Have you discussed this with her. Since we're both high school students, we're also of the opposite sex..."

She gave me a mischievous smile when she heard me say that.

"Oya oya oya? Don't you like Vetchika?"

"No-no, that's not what I meant...Kurokawa is really cute."


When I made a mistake, she replied with a cheerful mood.

"It's okay, my husband and I already completely trust you, and so does Vetchika."

"Did Kurokawa say that...?"

"Huh, aren't you satisfied with that answer?"

"Yes, I'm not satisfied at all."

While keeping her face from turning red, Ms. Kurokawa calmed down and whispered "sorry" with a gentle smile, then lifted her teacup and took a sip.

After a moment of silence, she looked straight into my eyes and gave me a rare calm smile.

"...Actually, she never mentioned it, but she answered 'yes' calmly. I'm a bad parent, but she tried to reassure me that she was fine."

Ms. Kurokawa said with a sad expression...then she bowed her head and pleaded with me.

"This is the least I can do for her. I thought, if I brought her with me, I would make her sad by saying goodbye to the friends she just had."

Those sincere words left me not knowing what to say and just fell silent.

For years now I couldn't even speak to Kurokawa even a word. He was too far away for me. But, I know he's still trying to do what he can, from then until now, to be admired and trusted by everyone around him. You really can't let him lose everything.

She has always been my childhood friend who is very important to me no matter how far away she is. To be honest, I don't want to leave her again.

"...I understand. Just entrust her to me."

"Really? Is that alright?"

"If I were a man, I wouldn't need to say a word or two. It's just living under the same roof, right?"

This sentence I also wanted to try to say once in my life and then my hand was held by Kurokawa's mother, she bowed her head repeatedly with an expression of joy that made her cry.

"Thank you, thank you! Takkun~"

"Please keep your voice down for your children, auntie! People are looking at us in this direction."

She immediately let go of my hand with her face wet with tears. Compared to Kurokawa, she looked more like a child. I continued my speech:

"...It's true that I feel fine, but Kurokawa is also an adult and can take care of himself."

"Mature, yes. Not what I see. It's true that she's grown up now, but that's only on the outside, but the inside is still the same."

Then Kurokawa's mother looked at the clock and said "Ah" like the type of person who is busy with work when time has passed quickly.

"I'm sorry, Takkun. I have to go now.... Also, I paid for it with me, so you should enjoy the cake slowly!"

"Oh yes... thank you, auntie."

"I'll say goodbye to Vetchika tomorrow, I'm very grateful to you!"

"Yes, yes?!?"

Tomorrow huh!? I never heard of leaving tomorrow.

I tried to chase after her but I didn't expect her to be this fast. Now, I had no choice but to sit and enjoy this little cake, I was so shocked that I couldn't feel the taste sensation of the cake anymore.

...... The following Sunday morning.

I couldn't sleep because of the shock yesterday, my mom who rarely comes to my room, came to wake me up.

My mom hurriedly changed into the formal clothes usually reserved for important days and rushed downstairs to the living room.

Did any guests or relatives come to visit? I never heard that. While thinking about it in my head, I woke up with a t-shirt and western pants hanging in the closet and yawned as I headed downstairs.

Suddenly, the sweet voice I used to hear in class called out to me.

"Good morning, Takkun"

Upon hearing that voice, my sleepiness was instantly blown away by a mysterious wind.

On Tatami mats, Kurokawa and his parents sat across from my parents.

The newly spread tatami mat, the person sitting in the center was Kurokawa, who was sitting Seiza-style on a cushion with his casual clothes clinging to his chest with a very cute ribbon.

It seemed like everyone understood what was happening except me.

"From now until the end of the year, even if it's a lot of trouble for the family. I hope everyone will take care of me from now on. Father, mother, and Takkun too."

I was so surprised that I wanted to be surprised.

Kurokawa, this perfect princess had moved into my house.



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