Immoral Agency

Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Is this safe for work?

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Saori’s done filming. She can take a break now. We are celebrating the occasion in our home. Well. It’s not much of a celebration. Lucine is avoiding Saori. Saori’s trying to talk to her, but Lucine ignores her.

“Hey man, looks like your harem’s having problems,” says Dewey. He gives me a smirk after he says that.

Oh yeah. Plus, this guy came in unannounced. This guy finds joy in my suffering. Let’s ignore him for now.

“I did what was best for the show, sis. Please do not be angry at me,” says Saori. Saori hugs Lucine from behind. Lucine tries to shake her off, but Saori holds on. 

“I’m not angry, sis. Did you really have to do that? Brook had his heart shattered on camera! Anyway. Why is your grip so tight?” says Lucine. Lucine tries to escape from her hug but fails.

“You are no longer angry with me? Will you let me drink again, mom?”

“Don’t call me that! You should also help your student by giving him some uplifting words or something.”

“I do not really care about Mr. Rye.”

“He calls you teacher, you know? He trusted you so much! This is your fault. You can’t just ignore it, okay?”

“Okay… I will do it later. So… will you let me drink now?”

“Alright… fine.”

Saori lets go of her hug. Lucine lifts her shirt. Wait a minute. I stop her midway. I remember that Dewey’s still here. Curse you Dewey. Get out of our house! I missed out on something amazing!

“Why are you here, Dewey?” says Lucine. She scowls at him.

“It’s a family celebration, right? Oh, and also I overheard something. You guys spoiled me! Now I know Akio is going to be rejected by Kara!” says Dewey.

“Serves you right.”

“I don’t really mind spoilers. Plus, I’m happy the garbage ‘Akio x Rina’ pairing is done.”

“What did you say? Everyone knows ‘Akio x Rina’ is the best pair.”

“Tsk. Tsk. What a garbage take, just like ‘Akio x Rina’. ‘Ryouta x Rina’ is the canon and superior pairing.”

“You better take that back, punk!”

“Make me!”

Lucine and Dewey face each other. Both of them put up their arms, ready to fight. Lucine shouts at Dewey.

“I’m giving you one last chance!”

“I ain’t backing down! It’s the worse pairing of the show!”

I’m also not a ‘Akio x Rina’ fan, but to say it’s the worse… There’s still the ‘Ryouta x Akio’ ship. Wait. Now that I think about it. Dewey might like that pair more.

Lucine sends a fist at Dewey. Dewey does the same. Dewey doesn’t discriminate.

Their fists meet. Dewey’s fist loses the battle. His arm bends and he screams.

“Oh no. I forgot I’m weak!”

Dewey… that’s pretty sad. Even now he still loses to Lucine in terms of strength…

Lucine’s fist continues and hits Dewey straight in the face. His head turns because of the impact. He falls down to the ground. Defeated.

Lucine grabs Dewey’s shirt and makes him face her.

“I won. Now say ‘Akio x Rina’ is a great pairing. Look, I’m not even asking you to say it’s the best,” says Lucine.

A reasonable request. This is Dewey, though. He’s a sore loser. I feel sorry for the beating he’s going to get.

“No! ‘Akio x Rina’ is trash! Even ‘Ryouta x Akio’ is better!”

How can you like that pairing? All my pity’s gone because of that trash opinion.

He tries a sneak attack on Lucine. It fails and Lucine is now stomping down on him.

“Brother, you can take sis with you first. I’ll join you after taking out the trash,” says Lucine.

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I agree with her and hold Saori’s arm. Where should we go? Is that even a question? I guide Saori to our bedroom.

She keeps glancing back and watching Lucine’s rampage as we walk. I think this girl has some sadistic tendencies. We enter the bedroom and I close the door.

“Hubby. If you ever feel like stepping on one of us, can you let me watch? If it’s me you’re stepping on, can you record it please?” says Saori.

I’m not doing any of that. 

“Oh! hubby, I almost forgot.”

Saori opens our drawers and brings out two costumes. It looks familiar. Oh, it’s the emperor and empress costumes from the show. She hands me the emperor costume along with a script.

“Wear it,” says Saori.

“Okay? Why do I have to wear it?” I say.

“It’s for the show. There’s a scene of the empress and emperor in bed.”

“I will be honest with you, hubby. I fantasized about you wearing this outfit. You corrupted my dreams. Do you know how hard it was for me? Hubby, I missed you so much. Why did you not lose control even once and jeopardize my career?”

“What? Why is that a bad thing?”

What is wrong with her? Let’s change topics.

“Why do we need the costume, though? I’m reading the script and this quick scene doesn’t require the costume at all,” I say.

“Do you not want to?” says Saori. She hugs me and looks up.

“I’ll wear it now.”

I like costumes.

We strip our casual clothes. Saori’s now down to her underwear. I stop to admire Saori’s figure. I feel my spear throb. She must’ve noticed my intense gaze as she warns me.

“Hubby wait. Let’s wear the costumes first, alright? Do not wear your underwear underneath.”

I finish wearing my costume. It looks great from the waist up. It looks perverted from the waist down.

Saori wears her costume. It’s the empress come to life! She’s not wearing makeup that made her look older, but her aura remained. So beautiful. So regal. It brings a tear to my eye.

“My darling emperor. It is time to make an heir,” says Saori.

I love costumes.

“Of course, my beloved empress. I’ll make sure of it tonight,” I say.

Our lips kiss. Tongues clash. I don’t let up and continue exploring her mouth with my tongue. She tastes as sweet as ever. Oh, how I’ve missed this.

We don’t separate as I push her onto our bed. Our deep passionate ends. She takes in a deep breath. Her eyes lock onto mine. Then they move down.

“Oh emperor! Please bless me with your seed!”

She opens up her legs, ready to accept me. Laid bare only for me is her precious flower. I drive my spear inside. In one thrust, I reach her depths. She cries out, her expression filled with ecstasy.

We drown ourselves in pleasure and never looked back. Our bodies fuse into one pure, blazing release. Saori’s teeth clench and her toes curled. Her body rises, then falls. Her eyes close and fall into slumber.

I pull out my spear from her body. My essence flows out from her flower. Her body shudders from the act. I drop a kiss on her belly… 

Wait. Aren’t we forgetting something? About a scen—.

“Brother… It’s my turn,” says Lucine. A soft sensation spreads across my back. Her nipples harden against my back.

Whatever that thing I forgot is.

It’s probably not important.

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